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- #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y
- #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
- ; Wheel crate simulator for
- #include <Array.au3>
- #include <File.au3>
- ; #include "..\LibDebug.au3"
- Global $i = 0
- Global $timer = 0
- Global $full = 0
- Global $slower = 0
- Global $slowSpin[10] = [46,37,29,22,16,11,7,4,2,1]
- Global $timerRun
- If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then
- Global Const $runCount = $CmdLine[1]
- Else
- Global Const $runCount = 50
- EndIf
- Global $rewards[$runCount]
- ; Chance in 100 of every items
- Global $item[10] = [10,15,15,8,2,14,12,10,8,6]
- ; Global $item = [8,10,6,7,10,12,10,8,2,10,8,5,3,1]
- Global $inv[18] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
- Global $timesRun = 0
- Global Const $itemName[UBound($item)] = ["$10000","Supply Crate","Mega Crate","Spawner Crate","Cosmetic Crate", _
- "Mystery Box 1*","Mystery Box 2*","Mystery Box 3*","Mystery Box 4*","Mystery Box 5*"]
- ; Global Const $itemName[UBound($item)] = ["$10000","Supply Crate","Mega Crate","Spawner Crate","Command Crate","500 Points","1000 Points","2500 Points", _
- ; "Cosmetic Crate","Mystery Box 1*","Mystery Box 2*","Mystery Box 3*","Mystery Box 4*","Mystery Box 5*"]
- Global $_LD_Debug = True
- HotKeySet("{F7}", "Terminate")
- HotKeySet("{F8}", "PrintResultAndSleep")
- Func ArrayAdd(ByRef $a, $v)
- ReDim $a[UBound($a) + 1]
- $a[UBound($a) - 1] = $v
- EndFunc
- Func GetPrize()
- Local $prizes[0]
- Do
- For $i= 0 To UBound($item) - 1
- If Random(1, 100, 1) <= $item[$i] Then
- ArrayAdd($prizes, $i)
- EndIf
- Next
- Until UBound($prizes) > 0
- Return $prizes[Random(0, UBound($prizes) - 1, 1)]
- EndFunc
- Func GenRewards()
- For $i = 0 To 17
- $inv[$i] = GetPrize()
- Next
- EndFunc
- Func RunOnce(ByRef $ele)
- GenRewards()
- $i = 0
- $timer = Random(42, 68, 1)
- $full = 0
- $slower = 0
- While 1
- If $i > 17 Then $i = 0
- If $full < $timer Then
- $spinSlot = $i
- $i += 1
- EndIf
- If $full >= $timer Then
- If _ArraySearch($slowSpin, $slower) > -1 Then
- $spinSlot = $i
- $i += 1
- EndIf
- If $full = $timer + 47 Then
- ; SoundPlay(@ScriptDir & "\levelup.mp3")
- EndIf
- If $full >= $timer + 55 + 47 Then
- $rewards[$ele] = $inv[$spinSlot]
- ExitLoop
- EndIf
- $slower += 1
- EndIf
- $full += 1
- WEnd
- EndFunc
- Func PrintResult(ByRef $timesRun)
- c("Result of $ times running:", 1, $timesRun)
- For $i = 0 To UBound($item) - 1
- Local $count = UBound(_ArrayFindAll($rewards, $i, 0, $timesRun))
- c("Reward [$] - Count: $ Percentage: $", 1, $itemName[$i], $count, Round($count / $timesRun * 100, 1))
- Next
- EndFunc
- Func PrintResultAndSleep()
- PrintResult($timesRun)
- c("Sleeping for 5000 ms")
- Sleep(5000)
- c("Running")
- EndFunc
- Func Main()
- For $i = 0 To $runCount - 1
- $timerRun = TimerInit()
- RunOnce($i)
- c("$ times completed, took $ ms", 1, $i + 1, TimerDiff($timerRun))
- $timesRun += 1
- Next
- c("all completed")
- PrintResult($timesRun)
- c("press F7 to terminate and save the result to rewards.batch.txt")
- While 1
- Sleep(1000)
- WEnd
- EndFunc
- Main()
- Func Terminate()
- ArrayAdd($rewards, iv("Result of $ times running:", $timesRun))
- For $i = 0 To UBound($item) - 1
- Local $count = UBound(_ArrayFindAll($rewards, $i, 0, $timesRun))
- ArrayAdd($rewards, iv("Reward [$] - Count: $ Percentage: $", $itemName[$i], $count, Round($count / $timesRun * 100, 1)))
- Next
- _FileWriteFromArray(@ScriptDir & "\rewards.batch.txt", $rewards)
- Exit 0
- EndFunc
- #include <StringConstants.au3>
- Func _DebugOff()
- $_LD_Debug = False
- EndFunc
- Func _DebugOn()
- $_LD_Debug = True
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout
- ; Automatically replaces $ to variables given
- ; Escape $ using $$
- Func c($s = "", $nl = True, $v1 = 0x0, $v2 = 0x0, $v3 = 0x0, _
- $v4 = 0x0, $v5 = 0x0, $v6 = 0x0, _
- $v7 = 0x0, $v8 = 0x0, $v9 = 0x0, $v10 = 0x0)
- If Not $_LD_Debug Then
- Return
- EndIf
- If @NumParams > 2 Then
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$$", "@PH@")
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$", "@PH2@")
- For $i = 1 To @NumParams - 2
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH2@", Eval("v" & $i), 1)
- If @extended = 0 Then ExitLoop
- Next
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH@", "$")
- EndIf
- If $nl Then $s &= @CRLF
- ConsoleWrite($s)
- If @NumParams = 1 Then
- Return $s
- EndIf
- EndFunc
- ; Insert variable
- ; Returns a string with all given variables inserted into
- Func iv($s = "", $v1 = 0x0, $v2 = 0x0, $v3 = 0x0, _
- $v4 = 0x0, $v5 = 0x0, $v6 = 0x0, _
- $v7 = 0x0, $v8 = 0x0, $v9 = 0x0, $v10 = 0x0)
- If @NumParams > 1 Then
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$$", "@PH@")
- $s = StringReplace($s, "$", "@PH2@")
- For $i = 1 To @NumParams - 1
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH2@", Eval("v" & $i), 1)
- If @extended = 0 Then ExitLoop
- Next
- $s = StringReplace($s, "@PH@", "$")
- EndIf
- Return $s
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout Line
- Func cl()
- If Not $_LD_Debug Then
- Return
- EndIf
- ConsoleWrite(@CRLF)
- EndFunc
- ; Consoleout Variable
- ; Only accepts the name of variable without the $ as string
- Func cv($nl = True, $v1 = 0x0, $v2 = 0x0, $v3 = 0x0, $v4 = 0x0, $v5 = 0x0, _
- $v6 = 0x0, $v7 = 0x0, $v8 = 0x0, $v9 = 0x0, $v10 = 0x0)
- If Not $_LD_Debug Then
- Return
- EndIf
- Local $s = ""
- For $i = 1 To @NumParams - 1
- $s &= "$" & Eval("v" & $i) & " = " & Eval(Eval("v" & $i))
- If $i < @NumParams - 1 Then
- $s &= " | "
- EndIf
- Next
- If $nl Then $s &= @CRLF
- ConsoleWrite($s)
- EndFunc
- Func ce($nl = True)
- $nl ? ConsoleWrite(@ERROR & @CRLF) : ConsoleWrite(@ERROR)
- EndFunc
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