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- ; priority-map-by from [org.clojure/data.priority-map "0.0.10"]
- ; see
- (defonce *state (atom {:prioritized-sessions (priority-map-by <)
- :urls {}}))
- (defn timestamp-to-epoch [ts]
- ; ts string -> unix time
- )
- (defn get-now
- ; current moment in unix time
- )
- (defn send-to-external-sys [sid-2-urls]
- (defn send-urls [sid urls]
- ; create HTTP-request to the external system with (sid, urls) in body
- )
- ; return vector of results of sendings
- (map send-urls sid-2-urls))
- (defn accept-site-transition! [site-trans]
- (let [[sid url ts] site-trans
- old-sessions (:prioritized-sessions @*state)
- old-urls (:urls @*state)
- new-state {:prioritized-sessions (assoc old-sessions sid (timestamp-to-epoch ts))
- :urls (merge-with into old-urls {sid [url]})}]
- (reset! *state new-state)))
- ; if it turns out that access to *state slows down seriously speed of the processing of an incoming request
- ; then we will have to group incoming site transitions into bulks by m elements (could be got empirically).
- (defn map-sid-to-latest-ts [trans-by-sid]
- ; {sid1 [[sid1 url1 ts1]
- ; [sid1 url2 ts2]],
- ; sid2 [[sid2 url3 ts3]]} -> {sid1 ts2, sid2 ts3}
- (reduce merge {}
- (map (fn [pair]
- (let [[sid transitions] pair
- timestamps (map #(timestamp-to-epoch (last %))
- transitions)
- latest-ts (reduce max timestamps)]
- {sid latest-ts}))
- trans-by-sid)))
- (defn map-sid-to-urls [trans-by-sid]
- ; {sid1 [[sid1 url1 ts1]
- ; [sid1 url2 ts2]],
- ; sid2 [[sid2 url3 ts3]]} -> {sid1 [url1 url2], sid2 [url3]}
- (reduce merge {}
- (map (fn [pair]
- (let [[sid transitions] pair
- urls (vec (map (fn [_ url _] url) transitions))]
- {sid urls}))
- trans-by-sid)))
- (defn accept-site-transition-chunk! [chunk]
- (let [old-sessions (:prioritized-sessions @*state)
- old-urls (:urls @*state)
- trans-by-sid (group-by first chunk)
- sids-to-latest-ts (map-sid-to-latest-ts trans-by-sid)
- sids-to-urls (map-sid-to-urls trans-by-sid)
- new-state {:prioritized-sessions (merge old-sessions sids-to-latest-ts)
- :urls (merge-with into old-urls sids-to-urls)}]
- (reset! *state new-state)))
- (defn find-urls-to-send
- (let [sessions (:prioritized-sessions @*state)
- urls (:urls @*state)
- now (get-now)
- sids (->> sessions
- (take-while (fn [[sid ts]] (>= (- now ts))))
- (map first))]
- {:used-sids sids
- :send-data (select-keys urls sids)}))
- (defn wipe-used-sids! [sids]
- (let [old-sessions (:prioritized-sessions @*state)
- old-urls (:urls @*state)
- new-state {:prioritized-sessions (dissoc old-sessions sids)
- :urls (dissoc old-urls sids)}]
- (reset! *state new-state)))
- (defn periodic-task
- (let [search-res (find-urls-to-send)]
- (send-to-external-sys (:send-data search-res))
- (wipe-used-sids! (:used-data search-res))))
- ; this could be optimized by executing send-to-external-sys in a separate asynchronous task, as well as wipe-used-sids!
- ; asynchronous calls could be organized with a help of
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