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- @echo OFF
- cls
- REM ===============================================================
- REM Python Virtual Environment Manager
- REM ===============================================================
- REM This script helps you create and manage Python virtual environments
- REM with multiple Python installations on your system. It lists all
- REM available Python versions, allows you to select one, and creates
- REM a new project directory with a virtual environment using the
- REM selected Python version.
- REM Features:
- REM - Lists all installed Python versions and allows you to select one.
- REM - Creates a new project folder and initializes a virtual environment.
- REM - Automatically upgrades dependencies if supported.
- REM - Opens a new Python script file with the appropriate shebang line.
- REM - Activates the virtual environment and opens the script in Notepad++.
- REM Requirements:
- REM - Python installed with multiple versions (detected via 'py -0').
- REM - Notepad++ for editing Python scripts.
- REM How to start:
- REM - Simply double-click on the 'new_python_environment.bat' file.
- REM How to use:
- REM - Type your Python code in the Notepad++ file, save, then run by
- REM typing 'python' at the command line and hitting Enter.
- REM - Install packages, or show them with 'pip list' as normal.
- REM - When done, you can 'deactivate' or 'exit' to end.
- REM - Open the same project simply by running the script again. Just
- REM enter the same name you used to create it.
- REM ===============================================================
- REM List installed Python versions and create a selection menu
- echo Available Python versions:
- py -0 > temp_versions.txt
- setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
- set "count=0"
- set "choices="
- REM Read the list of installed Python versions
- for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (temp_versions.txt) do (
- if not "%%i"=="" (
- set /a count+=1
- echo !count!. %%i
- set "version!count!=%%i"
- set "choices=!choices!!count!"
- )
- )
- del temp_versions.txt
- REM Prompt user to select a Python version
- choice /C %choices% /M "Select the desired Python version by number: "
- REM Extract the version number from the selected line
- for /f "tokens=2 delims=:- " %%i in ("!PYTHON_VERSION!") do set "PYTHON_VERSION=%%i"
- REM Debugging: Display selected Python version
- echo Selected Python version: %PYTHON_VERSION%
- REM Set the paths for the Python project
- set "PYTHON=%USERPROFILE%\Code\Python"
- set /P "PROJECT=New project name: "
- set "ENV=%PRDIR%\venv"
- REM Check if the virtual environment already exists
- if exist "%ENV%" (
- echo That project already exists.
- REM Jump to the part where we activate the environment and open Notepad++
- )
- REM Initialize UPGRADE_DEPS to be empty
- REM Process version numbers
- for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%v in ("%PYTHON_VERSION%") do (
- set "MAJOR=%%v"
- set "MINOR=%%w"
- REM Check if the Python version should use --upgrade-deps
- if !MAJOR! GTR 3 set "UPGRADE_DEPS=--upgrade-deps" else if !MAJOR!==3 (
- if !MINOR! GEQ 9 set "UPGRADE_DEPS=--upgrade-deps"
- )
- )
- REM Define the command to create the virtual environment with the selected Python version.
- REM Create the virtual environment
- title New Python virtual environment
- echo Creating the virtual environment with Python %PYTHON_VERSION% . . .
- REM Temporarily disable delayed expansion to write the correct line to
- setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
- echo #! python%PYTHON_VERSION%>"%PRDIR%\"
- endlocal
- REM Activate the virtual environment
- title Python virtual environment
- cd "%PRDIR%"
- cls
- echo Activating the virtual environment...
- start "" /D "%PRDIR%" "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "%PRDIR%\"
- cmd /K "%ENV%\Scripts\activate.bat"
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