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- plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- repeat
- wait(0.4)
- until plr.Character
- chr = plr.Character
- human = chr:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- mouse = plr:GetMouse()
- cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
- selected = false
- equipd = false
- tors = chr.Torso
- rarm = chr["Right Arm"]
- larm = chr["Left Arm"]
- rleg = chr["Right Leg"]
- lleg = chr["Left Leg"]
- hrp = chr.HumanoidRootPart
- hed = chr.Head
- anim = human.Animator
- activu = false
- ragged = false
- batting = false
- Heartbeat ="BindableEvent")
- Heartbeat.Name = "Heartbeat"
- Heartbeat.Parent = script
- Music = false
- Berserk = false
- Combo = 1
- frame = 0.03333333333333333
- tf = 0
- Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- Head = Character.Head
- Character = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- Head = Character.Head
- CV="Really black"
- p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- char = p.Character
- local txt ="BillboardGui", char)
- txt.Adornee = char .Head
- txt.Name = "_status"
- txt.Size =, 0, 1.2, 0)
- txt.StudsOffset =, 8, 0)
- local text ="TextLabel", txt)
- text.Size =, 0, 7, 0)
- text.FontSize = "Size24"
- text.TextScaled = true
- text.TextTransparency = 0
- text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- text.TextTransparency = 0
- text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
- text.Font = "Fantasy"
- text.TextStrokeColor3 =,255,0)
- v.Name = "ColorBrick"
- v.Parent=p.Character
- v.FormFactor="Symmetric"
- v.Anchored=true
- v.CanCollide=false
- v.BottomSurface="Smooth"
- v.TopSurface="Smooth"
- v.Transparency=1
- v.CFrame=char.Torso.CFrame
- v.Transparency=1
- text.TextColor3 =,0,0)
- v.Shape="Block"
- text.Text = "Ender Speed"
- Maedl ="Model",chr)
- local ColorsArray = {,,0/0,255/255)),
- local fire ="ParticleEmitter", tors)
- fire.Enabled = false
- fire.Lifetime =
- fire.RotSpeed =
- fire.Rate = 250
- fire.VelocitySpread = 360
- fire.Speed =,8)
- fire.Rotation =
- fire.Name = "Fire"
- fire.LightEmission = 0.78
- fire.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/particles/"
- fire.Color =
- fire.Size ={, 6),, 0)})
- fire.ZOffset = 3
- function Lightningz(pos, pos2, radius, numParts, model, removalTime)
- radius = radius or 0.2
- numParts = numParts or 10
- model = model or game.Workspace
- local pos = pos
- local lastpos = lastpos
- local lv =,pos2).lookVector
- removalTime = 0.001
- local dist = (pos-pos2).magnitude
- local trans = 0
- local color ="Bright red")
- local dbp = dist/numParts
- local last = pos
- for i = 1,numParts do
- local p ="Part")
- p.FormFactor = "Custom"
- p.Size =,1,1)
- p.CanCollide = false
- p.Transparency = trans
- p.Anchored = true
- p.BrickColor = color
- p.Material = "Neon"
- local x = math.random(-100,100)/100*dbp*4
- local y = math.random(-100,100)/100*dbp*4
- local p2 =*(i*dbp),pos2+lv)*,y,0)
- local dist2 = (p2.p-last).magnitude
- local mid = (p2.p+last)/2
- local m ="BlockMesh",p)
- m.Scale =,radius,dist2 + (radius/4))
- p.CFrame =,p2.p)
- last = p2.p
- p.Parent = model
- game.Debris:AddItem(p, 0.05)
- end
- if model ~= game.Workspace then
- game.Debris:AddItem(model, 0)
- end
- end
- function Lightningz2(pos, pos2, radius, numParts, model, removalTime)
- radius = radius or 0.2
- numParts = numParts or 10
- model = model or game.Workspace
- local pos = pos
- local lastpos = lastpos
- local lv =,pos2).lookVector
- removalTime = 0.001
- local dist = (pos-pos2).magnitude
- local trans = 0
- local color ="Bright red")
- local dbp = dist/numParts
- local last = pos
- for i = 1,numParts do
- local p ="Part")
- p.FormFactor = "Custom"
- p.Size =,1,1)
- p.CanCollide = false
- p.Transparency = trans
- p.Anchored = true
- p.BrickColor = color
- p.Material = "Neon"
- local x = math.random(-100,100)/100*dbp/2
- local y = math.random(-100,100)/100*dbp/2
- local p2 =*(i*dbp),pos2+lv)*,y,0)
- local dist2 = (p2.p-last).magnitude
- local mid = (p2.p+last)/2
- local m ="BlockMesh",p)
- m.Scale =,radius,dist2 + (radius/4))
- p.CFrame =,p2.p)
- last = p2.p
- p.Parent = model
- game.Debris:AddItem(p, 0.05)
- end
- if model ~= game.Workspace then
- game.Debris:AddItem(model, 0)
- end
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
- tf = tf + s
- if tf >= frame then
- for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
- Heartbeat:Fire()
- end
- tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
- end
- end)
- function swait(num)
- if num == 0 or num == nil then
- Heartbeat.Event:wait()
- else
- for i = 1, num do
- Heartbeat.Event:wait()
- end
- end
- end
- tool ="Tool")
- tool.CanBeDropped = false
- tool.RequiresHandle = false
- tool.TextureId = "rbxassetid://291302154"
- tool.ToolTip = "NANI"
- tool.Name = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- tool.Parent = plr.Backpack
- modz ="Model")
- modz.Name = "efx"
- modz.Parent = chr
- RSC0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RSC1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- LSC0 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- LSC1 =, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- RHC0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RHC1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- LHC0 =, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- RJC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- LHC1 =, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- NC0 =, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- NC1 =, -0.5, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- RJC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- local nscale ="NumberValue")
- nscale.Value = 1
- nscale.Parent = nil
- RightShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RightShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- LeftShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- LeftShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- RightHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RightHipC1 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- LeftHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- LeftHipC1 = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- RootJointC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- RootJointC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- NeckC0 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- NeckC1 =, -0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- nscale.Changed:connect(function()
- RightShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RightShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- LeftShoulderC0 = * nscale.Value, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- LeftShoulderC1 =, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- RightHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- RightHipC1 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
- LeftHipC0 = * nscale.Value, -1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- LeftHipC1 = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- RootJointC0 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- RootJointC1 =, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- NeckC0 =, 1 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- NeckC1 =, -0.5 * nscale.Value, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
- end)
- RS = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
- LS = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
- RH = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
- LH = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
- RJ = hrp:FindFirstChild("RootJoint")
- N = tors:FindFirstChild("Neck")
- cf =
- ang = CFrame.Angles
- rd = math.rad
- rd2 = math.random
- function nooutline(p)
- p.TopSurface, p.BottomSurface, p.LeftSurface, p.RightSurface, p.FrontSurface, p.BottomSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
- end
- function makepart(color, name, reflec, trans, mater, parnt, cfram)
- local port ="Part")
- port.BrickColor =
- port.Name = name
- port.Transparency = trans
- nooutline(port)
- port.Reflectance = reflec
- port.Material = mater
- port.Anchored = false
- port.CanCollide = false
- port.Locked = true
- port.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
- port.Parent = parnt
- return port
- end
- function makemesh(meshtype, scale, meshid, parent)
- local mes ="SpecialMesh")
- mes.MeshType = meshtype
- mes.Scale = scale
- if meshtype == "FileMesh" then
- mes.MeshId = meshid
- end
- mes.Parent = parent
- return mes
- end
- function makeweld(parent, p0, p1, c0, c1)
- local wel ="Weld")
- wel.Part0 = p0
- wel.Part1 = p1
- wel.C0 = c0
- if c1 ~= nil then
- wel.C1 = c1
- end
- wel.Parent = parent
- return wel
- end
- local lauf1 ="Sound")
- lauf1.SoundId = "rbxassetid://296557262"
- lauf1.Volume = 1.5
- lauf1.Pitch = 2
- lauf1.Parent = hrp
- function lerpz(joint, prop, cfrmz, alp)
- joint[prop] = joint[prop]:lerp(cfrmz, alp)
- end
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- function resetlerp()
- RJ.C0 = RJC0
- RJ.C1 = RJC1
- N.C0 = NC0
- N.C1 = NC1
- RS.C0 = RSC0
- RS.C1 = RSC1
- LS.C0 = LSC0
- LS.C1 = LSC1
- RH.C0 = RHC0
- RH.C1 = RHC1
- LH.C0 = LHC0
- LH.C1 = LHC1
- end
- function ragplayer(cactus)
- cactus.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- if cactus["Right Arm"]~=nil and cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
- cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder"):Destroy()
- makegloo(cactus.Torso, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, cactus.Torso, cactus["Right Arm"], "Right Shoulder")
- maketouchy(cactus["Right Arm"], cactus["Right Arm"],, 0.5, 0))
- end
- if cactus["Left Arm"]~=nil and cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") then
- cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"):Destroy()
- makegloo(cactus.Torso, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, cactus.Torso, cactus["Left Arm"], "Left Shoulder")
- maketouchy(cactus["Left Arm"], cactus["Left Arm"],, 0.5, 0))
- end
- if cactus["Right Leg"]~=nil and cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") then
- cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"):Destroy()
- makegloo(cactus.Torso, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, cactus.Torso, cactus["Right Leg"], "Right Hip")
- maketouchy(cactus["Right Leg"], cactus["Right Leg"],, 0.5, 0))
- end
- if cactus["Left Leg"]~=nil and cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") then
- cactus.Torso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"):Destroy()
- makegloo(cactus.Torso, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, cactus.Torso, cactus["Left Leg"], "Left Hip")
- maketouchy(cactus["Left Leg"], cactus["Left Leg"],, 0.5, 0))
- end
- end
- function test()
- if selected == false or activu == true then
- return
- end
- if ragged == false then
- ragged = true
- human.PlatformStand = true
- if rarm and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder"):Destroy()
- makegloo(tors, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tors, rarm, "Right Shoulder")
- maketouchy(rarm, rarm,, 0.5, 0))
- end
- if larm and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"):Destroy()
- makegloo(tors, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tors, larm, "Left Shoulder")
- maketouchy(larm, larm,, 0.5, 0))
- end
- if rleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"):Destroy()
- makegloo(tors, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tors, rleg, "Right Hip")
- maketouchy(rleg, rleg,, 0.5, 0))
- end
- if lleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"):Destroy()
- makegloo(tors, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tors, lleg, "Left Hip")
- maketouchy(lleg, lleg,, 0.5, 0))
- end
- local BP ="BodyPosition",tors)BP.Position =,1000,0) BP.P = 50 BP.maxForce =,math.huge,0)
- local BG ="BodyGyro",tors)BG.CFrame =, mouse.hit.p)BG.P = 10 BG.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- elseif ragged == true then
- ragged = false
- human.Jump = true
- if rarm and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder"):Destroy()
- makejoint(tors, RSC0, RSC1, tors, rarm, "Right Shoulder")
- rarm:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
- end
- if larm and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"):Destroy()
- makejoint(tors, LSC0, LSC1, tors, larm, "Left Shoulder")
- larm:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
- end
- if rleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip"):Destroy()
- makejoint(tors, RHC0, RHC1, tors, rleg, "Right Hip")
- rleg:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
- end
- if lleg and tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip") then
- tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip"):Destroy()
- makejoint(tors, LHC0, LHC1, tors, lleg, "Left Hip")
- lleg:FindFirstChild("touchy"):Destroy()
- end
- if tors:findFirstChild("BodyPosition")~=nil then
- tors.BodyPosition:remove()
- end
- if tors:findFirstChild("BodyGyro")~=nil then
- tors.BodyGyro:remove()
- end
- RS = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
- LS = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
- RH = tors:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
- LH = tors:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
- RJ = hrp:FindFirstChild("RootJoint")
- N = tors:FindFirstChild("Neck")
- end
- end
- function makegloo(paren, co, ci, parto, parti, nam)
- local gloo ="Glue")
- gloo.Name = nam
- gloo.C0 = co
- gloo.C1 = ci
- gloo.Part0 = parto
- gloo.Part1 = parti
- gloo.Parent = paren
- end
- function makejoint(paren, co, ci, parto, parti, nam)
- local gloo ="Motor6D")
- gloo.Name = nam
- gloo.C0 = co
- gloo.C1 = ci
- gloo.Part0 = parto
- gloo.Part1 = parti
- gloo.Parent = paren
- end
- function maketouchy(parent, limb, cframe)
- local pr ="Part")
- pr.Name = "touchy"
- pr.Size = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- pr.Transparency = 1
- pr.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.3, 0.5)
- pr.CanCollide = true
- pr.Anchored = false
- pr.Parent = parent
- local w ="Weld")
- w.Part0 = pr
- w.Part1 = limb
- w.C0 = cframe
- w.Parent = pr
- end
- local clibat, spec
- local dipperhat = chr:FindFirstChild("DXD_DipperHat")
- local dipperrot
- if dipperhat then
- dipperrot = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation
- end
- function epic()
- if Music == false then
- Music = true
- local sond ="Sound",tors)
- sond.Volume = 10
- sond.Pitch = 1
- sond.EmitterSize = 25
- sond.Name = "Music"
- sond.Looped = true
- sond.SoundId = "rbxassetid://328098777"
- sond:Play()
- fire.Enabled = true
- else
- tors:findFirstChild("Music"):remove()
- Music = false
- fire.Enabled = false
- end
- end
- function Bloodthirst()
- if Music == false and Berserk == false then
- Music = true
- Berserk = true
- local sond ="Sound",tors)
- sond.Volume = 5
- sond.Pitch = 1
- sond.EmitterSize = 25
- sond.Name = "Music"
- sond.Looped = true
- sond.SoundId = "rbxassetid://328098777"
- sond:Play()
- for i = 1,25 do
- for i2 = 1,i do
- local ra = math.random(4,14)/10
- local p23 ="Part",Maedl)p23.Size =,ra,ra)p23.Material = "Neon" p23.BrickColor ="Maroon") p23.CanCollide = false
- p23.CFrame = chr.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame*,15),math.random(-15,15),math.random(-15,15))*CFrame.Angles(math.random(-90,90),math.random(-90,90),math.random(-90,90))
- p23.Anchored = true local B23 ="BlockMesh",p23)
- end
- wait()
- end
- for i,v in pairs (Maedl:children()) do
- v.Anchored = false
- local BP ="BodyPosition",v)BP.P = 100000 BP.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)v:findFirstChild("BodyPosition").Position = tors.Position
- end
- wait(1)
- for i,v in pairs (Maedl:children()) do
- v:findFirstChild("BodyPosition").maxForce =,20000,20000)
- v:findFirstChild("BodyPosition").Position =,2000),math.random(-2000,2000),math.random(-2000,2000))
- v:findFirstChild("Mesh").Scale =,12,12)game.Debris:AddItem(v,0.4)
- end
- local Blood ="ParticleEmitter", tors)
- Blood.Enabled = false
- Blood.Lifetime =
- Blood.RotSpeed =
- Blood.Acceleration =,-10,0)
- Blood.Rate = 100
- Blood.VelocitySpread = 360
- Blood.Rotation =,360)
- Blood.Name = "Blood"
- Blood.LightEmission = 1
- Blood.LockedToPart = true
- Blood.Texture = ""
- Blood.Size ={, 7),, 0)})
- Blood.ZOffset = 4 Blood.Enabled = true
- Blood.Enabled = true
- else
- tors:findFirstChild("Music"):remove()
- Music = false
- Berserk = false
- tors:findFirstChild("Blood").Enabled = false
- end
- end
- function bat()
- if selected == false or activu == true then
- return
- end
- if batting == false then
- batting = true
- do
- local bmod ="Model")
- bmod.Name = "bmodel"
- bmod.Parent = chr
- local hnd = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "hnd", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local hmes = makemesh("Head",, 9, 1), nil, hnd)
- local hwel = makeweld(hnd, hnd, rarm, ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), nil)
- local pt1 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt1", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local p1m = makemesh("Head",, 1.5, 1.5), nil, pt1)
- local p1w = makeweld(pt1, pt1, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), nil)
- local pt2 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt2", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local p2m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.375, 0.375), "rbxassetid://250640098", pt2)
- p2m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://250639536"
- local p2w = makeweld(pt2, pt2, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1.225, 0.075), nil)
- local pt3 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt3", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local p3m = makemesh("Head",, 1.5, 1.5), nil, pt3)
- local p3w = makeweld(pt3, pt3, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1, 0), nil)
- local pt4 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt4", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local p4m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.025, 0.025), "rbxassetid://703458158", pt4)
- local p4w = makeweld(pt4, pt4, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1.25, 0), nil)
- local pt5 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt5", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local p5m = makemesh("Cylinder",, 3.125, 3.125), nil, pt5)
- local p5w = makeweld(pt5, pt5, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -4.025, 0), nil)
- local pt6 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt6", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local p6m = makemesh("Head",, 3.25, 3.25), nil, pt6)
- local p6w = makeweld(pt6, pt6, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.05, 0), nil)
- local pt7 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt7", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, rarm.CFrame)
- local p7m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.95, 0.95), "rbxassetid://272942659", pt7)
- p7m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://272942750"
- local p7w = makeweld(pt7, pt7, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.2, 0), nil)
- local pt8 ="Part",chr)pt8.Transparency =1 pt8.CanCollide = false pt8.Anchored = false pt8.Size =,1,1)
- local w23 ="Weld",pt8)w23.Part0 = pt8 w23.Part1 = pt5
- local swingwoo ="Sound")
- swingwoo.SoundId = "rbxassetid://10209640"
- swingwoo.Pitch = rd2(10, 11) / 10
- swingwoo.Name = "sweae"
- swingwoo.Volume = 1
- swingwoo.Parent = hrp
- clibat = tool.Activated:connect(function()
- if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
- return
- end
- activu = true
- if Combo == 1 then
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-20), rd(179)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- swingwoo:Play()
- for X = 1, 4 do
- swait()
- hito(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 25,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)),25)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(-10), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- Combo = 2
- elseif Combo == 2 then
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(15), rd(25), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(35), rd(-35), rd(179)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-35), rd(35), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-35), rd(-110)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- swingwoo:Play()
- for X = 1, 4 do
- swait()
- hito(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 25,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)), 25)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(78), rd(-15), rd(-45)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(15), rd(15), rd(35)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-120), rd(15), rd(25)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-35), rd(80)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- Combo = 3
- elseif Combo == 3 then
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(25), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-56), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-25), rd(199)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-35), rd(35), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-35), rd(-110)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- swingwoo:Play()
- for X = 1, 4 do
- swait()
- hito(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 25,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)), 25)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-15), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(15), rd(15), rd(35)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-120), rd(15), rd(25)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-35), rd(80)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- Combo = 4
- else Combo = 1
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(129)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(40), rd(40), rd(20)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- swingwoo:Play()
- for X = 1, 4 do
- swait()
- hito(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 25,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)), 1)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- end
- activu = false
- end)
- spec = mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(keya)
- if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
- return
- end
- if keya == "e" then
- activu = true
- local speed = human.WalkSpeed
- human.WalkSpeed = 0
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
- local function expa()
- if Berserk == false then
- for _ = 1, 3 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 27, 6), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 7.5, 7.5), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 1.125, 1.125), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3.6750000000000003, 0.22499999999999998), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 7.5, 7.5), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.07500000000000001, 0.07500000000000001), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3.75, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 18.75, 18.75), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -12.075000000000001, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 19.5, 19.5), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -18.15, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 2.8499999999999996, 2.8499999999999996), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -18.6, 0), 0.7)
- end
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 18, 4), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 2, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 0.75, 0.75), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 2.45, 0.15), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 5, 5), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -2, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.05, 0.05), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -2.5, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 12.5, 12.5), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -8.05, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 13, 13), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -12.1, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 1.9, 1.9), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -12.4, 0), 0.7)
- end
- for _ = 1, 3 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 54, 12), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 15, 15), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 6, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 2.25, 2.25), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 7.3500000000000005, 0.44999999999999996), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 15, 15), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.15000000000000002, 0.15000000000000002), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -7.5, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 37.5, 37.5), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -24.150000000000002, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 39, 39), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -36.3, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 5.699999999999999, 5.699999999999999), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -37.2, 0), 0.7)
- end
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 36, 8), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 1.5, 1.5), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4.9, 0.3), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.1, 0.1), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -5, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 25, 25), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -16.1, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 26, 26), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -24.2, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 3.8, 3.8), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -24.8, 0), 0.7)
- end
- for _ = 1, 3 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 81, 18), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 22.5, 22.5), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 9, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 3.375, 3.375), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 11.025, 0.6749999999999999), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 22.5, 22.5), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -9, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.225, 0.225), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -11.25, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 56.25, 56.25), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -36.225, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 58.5, 58.5), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -54.449999999999996, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 8.549999999999999, 8.549999999999999), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -55.800000000000004, 0), 0.7)
- end
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 63*2.5, 14*2.5), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 17.5*2.5, 17.5*2.5), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 7*2.5, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 2.625*2.5, 2.625*2.5), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 8.575000000000001*2.5, 0.525*2.5), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 17.5*2.5, 17.5*2.5), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -7*2.5, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 0.17500000000000002*2.5, 0.17500000000000002*2.5), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -8.75*2.5, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 43.75*2.5, 43.75*2.5), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -28.175000000000004*2.5, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 45.5*2.5, 45.5*2.5), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -42.35*2.5, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(*2.5, 6.6499999999999995*2.5, 6.6499999999999995*2.5), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -43.4*2.5, 0), 0.7)
- end
- end
- end
- for _ = 1, 9 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(0), rd(-10)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0.2, -0.2) * ang(rd(70), rd(-60), rd(-100)), 0.5)
- if dipperhat then
- dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation:lerp(dipperrot +, 0, 0), 0.3)
- end
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- end
- for _ = 1, 9 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(0), rd(-10)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(35), rd(-50), rd(-100)), 0.3)
- if dipperhat then
- dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation:lerp(dipperrot +, 0, 0), 0.3)
- end
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- end
- for _ = 1, 30 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(1.1, 0.6, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-120)), 0.2)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.2)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(85), rd(0), rd(85)), 0.2)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, -0.4, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.2)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.2)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.2)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.2)
- end
- expa()
- for O = 1, 10 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.3, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(85), rd(0), rd(85)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, -0.4, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.001 + O * 0.01)
- end
- local whoooo ="Sound")
- whoooo.Volume = 3
- whoooo.TimePosition = 0.15
- whoooo.Pitch = 0.5
- whoooo.SoundId = "rbxassetid://320557353"
- whoooo.Parent = pt5
- whoooo:Play()
- game.Debris:AddItem(whoooo, 2)
- if Berserk == true then
- for O = 1, 75 do
- swait()
- local O2 = O*0.015
- hito3(pt5, 25, 40, 0.75, hrp.CFrame.rightVector * -450 +, 200, 0),, rd2(-25, 25), rd2(-160, 160)), 25)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.9, -0.7, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(60*O*(O2/2))), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(85), rd(0), rd(35)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, -0.4, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.02)
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(*O2, 63*O2, 14*O2), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(*O2, 17.5*O2, 17.5*O2), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 7*O2, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(*O2, 2.625*O2, 2.625*O2), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 8.575000000000001*O2, 0.525*O2), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(*O2, 17.5*O2, 17.5*O2), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -7*O2, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(*O2, 0.17500000000000002*O2, 0.17500000000000002*O2), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -8.75*O2, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(*O2, 43.75*O2, 43.75*O2), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -28.175000000000004*O2, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(*O2, 45.5*O2, 45.5*O2), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -42.35*O2, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(*O2, 6.6499999999999995*O2, 6.6499999999999995*O2), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -43.4*O2, 0), 0.7)
- wait()
- end
- else
- for O = 1, 6 do
- swait()
- hito(pt5, 25, 40, 0.75, hrp.CFrame.rightVector * -450 +, 200, 0),, rd2(-25, 25), rd2(-160, 160)), 25)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.9, -0.7, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(120)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(85), rd(0), rd(35)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, -0.4, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-60), rd(-80)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + O * 0.05)
- end
- end
- for O = 1, 13 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 9, 2), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 0.375, 0.375), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1.225, 0.075), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.025, 0.025), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1.25, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 6.25, 6.25), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -4.025, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 6.5, 6.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.05, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 0.95, 0.95), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.2, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(1.1, -0.8, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(150)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(-20)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.4, 0.2) * ang(rd(80), rd(30), rd(10)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.2, -0.7) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(-20)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-5)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.4, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-10), rd(70), rd(-5)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- end
- if dipperhat then
- dipperhat.Handle.HatAttachment.Rotation = dipperrot
- end
- human.WalkSpeed = speed
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
- activu = false
- end
- if keya == "q" then
- activu = true
- do
- local checkkey = true
- local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
- if xzx == "q" then
- checkkey = false
- end
- end)
- repeat
- if Berserk == true then
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 36, 8), 0.7)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4, 0), 0.7)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 1.5, 1.5), 0.7)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4.9, 0.3), 0.7)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 10, 10), 0.7)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -4, 0), 0.7)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.1, 0.1), 0.7)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -5, 0), 0.7)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 25, 25), 0.7)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -16.1, 0), 0.7)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 26, 26), 0.7)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -24.2, 0), 0.7)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 3.8, 3.8), 0.7)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -24.8, 0), 0.7)
- end
- for _ = 1, 6 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-20), rd(179)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- swingwoo:Play()
- for X = 1, 6 do
- swait()
- hito3(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 25,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)))
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(0), rd(10)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- wait()
- end
- for O = 1, 13 do
- swait()
- hmes.Scale = hmes.Scale:lerp(, 9, 2), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p1m.Scale = p1m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p1w.C0 = p1w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p2m.Scale = p2m.Scale:lerp(, 0.375, 0.375), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p2w.C0 = p2w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1.225, 0.075), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p3m.Scale = p3m.Scale:lerp(, 2.5, 2.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p3w.C0 = p3w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p4m.Scale = p4m.Scale:lerp(, 0.025, 0.025), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p4w.C0 = p4w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -1.25, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p5m.Scale = p5m.Scale:lerp(, 6.25, 6.25), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p5w.C0 = p5w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(0, -4.025, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p6m.Scale = p6m.Scale:lerp(, 6.5, 6.5), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p6w.C0 = p6w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.05, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p7m.Scale = p7m.Scale:lerp(, 0.95, 0.95), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- p7w.C0 = p7w.C0:lerp(ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -6.2, 0), 0.05 + O * 0.075)
- end
- else
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-20), rd(179)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- swingwoo:Play()
- for T = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- hito(pt5, 5, 4, 0.03, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 10,, rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-10, 10)), 25)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(-10), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(20), rd(179)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-40), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(35)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- swingwoo:Play()
- for T = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- if T == 2 then
- hito(pt5, 5, 4, 0.03, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 10,, rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-10, 10)),25)
- end
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(40), rd(40), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(20), rd(-65)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- end
- until not checkkey
- keyingup:Disconnect()
- activu = false
- end
- end
- if keya == "f" then
- activu = true
- do
- local speed = human.WalkSpeed
- human.WalkSpeed = 10
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
- local checkkey = true
- local chargecounter = 0
- local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
- if xzx == "f" then
- checkkey = false
- end
- end)
- local firederp
- for _ = 1, 8 do
- swait()
- hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(65), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-70)), 0.5)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(-10), rd(80)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-70), rd(-75)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(0), rd(80), rd(-5)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- end
- repeat
- swait()
- if Berserk == true then
- chargecounter = chargecounter + 15
- else
- chargecounter = chargecounter + 1
- end
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100) * ang(rd(rd2(65, 75)), rd(rd2(-15, 5)), rd(rd2(75, 85))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(rd2(-15, -5)), rd(rd2(-75, -65)), rd(rd2(-80, -70))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(rd2(-25, -15)), rd(0)), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- if chargecounter > 100 and firederp == nil then
- P = fire:clone()P.Parent = pt8 P.Size ={, 1),, 0)})
- P.Speed =,10)P.Enabled = true P.Lifetime = = 2
- firederp = true
- end
- until not checkkey or chargecounter > 450
- swingwoo:Play()
- for U = 1, 10 do
- swait()
- hito(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * (80 + chargecounter * 1) +, 6 + 6 * (chargecounter / 5), 0),, rd2(-25, 25) * (chargecounter / 25), rd2(-80, 80) * (chargecounter / 40)),chargecounter)
- if chargecounter > 300 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 25, 5)
- elseif chargecounter > 200 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 20, 4)
- elseif chargecounter > 100 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 10, 2)
- elseif chargecounter > 50 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 5, 1)
- end
- if firederp == true then
- pt8:findFirstChild("Fire"):remove()
- firederp = nil
- end
- hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(135), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(50)), 0.6)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(-30)), 0.6)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0.75, 0.5, -0.5) * ang(rd(0), rd(60), rd(120)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(100), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(20), rd(-125)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.6)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(-6)), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
- end
- swait(10)
- hwel.C0 = ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0)
- keyingup:Disconnect()
- human.WalkSpeed = speed
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
- activu = false
- end
- end
- if keya == "h" then
- activu = true
- do
- local speed = human.WalkSpeed
- human.WalkSpeed = 10
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
- local checkkey = true
- local chargecounter = 0
- local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
- if xzx == "h" then
- checkkey = false
- end
- end)
- local firederp
- for _ = 1, 8 do
- swait()
- hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(65), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-70)), 0.5)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(-10), rd(80)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-70), rd(-75)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(0), rd(80), rd(-5)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- end
- repeat
- swait()
- if Berserk == true then
- chargecounter = chargecounter + 10
- else
- chargecounter = chargecounter + 1
- end
- Lightningz(,chargecounter/100),math.random(-chargecounter/100,chargecounter/100),math.random((-chargecounter*6)/100,(chargecounter*6)/100)),,chargecounter/100),math.random(-chargecounter/100,chargecounter/100),math.random((-chargecounter*6)/100,(chargecounter*6)/100)), 0.05, 8, game.Workspace)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100) * ang(rd(rd2(65, 75)), rd(rd2(-15, 5)), rd(rd2(75, 85))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(rd2(-15, -5)), rd(rd2(-75, -65)), rd(rd2(-80, -70))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(rd2(-25, -15)), rd(0)), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- until not checkkey or chargecounter > 450
- swingwoo:Play()
- for U = 1, 10 do
- swait()
- hito4(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * (80 + chargecounter * 1) +, 6 + 6 * (chargecounter / 5), 0),, rd2(-25, 25) * (chargecounter / 25), rd2(-80, 80) * (chargecounter / 40)),chargecounter)
- if chargecounter > 300 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 25, 5)
- elseif chargecounter > 200 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 20, 4)
- elseif chargecounter > 100 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 10, 2)
- elseif chargecounter > 50 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 5, 1)
- end
- if firederp == true then
- pt8:findFirstChild("Fire"):remove()
- firederp = nil
- end
- hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(135), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(50)), 0.6)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(-30)), 0.6)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0.75, 0.5, -0.5) * ang(rd(0), rd(60), rd(120)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(100), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(20), rd(-125)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.6)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(-6)), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
- end
- swait(10)
- hwel.C0 = ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0)
- keyingup:Disconnect()
- human.WalkSpeed = speed
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
- activu = false
- end
- end
- if keya == "t" then
- activu = true
- do
- local speed = human.WalkSpeed
- human.WalkSpeed = 10
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, false)
- local checkkey = true
- local chargecounter = 0
- local keyingup = mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(xzx)
- if xzx == "t" then
- checkkey = false
- end
- end)
- local firederp
- for _ = 1, 8 do
- swait()
- hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(65), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-70)), 0.5)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(60)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(-10), rd(80)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-70), rd(-75)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.5)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(0), rd(80), rd(-5)), 0.5)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.5)
- end
- repeat
- swait()
- if Berserk == true then
- chargecounter = chargecounter + 15
- else
- chargecounter = chargecounter + 1
- end
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100, rd2(-5, 5) / 100) * ang(rd(rd2(65, 75)), rd(rd2(-15, 5)), rd(rd2(75, 85))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.3, -0.1, -1) * ang(rd(rd2(-15, -5)), rd(rd2(-75, -65)), rd(rd2(-80, -70))), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(rd2(-25, -15)), rd(0)), 0.05 + chargecounter * 0.002)
- if chargecounter > 100 and firederp == nil then
- P = fire:clone()P.Parent = pt8 P.Size ={, 1),, 0)})
- P.Speed =,10)P.Enabled = true P.Lifetime = = 2
- firederp = true
- end
- until not checkkey or chargecounter > 450
- swingwoo:Play()
- for U = 1, 10 do
- swait()
- hito2(pt5, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * (80 + chargecounter * 1) +, 6 + 6 * (chargecounter / 5), 0),, rd2(-25, 25) * (chargecounter / 25), rd2(-80, 80) * (chargecounter / 40)), 1)
- if chargecounter > 300 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 25, 5)
- elseif chargecounter > 200 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 20, 4)
- elseif chargecounter > 100 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 10, 2)
- elseif chargecounter > 50 then
- tagexplode(pt5, 5, 1)
- end
- if firederp == true then
- pt8:findFirstChild("Fire"):remove()
- firederp = nil
- end
- hwel.C0 = hwel.C0:lerp(ang(rd(135), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0), 0.6)
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.5, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(50)), 0.6)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(-30)), 0.6)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0.75, 0.5, -0.5) * ang(rd(0), rd(60), rd(120)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(100), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(20), rd(-125)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-20), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(5)), 0.6)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(-6)), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.6)
- end
- batting = false
- clibat:Disconnect()
- spec:Disconnect()
- hrp.sweae:Destroy()
- local batmod = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
- batmod.hnd.Weld:Destroy()
- batmod.PrimaryPart = batmod.hnd
- batmod:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1))
- for _, A in pairs(batmod:GetChildren()) do
- if A.ClassName == "Part" then
- A.CanCollide = true
- A.Anchored = false
- end
- end
- batmod.Parent = workspace
- game.Debris:AddItem(batmod, 8)
- hwel.C0 = ang(rd(90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 1, 0)
- keyingup:Disconnect()
- human.WalkSpeed = speed
- human:SetStateEnabled(3, true)
- activu = false
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif batting == true then
- batting = false
- clibat:Disconnect()
- spec:Disconnect()
- hrp.sweae:Destroy()
- local batmod = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
- batmod.hnd.Weld:Destroy()
- batmod.PrimaryPart = batmod.hnd
- batmod:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-90), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1))
- for _, A in pairs(batmod:GetChildren()) do
- if A.ClassName == "Part" then
- A.CanCollide = true
- A.Anchored = false
- end
- end
- batmod.Parent = workspace
- game.Debris:AddItem(batmod, 8)
- end
- end
- local movin = false
- local cliham, hamspec
- function ham()
- if batting == false then
- batting = true
- do
- local bmod ="Model")
- bmod.Name = "bmodel"
- bmod.Parent = chr
- local makemotor = function(parent, p0, p1, c0, c1)
- local wel ="Motor6D")
- wel.Part0 = p0
- wel.Part1 = p1
- wel.C0 = c0
- if c1 ~= nil then
- wel.C1 = c1
- end
- wel.Parent = parent
- return wel
- end
- local hnd = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "hnd", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- hnd.Anchored = true
- local hmes = makemesh("Head",, 30, 5), nil, hnd)
- movin = true
- hnd.CFrame = hrp.CFrame
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while hnd.Anchored == true do
- swait()
- if movin then
- hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(hrp.CFrame * ang(rd(40), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 11, 0), 0.65)
- end
- end
- end))
- local pt1 = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "pt1", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p1m = makemesh("Head",, 5.5, 5.5), nil, pt1)
- local p1w = makemotor(pt1, pt1, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3, 0), nil)
- local pt2 = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "pt2", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p2m = makemesh("Head",, 5.5, 5.5), nil, pt2)
- local p2w = makemotor(pt2, pt2, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -3, 0), nil)
- local pt3 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt3", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p3m = makemesh("Head",, 6.5, 6.5), nil, pt3)
- local p3w = makemotor(pt3, pt3, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 3.75, 0), nil)
- local pt4 = makepart("Br. yellowish green", "pt4", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p4m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 1, 1), "rbxassetid://250640098", pt4)
- p4m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://250639536"
- local p4w = makemotor(pt4, pt4, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(180), rd(0)) * cf(0, 4.25, 0.25), nil)
- local pt5 = makepart("Bright blue", "pt5", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p5m = makemesh("Head",, 90, 4), nil, pt5)
- local p5w = makemotor(pt5, pt5, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -12, 0), nil)
- local pt6 = makepart("Bright blue", "pt6", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p6m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 0.4, 0.16), "rbxassetid://703458158", pt6)
- local p6w = makemotor(pt6, pt6, hnd, ang(rd(180), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -16, 0), nil)
- local pt7 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt7", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p7m = makemesh("Head",, 75, 75), nil, pt7)
- local p7w = makemotor(pt7, pt7, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -27, 0), nil)
- local hdec1 ="Decal")
- hdec1.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- hdec1.Face = "Front"
- hdec1.Parent = pt7
- local pt8 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt8", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p8m = makemesh("Head",, 75, 75), nil, pt8)
- local p8w = makemotor(pt8, pt8, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(-90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -27, 0), nil)
- local hdec2 ="Decal")
- hdec2.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- hdec2.Face = "Front"
- hdec2.Parent = pt8
- local pt9 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt9", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p9m = makemesh("FileMesh",, 11, 11), "rbxassetid://272942659", pt9)
- local p9w = makemotor(pt9, pt9, hnd, ang(rd(0), rd(90), rd(0)) * cf(0, -30, 0), nil)
- p9m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://272942750"
- local pt10 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt10", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p10m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt10)
- local p10w = makemotor(pt10, pt10, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)) * cf(11, 0, 0), nil)
- local hdec3 ="Decal")
- hdec3.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- hdec3.Face = "Front"
- hdec3.Parent = pt10
- local pt11 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt11", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p11m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt11)
- local p11w = makemotor(pt11, pt11, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(180), rd(90)) * cf(11, 0, 0), nil)
- local hdec4 ="Decal")
- hdec4.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- hdec4.Face = "Front"
- hdec4.Parent = pt11
- local pt12 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt12", 0, 0, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p12m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt12)
- local p12w = makemotor(pt12, pt12, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)) * cf(-11, 0, 0), nil)
- local hdec5 ="Decal")
- hdec5.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- hdec5.Face = "Front"
- hdec5.Parent = pt12
- local pt13 = makepart("Bright yellow", "pt13", 0, 1, "SmoothPlastic", bmod, hrp.CFrame)
- local p13m = makemesh("Head",, 60, 60), nil, pt13)
- local p13w = makemotor(pt13, pt13, pt7, ang(rd(0), rd(180), rd(-90)) * cf(-11, 0, 0), nil)
- local hdec6 ="Decal")
- hdec6.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- hdec6.Face = "Front"
- hdec6.Parent = pt13
- cliham = tool.Activated:connect(function()
- if selected == false or activu == true or ragged == true then
- return
- end
- activu = true
- movin = false
- for B = 1, 20 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(8), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-5), rd(170)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-10), rd(10)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-10), rd(-10)), 0.4)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(10), rd(10)), 0.4)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.4)
- hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 0.1 + B * 0.045)
- end
- for B = 1, 30 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.8, 0) * ang(rd(-25), rd(0), rd(-50)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-18), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-30), rd(-5), rd(160)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-20), rd(-150)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(-10)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.5, 0, -0.4) * ang(rd(-5), rd(60), rd(-110)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.1 + B / 80)
- hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
- end
- for B = 1, 7 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(9), rd(0), rd(-15)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-50), rd(100)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-25), rd(-90)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(10)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.1, 0, -0.1) * ang(rd(-5), rd(20), rd(-20)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.015 + B / 15)
- hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
- end
- for B = 1, 4 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.8, 0) * ang(rd(70), rd(0), rd(40)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(9), rd(0), rd(-15)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(-40), rd(100)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(-0.8, 0, -1) * ang(rd(-60), rd(-25), rd(-90)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0.1, 0, -0.1) * ang(rd(-5), rd(20), rd(70)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.38 + B * 0.1)
- hnd.CFrame = hnd.CFrame:lerp(rarm.CFrame * ang(rd(-110), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, 0, -1), 1)
- end
- swait(15)
- movin = true
- activu = false
- end)
- end
- elseif batting == true then
- batting = false
- cliham:Disconnect()
- local badevz = chr:FindFirstChild("bmodel")
- badevz.PrimaryPart = badevz.hnd
- for _, A in pairs(badevz:GetChildren()) do
- if A.ClassName == "Part" then
- A.CanCollide = true
- A.Anchored = false
- end
- end
- movin = false
- badevz.Parent = workspace
- badevz:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(hrp.CFrame * ang(rd(40), rd(0), rd(0)) * cf(0, -11, 0))
- game.Debris:AddItem(badevz, 8)
- end
- end
- game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload("rbxassetid://725969678")
- function lauf()
- if selected == false or activu == true then
- return
- end
- lauf1:Play()
- end
- noobmodel ="Model",chr)
- function makenoob(cfrem, scalo, rags)
- nscale.Value = scalo
- local md ="Model")
- md.Name = "Noob"
- md.Parent = workspace
- local hu ="Humanoid")
- hu.RigType = "R6"
- hu.MaxHealth = 100 * scalo
- hu.Health = 100 * scalo
- hu.Parent = md
- local anm ="Animator")
- anm.Parent = hu
- hu.PlatformStand = true
- local light = function(part)
- part.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.3, 0.5)
- end
- local hd ="Part")
- hd.Name = "Head"
- hd.Size = * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- hd.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- hd.BottomSurface = "Inlet"
- hd.Locked = true
- hd.BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
- hd.CanCollide = true
- hd.Anchored = false
- light(hd)
- hd.Parent = md
- local hm ="SpecialMesh")
- hm.MeshType = "Head"
- hm.Scale =, 1.25, 1.25)
- hm.Parent = hd
- local hf ="Decal")
- hf.Texture = "rbxasset://textures/face.png"
- local gen = math.random(1, 40)
- if gen == 3 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://260884109"
- end
- if gen == 8 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://260569492"
- end
- if gen == 12 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259580505"
- end
- if gen == 16 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259579232"
- end
- if gen == 24 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://259571525"
- end
- if gen == 28 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://258283210"
- end
- if gen == 32 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://258940032"
- end
- if gen == 38 then
- hf.Texture = "rbxassetid://673220970"
- hf.Color3 =, 0, 0)
- end
- hf.Face = "Front"
- hf.Parent = hd
- local hrpa ="Part")
- hrpa.Name = "HumanoidRootPart"
- hrpa.TopSurface, hrpa.BottomSurface = 0, 0
- hrpa.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- hrpa.Transparency = 1
- hrpa.CanCollide = false
- hrpa.Locked = true
- light(hrpa)
- hrpa.Parent = md
- local tagbomb ="BoolValue")
- tagbomb.Name = "tagbomb"
- tagbomb.Value = false
- tagbomb.Parent = hrpa
- local learm ="Part")
- learm.Name = "Left Arm"
- learm.BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
- learm.CanCollide = false
- learm.Locked = true
- learm.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- light(learm)
- learm.Parent = md
- local riarm ="Part")
- riarm.Name = "Right Arm"
- riarm.BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
- riarm.CanCollide = false
- riarm.Locked = true
- light(riarm)
- riarm.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- riarm.Parent = md
- local leleg ="Part")
- leleg.Name = "Left Leg"
- leleg.BrickColor ="Br. yellowish green")
- leleg.CanCollide = false
- leleg.Locked = true
- light(leleg)
- leleg.BottomSurface = 0
- leleg.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- leleg.Parent = md
- local rileg ="Part")
- rileg.Name = "Right Leg"
- rileg.BrickColor ="Br. yellowish green")
- rileg.CanCollide = false
- rileg.Locked = true
- light(rileg)
- rileg.BottomSurface = 0
- rileg.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- rileg.Parent = md
- local tor ="Part")
- tor.Name = "Torso"
- tor.BrickColor ="Bright blue")
- tor.Locked = true
- light(tor)
- tor.Size = * nscale.Value, 2 * nscale.Value, 1 * nscale.Value)
- tor.LeftSurface, tor.RightSurface = "Weld", "Weld"
- tor.Parent = md
- md.PrimaryPart = hrpa
- md:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cfrem)
- md:makeJoints()
- makejoint(hrpa, RootJointC0, RootJointC1, hrpa, tor, "RootJoint")
- makejoint(tor, NeckC0, NeckC1, tor, hd, "Neck")
- if rags == true then
- makegloo(tor, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tor, riarm, "Right Shoulder")
- makegloo(tor, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tor, learm, "Left Shoulder")
- makegloo(tor, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tor, rileg, "Right Hip")
- makegloo(tor, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tor, leleg, "Left Hip")
- maketouchy(riarm, riarm,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
- maketouchy(learm, learm,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
- maketouchy(leleg, leleg,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
- maketouchy(rileg, rileg,, 0.5 * nscale.Value, 0))
- elseif rags == false then
- makejoint(tor, RightShoulderC0, RightShoulderC1, tor, riarm, "Right Shoulder")
- makejoint(tor, LeftShoulderC0, LeftShoulderC1, tor, learm, "Left Shoulder")
- makejoint(tor, RightHipC0, RightHipC1, tor, rileg, "Right Hip")
- makejoint(tor, LeftHipC0, LeftHipC1, tor, leleg, "Left Hip")
- hu.PlatformStand = false
- end
- nscale.Value = 1
- hu.Touched:connect(function(tpart, uwot)
- if tagbomb.Value == true and tpart.Parent ~= md and tpart.Parent.Parent ~= md and tpart.Parent.Parent.Parent ~= md then
- tagbomb.Value = false
- hu.Health = 0
- local derp ="Explosion")
- derp.BlastPressure = 200
- derp.BlastRadius = 8
- derp.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
- derp.ExplosionType = 2
- derp.Visible = true
- derp.Position = uwot.Position -, 0.5, 0)
- derp.Parent = workspace
- game.Debris:AddItem(md, 8)
- end
- end)
- return md
- end
- local Moe ="Model",game.Workspace)Moe.Name = "Baseballs"
- function Baseball()
- if activu == true then return end
- activu = true
- local Middle ="Part",Moe)Middle.BrickColor ="Daisy orange")Middle.Size =,0.75,0.75)
- Middle.TopSurface = "Smooth" Middle.BottomSurface = "Smooth" local M1 ="SpecialMesh",Middle)M1.MeshType = "Sphere" Middle.CanCollide = false
- Middle.Material = "SmoothPlastic" local W1 ="Weld", Middle)W1.Part0 = Middle W1.Part1 = rarm W1.C0 =,1.2,0)
- for _ = 1, 3 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(10), rd(-40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-20), rd(179)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(10), rd(-30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(-110)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- local Fre = fire:clone()Fre.Parent = Middle Fre.Enabled = true Fre.Lifetime =
- Fre.Size ={, 1),, 0)})
- game.Debris:AddItem(W1,0)
- wait()
- Middle.CFrame =,0,0)).p,mouse.hit.p)
- local BV ="BodyVelocity",Middle)BV.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)BV.Velocity = Middle.CFrame.lookVector * 150
- for X = 1, 3 do
- swait()
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0) * ang(rd(60), rd(-10), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(20), rd(40)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-70), rd(20), rd(30)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(20), rd(-40), rd(80)), 0.7)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(-20), rd(60)), 0.7)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.7)
- end
- activu = false
- end
- function makecircle(cfrem, scalo)
- local mcir1 ="Part")
- mcir1.Anchored = true
- mcir1.CanCollide = false
- mcir1.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
- mcir1.Transparency = 1
- mcir1.CFrame = cfrem
- mcir1.Parent = modz
- game.Debris:AddItem(mcir1, 8)
- local d1 ="Decal")
- d1.Texture = "rbxassetid://602615043"
- d1.Face = "Front"
- d1.Parent = mcir1
- local d2 ="Decal")
- d2.Texture = "rbxassetid://602617463"
- d2.Face = "Back"
- d2.Parent = mcir1
- local bme ="BlockMesh")
- bme.Parent = mcir1
- for _ = 1, 2 do
- swait()
- bme.Scale = bme.Scale:lerp( * scalo, 60 * scalo, 0), 0.2)
- end
- for _ = 1, 15 do
- swait()
- bme.Scale = bme.Scale:lerp( * scalo, -0.2 * scalo, 0), 0.2)
- end
- for _ = 1, 3 do
- swait()
- bme.Scale = bme.Scale:lerp( * scalo, 80 * scalo, 0), 0.2)
- end
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- swait(15)
- for _ = 1, 12 do
- swait()
- d1.Transparency = d1.Transparency + 0.08
- d2.Transparency = d2.Transparency + 0.08
- end
- mcir1:Destroy()
- end))
- return mcir1
- end
- function spawnnoob(circlecf, noobcf, scalez, ragd)
- local aearae = makecircle(circlecf, scalez)
- local nananb
- if ragd then
- nananb = makenoob(aearae.CFrame * noobcf, scalez, true)
- elseif not ragd then
- nananb = makenoob(aearae.CFrame * noobcf, scalez, false)
- end
- return nananb
- end
- function tagexplode(partoz, magn, bombdelay)
- for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy.Name == "Noob" and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude then
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- swait(bombdelay * 30)
- guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").tagbomb.Value = true
- end))
- end
- end
- end
- function hito(partoz, magn, dmg, debtim, bodyfdire, bodyrot, charge)
- for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy ~= chr and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChild("alabo") == nil then
- do
- local humz = guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local horp = guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if Berserk == true then
- humz.Health = humz.Health - charge*charge*100
- else
- humz.Health = humz.Health - charge*charge/10
- end
- ragplayer(guy)
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- delay(debtim, function()
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- end)
- local b ="Part")
- nooutline(b)
- b.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
- b.Transparency = 0.25
- b.Anchored = true
- b.CanCollide = false
- b.BrickColor ="Institutional white")
- b.Locked = true
- b.CFrame = horp.CFrame *, 1), rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-1, 1))
- b.Parent = modz
- local c ="SpecialMesh")
- c.MeshType = "Sphere"
- c.Scale =, 3.5, 3.5)
- c.Parent = b
- game.Debris:AddItem(b, 1)
- if Berserk == false then
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- delay(debtim, function()
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- end)
- local db ="StringValue")
- db.Name = "alabo"
- db.Parent = horp
- delay(debtim, function()
- db:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- if bodyfdire then
- local boopyve ="BodyVelocity")
- boopyve.MaxForce =, 9999999999999, 9999999999999)
- boopyve.P = 9999999999
- boopyve.Velocity = bodyfdire
- boopyve.Parent = horp
- game.Debris:AddItem(boopyve, debtim)
- end
- if bodyrot then
- local boopyro ="BodyAngularVelocity")
- boopyro.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- boopyro.P = math.huge
- boopyro.AngularVelocity = bodyrot
- boopyro.Parent = horp
- game.Debris:AddItem(boopyro, debtim)
- end
- for i = 1,2 do
- local bet ="Sound")
- bet.Pitch = rd2(9, 11) / 10
- bet.Volume = 2
- bet.SoundId = "rbxassetid://694048922"
- bet.Parent = b
- bet:Play()
- end
- if charge >= 100 then
- local P = guy:GetChildren()
- for i = 1,#P do
- if P[i].Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
- P[i]:remove()
- end
- end
- for i = 1,2 do
- local bet ="Sound")
- bet.Volume = 10
- bet.SoundId = "rbxassetid://291487516"
- bet.Parent = b
- bet:Play()
- end
- local Rainbew = fire:clone()Rainbew.Parent = horp Rainbew.Enabled = true Rainbew.Lifetime = Rainbew.Speed =
- end
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- swait()
- b.Transparency = b.Transparency + 0.175
- c.Scale = c.Scale + * dmg, 2 * dmg, 2 * dmg)
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function hito2(partoz, magn, dmg, debtim, bodyfdire, bodyrot)
- for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy ~= chr and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChild("alabo") == nil then
- do
- local humz = guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local horp = guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- ragplayer(guy)
- if guy:findFirstChild("Head")~=nil then
- guy.Head:BreakJoints()
- local boopyve ="BodyVelocity")
- boopyve.MaxForce =, 9999999999999, 9999999999999)
- boopyve.P = 9999999999
- boopyve.Velocity = bodyfdire
- boopyve.Parent = guy:findFirstChild("Head")
- game.Debris:AddItem(boopyve, debtim)
- local Blood ="ParticleEmitter", guy.Head)
- Blood.Enabled = false
- Blood.Lifetime =
- Blood.RotSpeed =
- Blood.Acceleration =,-10,0)
- Blood.Rate = 250
- Blood.VelocitySpread = 360
- Blood.Speed =,8)
- Blood.Rotation =,360)
- Blood.Name = "Blood"
- Blood.LightEmission = -0.5
- Blood.Texture = ""
- Blood.Size ={, 0.8),, 0)})
- Blood.ZOffset = 2 Blood.Enabled = true
- end
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- delay(debtim, function()
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- end)
- local db ="StringValue")
- db.Name = "alabo"
- db.Parent = horp
- delay(debtim, function()
- db:Destroy()
- end)
- if bodyfdire then
- end
- if bodyrot then
- local boopyro ="BodyAngularVelocity")
- boopyro.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- boopyro.P = math.huge
- boopyro.AngularVelocity = bodyrot
- boopyro.Parent = horp
- game.Debris:AddItem(boopyro, debtim)
- end
- for i = 1,2 do
- local bet ="Sound")
- bet.Pitch = rd2(9, 11) / 10
- bet.Volume = rd2(12, 14) / 10
- bet.SoundId = "rbxassetid://553265835"
- bet.Parent = horp
- bet:Play()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function hito3(partoz, magn, dmg, debtim, bodyfdire, bodyrot, charge)
- for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy ~= chr and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChild("alabo") == nil then
- do
- local humz = guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local horp = guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local p23 ="Part",Maedl)p23.Size =,1,1)p23.Material = "Neon" p23.BrickColor ="Maroon") p23.CanCollide = false
- p23.CFrame = guy.Torso.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.random(-90,90),math.random(-90,90),math.random(-90,90))
- local B23 ="BlockMesh",p23)
- local BP ="BodyPosition",p23)BP.P = 10000000 BP.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)p23:findFirstChild("BodyPosition").Position = tors.Position
- game.Debris:AddItem(p23,2)
- guy.Torso:BreakJoints()
- local b ="Part")
- nooutline(b)
- b.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
- b.Transparency = 0
- b.Anchored = true
- b.CanCollide = false
- b.BrickColor ="Maroon")
- b.Locked = true
- b.CFrame = horp.CFrame *, 1), rd2(-2, 2), rd2(-1, 1))
- b.Parent = modz
- local c ="SpecialMesh")
- c.MeshType = "Sphere"
- c.Scale =, 3.5, 3.5)
- c.Parent = b
- game.Debris:AddItem(b, 1)
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- delay(debtim, function()
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- end)
- local db ="StringValue")
- db.Name = "alabo"
- db.Parent = horp
- delay(debtim, function()
- db:Destroy()
- end)
- for i = 1,2 do
- local bet ="Sound")
- bet.Pitch = rd2(9, 11) / 10
- bet.Volume = 10
- bet.SoundId = "rbxassetid://553265835"
- bet.Parent = guy.Torso
- bet:Play()
- end
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- for _ = 1, 5 do
- swait()
- b.Transparency = b.Transparency + 0.2
- c.Scale = c.Scale + * dmg, 4 * dmg, 4 * dmg)
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function hito4(partoz, magn, dmg, debtim, bodyfdire, bodyrot, charge)
- for _, guy in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and guy ~= chr and magn > (guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - partoz.Position).magnitude and guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):FindFirstChild("alabo") == nil then
- do
- local humz = guy:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local horp = guy:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- ragplayer(guy)
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- delay(debtim, function()
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- end)
- if Berserk == false then
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- delay(debtim, function()
- humz:SetStateEnabled(16, true)
- end)
- local db ="StringValue")
- db.Name = "alabo"
- db.Parent = horp
- delay(debtim, function()
- db:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- local boopyve ="BodyVelocity")
- boopyve.MaxForce =, 9999999999999, 9999999999999)
- boopyve.P = 9999999999
- boopyve.Velocity = bodyfdire
- boopyve.Parent = horp
- if bodyrot then
- local boopyro ="BodyAngularVelocity")
- boopyro.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- boopyro.P = math.huge
- boopyro.AngularVelocity = bodyrot
- boopyro.Parent = horp
- game.Debris:AddItem(boopyro, debtim)
- end
- if charge >= 1 then
- for i = 1,2 do
- local bet ="Sound")
- bet.Volume = 10
- bet.SoundId = "rbxassetid://517249876"
- bet.Parent = tors
- bet:Play()
- end
- for i = 1,100 do
- Lightningz2(,charge/100)),guy.HumanoidRootPart.Position, 0.2, 8, game.Workspace)
- humz.Health = 0.001
- wait() end game.Debris:AddItem(boopyve, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function cleannoobs()
- for _, nib in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- if nib.Name == "Noob" then
- if nib:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- local g ="Part")
- g.CanCollide, g.Anchored = false, true
- g.Transparency = 1
- g.CFrame = nib:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame
- g.Parent = workspace
- game.Debris:AddItem(g, 3.5)
- local sou ="Sound")
- sou.Pitch = math.random(7, 11) / 10
- sou.Volume = 0.8
- sou.SoundId = "rbxassetid://111124523"
- sou.Parent = g
- local pe ="ParticleEmitter")
- pe.Acceleration =, 8, 0)
- pe.Lifetime =, 1.5)
- pe.Rate = 0.005
- pe.RotSpeed =, 30)
- pe.Rotation =, 360)
- pe.Size ={
-, 4.38, 0),
-, 4.14, 0),
-, 1.48, 0)
- })
- pe.Texture = "rbxassetid://244221440"
- pe.Transparency ={
-, 0, 0),
-, 0.3, 0),
-, 1, 1)
- })
- pe.ZOffset = 5
- pe.Enabled = true
- pe.VelocitySpread = 360
- pe.Parent = g
- swait(5)
- pe:Emit(6)
- sou:Play()
- end
- nib:Destroy()
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- function animo(yep)
- if yep == true then
- anim.Parent = human
- chr.Animate.Disabled = false
- elseif yep == false then
- chr.Animate.Disabled = true
- anim.Parent = nil
- end
- end
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key == "r" then
- test()
- end
- if key == "m" then
- lauf()
- end
- if key == "c" and plr.UserId == 49689731 then
- ham()
- end
- if key == "x" then
- bat()
- end
- if key == "y" then
- epic()
- end
- if key == "m" then
- Bloodthirst()
- end
- if key == "g" then
- Baseball()
- end
- if key == "l" and plr.UserId == 49689731 and selected == true then
- spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 3, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 1, true)
- end
- if key == ";" and plr.UserId == 49689731 and selected == true then
- spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 60, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 10, true)
- end
- if key == "k" and plr.UserId == 49689731 and selected == true then
- spawnnoob(hrp.CFrame * cf(5, 3, -1) * ang(rd(90), 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-90), 0, 0), 1, false)
- end
- if key == "p" then
- cleannoobs()
- end
- if key == "z" then
- if selected == false or activu == true then
- return
- end
- if human.WalkSpeed == 24 then
- human.WalkSpeed = 300
- human.JumpPower = 150
- else
- human.WalkSpeed = 24
- human.JumpPower = 85
- end
- end
- end)
- tool.Equipped:connect(function()
- script.Disabled = false
- selected = true
- end)
- tool.Unequipped:connect(function()
- selected = false
- end)
- animo(false)
- human.WalkSpeed = 24
- sine = 0
- charge = 1
- cos = math.cos
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
- if Berserk == true then
- chr.Humanoid.MaxHealth = chr.Humanoid.MaxHealth + 100
- chr.Humanoid.Health = chr.Humanoid.Health + 50
- end
- if Music == true then
- hito(tors, 5, 10, 0.2, hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 150,, rd2(-5, 5), rd2(-40, 40)), 1)
- end
- for i,v in pairs (Maedl:children()) do
- v:findFirstChild("Mesh").Offset =,15+v.Mesh.Scale.Y)/10,math.random(-15-v.Mesh.Scale.Y,15+v.Mesh.Scale.Y)/10,math.random(-15-v.Mesh.Scale.Y,15+v.Mesh.Scale.Y)/10)
- v:findFirstChild("Mesh").Scale = v.Mesh.Scale +,0.025,0.025)
- end
- for i,v in pairs (Moe:children()) do
- hito(v, 5, 10, 0.2,,100),100,math.random(-100,100)),, rd2(-25, 25) * (100 / 25), rd2(-80, 80) * (100 / 40)),100)
- end
- for i,v in pairs (chr:children()) do
- if v.ClassName == "Accessory" then
- for i,v2 in pairs (v:children()) do
- if v2.ClassName == "Part" then
- v2.Anchored = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs (chr:children()) do
- if v.ClassName == "Part" then
- v.Anchored = false
- end
- end
- if ragged == false and activu == false then
- local checkfloor =,, -5, 0))
- local checkpart = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(checkfloor, {chr}, false, false)
- local checkstate = human:GetState()
- if checkstate.Value == 13 then
- animpose = "Sitting"
- elseif hrp.Velocity.y > 1 and checkpart == nil then
- animpose = "Jumping"
- elseif hrp.Velocity.y < -1 and checkpart == nil then
- animpose = "Falling"
- elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude < 2 then
- animpose = "Idle"
- elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude < 40 then
- animpose = "Walking"
- elseif (hrp.Velocity *, 0, 1)).magnitude > 40 then
- animpose = "TooFast"
- end
- if animpose == "Idle" then
- sine = sine + charge
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0.05 * cos(sine / 40), 0, -0.05 - 0.05 * cos(sine / 20)) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(4 + 2 * cos(sine / 20)), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(8 * cos(sine / 80)), rd(0), rd(8 * cos(sine / 80))), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(8 * cos(sine / 80)), rd(0), rd(8 * cos(sine / 80))), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0.05 + 0.05 * cos(sine / 20), 0.05 * cos(sine / 40)) * ang(rd(-5), rd(-5), rd(1)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0.05 + 0.05 * cos(sine / 20), -0.05 * cos(sine / 40)) * ang(rd(-5), rd(5), rd(1)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- end
- if animpose == "Walking" then
- sine = sine + charge
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.025 * cos(sine / 4)) * ang(rd(-5), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 30), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 5)), 0.3)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-2), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(-20 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(-20 * cos(sine / 5)), rd(90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-90 * cos(sine / 5))), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- end
- if animpose == "Jumping" then
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ang(rd(-70), rd(-5), rd(-20)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, -0.5, 0.2) * ang(rd(-70), rd(5), rd(20)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(-20), rd(-20)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-20), rd(20), rd(15)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- end
- if animpose == "Falling" then
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(10), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.6) * ang(rd(-150), rd(-5), rd(-20)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.6) * ang(rd(-150), rd(5), rd(20)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(-15), rd(-20)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15), rd(15), rd(15)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- end
- if animpose == "TooFast" then
- sine = sine + charge
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0.35 * cos(sine / 2)) * ang(rd(-20), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 20), math.sin(hrp.RotVelocity.Y / 2)), 0.3)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-15 - 5 * cos(sine / 2)), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(5 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(-120 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-5 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(-120 * cos(sine / 3)), rd(110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(-1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(1 - 1 * cos(sine / 60)), rd(-110 * cos(sine / 3))), 0.6)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- end
- if animpose == "Sitting" then
- lerpz(RJ, "C0", RJC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(N, "C0", NC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C0", RSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RS, "C1", RSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C0", LSC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LS, "C1", LSC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C0", RHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(90)), 0.3)
- lerpz(RH, "C1", RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C0", LHC0 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(-90)), 0.3)
- lerpz(LH, "C1", LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * ang(rd(0), rd(0), rd(0)), 0.3)
- end
- end
- end)
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