

Jul 1st, 2016
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  1. -- Apex Administration made by /Roblox/Vfen/ Paste Bin/MlgMatthew/
  4. Kick = function(plr)
  5. local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(plr,{string.rep("umad?",2e5+5)})
  6. delay(1,function()
  7. pcall(function()
  8. h:remove()
  9. end)
  10. end)
  11. end
  13. wait()
  14. script.Parent ='Glue') -- Anti h4x0rz
  16. Rot1 = math.rad(0)*math.pi*2
  17. Rot2 = math.rad(0)*math.pi*2
  18. Lerp_Rot = .1
  20. Apex = {
  21. Tablets = {};
  22. Commands = {};
  23. Rot_1 = math.rad(0)*math.pi*2;
  24. Rot_2 = math.rad(0)*math.pi*2;
  25. Prefix = ".";
  26. Suffix = "/";
  27. Functions = {};
  28. Version = "[VENGANCE]";
  29. Logs = {
  30. ScriptLogs = {};
  31. ChatLogs = {};
  32. ErrorLogs = {};
  33. OtherPlayerLogs = {};
  34. },
  35. Fake = {
  36. _G = {};
  37. shared = {};
  38. Functions = {};
  39. },
  40. Settings = {
  41. Tablet = false;
  42. AgeEnabled = false;
  43. ScriptEnabled = false;
  44. HttpEnabled = false;
  45. LoadstringEnabled = false;
  46. PrivateServerEnabled = false;
  47. Scripts = false;
  48. HttpCommands = true;
  49. },
  50. _Ranked = {
  51. {Nme="Vfen",Rank=1337,Description="Creator.",Color="Really red"};
  52. {Nme="WhiteMMO",Rank=4,Description="For Studio testing.",Color="Really red"};
  53. {Nme="Doge",Rank=3,Description="Good friend and a good scripter.",Color="White"};
  54. {Nme="Hax0r",Rank=3,Description="Good friend and a good scripter.",Color="White"};
  55. {Nme="Euonix",Rank=-1,Description="Really annoying.",Color="Really black"};
  56. {Nme="Yolo",Rank=-1,Description="Abuser, REALLY annoying.",Color="Really black"};
  57. {Nme="DamnDaniel",Rank=-1,Description="Abuser, REALLY annoying.",Color="Really black"};
  58. },
  59. Get = {};
  60. Set = {};
  61. Updates = {
  62. "This was made by Vfen";
  63. };
  64. };
  65. Notify = function(plr,msg)
  66. if msg==nil then msg = "Nil message." end
  67. local pg = plr.PlayerGui;
  68. local Gui ="ScreenGui", pg);
  69. local frame ="Frame", pg);
  70. frame.Size =,0,0.5,0);
  71. frame.Position =,0,0);
  72. frame.Draggable = true;
  73. frame.Active = true;
  74. local text ="TextLabel", frame);
  75. text.Size =,0,0,2.5);
  76. text.Position =,0,0,2.5);
  77. text.Text = "-=[ Apex Vengance ]=- "..msg;
  78. text.Font = "Arial";
  79. text.FontSize = "Size18";
  80. text.TextScaled = true;
  81. text.TextWrapped = false;
  82. end;
  84. Update = function(plr,msg)
  85. if msg==nil then msg = "Nil message." end
  86. local pg=plr.PlayerGui;
  87. if plr and pg:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  88. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  89. local"ScreenGui",pg);
  90. local"Frame",Gui);
  91. Frame.Size =,0,1,0);
  92. Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
  94. Frame.Style = "Custom";
  95. Frame.BorderSizePixel = 0;
  96. local Text ="TextLabel",Frame);
  97. Text.BackgroundTransparency=1;
  99. Text.Text='-=[ Apex Vengance ]=- '..msg;
  100. Text.Font='Arial';
  101. Text.FontSize='Size12';
  104. Text.TextScaled=true;
  105. Text.TextWrapped=false;
  107. Text.TextStrokeTransparency=0;
  108. Text.TextTransparency=0;
  109. end));
  110. end;
  111. end;
  113. GetTablets = function(plr)
  114. local Table = {};
  115. pcall(function() plr = plr.Name end);
  116. for _,Tablet in next,Apex.Tablets do
  117. if(Tablet.Owner==plr.Name) then
  118. table.insert(Table,plr.Name);
  119. end;
  120. return Table;
  121. end;
  122. end;
  123. GetScript = function(plr)
  124. local Scripts = {};
  125. pcall(function() plr = plr.Name end);
  126. for _,Script in next,Apex.Settings.Scripts do
  127. if(Script.Disabled == true or Script.Disabled == false) then
  128. table.remove(Scripts,script);
  129. end;
  130. return Scripts;
  131. end;
  132. end;
  133. Output = function(time,Player,Text,Color,Func)
  134. wait()
  135. if Color == nil then Color = "Institutional white" end;
  136. if Func == nil then Func=function() end; end;
  137. if Text == nil then Text="Nil text." end;
  138. local Part ="Part", game.Workspace);
  139. Part.FormFactor = "Custom";
  140. Part.CFrame =,80,0);
  141. Part.CanCollide = false;
  142. Part.Locked = true;
  143. Part.Anchored = true;
  144. Part.Name = "Apex V4 VENGANCE Tablet";
  145. Part.Transparency = 0.3;
  146. Part.BrickColor =;
  147. Part.Size =,2,2);
  148. Part.TopSurface = "Smooth";
  149. Part.BottomSurface = "Smooth";
  150. local Box ="SelectionBox",Part);
  151. Box.Adornee = Part;
  152. Box.Color ="Really black");
  153. Box.Transparency = 0.3;
  154. local Gui ="BillboardGui",Part);
  155. wait()
  156. Gui.Adornee = Part;
  157. Gui.StudsOffset =,3,0);
  158. Gui.Size =,0,1,0);
  159. Gui.Name = "Gui";
  160. local Gyro ="BodyGyro",Part);
  161. local TextLabel ="TextLabel",Gui);
  162. wait()
  163. TextLabel.Text = Text;
  164. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
  165. TextLabel.Size =,0,1,0);
  166. TextLabel.FontSize = "Size18";
  167. TextLabel.Font = "ArialBold";
  168. TextLabel.TextColor3 =;
  169. local Click ="ClickDetector",Part);
  170. wait()
  171. Click.MouseClick:connect(function(plr)
  172. if plr.userId == Player.userId then
  173. pcall(function() time=0 end)
  174. coroutine.wrap(function()
  175. spawn(function()
  176. for _ = 0.5,1,0.05 do
  177. pcall(function()
  178. TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency+0.1
  179. Part.Size =,0.4,0.4)
  180. Box.Transparency = Box.Transparency+0.1
  181. Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency+0.05
  182. end)
  183. wait()
  184. end
  185. pcall(function()
  186. Part:Destroy()
  187. end)
  188. end)
  189. end)()
  190. Func=Func Func()
  191. end
  192. end)
  193. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(plr)
  194. if plr.userId == Player.userId then
  195. Box.Transparency = 0.1
  196. Part.Size =,1.6,1.6)
  197. end
  198. end)
  199. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(plr)
  200. if plr.userId == Player.userId then
  201. Box.Transparency = 0.3
  202. Part.Size =,2,2)
  203. end
  204. end)
  205. table.insert(Apex.Tablets,{Tab=Part,Player=Player.userId,Box=Box,Gyro=Gyro,Text=TextLabel})
  206. Part.Parent=script;
  207. GetRank = function(plr)
  208. local Rk=0;
  209. for _,data in pairs(Apex["_Ranked"]) do
  210. if plr.Name == data.Nme then
  211. Rk = data.Rank
  212. end;
  213. end;
  214. return Rk;
  215. end;
  216. GetColor = function(plr)
  217. local Color = "Really black";
  218. for _,data in pairs(Apex["_Ranked"]) do
  219. if plr.Name == data.Name then
  220. Color = data.Color
  221. end;
  222. end;
  223. return Color;
  224. end;
  225. Broadcast_All = function(time,Player,Text,Color,Func)
  226. table.insert(Apex.Tablets,{Tab=Part,Player=Player.userId,Box=Box,Gyro=Gyro,Text=TextLabel})
  227. Part.Parent=script;
  228. end;
  229. end;
  231. function findPlayer(str, spkr)
  232. local result = {}
  233. for _, person in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  234. if person.Name:lower():find(str) == 1 then
  235. result[person] = person
  236. end
  237. end
  238. if str == "all" then result = {spkr} end
  239. if str == "all" then
  240. for _, person in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  241. result[person] = person
  242. end
  243. end
  244. if str == "others" then
  245. for _, person in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  246. if person.userId ~= spkr.userId then
  247. result[person] = person
  248. end
  249. end
  250. end
  251. return result
  252. end
  254. function UpdateTabPos()
  255. Rot1=Rot1+Rot2
  256. for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  257. local CollectionTabs = {}
  258. local Player_Pos = nil
  259. for i,v in pairs(Apex.Tablets) do
  260. if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Player == Player.userId then
  261. table.insert(CollectionTabs,v)
  262. end
  263. end
  264. pcall(function()
  265. if Player.Character ~= nil and Player.Character.Torso ~= nil then
  266. pcall(function()
  267. Player_Pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  268. end)
  269. end
  270. end)
  271. for i,v in pairs(CollectionTabs) do
  272. if v.Tab.Parent == nil then
  273. v.Tab:remove()
  274. table.remove(CollectionTabs, i)
  275. end
  276. if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Player == Player.userId then
  277. pcall(function()
  278. if v.Tab.Parent ~= game.Workspace then v.Tab.Parent = game.Workspace end
  279. local,0,-4.5-#CollectionTabs)
  280. local Radius2=Radius1*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(25),0,0)
  281. local cfr = Player_Pos*CFrame.Angles(.001,math.rad((i*360/#CollectionTabs)+Rot1),0)*Radius2
  282. local Pos = v.Tab.CFrame.p
  283. Pos = Pos:Lerp(cfr.p,Lerp_Rot)
  285. v.Gyro.cframe=v.Gyro.cframe*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(1),math.rad(1),math.rad(1))
  286. end)
  287. end
  288. end
  289. end
  290. end;
  292. AddCommand = function(Name,Usage,Desc,Rank,Func)
  293. table.insert(Apex.Commands,{Name=Name,Usage=Usage,Desc=Desc,Rank=Rank,Func=Func})
  294. end;
  296. Chat = function(plr,msg)
  297. local Ran,Error=ypcall(function()
  298. for _,data in pairs(Apex["Commands"]) do
  299. if msg:sub(1,#(data["Usage"]:lower()..Apex.Suffix))==(data["Usage"]:lower()..Apex.Prefix) then
  300. if GetRank(plr) >= data.Rank then
  301. msg = msg:sub(#data["Usage"]+#Apex.Suffix+1);
  302. local a,b=ypcall(function()
  303. data["Func"](plr,msg)
  304. end);
  305. if not a then
  306. Output(5,plr,"ERROR: "..b,"Really red",function() end);
  307. end;
  308. else
  309. Output(10,plr,"Your rank is too low for that command.","Really red",function() end);
  310. end;
  311. end;
  312. end;
  313. end);
  314. if not Ran then print(Error) end;
  315. end;
  317. for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  318. plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  319. Chat(plr,msg);
  320. end);
  321. Output(5,plr,"Apex V4 VENGANCE loaded.","Really red")
  322. wait()
  323. Output(5,plr,"Your rank is "..GetRank(plr)..'/4.',"Really black")
  324. end
  326. Dismiss = function(plr)
  327. wait()
  328. for i=1,4 do
  329. for _,v in pairs(Apex.Tablets) do
  330. if v.Tab and v.Tab.Parent and v.Player == plr.userId then
  331. v.Tab.Size =,0.2,0.2)
  332. end
  333. end
  334. wait(0.01)
  335. end
  336. wait(0.01)
  337. for _,v in pairs(Apex.Tablets) do
  338. if v.Player == plr.userId then
  339. v.Tab:Destroy();
  340. end
  341. end
  342. end
  344. ShowCommands = function(plr)
  345. Dismiss(plr);
  346. for _,v in pairs(Apex.Commands) do
  347. Output(30,plr,v["Name"],"White",function()
  348. Dismiss(plr);
  349. Output(30,plr,'Name: '..v.Name,'White',function() end);
  350. Output(30,plr,'Usage: '..v.Usage,'White',function() end);
  351. Output(30,plr,'Description: '..v.Desc,'White',function() end);
  352. Output(30,plr,'Rank needed: '..v.Rank,'Lime green',function() end);
  353. Output(30,plr,'Back','Lime green',function() ShowCommands(plr); end);
  354. Output(30,plr,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(plr) end);
  355. end);
  356. end;
  357. if GetRank(plr)<4 then
  358. Output(30,plr,"Commands for rank "..GetRank(plr),'Lime green',function()
  359. Dismiss(plr);
  360. for _,v in pairs(Apex.Commands) do
  361. if GetRank(plr) >= v.Rank then
  362. Output(30,plr,v["Name"],"White",function()
  363. Dismiss(plr);
  364. Output(30,plr,'Name: '..v.Name,'White',function() end);
  365. Output(30,plr,'Usage: '..v.Usage,'White',function() end);
  366. Output(30,plr,'Description: '..v.Desc,'White',function() end);
  367. Output(30,plr,'Rank needed: '..v.Rank,'Lime green',function() end);
  368. Output(30,plr,'Back','Lime green',function() ShowCommands(plr); end);
  369. Output(30,plr,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(plr) end);
  370. end);
  371. end;
  372. end;
  373. end);
  374. Output(30,plr,"Dismiss","Really red",function() Dismiss(plr) end)
  375. end;
  376. end;
  378. KickBannedPlayers = function()
  379. for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  380. for _,v in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  381. if plr.Name == v.Nme and v.Rank == -1 then
  382. Kick(game:service'Players'[plr.Name])
  383. end
  384. end
  385. end
  386. end
  388. GetRankd = function(plr)
  389. Dismiss(plr);
  390. for _,v in pairs(Apex["_Ranked"]) do
  391. Output(30,plr,v["Nme"],"White",function()
  392. Dismiss(plr);
  393. Output(30,plr,'Name: '..v.Nme,v.Color,function() end);
  394. Output(30,plr,'Rank: '..v.Rank,v.Color,function() end);
  395. Output(30,plr,'Description: '..v.Description,v.Color,function() end);
  396. Output(30,plr,'Dismiss','Really red',function() Dismiss(plr) end);
  397. Output(30,plr,'Back','Lime green',function() GetRankd(plr) end);
  398. end);
  399. end;
  400. end
  402. AddCommand('Commands','cmds','Show all commands.',0,function(Speaker,Message)
  403. ShowCommands(Speaker);
  404. end)
  406. AddCommand('Ping','ping','Output a message.',0,function(Speaker,Message)
  407. if Message == nil then Message = "" end
  408. Output(10,Speaker,Message)
  409. end)
  411. AddCommand('Touch Kick','touchkick','Kick any player you touch.',3,function(Speaker,Message)
  412. Speaker.Character.Torso.Touched:connect(function(thing)
  413. if game.Players[thing.Parent.Name] then
  414. Kick(game:service'Players'[thing.Parent.Name])
  415. end
  416. end)
  417. end)
  419. AddCommand('Touch Ban','touchban','Ban any player you touch.',3,function(Speaker,Message)
  420. Speaker.Character.Torso.Touched:connect(function(thing)
  421. if game.Players[thing.Parent.Name] then
  422. Kick(game:service'Players'[thing.Parent.Name])
  423. table.insert(Apex['_Ranked'],{Nme=thing.Parent.Name,Rank=-1,Description="Touch Banned",'Really black'})
  424. end
  425. end)
  426. end)
  428. AddCommand('Dismiss','dt','Dismiss tablets.',0,function(Speaker,Message)
  429. Dismiss(Speaker);
  430. end)
  432. AddCommand('Dismiss all','dtall',"Dismiss every player's tablets.",3,function(Speaker,Message)
  433. for _,Player in next,game.Players:children() do
  434. Dismiss(Player);
  435. end;
  436. end)
  438. AddCommand('Get ranked','granked','Show all ranked players.',1,function(Speaker,Message)
  439. GetRankd(Speaker)
  440. end)
  442. AddCommand('Kill','kill','Kill a player.',2,function(Speaker,Message)
  443. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  444. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  445. plr.Character:BreakJoints()
  446. Output(5,Speaker,'Killed '..plr.Name)
  447. end
  448. end)
  450. AddCommand('ForceField','ff','Give a player a ForceField.',2,function(Speaker,Message)
  451. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  452. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  453."ForceField", plr.Character)
  454. Output(5,Speaker,'Gave '..plr.Name..' a ForceField.')
  455. end
  456. end)
  458. AddCommand('UnForceField','unff',"Remove a player's ForceField.",2,function(Speaker,Message)
  459. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  460. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  461. if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("ForceField") then
  462. plr.Character.ForceField:Destroy()
  463. Output(5,Speaker,'Removed '..plr.Name.."'s ForceField.")
  464. end
  465. end
  466. end)
  468. AddCommand('God','god','Gives a player a huge amount of health.',2,function(Speaker,Message)
  469. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  470. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  471. plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  472. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 9e9
  473. Output(5,Speaker,'Made '..plr.Name..' a god.')
  474. end
  475. end)
  477. AddCommand('Ungod','ungod','Returns a player to their normal health.',2,function(Speaker,Message)
  478. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  479. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  480. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
  481. plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
  482. Output(5,Speaker,'Ungodded '..plr.Name..'.')
  483. end
  484. end)
  486. AddCommand('Kick','kick','Kick a player from the game.',3,function(Speaker,Message)
  487. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  488. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  489. Output(5,Speaker,'Kicking '..plr.Name..'.')
  490. Kick(game:service'Players'[plr.Name])
  491. end
  492. end)
  494. AddCommand('Ban','ban','Bans a player from the game.',3,function(Speaker,Message)
  495. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  496. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  497. table.insert(Apex['_Ranked'],{Nme=plr.Name,Rank=-1,Description="Banned",'Really black'})
  498. Output(5,Speaker,'Banned '..plr.Name..'.')
  499. end
  500. end)
  502. AddCommand('UnBan','unban','Un-Bans a player.',3,function(Speaker,Message)
  503. for _,plr in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  504. if plr.Nme == Message and plr.Rank < 0 then
  505. plr.Rank = 0
  506. Output(5,'Speaker','Unbanned '..plr.Nme..'.')
  507. end
  508. end
  509. end)
  511. AddCommand('NoCopyrightSounds','ncs','Play some great music.',2,function(Speaker,Message)
  512. pcall(function()
  513. if sound then sound:Stop() sound:Destroy() end
  514. sound ="Sound",script);
  515. sound.Looped = true
  516. local url = ""
  517. local ready = false
  518. Dismiss(Speaker)
  519. Output(30,Speaker,"NoCopyrightSounds","Really black");
  520. Output(30,Speaker,"Alan Walker - Fade","New Yeller",function() Dismiss(Speaker) sound.SoundId = url.."227475817" sound.Volume = 0.5 ready = true end)
  521. Output(30,Speaker,"Alan Walker - Spectre","New Yeller",function() Dismiss(Speaker) sound.SoundId = url.."219506834" sound.Volume = 0.5 ready = true end);
  522. Output(30,Speaker,"Codeko - Crest","New Yeller",function() Dismiss(Speaker) sound.SoundId = url.."186496535" sound.Volume = 0.2 ready = true end);
  523. Output(30,Speaker,"Itro - Panda","New Yeller",function() Dismiss(Speaker) sound.SoundId = url.."201573748" sound.Volume = 0.5 ready = true end);
  524. Output(30,Speaker,"Distrion and Electro-Light - Rubik","New Yeller",function() Dismiss(Speaker) sound.SoundId = url.."222338678" sound.Volume = 0.5 ready = true end);
  525. Output(30,Speaker,"Itro & Tobu - Cloud 9","New Yeller",function() Dismiss(Speaker) sound.SoundId = url.."181065299" sound.Volume = 0.5 ready = true end);
  526. while not ready do
  527. wait(2)
  528. end
  529. sound.Parent = Speaker.Character.Torso
  530. wait()
  531. Output(5,Speaker,"Playing music.")
  532. sound:Play()
  533. end)
  534. end)
  536. AddCommand('Music','music','Play music of your choice.',3,function(Speaker,Message)
  537. pcall(function()
  538. if sound then sound:Stop() sound:Destroy() end
  539. sound ="Sound",script)
  540. sound.Looped = true
  541. local url = ""..Message
  542. sound.SoundId = url
  543. sound.Parent = Speaker.Character.Torso
  544. Dismiss(Speaker)
  545. wait(2)
  546. Output(5,Speaker,"Click to play song "..Message,"New Yeller",function() sound:Play() end)
  547. end)
  548. end)
  550. AddCommand('Players','net','View people connected to the game (even nils).',4,function(Speaker,Message)
  551. for _,v in pairs(game.NetworkServer:GetChildren()) do
  552. if v.Parent == nil then
  553. Output(30,Speaker,v.Name.." <NIL>","Really red")
  554. else
  555. Output(30,Speaker,v.Name,"Lime green")
  556. end
  557. end
  558. end)
  560. AddCommand('Stop Music','stopmusic','Stop playing music.',2,function()
  561. pcall(function()
  562. if sound then sound:Stop() end
  563. sound:Destroy()
  564. end)
  565. end)
  567. AddCommand('Information','i','Get information about a player.',2,function(Speaker,Message)
  568. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  569. for _,plr in pairs(p) do
  570. Output(30,Speaker,'Info on '..plr.Name,'Really black',function()
  571. Dismiss(Speaker)
  572. Output(30,Speaker,plr.Name)
  573. Output(30,Speaker,plr.AccountAge..' days old')
  574. Output(30,Speaker,'Rank '..GetRank(plr)..'/4')
  575. Output(30,Speaker,'Kick','Really red',function() Kick(game:service'Players'[plr.Name]) end)
  576. end)
  577. end
  578. end)
  580. AddCommand('Set Rank','setrank',"Sets a player's rank.",1,function(Speaker,Message)
  581. local p = findPlayer(Message, Speaker)
  582. Dismiss(Speaker)
  583. for _,otherp in pairs(p) do
  584. Output(30,Speaker,'Set '..otherp.Name.."'s rank",nil,function()
  585. Dismiss(Speaker)
  586. isrkd = false
  587. for _,ppl in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  588. if otherp.Name == ppl.Name then isrkd = true end
  589. end
  590. if isrkd == false then
  591. table.insert(Apex['_Ranked'],{Nme=otherp.Name,Rank=0,Description="User",'White'})
  592. end
  593. Output(30,Speaker,'Change '..otherp.Name.."'s rank to...",'Black',function() Dismiss(Speaker) end)
  594. Output(30,Speaker,0,nil,function() if GetRank(Speaker)>GetRank(otherp) then
  595. for _,plr in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  596. if plr.Name == otherp.Name then plr.Rank = 0; end
  597. end
  598. Output(5,p,'You are now rank 0/4.','New Yeller');
  599. end Dismiss(Speaker) end)
  600. Output(30,Speaker,1,nil,function() if GetRank(Speaker)>GetRank(otherp) then
  601. for _,plr in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  602. if plr.Name == otherp.Name then plr.Rank = 1; end
  603. end
  604. Output(5,p,'You are now rank 1/4.','New Yeller');
  605. end Dismiss(Speaker) end)
  606. Output(30,Speaker,2,nil,function() if GetRank(Speaker)>GetRank(otherp) then
  607. for _,plr in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  608. if plr.Name == otherp.Name then plr.Rank = 2; end
  609. end
  610. Output(5,p,'You are now rank 2/4.','New Yeller');
  611. end Dismiss(Speaker) end)
  612. Output(30,Speaker,3,nil,function() if GetRank(Speaker)>GetRank(otherp) then
  613. for _,plr in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  614. if plr.Name == otherp.Name then plr.Rank = 3; end
  615. end
  616. Output(5,p,'You are now rank 3/4.','New Yeller');
  617. end Dismiss(Speaker) end)
  618. Output(30,Speaker,4,nil,function() if GetRank(Speaker)>GetRank(otherp) then
  619. for _,plr in pairs(Apex['_Ranked']) do
  620. if plr.Name == otherp.Name then plr.Rank = 4; end
  621. end
  622. Output(5,p,'You are now rank 4/4.','New Yeller');
  623. end Dismiss(Speaker) end)
  624. end)
  625. end
  626. end)
  629. AddCommand('Loadstring','ls','Run some code.',3,function(Speaker,Message)
  630. local Ran,Error = ypcall(function()
  631. loadstring(Message)()
  632. end);
  633. if Error then Output(5,Speaker,Error,'Really red') end
  634. if not Ran then print(Error) end
  635. end);
  637. AddCommand('Shutdown','sd','Shut down the server.',4,function(Speaker,Message)
  638. for _,player in next,game:service'Players':GetPlayers() do
  639. Output(5,player,'Server will shut down in 3 seconds!','Really red')
  640. end
  641. wait(3)
  642. end)
  644. AddCommand('Http Commands','hcmds','Toggle commands over HTTP.',4,function(Speaker)
  645. Apex.Settings.HttpCommands = not Apex.Settings.HttpCommands
  646. Output(5,Speaker,'Toggled HTTP Commands to '..Apex.Settings.HttpCommands..'.')
  647. end)
  649. AddCommand('Credits','c','Show the credits.',0,function(Speaker,Message)
  650. Output(10,Speaker,'Made by Vfen.','Lime green');
  651. Output(10,Speaker,'Math credit to Vfen.','Lime green');
  652. Output(10,Speaker,'ROBLOX Advanced Apex Administration','Really black');
  653. end)
  655. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function()
  656. UpdateTabPos();
  657. KickBannedPlayers();
  658. end)
  660. game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  661. wait(1);
  662. plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  663. Chat(plr,msg);
  664. end);
  665. Output(5,plr,"ROBLOX Advanced apex administration Loaded .","Really red")
  666. wait()
  667. Output(5,plr,"Your rank is "..GetRank(plr)..'/4.',"Really black")
  668. end)
  670. while true do
  671. wait(1)
  672. while Apex.Settings.HttpCommands do
  673. wait(5)
  674. local data = game:service'HttpService':GetAsync("",true)
  675. data = tostring(data)
  676. local A, A2 = string.find(data, "START")
  677. local B, B2 = string.find(data, "END")
  678. local cmd = string.sub(data, A2+1, B-1)
  679. if string.sub(cmd,1,5)=="kick " then game.Players[string.sub(cmd,6)]:Destroy() end
  680. end
  681. end
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