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- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- /*
- * For original project details of this project go to
- *
- * I'm adding some features, polyline, polygon, inline commenter, svg pixel-map... other geometries, and features intended for zellij design
- * To compile using this library: //gcc -g -Wall prog.c -o prog -lm
- * */
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // STRUCT svg
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- typedef struct svg{
- char* svg;
- int height;
- int width;
- bool finalized;
- } svg;
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- //ok I just realized bruh did an obnoxious thing, and made all the shape functions take arguments in different patterns.
- //function( psvg, x,y, height, width, radius, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
- //Ill fix that later, RN gonna make animation work.
- /*I too did an anoying thing and wrote animateRotate using the format of the former args patterns.
- * Using stdarg.h, functions require specifying the number of args for a function, these are as follows
- *
- * svg_ellipse: 8
- * svg_polygon 8
- * svg_text 8
- * svg_line 7
- * svg_rectangle 10
- *
- * after which, args are passed to the animateRotate function
- *
- * Example animateRotate call:
- * svg_animateRotate( 8, svg_polygon, psvg, 100.0, 100.0, 50.0, 5, "blue", "green", 7, durration);
- * */
- svg* svg_create(int width, int height);
- void svg_finalize(svg* psvg);
- void svg_print(svg* psvg);
- void svg_save(svg* psvg, char* filepath);
- void svg_free(svg* psvg);
- void svg_fill(svg* psvg, char* fill);
- void svg_circle(svg* psvg, char* stroke, int strokewidth, char* fill, int r, int cx, int cy);
- void svg_line(svg* psvg, char* stroke, int strokewidth, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
- void svg_rectangle(svg* psvg, int width, int height, int x, int y, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth, int radiusx, int radiusy);
- void svg_text(svg* psvg, int x, int y, char* fontfamily, int fontsize, char* fill, char* stroke, char* text);
- void svg_ellipse(svg* psvg, int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth);
- void svg_polygon(svg* psvg, double cx, double cy, float radius, int nsides, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth );
- //void svg_polyline(svg* psvg, int a[], char* stroke, int strokewidth); //comeback to this it was for a kinnect
- //void svg_starpolygon(svg* psvg, double cx, double cy, float radius, int npoints, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth );
- //void svg_gearpolygon(svg* psvg, double cx, double cy, float radius, int teeth, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth );
- //void svg_diamondpolygon(svg* psvg, double cx, double cy, float radius, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth );
- void svg_animateRotate(int num_args, ...); //take shape functions
- void svg_animateColor(int num_args, ...);
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // STATIC FUNCTION appendstringtosvg
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- static void appendstringtosvg(svg* psvg, char* text){
- int l = strlen(psvg->svg) + strlen(text) + 1;
- char* p = realloc(psvg->svg, l);
- if(p){
- psvg->svg = p;
- }
- strcat(psvg->svg, text);
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // STATIC FUNCTION appendnumbertosvg
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- static void appendnumbertosvg(svg* psvg, int n){
- char sn[16];
- sprintf(sn, "%d", n);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, sn);
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_create
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- svg* svg_create(int width, int height){
- svg* psvg = malloc(sizeof(svg));
- if(psvg != NULL) {
- *psvg = (svg){.svg = NULL, .width = width, .height = height, .finalized = false};
- psvg->svg = malloc(1);
- sprintf(psvg->svg, "%s", "\0");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "<svg width='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, width);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "px' height='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, height);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "px' xmlns='' version='1.1' xmlns:xlink=''>\n");
- return psvg;
- } else {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_finalize
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_finalize(svg* psvg){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "</svg>");
- psvg->finalized = true;
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_print
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_print(svg* psvg){
- printf("%s\n", psvg->svg);
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_save
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_save(svg* psvg, char* filepath){
- if(!psvg->finalized){
- svg_finalize(psvg);
- }
- FILE* fp;
- fp = fopen(filepath, "w");
- if(fp != NULL){
- fwrite(psvg->svg, 1, strlen(psvg->svg), fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_free
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_free(svg* psvg){
- free(psvg->svg);
- free(psvg);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_circle
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_circle(svg* psvg, char* stroke, int strokewidth, char* fill, int r, int cx, int cy){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " <circle stroke='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, stroke);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke-width='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, strokewidth);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "px' fill='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, fill);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' r='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, r);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' cy='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' cx='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' />\n");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_line
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_line(svg* psvg, char* stroke, int strokewidth, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " <line stroke='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, stroke);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke-width='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, strokewidth);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "px' x1='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y2);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' y1='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x2);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' x2='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y1);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' y2='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x1);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' />\n");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_rectangle
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_rectangle(svg* psvg, int width, int height, int x, int y, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth, int radiusx, int radiusy){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " <rect fill='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, fill);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, stroke);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke-width='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, strokewidth);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "px' width='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, width);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' height='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, height);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' y='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' x='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' ry='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, radiusy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' rx='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, radiusx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' />\n");
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_fill
- // --------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_fill(svg* psvg, char* Fill){
- svg_rectangle(psvg, psvg->width, psvg->height, 0, 0, Fill, Fill, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_text
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_text(svg* psvg, int x, int y, char* fontfamily, int fontsize, char* fill, char* stroke, char* text){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " <text x='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' y = '");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' font-family='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, fontfamily);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, stroke);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' fill='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, fill);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' font-size='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, fontsize);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "px'>");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, text);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "</text>\n");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_ellipse
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_ellipse(svg* psvg, int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " <ellipse cx='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' cy='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' rx='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, rx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' ry='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, ry);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' fill='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, fill);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, stroke);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke-width='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, strokewidth);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' />\n");
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- //FUNCTION svg_polyline: this function had been getting data from the kinect
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- * void svg_polyline(svg* psvg, int a[], char* stroke, int strokewidth){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " <polyline points='");
- //assume array is x,y alternating. or index,depth.
- //it goes: x,y x,y x,y... untill the end. append with quotes
- //determine array size
- int aSize= sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[index]);
- for (int i =0; i< aSize; i++){
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, i);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, ",");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, i);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- }
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke='");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, stroke);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' stroke-width='");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, strokewidth);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' />\n");
- }
- */
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_polygon
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- void svg_polygon(svg* psvg, double cx, double cy, float radius, int nsides, char* fill, char* stroke, int strokewidth ){
- //cx,cy ==center point
- //put xi ,yi in an array
- float xi, yi=0.0;
- if (nsides<3){
- printf("Error: Too Few Sides\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- //start building the polygon:
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " <polygon style=\"fill:");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, fill);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "; stroke:");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, stroke);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "; stroke-width:");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, strokewidth);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\" points='");
- //calc x,y point cordinates. trig funtions take radians
- for (int i =1; i < nsides+1; i++){
- xi= cx + radius * cos((2*M_PI/nsides) * i);
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, xi);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, ", ");
- yi= cy + radius * sin((2*M_PI/nsides) * i);
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, yi);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- printf("%f , %f\n ", xi, yi);
- }
- printf("\n");
- //close polygon
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "' />\n");
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_animate :: transform methods
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- * In SVG's animateTransform element, the type attribute specifies the type of transformation to be animated. The type attribute can take the following values:
- translate: Animates a translation transformation, which moves an element along the x and y axes.
- scale: Animates a scaling transformation, which changes the size of an element along the x and y axes.
- rotate: Animates a rotation transformation, which rotates an element around a specified point.
- skewX: Animates a skew transformation along the x-axis, which tilts an element horizontally.
- skewY: Animates a skew transformation along the y-axis, which tilts an element vertically.
- * */
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // FUNCTION svg_animateRotate
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Operator function that accepts variable arguments
- void svg_animateRotate(int num_args, ...) {
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, num_args);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
- // Get the function pointer from the variable arguments
- void (*func)(svg*, ...);
- func = va_arg(args, void (*)(svg*, ...));
- // Call the function with the remaining arguments
- if (func == svg_ellipse) {
- svg* psvg = va_arg(args, svg*);
- int cx = va_arg(args, int);
- int cy = va_arg(args, int);
- int rx = va_arg(args, int);
- int ry = va_arg(args, int);
- char* fill = va_arg(args, char*);
- char* stroke = va_arg(args, char*);
- int strokewidth = va_arg(args, int);
- int dur = va_arg(args,int); //maybe make that a float or double later
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<g>\n");
- svg_ellipse(psvg, cx, cy, rx, ry, fill, stroke, strokewidth); //write the shape
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n <animateTransform \n attributeName=\"transform\" \n attributeType=\"XML\" \n type=\"rotate\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "from=\"0 "); //cx,cy atleast in the polygon function are center
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "to=\"360 "); //theta space x space y
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\ndur =\"");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, dur);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "s\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "repeatCount=\"indefinite\" />\n</g>\n");
- } else if (func == svg_polygon) { //8 args
- svg* psvg = va_arg(args, svg*);
- double cx = va_arg(args, double);
- double cy = va_arg(args, double);
- float radius = va_arg(args, double); // Note: float is promoted to double in va_arg
- int nsides = va_arg(args, int);
- char* fill = va_arg(args, char*);
- char* stroke = va_arg(args, char*);
- int strokewidth = va_arg(args, int);
- int dur = va_arg(args,int); //maybe make that a float or double later
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<g>\n");
- svg_polygon(psvg, cx, cy, radius, nsides, fill, stroke, strokewidth);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n <animateTransform \n attributeName=\"transform\" \n attributeType=\"XML\" \n type=\"rotate\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "from=\"0 "); //cx,cy atleast in the polygon function are center
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "to=\"360 "); //theta space x space y
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cx);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, cy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\ndur =\"");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, dur);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "s\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "repeatCount=\"indefinite\" />\n</g>\n");
- } else if (func == svg_text) {
- //This function doesn some BS related to groups.
- //void svg_text(svg* psvg, int x, int y, char* fontfamily, int fontsize, char* fill, char* stroke, char* text);
- svg* psvg = va_arg(args, svg*);
- int x = va_arg(args, int);
- int y = va_arg(args, int);
- char* fontfamily = va_arg(args, char*); // use system fonts
- int fontsize = va_arg(args, int);
- char* fill = va_arg(args, char*);
- char* stroke = va_arg(args, char*);
- char* text = va_arg(args, char*);
- int dur = va_arg(args,int); //durration of animation
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<g>\n");
- svg_text(psvg, x, y, fontfamily, fontsize, fill, stroke, text);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<animateTransform \n attributeName=\"transform\" \n attributeType=\"XML\" \n type=\"rotate\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "from=\"0 "); //cx,cy atleast in the polygon function are center
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x); //maybe set x, y based on text length.
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "to=\"360 "); //theta space x space y
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\ndur =\"");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, dur);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "s\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "repeatCount=\"indefinite\" />\n</g>\n");
- } else if (func == svg_rectangle) {
- // svg_rectangle(psvg, width, height, x, y, fill, stroke, strokewidth, radiusx, radiusy); //all ints 10 args
- svg* psvg = va_arg(args, svg*);
- int width = va_arg(args, int);
- int height = va_arg(args, int);
- int x = va_arg(args, int);
- int y = va_arg(args, int);
- char* fill = va_arg(args, char*);
- char* stroke = va_arg(args, char*);
- int strokewidth = va_arg(args, int);
- int radiusx = va_arg(args, int);
- int radiusy = va_arg(args, int);
- int dur = va_arg(args,int); //durration of animation
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<g>");
- svg_rectangle(psvg, width, height, x, y, fill, stroke, strokewidth, radiusx, radiusy);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<animateTransform \n attributeName=\"transform\" \n attributeType=\"XML\" \n type=\"rotate\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "from=\"0 "); //cx,cy atleast in the polygon function are center
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x); //maybe set x, y based on text length.
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "to=\"360 "); //theta space x space y
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\ndur =\"");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, dur);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "s\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "repeatCount=\"indefinite\" />\n</g>\n");
- } else if (func == svg_line) {
- //void svg_line(svg* psvg, char* stroke, int strokewidth, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
- // svg_line(psvg, stroke, strokewidth, x1, y1, x2, y2);
- svg* psvg = va_arg(args, svg*);
- char* stroke = va_arg(args, char*);
- int strokewidth = va_arg(args, int);
- int x1 = va_arg(args, int);
- int y1 = va_arg(args, int);
- int x2 = va_arg(args, int);
- int y2 = va_arg(args, int);
- int dur = va_arg(args,int); //durration of animation
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<g>");
- svg_line(psvg, stroke, strokewidth, x1, y1, x2, y2);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " \n<animateTransform \n attributeName=\"transform\" \n attributeType=\"XML\" \n type=\"rotate\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "from=\"0 "); //cx,cy atleast in the polygon function are center
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x1); //maybe set x, y based on text length.
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y1);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "to=\"360 "); //theta space x space y
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, x2);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, " ");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, y2);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "\"\ndur =\"");
- appendnumbertosvg(psvg, dur);
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "s\"\n");
- appendstringtosvg(psvg, "repeatCount=\"indefinite\" />\n</g>\n");
- }
- }//end for loop
- va_end(args);
- }
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