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- <p>Really cool song i made, with my best drop!<br>
- I hope you enjoy!!!!! Please review and rate!! :)</p>
- <p>Stroo#1841 is my discord.</p>
- <p>Please message me if you wish to use this in projects.</p>
- <p>---Edited---<br>
- made the drop better, and the buildup.</p> </div>
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- <time id="review_time_12671532">2019-04-13 07:11:43</time>
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- <p>This is decent overall, but :<br>
- - The sequenced synth is weird, because too much panned. Nice sound though</p>
- <p>- Cymatics samples ? Not sure, but it's pretty obvious that you used presets/already made samples. Also, cymatics samples I believe they are made up by professional producers, and so very amateur producers like you or me can't yet match this mastering quality. Therefore, the samples/presets pretty much clash with the rest of the song. Still, props for using them well.</p>
- <p>- The stereo, generally speaking. It feels like all the instruments are at the same place, in front of me.</p>
- <p>- The drops are a bit repetitive.</p>
- <p>The structure of the song is nice, though. Decent intro, good ambience : each element blends well in this song.</p>
- <p>Overall work more on pan/stereo, filling the bits of emptiness, and on sound design. It's always more fun, more interesting, more original to make your own sound.</p>
- <p>I hope this will help you improve.</p>
- <p>Peace,<br>
- WL</p>
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- <p><p>i have over 3 years in music experience so i'm not really sure it should be considered armature but ill take it. thank you fro your feedback!</p></p>
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- <time id="review_time_12671483">2019-04-13 06:05:33</time>
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- <div class="review-body text-content" id="review_body_12671483">
- <p>The track sounds great and has a well-made structure, but I only gave a 4/5 because it screams that you used the Cymatics dubstep starter pack especially at the drop. It's not really a bad thing to use presets, but if you can't create your own dubstep sounds (which is completely fine, because you need a good VST and a lot of experience), then you can try chopping up the loops to make something more unique.</p>
- <p>Anyways, I still enjoyed the song :)</p>
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- <time id="review_time_12671446">2019-04-13 05:26:56</time>
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- <p>That drop was really unexpected and it had no buildup, making it sound bad.</p>
- <p>Edit: Here's what I meant, it became quiet just before the drop without any instruments.</p>
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- <p><p>sorry about that, it does clearly have a buildup, dont you hear the beats before it? it goes for so long literally... THATS SO FUNNY THE BUILD UP IS SO HUGE HOW DONT YOU HEAR IT XDDDDDD<br>
- <br>
- Edit: the buildup for this isnt meant to use many instruments, its just kicks</p></p>
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- <dd>192</dd>
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- <dd>8</dd>
- <dt>Votes</dt>
- <dd>7</dd>
- <dt>Score</dt>
- <dd>
- <span id="score_number">4.09</span> / 5.00 <span id="submission_score_change"></span><br>
- <span class="star-variable"><span style="width: 81.8%;"></span></span>
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- <dt>Uploaded</dt>
- <dd>Apr 13, 2019</dd>
- <dd>4:33 AM EDT</dd>
- <dt>Genre</dt>
- <dd><a href="/audio/browse/genre/dubstep">Dubstep</a></dd>
- <dt>File Info</dt>
- <dd>
- Song </dd>
- <dd>
- 5.8 <span>MB</span> </dd>
- <dd>
- 4 min 14 sec </dd>
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