
Weird emojipasta

Feb 15th, 2017
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  1. An apple pie! πŸ₯§
  2. A bright blue sky! πŸ’¨
  3. A breezy meadow in July! πŸ’¨
  4. An ice cream bar!🍦
  5. A shooting star! 🌠
  6. The sound of a steel guitar! 🎸
  7. "That is wonderful!" 😁
  9. A love the sound of rain πŸ’¦
  10. Wearing a hat, and cane! 🎩
  11. Tiffany window panes lovely to see! πŸ—”
  12. Frost on a windows seal!
  13. The feel of a dollar bill! πŸ’΅
  14. Vacations in Brazil fill me with glee! πŸ‡§πŸ‡·
  16. These are the little things that make me smile! 😊
  17. This is all the stuff that makes life worth while! πŸ‘
  18. So let's sing about the things we like, and don't be shy! πŸ˜€
  20. A strip of lace! πŸŽ€
  21. A pretty face! πŸ˜†
  22. Eugenics really makes the case! 😱
  23. Counting sheeps! πŸ‘
  24. and froggy leaps! 🐸
  25. "Hey!" 😬
  27. A love the sound of rain πŸ’¦
  28. Screams of a man in pain! 😡
  29. Blood coming down like rain, showering me! 🚿
  30. That ever lasting thrill! πŸ˜‚
  31. During the final kill! πŸ”ͺ
  32. Body got dumped in a landfill; got of Scott free! πŸ—‘οΈ
  33. These are the little things that make me smile! 😊
  34. This is all the stuff that makes life worth while! πŸ‘
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