

Apr 3rd, 2024
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  1. %------------------------
  2. % Resume Template
  3. % Author: Anubhav Singh
  4. % Github:
  5. % License: MIT
  6. %------------------------
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  87. %-----------------------------
  88. %%%%%%  CV STARTS HERE  %%%%%%
  90. \begin{document}
  92. %----------HEADING-----------------
  93. \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
  94.  \textbf{{\LARGE Rajesh Bammidi}} & {Mobile:~~+1 716-393-9166}\\
  95.  \href{}{LinkedIn:} &  
  96.   Email: \href{mailto:}{
  97. }\\
  98.  \end{tabular*}
  99. \vspace{-8pt}
  100. %-----------EDUCATION-----------------
  101. \section{Education}
  102. \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  103.    \resumeSubheading
  104.      {University at Buffalo, The State University of New York}{Buffalo, USA}
  105.      {Master's in Computer Science; GPA: 3.9/4.0}{August 2022 -- December 2023}
  106.      \vspace{0pt}
  107.    \resumeSubheading
  108.      {Lovely Professional University}{Jalandhar, India}
  109.      {Bachelor of Technology - Computer Science and Engineering, CGPA: 9.32/10.00}{August 2016 -- May 2020}
  111.       %{\scriptsize \textit{ \footnotesize{\newline{}\textbf{Courses:} Programming Languages, OOPS, Operating Systems, Data Structures, Data Base Management Systems, Computer Networks}}}
  112.     \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  114. %\vspace{-5pt}
  115. \section{Technical Skills}
  116.     \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  117.     \resumeSubItem{Programming}{~Java({\bf Oracle Certified Java Programmer}), C/C++, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin,HTML/CSS}
  118.     \resumeSubItem{Database}{~PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySql, Firebase, T-SQL, Azure, AWS (\textbf{AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner})}
  119.     \resumeSubItem{Development}{~Microservices, Spring Boot, Android Development, Express.js, Node.js, ReactJS, Material-UI, Hadoop}
  120. \resumeSubItem{Dev Tools}{~Git, JMeter, CI/CD, Docker, Agile, SCRUM, JIRA, VS Code, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Linux}
  121. \resumeSubItem{Others}{~Data Structures And Algorithms, Parallel Algorithms, Object Oriented Design, Design Patterns, MPI, Open MP}
  123. \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  124. %\vspace{-1pt}
  125. \section{Experience}
  126.  \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  127.  \resumeSubheading{GE HealthCare}{March 2024 -- Present} {Software Engineer} {Bellevue, USA}
  128. \resumeItemListStart
  130. \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{ Building General Electric Healthcare (GEHC) infrastructure onto the \textbf{AWS} Cloud platform.}
  131. \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{ Developing a converter that efficiently converts \textbf{HL7V2} messages to \textbf{FHIR} type utilizing \textbf{AWS Lambda} to ensure no data loss.}
  132. \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{ Implementing infra as code solutions using \textbf{AWS CDK }to deploy necessary AWS services effectively for our systems.}
  133. \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{ Automating multiple components in our backend architecture to enhance developer productivity.}
  135. \resumeItemListEnd
  136.    \resumeSubheading{Urban Company }{December 2020 -- August 2022}
  137.    {Software Development Engineer }{Bangalore, India}
  138.    \resumeItemListStart
  139.        \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Developed scalable backend microservices with \textbf{Node.js}, \textbf{Express.js}, \textbf{TypeScript}, and \textbf{MongoDB} for the provider matchmaking system, optimizing the customer experience.}
  140.        \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Reduced critical \textbf{API} response times for the slot capacity service, achieving \textbf{P99} and \textbf{P95} times under \textbf{150ms} and \textbf{50ms}, respectively, down from around \textbf{350ms} and \textbf{150ms}.}
  141.        \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Migrated native Provider Android App screens to \textbf{React Native} using the in-house Orion framework, ensuring consistent UX across \textbf{Android} and \textbf{iOS} platforms, reducing deployment wait time by \textbf{45\%}.}
  142.          \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Developed graph-based algorithms within slot aggregator service, utilizing \textbf{SpringBoot}, to identify single points of failure in UI-connected components. Leveraged event-driven architecture (\textbf{Kafka}) to streamline user actions, resulting in a \textbf{70\% }reduction of vulnerable components.}
  143.         \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Engineered a dashboard for configuring provider calendar metrics at the city level, enabling informed business decisions. Integrated \textbf{Airflow} workflow to populate \textbf{1M} data points in MongoDB for the dashboard.}
  144.         \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Implemented the Festival Management System (FMS) feature and seamlessly integrated it into the provider \textbf{Android(Java/Kotlin)/iOS} app and backend services. This enhancement enabled accurate prediction of provider availability during festive or holiday seasons, resulting in an \textbf{85\%} reduction in no-shows. This contribution significantly improved customer service and business operations.}
  145.          \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Automated the existing microservices deployment process by integrating services into the \textbf{CI/CD} deployment pipeline, leading to an impressive \textbf{84\%} boost in deployment efficiency. Leveraged \textbf{Jenkins}, \textbf{Jira}, and \textbf{GitLab} to successfully achieve this milestone.}
  146.     \resumeItemListEnd
  147.  %    \vspace{-2pt}
  148.     % \resumeSubheading{Internshala}{Remote}{Java \& Android SME}{Jan 2019 - Present}
  149.  %    \resumeItemListStart
  150.  %   % \resumeItem{Trade Here – A Trading Web Application}{An app where users can buy/sell stocks, analyze, and manage their portfolio. \textbf {Tech:} HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Angular, Spring Boot Framework, Restful Web Services, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, MYSQL, Microsoft Azure, Trading Algorithms, }
  151.  %    \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Instruct online learners from diverse backgrounds in Core Java and JavaFx programming concepts, facilitating their understanding and growth.}
  152.  %    \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Conduct weekly live coding sessions, engaging students in hands-on programming, and reinforcing lecture materials, resulting in a 95\% attendance rate and improved comprehension.}
  153.  %       \resumeItemListEnd
  155. \vspace{1pt}
  156.    \resumeSubheading{NCR Corporation}{January 2020 -- December 2020}{Software Engineer }{Hyderabad, India}
  157.    \resumeItemListStart
  158.    \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Developed robust web applications for financial banks using \textbf{ReactJS} and \textbf{Spring Boot (Java)} to create responsive and scalable user interfaces and backend services, achieving 100\% test coverage.}
  159.    \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Optimized response time of critical backend APIs in banking applications from \textbf{180ms} to \textbf{70ms} through API profiling and optimization, and conducted load testing using \textbf{JMeter}.}
  160.    \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Led a team of interns in developing an organizational hiring platform from concept to deployment, utilizing ReactJS and Spring Boot (Java). The product satisfied employee onboarding needs and delivered substantial value.}
  161.     \resumeItemListEnd
  162.     \vspace{1pt}
  163. %      \resumeSubheading{MAQ Software}{April 2019 -- October 2019} {Associate Software Engineer} {Hyderabad, India}
  164. % \resumeItemListStart
  165. % \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Utilized \textbf{Azure Data Bricks} notebooks to streamline data processing and harnessed the power of Azure Data Factory to architect seamless data migration from on-premise infrastructure to the Azure cloud ecosystem, contributing to enhanced data management efficiency and scalability.}
  166. % \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Crafted \textbf{PowerBi} dashboards for the CRM team using optimized\textbf{ T-SQL} queries to ensure efficient data visualization.}
  167. % \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Designed database applications, such as interfaces, data transfer mechanisms, global temporary tables, data partitions, and function-based indexes, to enable efficient access to the generic database structure}
  168. % \resumeItemListEnd
  169. \vspace{-2pt}
  172. \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  174. %-----------PROJECTS-----------------
  175. \vspace{-10pt}
  176. \section{Projects}
  177. \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  178. \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{Parallelization of KMP string matching algorithm} $|$ \emph{C/C++, MPI, OPEN MP, SLURM}}{}
  179. %\resumeSubItem{IPL Data Analysis}{Relational Databases, Tableau, Python, PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node}
  180. \resumeItemListStart
  181. \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Developed a parallel KMP string matching algorithm under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Russ Miller. Emphasized optimizing inter-processor communication, resulting in improved runtime. Conducted experiments on substantial DNA datasets at Buffalo’s Centre for Computational Research facility, with performance assessments across diverse network bands like \textbf{TCP/IP} and \textbf{IB}. Enhanced proficiencies in \textbf{high-performance computing}, algorithm design, and optimization.}
  182. \resumeItemListEnd
  183. \vspace{-3pt}
  184. \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{Project Enigma} $|$ \emph{PostgreSQL, Node.js, TypeScript, ReactJs, Git}}{}
  185. \resumeItemListStart
  186. \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Designed and developed Buffalo’s groundbreaking home services web app using React for frontend development and \textbf{Node.js} with \textbf{PostgreSQL} for scalable backend services and deployed it in AWS EC2. Successful campus trials impressed investors, leading to encouragement for widespread deployment. Transformed the home services industry in Buffalo, optimizing convenience and efficiency for service providers and customers alike.}
  187. \resumeItemListEnd
  188. % \vspace{-3pt}
  189. % \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{mPokket} $|$ \emph{Java, Android, SQLite, Firebase, Git}}{}
  190. % \resumeItemListStart
  191. % \resumeItemWithoutTitle{}{Designed and developed an Android e-wallet app tailored for LPU students, streamlining the process of requesting funds from verified lenders following successful student verification. Implemented \textbf{MVVM} and \textbf{MVC} design patterns for optimal structure and employed \textbf{SQLite} and \textbf{Firebase} for robust data management. Deployed the application on the Google Play Store, serving a user base exceeding 5,000 students. }
  192. % \resumeItemListEnd
  193. \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  194. \vspace{-10pt}
  196. \end{document}
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