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- 'From: Trevor Sinclair Conference: Quik_Bas (3)
- 'Date: 09-02-96 15:26 Subject: Mystify
- 'Hey people, here's my mystify code I though some of you could maybe use.
- 'Type a number on the commandline as a paramater to Mystify.exe and that
- 'will be the number of lines. You can form a nice web by doing mystify 200.
- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- ' MYSTIFY.BAS - by Trevor Sinclair for the public domain.
- ' :::::::::::
- ' ::::::::::: - This is my QBasic version of Mystify, like the one
- ' ::::::::::: that comes with Windows. If you change the screen
- ' ::::::::::: mode, be sure to change the maxx, maxy variables.
- ' ::::::::::: - This is anybody's source code now, so use it in your
- ' ::::::::::: programs and don't worry about giving me credit.
- '
- ' - You may wish to add a delay. On my 386 this was a bit
- ' too fast.
- ' ******* Thanks to Kurt Kuzba for the Delay sub *******
- DECLARE SUB delay (hold!)
- DEFINT A-Z ' all untypes variables are int
- OPTION BASE 1 ' Arrays start at 1
- RANDOMIZE TIMER ' randomize randomizer
- TYPE dotType
- numlines = VAL(COMMAND$)
- IF numlines < 2 THEN numlines = 5
- DIM Points(numlines, 4) AS dotType ' the main array
- DIM Incs(4) AS dotType ' holds the dots' increments
- head = 1
- tail = 2
- col = RND * 14 + 1 ' pick a color
- colCounter = 0 ' counts up to certain amount then
- ' changes color
- maxx = 640 ' change these to the maximum coordinates
- maxy = 350 ' for your screen mode
- FOR i = 1 TO 4 ' generate initial increments
- DO
- xinc = RND * 10 - 5
- yinc = RND * 10 - 5
- LOOP UNTIL xinc <> 0 AND yinc <> 0
- Incs(i).x = xinc
- Incs(i).y = yinc
- NEXT i
- FOR i = 1 TO 4 ' starting spots for each point in the thingy
- Points(head, i).x = RND * maxx
- Points(head, i).y = RND * maxy
- NEXT i
- DO ' main loop
- colCounter = colCounter + 1 ' increment colCounter
- IF (colCounter > 50) THEN ' change current color when
- col = RND * 14 + 1 ' colCounter reaches 200
- colCounter = 0
- FOR i = 1 TO 3
- x1 = Points(tail, i).x: x2 = Points(tail, i + 1).x ' erase most last
- y1 = Points(tail, i).y: y2 = Points(tail, i + 1).y ' thingy drawn
- LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), 0
- NEXT i
- x1 = Points(tail, 4).x: x2 = Points(tail, 1).x
- y1 = Points(tail, 4).y: y2 = Points(tail, 1).y
- LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), 0
- oldHead = head ' change the pointers to the tail
- head = tail ' and head elements. This simulates
- tail = tail + 1 ' a stack.
- IF tail > numlines THEN tail = 1 ' make sure stack doesn't overflow
- FOR i = 1 TO 4 ' make new shape
- Points(head, i).x = Points(oldHead, i).x + Incs(i).x
- Points(head, i).y = Points(oldHead, i).y + Incs(i).y
- NEXT i
- FOR i = 1 TO 4 ' check that the thingy isn't off the
- temp = RND * 10 + 1 ' screen, invert increments if it is.
- IF (Points(head, i).x > maxx - 12) THEN Incs(i).x = -temp
- IF (Points(head, i).x < 12) THEN Incs(i).x = temp
- IF (Points(head, i).y > maxy - 12) THEN Incs(i).y = -temp
- IF (Points(head, i).y < 12) THEN Incs(i).y = temp
- NEXT i
- FOR i = 1 TO 3 ' now draw the current thingy
- x1 = Points(head, i).x: x2 = Points(head, i + 1).x
- y1 = Points(head, i).y: y2 = Points(head, i + 1).y
- LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), col
- NEXT i
- x1 = Points(head, 4).x: x2 = Points(head, 1).x
- y1 = Points(head, 4).y: y2 = Points(head, 1).y
- LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), col
- delay .01 ' delay program operation.
- ' Thank you Kurt Kuzba for this SUB
- ' I was wondering how one did that..
- LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" ' stop when keyboard has been pressed
- SCREEN 0 ' return to text screen mode
- ' Okay basically what this does is hold the data for all the 4 corners of
- ' the quadrilateral, and saves the data for the last five dots. By simulating
- ' a stack, with wrap-around pointers to the head and tail, it uses the same
- ' five elements over and over again. That is the best I can explain it.
- '
- ' Made by Trevor Sinclair, September 1st, 1996.
- '* Origin: <FIDONET> Late Nite DIVERSIONS * Sarnia Ontario
- '* 519-332-0241 * (1:246/104)
- SUB delay (hold!) ' Thanks to Kurt Kuzba for this function
- ' pause program in .05 second intervals.
- DEF SEG = 0
- IF hold! < (3600 / 65536) THEN hold! = (3600 / 65536)
- WHILE hold! > 14.0625
- hold% = PEEK(&H46C)
- WHILE PEEK(&H46C) = hold%: WEND
- WHILE PEEK(&H46C) <> hold%: WEND
- hold! = hold! - 14.0625
- hold% = hold! * 18.20444444#
- hold% = (PEEK(&H46C) + hold%) AND 255
- WHILE PEEK(&H46C) <> hold%: WEND
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