
Endurance 2

Oct 11th, 2023
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  1. Milo’s antlers tore into the Wyld Wolf’s back, causing it to release a howl of pain. The Staglord tried to drive his stubby tines deeper, twisting his head to cause maximum damage, but the beast released a hand from Trent to slash at him. He felt claws rip at his scalp, tearing out hair as he was yanked free from the monster’s back and tossed against the wall. That was the opening the Wolf Knight needed.
  3. Trent punched up at the arm that held his throat, his fist striking the monster’s extended elbow from below. There was a snap as the arm twisted, hold instantly lost, and the Wyld Wolf roared once more. Then it was spinning, back in Trent’s embrace, smashing into the fireplace again. The Wolf Knight’s clawed hands were buried in the beast’s woad-daubed chest, driving it repeatedly into the bricks as more ancient masonry collapsed about them. There was a splintering wail as the timber mantel gave way, twisting in its housing, the entire southern wall of the ruined beacon tower groaning above them. One more mighty punch from Trent sent the Wolfman into a heap upon the hearth before he leapt clear of the collapsing wall. Timber and wall descended upon the stricken monster, sealing it within a tomb of rubble.
  5. B6 P2 C4
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