

Apr 26th, 2023
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  1. (WARNING) Package name should follow reverse domain notation (e.g. ""). It will be mandatory in future versions.
  2. (ERROR) [dbus] Dependency is not allowed
  3. (ERROR) [] Dependency is not allowed
  4. (ERROR) [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5] Dependency is not allowed
  5. (ERROR) [openssl-libs] Dependency is not allowed
  6. (ERROR) [sailfish-components-contacts-qt5] Dependency is not allowed
  7. (ERROR) [Nemo.Time 1.0] Import is not allowed
  8. (ERROR) [Sailfish.Contacts 1.0] Import is not allowed
  9. (ERROR) [Sailfish.Messages 1.0] Import is not allowed
  10. (ERROR) [Sailfish.Telephony 1.0] Import is not allowed
  11. (ERROR) [Sailfish.TextLinking 1.0] Import is not allowed
  12. (ERROR) [org.nemomobile.commhistory 1.0] Import is not allowed
  13. (ERROR) [org.nemomobile.contacts 1.0] Import is not allowed
  14. (ERROR) [desktop] 'X-HarbourBackup' group is disallowed
  15. (WARNING) [desktop] X-Nemo-Application-Type should be silica-qt5 for apps importing Sailfish.Silica in QML
  16. (WARNING) [desktop] X-Nemo-Application-Type should be silica-qt5 (not a Silica app?)
  17. (ERROR) [/etc/sailjail/permissions/harbour-whisperfish.profile] Installation not allowed in this location
  18. (ERROR) [/usr/lib/systemd/system/be.rubdos.whisperfish.service] Installation not allowed in this location
  19. (ERROR) [/usr/lib/systemd/user/harbour-whisperfish.service] Installation not allowed in this location
  20. (ERROR) [/usr/share/lipstick/notificationcategories/harbour-whisperfish-message.conf] Installation not allowed in this location
  21. (ERROR) [/usr/share/mapplauncherd/privileges.d/harbour-whisperfish.privileges] Installation not allowed in this location
  22. (ERROR) [] Library is not allowed
  23. (WARNING) [sailjail] OrganizationName and ApplicationName pair should form a package name (e.g. for package "" ApplicationName must be "app" and OrganizationName must be "com.example")
  24. (WARNING) [sailjail] ExecDBus and/or ExecSystemService will not work, remove "-" from Application name
  25. (ERROR) [Contacts] Permission is not allowed
  26. (ERROR) [Notifications] Permission is not allowed
  27. (ERROR) [Phone] Permission is not allowed
  28. (ERROR) [Privileged] Permission is not allowed
  29. (ERROR) [Mozilla] Permission is not allowed
  30. (ERROR) [AppLaunch] Permission is not allowed
  31. (ERROR) [libsailfishapp] Invalid Requires: libsailfishapp-launcher
  32. (WARNING) [rpath] The rpath in binary is empty
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