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- local VERSION = "1.0.2"
- -- Global signal-indexed state maps.
- local lastTrainOverheadStates = {}
- local lastTrainOverheadDataObjs = {}
- local trainScanTimers = {}
- -- Determines if a train is currently traversing the given signal.
- local function trainOverhead(signal)
- return redstone.getInput(signal.redstoneInputSide)
- end
- -- Determines if a train was over the given signal the last time we checked.
- local function wasTrainOverheadPreviously(signal)
- return lastTrainOverheadStates[] == true
- end
- local function getTrainData(signal)
- local det = peripheral.wrap(signal.detector)
- if det == nil then
- print("Error: Signal " .. .. "'s detector could not be connected. Please fix the config and restart.")
- else
- return det.consist()
- end
- end
- -- Returns the from, to branches for a signal when a train travels in the given direction.
- local function getBranches(dir, signal)
- local branches = signal.branches
- if string.upper(branches[1].direction) == string.upper(dir) then
- return branches[2].id, branches[1].id
- elseif string.upper(branches[2].direction) == string.upper(dir) then
- return branches[1].id, branches[2].id
- end
- end
- -- Sends an update to the RailSignal API.
- local function sendSignalUpdate(ws, signal, data, msgType)
- local from, to = getBranches(string.upper(data.direction), signal)
- local msg = textutils.serializeJSON({
- signalId =,
- fromBranchId = from,
- toBranchId = to,
- type = msgType
- })
- print("-> S: " .. .. ", from: " .. from .. ", to: " .. to .. ", T: " .. msgType)
- ws.send(msg)
- end
- local function updateBranchStatusIndicator(branch, status, config)
- if branch.monitor ~= nil then
- local mon = peripheral.wrap(branch.monitor)
- if mon ~= nil then
- local c = config.statusColors[status]
- if c == nil then c = config.statusColors.ERROR end
- mon.setBackgroundColor(c)
- mon.clear()
- else
- print("Error! Could not connect to monitor " .. branch.monitor .. " for branch " .. .. ". Check and fix config.")
- end
- end
- end
- local function updateBranchStatus(signal, branchId, status, config)
- for _, branch in pairs(signal.branches) do
- if == branchId then
- updateBranchStatusIndicator(branch, status, config)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- -- Manually set the status indicator for all branch monitors.
- local function setAllBranchStatus(config, status)
- for _, signal in pairs(config.signals) do
- for _, branch in pairs(signal.branches) do
- updateBranchStatusIndicator(branch, status, config)
- end
- end
- end
- local function initMonitorColors(config)
- for _, signal in pairs(config.signals) do
- for _, branch in pairs(signal.branches) do
- if branch.monitor ~= nil then
- local mon = peripheral.wrap(branch.monitor)
- if mon ~= nil then
- for c, v in pairs(config.paletteColors) do
- mon.setPaletteColor(c, v)
- end
- else
- print("Error! Could not connect to monitor " .. branch.monitor .. " for branch " .. .. ". Check and fix config.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Checks if all signals managed by this controller are reporting an "online" status.
- local function checkSignalOnlineStatus(config)
- for _, signal in pairs(config.signals) do
- local resp = http.get(config.apiUrl .. "/railSystems/" .. config.rsId .. "/signals/" ..
- if resp == nil or resp.getResponseCode() ~= 200 then
- return false
- else
- local signalData = textutils.unserializeJSON(resp.readAll())
- if not then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function handleRedstoneEvent(ws, config)
- for _, signal in pairs(config.signals) do
- if trainOverhead(signal) and not wasTrainOverheadPreviously(signal) then
- local data = getTrainData(signal)
- if data == nil then
- print("Got redstone event but could not obtain train data on signal " ..
- else
- lastTrainOverheadDataObjs[] = data
- lastTrainOverheadStates[] = true
- sendSignalUpdate(ws, signal, data, "BEGIN")
- trainScanTimers[] = os.startTimer(config.trainScanInterval)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function handleTrainScanTimerEvent(ws, config, timerId)
- for k, signal in pairs(config.signals) do
- if trainScanTimers[] == timerId then
- if trainOverhead(signal) then -- The train is still overhead.
- local data = getTrainData(signal)
- if data ~= nil then
- lastTrainOverheadDataObjs[] = data
- end
- trainScanTimers[] = os.startTimer(config.trainScanInterval)
- else -- The train has left the signal so send an update.
- sendSignalUpdate(ws, signal, lastTrainOverheadDataObjs[], "END")
- lastTrainOverheadDataObjs[] = nil
- lastTrainOverheadStates[] = nil
- trainScanTimers[] = nil
- end
- return
- end
- end
- print("Warn: Train scan timer was ignored.")
- end
- local function handleWebSocketMessage(msg, config)
- local data = textutils.unserializeJSON(msg)
- local branchId = data["branchId"]
- local status = data["status"]
- print("<- B: " .. branchId .. ", Status: " .. status)
- for _, signal in pairs(config.signals) do
- updateBranchStatus(signal, branchId, status, config)
- end
- end
- local function loadConfig(file)
- local f =, "r")
- if f == nil then return createConfig(file) end
- local text = f:read("*a")
- f:close()
- return textutils.unserialize(text)
- end
- -- Connects to the RailSignal API websocket. Will block indefinitely until a connection can be obtained.
- local function connectToWebSocket(config)
- local signalIds = {}
- for _, signal in pairs(config.signals) do
- table.insert(signalIds, tostring(
- end
- local signalIdsStr = table.concat(signalIds, ",")
- while true do
- local ws, err = http.websocket(config.wsUrl, {[config.wsHeader] = signalIdsStr})
- if ws == false then
- print("Error connecting to RailSignal websocket:\n\tError: " .. err .. "\n\tTrying again in 3 seconds.")
- os.sleep(3)
- else
- print("Successfully connected to RailSignal websocket at " .. config.wsUrl .. " for managing signals: " .. signalIdsStr)
- return ws
- end
- end
- end
- -- Main Script
- term.clear()
- print("RailSignal Signal Controller V" .. VERSION)
- print(" By Andrew Lalis. For more info, check here:")
- print(" To update, execute \"sig update\" in the command line.")
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- print(string.rep("-", w))
- if arg[1] ~= nil and string.lower(arg[1]) == "update" then
- print("Updating to the latest version of RailSignal signal program.")
- fs.delete("sig.lua")
- shell.execute("pastebin", "get", "erA3mSfd", "sig.lua")
- print("Download complete. Restarting...")
- os.sleep(1)
- os.reboot()
- end
- local config = loadConfig("sig_config.tbl")
- initMonitorColors(config)
- setAllBranchStatus(config, "NONE")
- local ws = connectToWebSocket(config)
- local refreshWebSocketAlarm = os.setAlarm((os.time() + math.random(1, 23)) % 24)
- while true do
- local eventData = {os.pullEvent()}
- local event = eventData[1]
- if event == "redstone" then
- handleRedstoneEvent(ws, config)
- elseif event == "timer" then
- handleTrainScanTimerEvent(ws, config, eventData[2])
- elseif event == "websocket_message" then
- handleWebSocketMessage(eventData[3], config)
- elseif event == "websocket_closed" then
- setAllBranchStatus(config, "ERROR")
- print("! RailSignal websocket closed. Attempting to reconnect.")
- os.sleep(0.5)
- ws = connectToWebSocket(config)
- elseif event == "alarm" and eventData[2] == refreshWebSocketAlarm then
- print("! Checking signal online status.")
- if not checkSignalOnlineStatus(config) then
- print("Not all signals are reporting an online status. Reconnecting to the websocket.")
- ws.close()
- ws = connectToWebSocket(config)
- end
- end
- end
- ws.close()
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