
RV: Orbital Defense

Apr 15th, 2014
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  1. Retro Vaders: Orbital Defense
  3. Player moves in a circular orbit of the Earth firing at invading Vaders using arrow keys to rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise.
  5. Each of the Blaster types has a normal attack and a secondary special attack and can be upgraded through its 5 stages (as in RV2) although spectrum level always stays at yellow (1) meaning that highly armoured vaders take multiple shots to kill.
  7. Sniper Blaster
  8. ----------------
  9. Very high movement speed, rotates very quickly and has a small mass allowing for easier bullet dodging
  10. Primary Attack: Fires a single, high velocity projectile with a fairly quick reload speed.
  11. Special Attack: Piercing Shot - Fires a special projectile which pierces through all Vaders in it's path, fairly quick cooldown
  13. Spread Blaster
  14. ----------------
  15. Slow movement speed, rotates slowly and is bulky due to it's fairly large mass.
  16. Primary Attack: Fires multiple projectiles in a line spread with a quite slow reload speed
  17. Special Attack: Shock and Awe - Fires a rapid burst of 3 lines of spreads in quick succession. Fairly long cool down
  19. Rapid Blaster
  20. ----------------
  21. High movement speed, average sized mass for a fairly balanced blaster
  22. Primary Attack: Fires bullets with a quick cooldown, gains additional projectiles per shot at levels 4 and 5.
  23. Special Attack: Overcharger - Auto fires with a massively increased firing rate / reload speed for a short period, average length cooldown
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