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- tout est buggé j'en peut plus
- subpixel equ 4
- subpixel2 equ 8
- nbbob equ 10
- start:
- clr.l -(sp)
- move.w #$20,-(sp)
- trap #1
- addq.l #6,sp
- lea spritedeca,a0
- move.w #16*2*16-1,d0
- .toto clr.w (a0)+
- dbf d0,.toto
- ; move.l $44e.w,d0
- ; clr.w -(sp)
- ; move.l d0,-(sp)
- ; move.l d0,-(sp)
- ; move.w #5,-(sp)
- ; trap #14
- ; lea 12(sp),sp
- ;
- jsr extractsprite
- jsr prepare_segments
- ; creation convx et convy
- ; move.l #$8000,d0 ; offset,motif or
- ; lea convx,a0
- ;.loopconvx
- ; rept subpixel
- ; move.l d0,(a0)+
- ; endr
- ; lsr.w #1,d0
- ; bne.s .loopconvx
- ; add.l #$00088000,d0
- ; cmp.l #$00a08000,d0
- ; bne.s .loopconvx
- ;
- ; move.w #0,d0
- ; move.w #199,d1
- ; lea convy,a0
- ;.loopconvy
- ; rept subpixel
- ; move.w d0,(a0)+
- ; endr
- ; add #160,d0
- ; dbf d1,.loopconvy
- ;
- move.l ptrConvX,a0
- ;lea codegenliste,a1
- move.w #19,d0
- moveq #0,d2
- .loop3
- lea codegenliste,a1
- lea codeeffliste,a3
- moveq #15,d3
- .loop2
- move.l (a3)+,d5
- move.l (a1)+,d1
- rept subpixel2
- move.w d2,(a0)+ ; offset
- move.l d5,(a0)+ ; code effacement
- move.l d1,(a0)+ ; code affichage
- endr
- dbf d3,.loop2
- addq.w #8,d2
- dbf d0,.loop3
- move.l ptrConvY,a0
- moveq #0,d2
- move.w #160,d1
- move.w #199,d0 ; pas de cliping pour l'instant
- .loop4
- rept subpixel2
- move.w d2,(a0)+
- endr
- add d1,d2
- dbf d0,.loop4
- jsr convsinus
- main
- jsr swap_screen
- jsr majAngle
- jsr calcAllPos
- jsr waitvbl
- ;jsr swap_screen
- move.l log,d0
- cmp.b #$b9,$fffffc02.w
- beq.s .fin
- jmp main
- .fin
- move.l $44e.w,d0
- lsr.w #8,d0
- move.l d0,$ffff8200.w
- bsr waitvbl
- move.l $44e.w,d0
- move.w #1,-(sp)
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.w #5,-(sp)
- trap #14
- lea 12(sp),sp
- clr.w -(sp)
- trap #1
- cptdeca dc.w 0
- angles dc.w 128,128,50,70
- ajoutangle dc.w 14,7,512-11,6
- majangle
- lea ajoutangle,a0
- lea angles,a1
- moveq #3,d7
- .loop
- move.w (a0)+,d0
- move.w (a1),d1
- add d0,d1
- and.w #511,d1
- move.w d1,(a1)+
- dbf d7,.loop
- rts
- convsinus
- move.l sinx1,a1
- move.l sinx2,a2
- lea sin512,a0
- move.w #511,d0
- move.w ptrconvX+2,d4
- .loop
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w (a0)+,d1
- add.w #32767,d1
- move.l d1,d2
- mulu #(40*2-8)*subpixel2,d1
- mulu #(60*2-8)*subpixel2,d2 ; 8 subpixel
- ;asl #1,d1
- ;asl #1,d2
- swap d1
- swap d2
- ; *10 = *8+*2 = *2(*4+1)
- add d1,d1
- move.w d1,d3
- add.w d3,d3 *4
- add.w d3,d3
- add d3,d1 ; d1 = d1 * 10
- ; and.w #-4,d1
- ; and.w #-4,d2
- add d2,d2
- move.w d2,d3
- add d3,d3
- add d3,d3
- add d3,d2
- add d4,d1 ; premiere table de sinus, on ajoute l'offset de convX
- move.w d1,(a1)+
- move.w d2,(a2)+
- dbf d0,.loop
- move.w ptrConvY+2,d4
- move.l siny1,a1
- move.l siny2,a2
- lea sin512,a0
- move.w #511,d0
- .loopy
- moveq #0,d1
- move.w (a0)+,d1
- add.w #32767,d1
- move.l d1,d2
- mulu #(40*2-8)*subpixel2*2,d1
- mulu #(60*2-8)*subpixel2*2,d2
- ; asl #1,d1
- ; asl #1,d2
- swap d1
- swap d2
- and.w #-2,d1
- and.w #-2,d2
- add d4,d1 ; ajoute l'offset segment
- move.w d1,(a1)+
- move.w d2,(a2)+
- dbf d0,.loopy
- ; createContigustable
- ;
- ; a0 = ram
- ; d0 = nombre d'element de la table sinus
- ; d1 = pas interne
- ; d2 = nombre de copie de valeurs
- ; a3 = table de sinus d'amplitude final
- ;
- ; pendant le fonctionnement:
- ; constante d3,d4,d5 = pas interne,*2,*4
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; retour:
- ; a0 = ram
- ; a1 = adresse table de d0 adresses reftable pris a partir de la ram
- ;
- lea ram3,a0
- move.w #512,d0
- move.w #nbbob,d2 ; nombre de copie de valeur
- move.w #5,d1 ; pas interne 5 /512
- move.l sinx1,a3
- jsr createContigustable
- move.l a1,ptrref1
- move.w #512,d0
- move.w #10,d1
- move.w #nbbob,d2
- move.l sinx2,a3
- jsr createContigustable
- move.l a1,ptrref2
- move.w #512,d0
- move.w #6,d1
- move.w #nbbob,d2
- move.l siny1,a3
- jsr createContigustable
- move.l a1,ptrref3
- move.w #512,d0
- move.w #512-4,d1
- move.w #nbbob,d2
- move.l siny2,a3
- jsr createContigustable
- move.l a1,ptrref4
- rts
- ang1 dc.w 128
- ang2 dc.w 128
- ang3 dc.w 0
- ang4 dc.w 0
- ajoutang1 dc.w 4
- ajoutang2 dc.w 11
- ajoutang3 dc.w 512-8
- ajoutang4 dc.w 6
- calcAllpos
- move.l ptrref1,a5
- move.l ptrref2,a1
- move.w ang1,d0
- add d0,d0
- add d0,d0
- add.w d0,a5
- move.w ang2,d0
- add d0,d0
- add.w d0,d0
- add.w d0,a1
- move.l ptrref3,a2
- move.l ptrref4,a3
- move.w ang3,d0
- add d0,d0
- add d0,d0
- add d0,a2
- move.w ang4,d0
- add d0,d0
- add d0,d0
- add d0,a3
- move.l (a5),a5
- move.l (a1),a1
- move.l (a2),a2
- move.l (a3),a3
- lea efface1lst,a4
- move.l ptrConvX,d0
- move.l ptrConvY,d1
- move.l ptrscr1,d3
- move.w #nbbob,d2
- .loopcalcul
- move.w (a5)+,d0
- add.w (a1)+,d0
- move.w (a2)+,d1
- add (a3)+,d1
- move.l d1,a6
- move.w (a6),d3 ; y*160
- move.l d0,a6
- add.w (a6)+,d3
- move.w d3,(a4)+ ; effacement offset
- move.l (a6)+,(a4)+ ; routine d'effacement
- move.l (a6),a6 ; routine d'affichage
- move.l d3,a0
- jsr (a6)
- dbf d7,.loopcalcul
- lea ang1,a0
- lea 8(a0),a1
- movem.w (a1),d0-d3
- move.w (a0),d4
- add.w d0,d4
- move.w #511,d5
- and d5,d4
- move.w d4,(a0)+
- move.w (a0),d4
- add.w d1,d4
- and d5,d4
- move.w d4,(a0)+
- move.w (a0),d4
- add.w d2,d4
- and d5,d4
- move.w d4,(a0)+
- move.w (a0),d4
- add.w d3,d4
- and d5,d4
- move.w d4,(a0)+
- ; maj angle fait
- rts
- prepare_segments
- move.l #screenbuf,d0
- moveq #4,d1
- swap d1
- jsr getMem1 ; prepare 16 zone memoire allant de 32768 a 1 octet (puissance de 2)
- lea ptrMem,a0
- movem.l (a0)+,d0-d3 ; 1 buffer de 32k un de 16k un de 8k un de 4k pas aligné mais contigu au meme segment
- move.l d3,sinX1 ; sinx1 x2 y1 y2 devenu des pointeur sur
- ; 512 word
- move.l #1024,d5
- add.l d5,d3
- move.l d3,sinX2
- add.l d5,d3
- move.l d3,sinY1
- add.l d5,d3
- move.l d3,sinY2 ; place pour 4k = 4 table de 512 word
- ; cad poid fort de l'adresse du buffer est toujours a la meme valeur
- move.l d0,ptrConvY ; 32k alloué pour convy: 1856*2 en comptant cliping haut bas de 16 pixel de hauteur et 4 subpixel
- add.l #2*1856,d0
- ; 30912 octet libre
- move.l d0,ptrConvX ; 12800 octet pour 320 pixel 4 subpixel 10 octet (adresseEFF,adresseAFF,offset)
- add.l #12800+32*10*4,d0 ; pile poil 4 subpixel convy 232*8 subpixel*2 + 352*8 subpixel*10 octet
- moveq #0,d4 ; 31872 octet sur 32768
- move.w #1024,d4
- lea sinx1,a1
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- add.l d4,d0
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- add.l d4,d0
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- add.l d4,d0
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- move.l d1,ptr16k
- move.l d2,ptrFlag ; 8k max pour les flag, sinus dont le nombre d'element ne depasse pas 8192
- move.l d3,ptr4k
- move.l #screenbuf,d0
- moveq #1,d1
- swap d1
- add.l d1,d0
- clr.w d0
- move.l d0,log
- move.l d0,ptrscr1
- add.l d1,d0
- move.l d0,phys
- move.l d0,ptrscr2
- add.l d1,d0
- move.l d0,ptrscr3
- add.l d1,d0
- move.l d0,ptrscr4
- ; add.l d1,d0
- ; move.l d0,convX
- ; add.l #320*subpixel*8,d0
- ; add.l d1,d0
- ; move.l d0,convY
- rts
- waitvbl
- move.w $468.w,d0
- .loop cmp.w $468.w,d0
- beq.s .loop
- rts
- swap_screen
- move.l log,d0
- move.l phys,d1
- move.l d0,phys
- move.l d1,log
- lsr.w #8,d0
- move.l d0,$ffff8200.w
- rts
- extractsprite
- lea pi1+2,a0
- movem.w (a0),d0-d3
- movem.w d0-d3,$ffff8240.w
- lea pi1+34,a0
- lea spritedeca,a1
- moveq #0,d1
- moveq #15,d7
- .loop0
- move.l (a0),d0
- lea 160(a0),a0
- move.l d0,(a1)+
- move.l d1,(a1)+
- dbf d7,.loop0
- moveq #14,d7
- lea spritedeca,a1
- move.l a1,a3
- lea 128(a1),a2
- move.l a2,a4
- .copyandshift
- move.w #15,d6
- .ligne
- ; rept 2
- ; move.w (a1)+,d0
- ; move.w 2(a1),d1
- ; move.w #0,ccr ; set x to 0
- ; roxr #1,d0
- ; roxr #1,d1
- ; move.w d0,(a2)+
- ; move.w d1,2(a2)
- ; ;lea 2(a1),a1
- ; ;lea 2(a2),a2
- ; endr
- MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+
- MOVE.L (A1)+,(A2)+
- LEA -8(A2),A2
- ROXR (A2)
- ROXR 4(A2)
- ROXR 2(A2)
- ROXR 6(a2)
- lea 8(a2),a2
- dbf d6,.ligne
- lea 128(a3),a3
- lea 128(a4),a4
- move.l a3,a1
- move.l a4,a2
- ; lea 4(a2),a2
- ; lea 4(a1),a1
- dbf d7,.copyandshift
- makecodegen
- lea spritedeca,a0
- lea ram,a1
- lea codegenliste,a2
- lea codeeffliste,a3
- lea ram2,a4
- moveq #15,d0
- .loopSprite
- move.l a4,(a3)+
- move.l a1,(a2)+
- moveq #15,d1
- moveq #0,d6 ; offset
- .loopligne
- move.w (a0)+,d2
- move.w (a0)+,d3
- move.w (a0)+,d4
- move.w (a0)+,d5
- tst.w d2
- bne.s .1
- tst.w d3
- beq.s .nerienfaire
- ; or.w #d3,offset+2(a0)
- move.w d3,d7
- addq #2,d6
- bsr orwd7d6_2
- subq #2,d6
- bra.s .suite
- .1 ; d2 contient kekchose
- tst.w d3
- beq.s .wordd2
- ; or.l #d2d3,offset(a0)
- move.w d2,d7
- swap d7
- move.w d3,d7
- bsr orld7d6
- bra.s .suite
- .wordd2
- ; or.w #d2,offset(a0)
- move.w d2,d7
- bsr orwd7d6
- bra.s .suite
- .nerienfaire
- nop
- .suite
- tst.w d4
- bne.s .2
- tst.w d5
- beq.s .nerienfaire2
- ; or.w #d5,offset+8+2(a0)
- move.w d5,d7
- add.w #10,d6
- bsr orwd7d6_2
- sub.w #10,d6
- bra.s .suite2
- .2 tst.w d5
- beq.s .wordd4
- ; or.l #d4d5,offset+8(a0)
- move.w d4,d7
- swap d7
- move.w d5,d7
- addq.w #8,d6
- bsr orld7d6
- subq #8,d6
- bra.s .suite2
- .wordd4
- ; or.w #d4,offset+8(a0)
- move.w d4,d7
- addq #8,d6
- bsr orwd7d6
- subq #8,d6
- bra.s .suite2
- .nerienfaire2
- nop
- .suite2
- add #160,d6
- dbf d1,.loopligne
- move.w #$4e75,(a1)+
- move.w #$4e75,(a4)+
- dbf d0,.loopSprite
- rts
- orwd7d6
- ; move.l d2,-(sp)
- move.w d7,d2 ; plus besoin de d2
- swap d2
- move.w d7,d2
- not.l d2
- ; and.l d2,d6(a0) 02a8
- move.w #$02a8,(a1)+ ; + 8 octet au code genere
- move.l d2,(a1)+
- move.w d6,(a1)+
- move.w #$68,(a1)+
- move.w d7,(a1)+
- move.w d6,(a1)+
- move.w #$2140,(a4)+ ; since it's masked on 2 plan, the clearing is long instead of word
- move.w d6,(A4)+ ; ($2140 instead of $3140) (move.l d0,d6(a0) instead of move.w d0,d6(a0))
- ; move.l (sp)+,d2
- rts
- orwd7d6_2 ; cas ou orwd7d6 mais sur le deuxieme plan, l'effacement se fait naturellement sur le premier plan
- ; move.l d2,-(sp)
- move.w d7,d2 ; plus besoin de d2
- swap d2
- move.w d7,d2
- not.l d2
- ; and.l d2,d6(a0) 02a8
- move.w #$02a8,(a1)+ ; + 8 octet au code genere
- move.l d2,(a1)+
- move.w d6,(a1)
- subq.w #2,(a1)+
- move.w #$68,(a1)+
- move.w d7,(a1)+
- move.w d6,(a1)+
- move.w #$2140,(a4)+ ; since it's masked on 2 plan, the clearing is long instead of word
- move.w d6,(A4) ; ($2140 instead of $3140) (move.l d0,d6(a0) instead of move.w d0,d6(a0))
- subq.w #2,(a4)+ ; on and.l sur le plan 0 et 1 et pas 1 et 2
- ; move.l (sp)+,d2
- rts
- orld7d6
- ; d7 = le data sur 2 plan
- ;
- ; move.l d2,-(sp)
- ; move.l d3,-(sp)
- move.w d7,d2
- swap d7
- or.w d7,d2
- swap d7 ; remet d7 a la bonne valeur
- not.w d2
- move.w d2,d3
- swap d2
- move.w d3,d2
- ; d2.l = masque a partir des 2 valeur poid fort poid faible de d7
- move.w #$02a8,(a1)+
- move.l d2,(a1)+
- move.w d6,(a1)+ ; + 8 octets
- move.w #$A8,(a1)+
- move.l d7,(a1)+
- move.w d6,(a1)+
- move.w #$2140,(a4)+
- move.w d6,(a4)+
- ; ;move.l (sp)+,d3
- ; move.l (sp)+,d2
- rts
- ds.l 1
- ds.b 65536
- screenbuf
- ds.w 65536
- ds.w 65536
- log ds.l 1
- phys ds.l 1
- ptrscr1 ds.l 1
- ptrscr2 ds.l 1
- ptrscr3 ds.l 1
- ptrscr4 ds.l 1
- ;convx ds.l 320*subpixel
- ;convy ds.w 200*subpixel
- ptrconvX ds.l 1
- ptrconvY ds.l 1
- efface1lst
- ds.l nbbob
- ds.l nbbob
- efface2lst
- ds.l nbbob
- ds.l nbbob
- sinx1 ds.l 1 ds.w 512
- sinx2 ds.l 1 ds.w 512
- siny1 ds.l 1 ds.w 512
- siny2 ds.l 1 ds.w 512
- ptrref1 ds.l 1
- ptrref2 ds.l 1
- ptrref3 ds.l 1
- ptrref4 ds.l 1
- codegenliste ds.l 16
- codeeffliste ds.l 16
- ram ds.b ($b24dA-$b19f2)+2000
- ds.l 5000
- ram2 ds.l 5000
- ds.l 5000
- ram3 ds.l 16000
- ;convxSprite ds.l 320*2*subpixel
- sprite ds.w 32
- spritedeca
- ds.w 128*16
- sin512: ; sin 512 element amplitude 32766
- dc.w 0,402,804,1206,1607,2009,2410,2811
- dc.w 3211,3611,4010,4409,4807,5205,5601,5997
- dc.w 6392,6786,7179,7570,7961,8350,8739,9125
- dc.w 9511,9895,10278,10659,11038,11416,11792,12166
- dc.w 12539,12909,13278,13644,14009,14371,14731,15090
- dc.w 15445,15799,16150,16498,16845,17188,17529,17868
- dc.w 18203,18536,18866,19194,19518,19840,20158,20474
- dc.w 20786,21095,21401,21704,22004,22300,22593,22882
- dc.w 23169,23451,23730,24006,24278,24546,24810,25071
- dc.w 25328,25581,25830,26076,26317,26555,26788,27018
- dc.w 27243,27465,27682,27895,28104,28308,28509,28705
- dc.w 28897,29084,29267,29445,29620,29789,29954,30115
- dc.w 30271,30423,30570,30712,30850,30983,31112,31236
- dc.w 31355,31469,31579,31683,31784,31879,31969,32055
- dc.w 32136,32212,32283,32349,32411,32467,32519,32566
- dc.w 32608,32645,32677,32704,32726,32743,32756,32763
- dc.w 32766,32763,32756,32743,32726,32704,32677,32645
- dc.w 32608,32566,32519,32467,32411,32349,32283,32212
- dc.w 32136,32055,31969,31879,31784,31683,31579,31469
- dc.w 31355,31236,31112,30983,30850,30712,30570,30423
- dc.w 30271,30115,29954,29789,29620,29445,29267,29084
- dc.w 28897,28705,28509,28308,28104,27895,27682,27465
- dc.w 27243,27018,26788,26555,26317,26076,25830,25581
- dc.w 25328,25071,24810,24546,24278,24006,23730,23451
- dc.w 23169,22882,22593,22300,22004,21704,21401,21095
- dc.w 20786,20474,20158,19840,19518,19194,18866,18536
- dc.w 18203,17868,17529,17188,16845,16498,16150,15799
- dc.w 15445,15090,14731,14371,14009,13644,13278,12909
- dc.w 12539,12166,11792,11416,11038,10659,10278,9895
- dc.w 9511,9125,8739,8350,7961,7570,7179,6786
- dc.w 6392,5997,5601,5205,4807,4409,4010,3611
- dc.w 3211,2811,2410,2009,1607,1206,804,402
- dc.w 0,-402,-804,-1206,-1607,-2009,-2410,-2811
- dc.w -3211,-3611,-4010,-4409,-4807,-5205,-5601,-5997
- dc.w -6392,-6786,-7179,-7570,-7961,-8350,-8739,-9125
- dc.w -9511,-9895,-10278,-10659,-11038,-11416,-11792,-12166
- dc.w -12539,-12909,-13278,-13644,-14009,-14371,-14731,-15090
- dc.w -15445,-15799,-16150,-16498,-16845,-17188,-17529,-17868
- dc.w -18203,-18536,-18866,-19194,-19518,-19840,-20158,-20474
- dc.w -20786,-21095,-21401,-21704,-22004,-22300,-22593,-22882
- dc.w -23169,-23451,-23730,-24006,-24278,-24546,-24810,-25071
- dc.w -25328,-25581,-25830,-26076,-26317,-26555,-26788,-27018
- dc.w -27243,-27465,-27682,-27895,-28104,-28308,-28509,-28705
- dc.w -28897,-29084,-29267,-29445,-29620,-29789,-29954,-30115
- dc.w -30271,-30423,-30570,-30712,-30850,-30983,-31112,-31236
- dc.w -31355,-31469,-31579,-31683,-31784,-31879,-31969,-32055
- dc.w -32136,-32212,-32283,-32349,-32411,-32467,-32519,-32566
- dc.w -32608,-32645,-32677,-32704,-32726,-32743,-32756,-32763
- dc.w -32766,-32763,-32756,-32743,-32726,-32704,-32677,-32645
- dc.w -32608,-32566,-32519,-32467,-32411,-32349,-32283,-32212
- dc.w -32136,-32055,-31969,-31879,-31784,-31683,-31579,-31469
- dc.w -31355,-31236,-31112,-30983,-30850,-30712,-30570,-30423
- dc.w -30271,-30115,-29954,-29789,-29620,-29445,-29267,-29084
- dc.w -28897,-28705,-28509,-28308,-28104,-27895,-27682,-27465
- dc.w -27243,-27018,-26788,-26555,-26317,-26076,-25830,-25581
- dc.w -25328,-25071,-24810,-24546,-24278,-24006,-23730,-23451
- dc.w -23169,-22882,-22593,-22300,-22004,-21704,-21401,-21095
- dc.w -20786,-20474,-20158,-19840,-19518,-19194,-18866,-18536
- dc.w -18203,-17868,-17529,-17188,-16845,-16498,-16150,-15799
- dc.w -15445,-15090,-14731,-14371,-14009,-13644,-13278,-12909
- dc.w -12539,-12166,-11792,-11416,-11038,-10659,-10278,-9895
- dc.w -9511,-9125,-8739,-8350,-7961,-7570,-7179,-6786
- dc.w -6392,-5997,-5601,-5205,-4807,-4409,-4010,-3611
- dc.w -3211,-2811,-2410,-2009,-1607,-1206,-804,-402
- sin896: ; sin 896 element amplitude 32766
- dc.w 0,229,459,689,918,1148,1378,1607
- dc.w 1837,2066,2295,2524,2753,2982,3211,3440
- dc.w 3668,3896,4124,4352,4580,4807,5034,5261
- dc.w 5488,5714,5941,6166,6392,6617,6842,7066
- dc.w 7291,7514,7738,7961,8184,8406,8628,8849
- dc.w 9070,9291,9511,9731,9950,10168,10387,10604
- dc.w 10821,11038,11254,11470,11685,11899,12113,12326
- dc.w 12539,12750,12962,13173,13383,13592,13801,14009
- dc.w 14216,14423,14629,14834,15038,15242,15445,15648
- dc.w 15849,16050,16250,16449,16647,16845,17041,17237
- dc.w 17432,17626,17819,18012,18203,18394,18584,18772
- dc.w 18960,19147,19333,19518,19702,19885,20067,20249
- dc.w 20429,20608,20786,20963,21139,21314,21488,21661
- dc.w 21833,22004,22174,22342,22510,22676,22841,23006
- dc.w 23169,23330,23491,23651,23809,23967,24123,24278
- dc.w 24431,24584,24735,24885,25034,25182,25328,25473
- dc.w 25617,25760,25901,26041,26180,26317,26454,26589
- dc.w 26722,26854,26985,27115,27243,27370,27496,27620
- dc.w 27743,27865,27985,28104,28221,28337,28452,28565
- dc.w 28677,28788,28897,29004,29110,29215,29318,29420
- dc.w 29521,29620,29717,29813,29908,30001,30093,30183
- dc.w 30271,30359,30444,30528,30611,30692,30772,30850
- dc.w 30927,31002,31076,31148,31218,31287,31355,31421
- dc.w 31485,31548,31609,31669,31727,31784,31839,31892
- dc.w 31944,31994,32043,32090,32136,32180,32222,32263
- dc.w 32303,32340,32376,32411,32444,32475,32505,32533
- dc.w 32559,32584,32608,32629,32650,32668,32685,32700
- dc.w 32714,32726,32737,32745,32753,32758,32762,32765
- dc.w 32766,32765,32762,32758,32753,32745,32737,32726
- dc.w 32714,32700,32685,32668,32650,32629,32608,32584
- dc.w 32559,32533,32505,32475,32444,32411,32376,32340
- dc.w 32303,32263,32222,32180,32136,32090,32043,31994
- dc.w 31944,31892,31839,31784,31727,31669,31609,31548
- dc.w 31485,31421,31355,31287,31218,31148,31076,31002
- dc.w 30927,30850,30772,30692,30611,30528,30444,30359
- dc.w 30271,30183,30093,30001,29908,29813,29717,29620
- dc.w 29521,29420,29318,29215,29110,29004,28897,28788
- dc.w 28677,28565,28452,28337,28221,28104,27985,27865
- dc.w 27743,27620,27496,27370,27243,27115,26985,26854
- dc.w 26722,26589,26454,26317,26180,26041,25901,25760
- dc.w 25617,25473,25328,25182,25034,24885,24735,24584
- dc.w 24431,24278,24123,23967,23809,23651,23491,23330
- dc.w 23169,23006,22841,22676,22510,22342,22174,22004
- dc.w 21833,21661,21488,21314,21139,20963,20786,20608
- dc.w 20429,20249,20067,19885,19702,19518,19333,19147
- dc.w 18960,18772,18584,18394,18203,18012,17819,17626
- dc.w 17432,17237,17041,16845,16647,16449,16250,16050
- dc.w 15849,15648,15445,15242,15038,14834,14629,14423
- dc.w 14216,14009,13801,13592,13383,13173,12962,12750
- dc.w 12539,12326,12113,11899,11685,11470,11254,11038
- dc.w 10821,10604,10387,10168,9950,9731,9511,9291
- dc.w 9070,8849,8628,8406,8184,7961,7738,7514
- dc.w 7291,7066,6842,6617,6392,6166,5941,5714
- dc.w 5488,5261,5034,4807,4580,4352,4124,3896
- dc.w 3668,3440,3211,2982,2753,2524,2295,2066
- dc.w 1837,1607,1378,1148,918,689,459,229
- dc.w 0,-229,-459,-689,-918,-1148,-1378,-1607
- dc.w -1837,-2066,-2295,-2524,-2753,-2982,-3211,-3440
- dc.w -3668,-3896,-4124,-4352,-4580,-4807,-5034,-5261
- dc.w -5488,-5714,-5941,-6166,-6392,-6617,-6842,-7066
- dc.w -7291,-7514,-7738,-7961,-8184,-8406,-8628,-8849
- dc.w -9070,-9291,-9511,-9731,-9950,-10168,-10387,-10604
- dc.w -10821,-11038,-11254,-11470,-11685,-11899,-12113,-12326
- dc.w -12539,-12750,-12962,-13173,-13383,-13592,-13801,-14009
- dc.w -14216,-14423,-14629,-14834,-15038,-15242,-15445,-15648
- dc.w -15849,-16050,-16250,-16449,-16647,-16845,-17041,-17237
- dc.w -17432,-17626,-17819,-18012,-18203,-18394,-18584,-18772
- dc.w -18960,-19147,-19333,-19518,-19702,-19885,-20067,-20249
- dc.w -20429,-20608,-20786,-20963,-21139,-21314,-21488,-21661
- dc.w -21833,-22004,-22174,-22342,-22510,-22676,-22841,-23006
- dc.w -23169,-23330,-23491,-23651,-23809,-23967,-24123,-24278
- dc.w -24431,-24584,-24735,-24885,-25034,-25182,-25328,-25473
- dc.w -25617,-25760,-25901,-26041,-26180,-26317,-26454,-26589
- dc.w -26722,-26854,-26985,-27115,-27243,-27370,-27496,-27620
- dc.w -27743,-27865,-27985,-28104,-28221,-28337,-28452,-28565
- dc.w -28677,-28788,-28897,-29004,-29110,-29215,-29318,-29420
- dc.w -29521,-29620,-29717,-29813,-29908,-30001,-30093,-30183
- dc.w -30271,-30359,-30444,-30528,-30611,-30692,-30772,-30850
- dc.w -30927,-31002,-31076,-31148,-31218,-31287,-31355,-31421
- dc.w -31485,-31548,-31609,-31669,-31727,-31784,-31839,-31892
- dc.w -31944,-31994,-32043,-32090,-32136,-32180,-32222,-32263
- dc.w -32303,-32340,-32376,-32411,-32444,-32475,-32505,-32533
- dc.w -32559,-32584,-32608,-32629,-32650,-32668,-32685,-32700
- dc.w -32714,-32726,-32737,-32745,-32753,-32758,-32762,-32765
- dc.w -32766,-32765,-32762,-32758,-32753,-32745,-32737,-32726
- dc.w -32714,-32700,-32685,-32668,-32650,-32629,-32608,-32584
- dc.w -32559,-32533,-32505,-32475,-32444,-32411,-32376,-32340
- dc.w -32303,-32263,-32222,-32180,-32136,-32090,-32043,-31994
- dc.w -31944,-31892,-31839,-31784,-31727,-31669,-31609,-31548
- dc.w -31485,-31421,-31355,-31287,-31218,-31148,-31076,-31002
- dc.w -30927,-30850,-30772,-30692,-30611,-30528,-30444,-30359
- dc.w -30271,-30183,-30093,-30001,-29908,-29813,-29717,-29620
- dc.w -29521,-29420,-29318,-29215,-29110,-29004,-28897,-28788
- dc.w -28677,-28565,-28452,-28337,-28221,-28104,-27985,-27865
- dc.w -27743,-27620,-27496,-27370,-27243,-27115,-26985,-26854
- dc.w -26722,-26589,-26454,-26317,-26180,-26041,-25901,-25760
- dc.w -25617,-25473,-25328,-25182,-25034,-24885,-24735,-24584
- dc.w -24431,-24278,-24123,-23967,-23809,-23651,-23491,-23330
- dc.w -23169,-23006,-22841,-22676,-22510,-22342,-22174,-22004
- dc.w -21833,-21661,-21488,-21314,-21139,-20963,-20786,-20608
- dc.w -20429,-20249,-20067,-19885,-19702,-19518,-19333,-19147
- dc.w -18960,-18772,-18584,-18394,-18203,-18012,-17819,-17626
- dc.w -17432,-17237,-17041,-16845,-16647,-16449,-16250,-16050
- dc.w -15849,-15648,-15445,-15242,-15038,-14834,-14629,-14423
- dc.w -14216,-14009,-13801,-13592,-13383,-13173,-12962,-12750
- dc.w -12539,-12326,-12113,-11899,-11685,-11470,-11254,-11038
- dc.w -10821,-10604,-10387,-10168,-9950,-9731,-9511,-9291
- dc.w -9070,-8849,-8628,-8406,-8184,-7961,-7738,-7514
- dc.w -7291,-7066,-6842,-6617,-6392,-6166,-5941,-5714
- dc.w -5488,-5261,-5034,-4807,-4580,-4352,-4124,-3896
- dc.w -3668,-3440,-3211,-2982,-2753,-2524,-2295,-2066
- dc.w -1837,-1607,-1378,-1148,-918,-689,-459,-229
- pi1 incbin 'SPRITE2.PI1'
- createContigustable
- ;
- ; a0 = ram
- ; d0 = nombre d'element de la table sinus
- ; d1 = pas interne
- ; d2 = nombre de copie de valeurs
- ; a3 = table de sinus d'amplitude final
- ;
- ; pendant le fonctionnement:
- ; constante d3,d4,d5 = pas interne,*2,*4
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; retour:
- ; a0 = ram
- ; a1 = adresse table de d0 adresses reftable pris a partir de la ram
- ;
- move.l a0,a1 ; a1 = table refsin
- move.l a1,-(sp)
- move.w d0,d3
- add.w d3,d3 ; *2
- move.l a3,a4
- add.w d3,a4
- add.w d3,d3 ; *4
- add.w d3,a0 ; a0 =ram
- lea tempbuffer,a2
- move.w d0,d4
- lsr #2,d4
- moveq #0,d3
- .clearFlag
- move.l d3,(a2)+
- dbf d4,.clearFlag ; +- 4 octet
- lea tempbuffer,a2
- move.l a2,a5
- add.w d0,a5
- ;moveq #0,d5 ; angle
- move.w d1,d3 ; pas interne<>0
- move.w d3,d4
- add d4,d4 ; pas interne*2
- move.w d4,d5
- add.w d5,d5 ; pas interne*4
- neg.w d0
- move.w d0,.auto1+2 ; nombre d'elements
- move.w d0,.auto1b+2
- add.w d0,d0
- move.w d0,.auto2+2
- move.w d0,.auto2b+2
- move.w d0,.auto2c+2
- add.w d0,d0
- move.w d0,.auto3+2
- move.w d0,.auto3b+2
- ;----------------------------------------
- bra.s .loop
- .loopaddq
- addq.w #2,a3
- addq.w #4,a1
- ; ps le tst.b (a2) deux ligne plus loin est redondant quand on sort de la boucle dans le code flaga1
- move.w (a3),d7
- bra.s .11
- .loop
- move.w (a3),d7
- tst.b (a2)
- bne.s .flaga1
- .11 st.b (a2)
- move.l a0,(a1) ; on stoque l'adresse de la valeur dans table refsin
- move.w d7,(a0)+
- ; on met a jour a3 avec le pas interne*2
- ; on met a jour a2 avec le pas interne (flags)
- add.w d3,a2
- add.w d4,a3
- add.w d5,a1
- cmp.l a2,a5
- bgt.s .loop
- .auto1
- lea 0(a2),a2
- .auto2
- lea 0(a3),a3
- .auto3
- lea 0(a1),a1
- bra.s .loop
- .flaga1
- move.w d2,d6 ; nombre de copie
- ;subq.w #1,d6
- move.l a3,-(sp)
- .cpy
- move.w d7,(a0)+
- add.w d4,a3
- cmp.l a3,a4
- bgt.s .1
- .auto2b
- lea 0(a3),a3
- .1
- move.w (a3),d7
- dbf d6,.cpy
- move.l (sp)+,a3
- addq.w #1,a2
- cmp.l a2,a5
- bgt.s .2
- .auto1b
- lea 0(a2),a2
- .auto2c
- lea 0(a3),a3
- .auto3b
- lea 0(a1),a1
- .2
- ; s'assurer qu'on est pas en fin de tableau:
- ;
- ;
- tst.b (a2)
- beq.s .loopaddq
- .fin
- move.l (sp)+,a1
- rts
- segmentX ds.w 1
- segmentY ds.w 1
- tempbuffer
- ds.w 2048
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; mem lib
- ;
- ;; exemple d'utilisation
- ; move.l #buffer,d0
- ; move.l #8*65536,d1 taille totale du buffer aligné sur 64k
- ; jsr getmem1
- ; lea -16*4(a0),a0
- ; nop
- ; nop
- ; nop
- ; nop
- ; illegal
- ; format de memoire
- ;toto ; le label toto est la pour verifier l'algo
- ; ds.b 65536
- ;buffer ds.l 65536*2 8*64k ; buffer sera aligné sur 64k donc un peu avant
- ;fin ; et apres un peu de memoire libre entre fin buffer et label fin
- getmem1:
- ; d0 = adresse segment 64k non aligné
- ; d1 = nombre de segment a la suite*64k
- ; retour: a0 = liste d'adresse
- ; (a0)+ = 32k buffer
- ; (a0)+ = 16k buffer
- ; (a0)+ = 8k buffer
- ; (a0)+ = 4k buffer
- ; (a0)+ = 2k
- ; (a0)+ = 1k
- ; (a0)+ = 512
- ; (a0)+ = 256
- ; (a0)+ = 128
- ; (a0)+ = 64 octet
- ;
- ; a0: 64 octet = 16 adresses
- ; metre le buffer start dans d4
- moveq.w #1,d5
- swap d5
- move.l d0,d4
- sub.l d5,d4 ; start memoire basse
- move.l d0,d3
- clr.w d3 ; debut multiple de 64k fin memoire basse
- ; d3 = start segment
- move.l d4,d7
- sub.l d3,d7 ; d7 = taille en bas
- ; d4 = start bas
- add.l d1,d3 ; d3+ 4*64k = adresse start haut
- lea ptrMem,a0
- moveq #0,d6
- move.w #$8000,d6
- .loop
- move.w d6,d1
- and.w d7,d1
- ; bit 15 a 0 ?
- tst.w d1
- bne.s .before ; was beq
- move.l d3,(a0)+
- add.l d6,d3
- bra.s .suite
- .before
- move.l d4,(a0)+
- add.l d6,d4
- .suite
- lsr #1,d5
- bne.s .loop ; ici ca s'arrete a un buffer de 1 octet il faudrai faire un meilleur test
- lea -64(a0),a0 ; et s'arreter a un plus gros buffer
- rts
- ptrMem ds.l 16 ; dans ram apres l'appel de getmem1 adresses contenant les bloc memoire utilisable comme on veut
- ;;; ; les label entour? de ;;; doivent etre dans l'ordre et contigu (ne pas deplacer l'un des label)
- ;ptrtabsin1 ds.l 1
- ;ptrtabsin2 ds.l 1
- ;ptrtabsin3 ds.l 1
- ;ptrtabsin4 ds.l 1
- ptr16k ds.l 1
- ptr4k ds.l 1
- ptrflag ds.l 1
- ;;;
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