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- #==============================================================================
- # ▼ Venka's Bestiary v1.8.2 Updated: 01/21/2014
- # author: Venka
- #==============================================================================
- # - Changelog -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # 01/21/2014 - Added in a section for debuff resistances.
- # - Fixed display issue when a resistance was set to 120%
- # - Added compatibility with Yanfly's Element Absorb script
- # - Added a spot to set the text color for Immunity and Absorbtion
- # - Fixed a bug that wasn't displaying state immunities.
- # 12/05/2014 - Stats will now correct if passive stats boost them for states
- # and elements as well.
- # 12/03/2014 - Stats will now correct if passive stats boost them
- # 11/30/2014 - Fixed issue with manually adding enemy entries.
- # 11/09/2014 - Added in a scroll speed setting so you can speed up the scroll
- # when viewing information about an enemy.
- # - Added in stats revealed by kill counts. You can set what
- # information will be shown after you kill an enemy x amount of
- # times
- # 10/27/2014 - Forgot to dispose of the instructions on the battle scene.
- # 10/14/2014 - Added ability to store quotes for the Actor's Input addon.
- # - Added KilloZapit's Word Wrapper support
- # 09/24/2014 - Adjusted the contents of the bestiary stat windows so be able
- # to show large amounts of elements and states. The window panes
- # are now scrollable to view all the information.
- # - The scan window in battle was also updated in the above way.
- # 09/21/2014 - Fixed a bug if no categories are set up in the enemy note tags.
- # 09/14/2014 - changed the name of one of the methods so it's compatiable with
- # some of my other scripts.
- # 08/14/2014 - Released for code off challenge
- # 10/13/2022 - Fixed crashes and memory leaks - Roninator2
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Author's Note -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Just a quick note. This script was written for the Code Off Challenge found
- # here:
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Terms -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This script can be used commercially or non-commercially. If it's used
- # commercially, I'd like a PM via the forums with a link to the game so I can
- # follow it's progress.. but this isn't required ;) Just a I'd like to take a
- # peak type of thing :)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Introduction -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This script will give you a scene that you can track the enemies you've
- # discovered and/or killed. It will keep track of the enemy's stats, skills,
- # drops, resistances to elements and status effects as well as showing a
- # description and image of the enemy.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Instructions -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This script will work if you drop it into your game project. Knowledge of
- # note tagging will help take advantage of all the features.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Enemy Note Tags -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can set a custom description for each enemy. If you skip this notetag,
- # then it'll use the description set at Default_Description. The text will
- # take the same codes you use in message windows but you'll need to add an
- # extra \ before each. So \C[1] will need to be \\C[1]. You can use KilloZapit's
- # word wrapper to auto fit the text into the box for you or use | to start a
- # new line of text if you don't want to use KilloZapit's Word Wrapper.
- # See the demo enemy note tag boxes for examples.
- # <description1: your text goes here>
- #
- # When in the Bestiary Scene, enemies will appear on a background that looks
- # the battleback images. You can set the default images used and set images to
- # use for each Category you set up. However, if you'd like certain enemies to
- # have their very own images that's different from the default or category
- # images then use the following tags:
- # <bg_floor: file> - It'll look for the file in Battlebacks1 and if not
- # found, then it'll look in the Pictures folder.
- # <bg_wall: file> - It'll look for the file in Battlebacks2 and if not
- # found, then it'll look in the Pictures folder.
- # NOTE: Do not put ""'s around the file's name. If you want to use a single
- # file, then set either the bg_floor or bg_wall to the image you want to use
- # and set the other one to nil.
- #
- # Sometimes there are enemies that you do not want to track or if you are like
- # me, you like to sort your database in sections and use labels. To make sure
- # none of these database entries make it into the bestiary scene, use this tag:
- # <skip> - when this tag is used, no entry will be made
- #
- # Some games have multiple database entries of the same enemy but they change
- # the stats a little for variance or change the graphic for varity. But they
- # are all still considered the same enemy. In this case you can use this tag
- # so no matter which one you encounter, it'll only show one entry.
- # <shown_id: x> - x is the database ID to use in the Bestiary
- #
- # The category tag will be the most used tag. You can set up categories in
- # the customize section. You can sort your Bestiary Scene any way you like.
- # For example could have Common Enemies, Rare Enemies, Boss Enemies, Elite, etc
- # or by location like in this demo. An enemy can appear in multiple categories.
- # Use the following tag to set the enemy's category:
- # <category: x> - x is the Category ID defined below.
- #
- # To make an enemy immune to scans, use the following code
- # <no_scan> - enemy is immune to scan skill
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Item/Skill Note Tags -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The last note tag can go in a skill or items note tag. It allows you to scan
- # an emeny to learn information about it.
- # <scan> - When used on an enemy, it unlocks information
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Script Call -
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # - Manually Add Bestiary Entry -
- # Just incase you need to manually add a bestiary entry, use the following:
- # add_enemy_entry(enemy_id) - enemy_id is the id in the Database
- #
- # - Changing Enemy's Description via script call -
- # You can change an enemy's description with a script call. When you set a
- # description with the script call it will override any other description text
- # that is found (the default description or custom descriptions by kills).
- # To set the description by script call use the following format:
- # set_enemy_description(enemy_id, text) - enemy_id is the database id
- # - text is text shown.
- # The text follows the same rules as all the other description text. You can
- # use message codes to change text color, size, use icons.. etc. Use | to form
- # a line break. If you want the description to be blank, then set text to "".
- #
- # To reset the description text back to what it'd normally be use:
- # reset_enemy_description(enemy_id) - enemy_id is the database id
- #
- # - Getting the kill count for an Enemy -
- # You can get the amount of times you've killed a given enemy should you need
- # it for a conditional check or whatever reason. Use:
- # enemy_kill_count(enemy_id) - enemy_id is the database id
- #
- # NOTE: If the enemy_id given has the <shown_id: x> in it, then it'll go to
- # the enemy id pointed to by the note tag.
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Configuration
- #==============================================================================
- $imported ||= {}; $imported[:Venka_Bestiary] = true
- module Venka; module Bestiary
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - General Settings -
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Windowskin = "Window" # Set to nil for default skin.
- Window_Opacity = 255 # Window's over all opacity. Number 0 - 255
- Window_BGOpacity = 180 # Window's background opacity (default 192)
- Use_Dividers = true # Draw divider lines to break up info?
- Line_Color = [150, 150, 250, 225] # [Red, Blue, Green, Alpha] color for lines
- Frame_Image = false # Draw window border around the enemy image?
- Menu_Access = true # Access to Bestiary from the menu?
- BG_Image = "Book" # Found in Title1 or Pictures Folder
- Bestiary_BGM = ["Theme2", 80, 100] # ["File", Volume, Pitch]. Can set to nil
- Scroll_Speed = 6 # The speed the info moves when ↑↓ pressed
- Track_Progress = true # This shows completion for each category
- Track_Kills = true # Track the times you've killed an enemy
- Show_Debuff_Info = true # Show the debuff info section
- Use_Wordwrapper = true # Use KilloZapit's word wrapping script to
- # handle text
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Default Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can set the default info for the back ground images used for each
- # enemy and the enemy's description if you don't make custom info for each.
- # If you only want to use one background image, then set one to an image
- # found in it's Battleback folder or the Pictures folder and set the other to
- # nil.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Default_BGFloor = "Dirt1" # Default ground image used (Battlebacks1)
- Default_BGWall = "Forest1" # Default wall image used (Battlebacks2)
- # The description text can use message codes (ex: \c[1] - changes text color).
- # Use | to force a line break.
- Default_Description = "Not much is known about this |enemy."
- # Descriptions can evolve as you kill more enemies. These descriptions must
- # be set via the note tags. If the description isn't set, then it will skip
- # the description and show the lower message or default message instead.
- # Set the kill goals here:
- Description1 = 0 # This message will show at 0 kills
- Description2 = 3 # This message will show after 3 kills
- Description3 = 8 # This message will show after 8 kills
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Reveal by Kill Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can set what information will be shown for enemies by the amount of
- # times they have been killed. Using the scan skill will also unlock all of
- # the following information regardless of the kills for a given enemy.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Show_BaseStats = 3 # Shows base stats: Atk, Def, Mdf, Mat, etc
- Show_Elements = 3 # Shows elemental resistances
- Show_States = 5 # Shows state resistances
- Show_DebuffStats = 1 # Shows debuff rates
- Show_Abilities = 7 # Shows a list of abilities that can be used
- Show_Loot = 5 # Shows the drop list for the enemy
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Text Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can set all text that appears in the Bestiary scene.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Bestiary_Command = "Bestiary" # Text for the scene in the menu
- Category_Select = "Select a category" # Help text for picking a category
- Enemy_Select = "Select an Enemy" # Help text for picking an enemy
- Discovered_Text = "Enemies Discovered" # Text that appears at the bottom
- Percent_Finished = "Completed" # Percentage completed text
- Unknown_Loot = "Loot Unknown" # Text to show when loot is unknown
- Unknown_Skills = "Abilities Unkown" # Text to show when skills are unknown
- View_Stats = "Statistics" # Button text for stats
- View_More = "Other Info" # Button text for other info
- View_Element = "Elements" # Button text for element info
- View_States = "States" # Button text for state info
- View_Debuff = "Debuffs" # Button text for debuff info
- Stats_Text = "Base Stats" # Header text for basic stats
- Element_Text = "Elemental Resistances" # Header text for element resists
- Status_Text = "Status Resistances" # Header text for status resists
- Debuff_Text = "Debuff Rates" # Header text for debuff rates
- Loot_Text = "Rewards" # List of items you can get
- Skill_Text = "Abilities" # Text for skills enemy uses
- Immune_Text = "Imm" # Text that appears when enemy is immune to a state
- Absorb_Text = "Abs" # Text for element absorbtion (Yanfly Element Absorb Script)
- Unknown_Stat = "??" # Text for unkown resistance/stat
- # For the next two settings, you can set the icon or text to nil if you don't
- # want to use the icon or text
- Exp_Text = ["Exp:", 117] # Text and Icon for Exp
- Gold_Text = ["Gold:", 262] # Text and Icon for Gold
- Kills_Text = "Kills" # Text shown from enemies killed
- Instructions_Text = "Use PageUp and PageDown to change enemies."
- Battle_Instructions = "Press Shift to see more info about the target."
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Scan Skill Setting -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can set stuff for the scan skill here. Mostly this is setting text
- # that appears in the game. You can also set the key that is pressed to
- # make the pop up window show when you select an enemy in the enemy window.
- # NOTE: The window will pop up on a successful scan as well
- #
- # Key options are: :A - this is the Shift key
- # :X - this is the A key :Y - this is the S key
- # :Z - this is the D key :L - this is PageUp/Q Keys
- # :R - this is PageDw/W keys :SHIFT, :CTRL, :ATL - shift, cntl, atl keys
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Target_Scanned = "%s scanned!" # Battle message when successfully scanned
- No_Scan = "%s can't be scanned!" # Battle message when target can't be scanned
- No_Info = "No information found" # Text when the target is immune to scans.
- Scan_PopUp = :SHIFT # Input key to make the window pop up
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - List Sort Setting -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can set how the list will sort. You can sort it by order discovered
- # (discovery order should be the default), by their database id, or name.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Sort_Type = :id # choices are :id, :name, or :default
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Font Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # :help_font = font that appears in the top and bottom windows
- # :list_font = font in the list windows
- # :header_font = font used for statistic types
- # :stat_font = font used for statistics
- # :description = font for enemy description text.
- #
- # For each text type you need to set up the Fonts, Size, Boldness and Color.
- # Use the following format:
- # [["Font_Name, Font_Name, etc], Font_Size, Bold?, Color]],
- # Font_Name = an array holding font choices. The fist one is your first
- # choice to use, but if the player doesn't have that font on their
- # computer, it will go through the list until it finds one it can use
- # Font_Size = the size font you want to use
- # Bold? = this should be true for bold, false to turn bold off
- # Color = This is the same format as setting colors for Gauge Color.
- # Use [red, blue, green, opacity] or window skin color number.
- # Outline? = this turns the font's outline on or off
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Fonts = { # [["Fonts"]], Size, Bold?, Color, Outline?
- :normal_font => [["Calibri", "Sylfaen"], 24, false, 0, true],
- :list_font => [["Calibri", "Sylfaen"], 24, false, 0, true],
- :header_font => [["Calibri", "Sylfaen"], 23, true, 1, true],
- :stat_name => [["Calibri", "Sylfaen"], 20, true, 0, true],
- :stats_font => [["Calibri", "Sylfaen"], 20, false, 0, true],
- :description => [["Calibri", "Sylfaen"], 22, false, 0, true],
- } # <- DO NOT REMOVE
- # The two color settings below can be windowskin colors or [red, blue, green]
- High_Resist = 3 # Color used for high resistances
- Low_Resist = 18 # Color used for low resistances (weaknesses)
- Immunity_Color = 17 # Color used for immunity/absorb text
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Battle Font Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The battle font is slightly different then the font that appears in windows.
- # For this one, colors MUST be in [red, blue, green] format.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # Font Family, Size, Bold?, Color, Outline?]
- Battle_Font = [["Calibri", "Sylfaen"], 24, true, [255,255,255], true]
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Base Stat Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set the text and/or Icon used for base stats (HP, MP, Attack, etc)
- # You can set either the text or the icon to nil to omit them.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Base_Stats = [] #["Text", IconIndex]
- Base_Stats[0] = ["HP", 122] # Max Health
- Base_Stats[1] = ["MP", 112] # Max Mana
- Base_Stats[2] = ["Atk", 116] # Attack
- Base_Stats[3] = ["Def", 161] # Defense
- Base_Stats[4] = ["MAtk", 113] # Magical Attack
- Base_Stats[5] = ["MDef", 15] # Magical Defense
- Base_Stats[6] = ["Agi", 12] # Agility
- Base_Stats[7] = ["Luck", 202] # Luck
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Element Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Elements you want to track. Prioritize the elements. In the default game
- # resolution, about 9 icons will show. If you make the screen wider, then
- # more could be shown. So list the icons you want to show in order of
- # importance.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Elements = [
- # [ID, IconIndex],
- [3, 104], # Fire
- [4, 105], # Ice
- [5, 106], # Thunder
- [6, 107], # Water
- [7, 108], # Earth
- [8, 109], # Wind
- [9, 110], # Holy
- [10, 111], # Dark
- ] # <- DO NOT REMOVE!!
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - State Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This is just like setting the Elements, but there is no need to define an
- # icon because all that status/states have an icon set in the database.
- # So for this one, just set the status id's that you want to track in order
- # of priority.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- States = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- # - Category Settings -
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # You can set up categories that the enemies will be sorted into. This can
- # be by whatever you like. For example you could sort them by breed (mammal,
- # avian, demon, etc) or by region (Forest, River, Mountains, etc). You must
- # set up all the categories here and then use a note tag Enemies Tab of the
- # database to set it.
- #
- # Category[ID] = { # ID must be a unique number.
- # :name => "Miscellaneous", # Name of Category as it appears in scene
- # :bg_floor => "file", # Image used if not default (can omit)
- # :bg_wall => "file", # Image used if not default (can omit)
- # file = file used instead of the default image. Set to "" if you
- # want to use no image.
- # }
- #
- # NOTE: both the floor and wall images can be omited to use the default
- # images. If using a single image, then set one or the other to the image
- # you want to use (found in the corrosponding battleback folder or the
- # picture's folder) and then set the other to "" (a blank file). Do not set
- # the other image to nil as this will pick up the default image.
- #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Category ||= {}
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category[0] = { # This is the default category. Enemies appear in this
- # category if they don't have one assigned or there was a typo in the tag.
- :name => "Miscellaneous",
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category[1] = { # Enemies found in the Forsaken Forest area
- :name => "Forsaken Forest", # Name of Category
- :bg_floor => "Meadow", # Floor image used
- :bg_wall => "Forest2", # Wall image used
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category[2] = { # Enemies found in the Abandoned Mines area
- :name => "Abandoned Mines", # Name of Category
- :bg_floor => "DirtCave", # Floor image used
- :bg_wall => "Mine", # Wall image used
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category[3] = { # Enemies found in the Deep Space area
- :name => "Deep Space", # Name of Category
- :bg_floor => "DarkSpace", # Floor image used (Single image used)
- :bg_wall => "", # Wall image used
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category[4] = { # Enemies found in the Nocturnal Plains area
- :name => "Nocturnal Plains", # Name of Category
- :bg_floor => "GrassMaze", # Floor image used
- :bg_wall => "PoisonSwamp", # Wall image used
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category[5] = { # Undead Enemies
- :name => "Undead", # Name of Category
- :bg_floor => "DemonCastle", # Floor image used
- :bg_wall => "DemonCastle1", # Wall image used
- }
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Category[6] = { # Enemies found in the Nocturnal Plains area
- :name => "Bosses", # Name of Category
- :bg_floor => "Cobblestones3", # Floor image used
- :bg_wall => "Cliff", # Wall image used
- }
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Edits should stop here unless you know what you're doing :)
- #==============================================================================
- end
- module Notetag
- Skip_Enemy = /<skip>/i
- Enemy_Category = /<category:\s*(\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)*)>/i
- BG_Floor = /<bg_floor:\s*(\w+)>/i
- BG_Wall = /<bg_wall:\s*(\w+)>/i
- Enemy_Desc1 = /<description1:\s*(.*)>/i
- Enemy_Desc2 = /<description2:\s*(.*)>/i
- Enemy_Desc3 = /<description3:\s*(.*)>/i
- Shown_ID = /<shown_id:\s*(\d+)>/i
- Scan_Skill = /<scan>/i
- No_Scan = /<no_scan>/i
- end
- end
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ Creating a way to store discovered info about the enemy with Struct.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bestiary_Entry =, :category, :elements, :states, :kills,
- :quotes, :scanned)
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Vocab
- #==============================================================================
- module Vocab
- # Scan Skill
- Scanned = Venka::Bestiary::Target_Scanned
- No_Scan = Venka::Bestiary::No_Scan
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ DataManager
- #==============================================================================
- module DataManager
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: load_database
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class << self; alias bestiary_db_notetags load_database; end
- def self.load_database
- bestiary_db_notetags
- load_bestiary_notetags
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: load_bestiary_notetags
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.load_bestiary_notetags
- ($data_enemies + $data_skills + $data_items).compact.each do |item|
- item.load_bestiary_notetags
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ RPG::UsableItem
- #==============================================================================
- class RPG::UsableItem
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ♦ Public Instance Variables
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :scan
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: load_bestiary_notetags
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def load_bestiary_notetags
- @scan = false
- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each do |line|
- info = []
- case line
- when Venka::Notetag::Scan_Skill; @scan = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ RPG::Enemy
- #==============================================================================
- class RPG::Enemy
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ♦ Public Instance Variables
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :skip, :category, :bg_floor, :bg_wall, :description, :shown_id
- attr_accessor :no_scan, :descript1, :descript2, :descript3
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: load_bestiary_notetags
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def load_bestiary_notetags
- @skip = false
- @category = [0]
- @bg_floor = @bg_wall = ""
- @shown_id = @id
- @no_scan = false
- @description = nil
- @descript1 = @descript2 = @descript3 = nil
- self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each do |line|
- info = []
- case line
- when Venka::Notetag::Skip_Enemy; @skip = true
- when Venka::Notetag::No_Scan; @no_scan = true
- when Venka::Notetag::Enemy_Category
- $1.scan(/\d+/).each { |num| info.push(num.to_i) }
- @category = info ? info : 0
- when Venka::Notetag::BG_Floor; @bg_floor = $1.to_s
- when Venka::Notetag::BG_Wall; @bg_wall = $1.to_s
- when Venka::Notetag::Enemy_Desc1; @descript1 = $1.to_s
- when Venka::Notetag::Enemy_Desc2; @descript2 = $1.to_s
- when Venka::Notetag::Enemy_Desc3; @descript3 = $1.to_s
- when Venka::Notetag::Shown_ID; @shown_id = $1.to_i
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ BattleManager
- #==============================================================================
- module BattleManager
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: battle_start
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class << self; alias bestiary_battle_start battle_start; end
- def self.battle_start
- bestiary_battle_start
- add_bestiary_enemies
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: add_bestiary_enemies
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.add_bestiary_enemies
- $game_troop.members.each do |enemy|
- rpg_enemy = $data_enemies[enemy.enemy_id]
- next if rpg_enemy.nil? || rpg_enemy.skip
- unless $game_party.bestiary_include?(rpg_enemy.shown_id)
- $game_party.add_enemy($data_enemies[rpg_enemy.shown_id])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Enemy
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: add_state
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_state(state_id)
- Venka::Bestiary::States.each_with_index do |id, i|
- next unless state_id == id
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |enemy|
- next unless enemy.enemy_id == $data_enemies[@enemy_id].shown_id
- enemy.states[i] = true
- end
- end
- super
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Troop
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Troop < Game_Unit
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: battle_start
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias bestiary_kill_count make_drop_items
- def make_drop_items
- add_encounter_count
- bestiary_kill_count
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: add_encounter_count
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_encounter_count
- dead_members.each do |enemy|
- rpg_enemy = $data_enemies[enemy.enemy_id]
- next if rpg_enemy.nil? || rpg_enemy.skip
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- next unless entry.enemy_id == rpg_enemy.shown_id
- entry.kills += 1
- if entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_Elements
- entry.elements.size.times {|i| entry.elements[i] = true}
- end
- if entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_States
- entry.states.size.times {|i| entry.states[i] = true}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Party
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Party < Game_Unit
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ♦ Public Instance Variables
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :bestiary
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: initialize
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias venka_bestiary_enounters_ini initialize
- def initialize
- venka_bestiary_enounters_ini
- @bestiary = []
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: add_enemy
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The entries are: EnemyID, BestiaryCategory, Array for Element info,
- # Array for State info, Kill Counter, Actor Quotes, and Scanned?
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_enemy(enemy)
- @bestiary <<, enemy.category,
-, false),
-, false), 0, [], false)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: reveal_resist
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reveal_resist(enemy_id, reveal = true)
- rpg_enemy = $data_enemies[enemy_id]
- return if rpg_enemy.nil? || rpg_enemy.skip
- @bestiary.each do |entry|
- next unless entry.enemy_id == rpg_enemy.shown_id
- next if rpg_enemy.no_scan && !reveal
- entry.elements.size.times {|i| entry.elements[i] = true}
- entry.states.size.times {|i| entry.states[i] = true}
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: bestiary_include?
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def bestiary_include?(id)
- @bestiary.each do |entry|
- return true if entry.enemy_id == id
- end
- return false
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Game_Interpreter
- #==============================================================================
- class Game_Interpreter
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: add_enemy_entry
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_enemy_entry(enemy_id)
- rpg_enemy = $data_enemies[enemy_id]
- return if rpg_enemy.nil? || rpg_enemy.skip
- if $game_party.bestiary == []
- $game_party.add_enemy($data_enemies[rpg_enemy.shown_id])
- elsif !$game_party.bestiary_include?(rpg_enemy.shown_id)
- $game_party.add_enemy($data_enemies[rpg_enemy.shown_id])
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: set_enemy_description
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_enemy_description(enemy_id, text)
- id = $data_enemies[enemy_id].shown_id
- $data_enemies[id].description = text
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: reset_enemy_description
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def reset_enemy_description(enemy_id)
- id = $data_enemies[enemy_id].shown_id
- $data_enemies[id].description = nil
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: enemy_kill_count(enemy_id)
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def enemy_kill_count(enemy_id)
- kills = 0
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- next unless entry.enemy_id == $data_enemies[enemy_id].shown_id
- kills = entry.kills
- if entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_Elements
- entry.elements.size.times {|i| entry.elements[i] = true}
- end
- if entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_States
- entry.states.size.times {|i| entry.states[i] = true}
- end
- end
- return kills
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_Base
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Base < Window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: set_windowskin
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_windowskin
- return unless Venka::Bestiary::Windowskin
- self.windowskin = Cache.system(Venka::Bestiary::Windowskin)
- self.opacity = Venka::Bestiary::Window_Opacity
- self.back_opacity = Venka::Bestiary::Window_BGOpacity
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: get_color - method determines if text color or new color
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_color(input)
- input.is_a?(Integer) ? text_color([[input, 0].max, 31].min) :*input)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: font_color
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def font_color(text_type)
- f_color = Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[text_type][3]
- color = f_color.is_a?(Integer) ? text_color(f_color) :*f_color)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: set_bestiary_font
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_bestiary_font(text_type, enabled = true)
- font = Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[text_type]
- = font[0]
- contents.font.size = font[1]
- contents.font.bold = font[2]
- contents.font.outline = font[4]
- change_color(font_color(text_type), enabled)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: font_height
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def font_height
- [contents.font.size, 24].max
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_line
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_line(y)
- return unless Venka::Bestiary::Use_Dividers
- color = get_color(Venka::Bestiary::Line_Color)
- contents.fill_rect(4, y, contents_width - 8, 2, color)
- contents.fill_rect(4, y + 2, contents_width - 8, 1,,16,16,100))
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_Message
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_Message
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ♦ Public Instance Variables
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :wordwrap
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_MenuCommand
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: add_original_commands
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias bestiary_menu_access_aoc add_original_commands
- def add_original_commands
- bestiary_menu_access_aoc
- add_command(Venka::Bestiary::Bestiary_Command, :bestiary) if Venka::Bestiary::Menu_Access
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_BattleLog
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_BattleLog < Window_Selectable
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: display_failure
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias bestiary_scan_fail_msg display_failure
- def display_failure(target, item)
- if item.scan && target.result.hit? && !target.result.success
- text = $data_enemies[target.enemy_id].no_scan ? Vocab::No_Scan : Vocab::Scanned
- add_text(sprintf(text,
- wait
- else
- bestiary_scan_fail_msg(target, item)
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_BestiaryHelp
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_BestiaryHelp < Window_Base
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: initialize
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y)
- height = [Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:normal_font][1], 24].max + 24
- super(x, y, Graphics.width, height)
- set_windowskin
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: set_text
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_text(text)
- contents.clear
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, font_height, text, 1)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_completion
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_completion
- contents.clear
- draw_enemies_discovered
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_enemies_discovered
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_enemies_discovered
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- enemies_discovered = $game_party.bestiary.size
- total = total_enemies
- text = "#{enemies_discovered}/#{total} #{Venka::Bestiary::Discovered_Text}"
- draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, font_height, text)
- discovered = (enemies_discovered.to_f / total) * 100
- text = "#{discovered.round(1)}% #{Venka::Bestiary::Percent_Finished}"
- draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, font_height, text, 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: total_enemies
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def total_enemies
- total = 0
- for i in 1...$data_enemies.size
- next if $data_enemies[i].shown_id != $data_enemies[i].id
- total += 1 unless $data_enemies[i].skip
- end
- total
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_instructions
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_instructions
- contents.clear
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- text = Venka::Bestiary::Instructions_Text
- draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, font_height, text, 1)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: set_description
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_description(enemy)
- contents.clear
- create_contents # Remake contents since the window size changed
- get_description_text(enemy)
- text = get_description_text(enemy)
- if Venka::Bestiary::Use_Wordwrapper
- wrapping = @wordwrap
- @wordwrap = true
- draw_text_ex(0, 0, text.gsub(/[|]/, ""))
- @wordwrap = wrapping
- else
- draw_text_ex(0, 0, text.gsub(/[|]/, "\n"))
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: get_description_text
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_description_text(enemy)
- if enemy.description
- text = enemy.description
- else
- text = Venka::Bestiary::Default_Description
- kills = 0
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |foe|
- kills = foe.kills if foe.enemy_id == enemy.shown_id
- end
- if kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Description3 && enemy.descript3
- text = enemy.descript3
- elsif kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Description2 && enemy.descript2
- text = enemy.descript2
- elsif kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Description1 && enemy.descript1
- text = enemy.descript1
- end
- end
- text
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: draw_text_ex
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_text_ex(x, y, text)
- set_bestiary_font(:description)
- text = convert_escape_characters(text)
- pos = {:x => x, :y => y, :new_x => x, :height => calc_line_height(text)}
- process_character(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_BestiaryCategory
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_BestiaryCategory < Window_Command
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: initialize
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y)
- @wy = y
- @categories = Venka::Bestiary::Category
- super(x, @wy)
- set_windowskin
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● window settings
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def window_width; Graphics.width * 0.5; end
- def window_height; Graphics.height - (@wy * 2); end
- def item_height; [Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:list_font][1], 24].max; end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: make_command_list
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_command_list
- @categories.each{|key, info| add_command(info[:name], key)}
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: draw_item
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_item(index)
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- @width = Venka::Bestiary::Track_Progress ? text_size("99.9%").width + 5 : 0
- rect = item_rect_for_text(index)
- set_bestiary_font(:list_font)
- draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - @width, rect.height, command_name(index))
- found_text(index, rect) if Venka::Bestiary::Track_Progress
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: found_text
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def found_text(index, rect)
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- total = total_enemies(index)
- discovered = total_found(index)
- value = (total > 0) ? (discovered.to_f / total) * 100 : 0.0
- text = (value > 0 && value < 100) ? value.round(1) : value.round
- draw_text(rect.width - @width, rect.y, @width, rect.height, "#{text}%", 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: total_enemies
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def total_enemies(index)
- total = 0
- for i in 1...$data_enemies.size
- next unless $data_enemies[i].category.include?(index)
- next if $data_enemies[i].shown_id != $data_enemies[i].id
- total += 1 unless $data_enemies[i].skip
- end
- return total
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: total_found
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def total_found(index)
- total = 0
- $game_party.bestiary.each {|e| total += 1 if e.category.include?(index)}
- return total
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_BestiaryEnemyList
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_BestiaryEnemyList < Window_Command
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ♦ Public Instance Variables
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_reader :category_window, :stats_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: initialize
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y)
- @category = 0
- @wy = y
- super(x, @wy)
- set_windowskin
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● window settings
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def window_width; Graphics.width * 0.5; end
- def window_height; Graphics.height - (@wy * 2); end
- def item_height; [Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:list_font][1], 24].max; end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: category_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def category_window=(category_window)
- if @category_window != category_window
- @category_window = category_window
- @category = category_window.current_symbol.to_s.to_i
- refresh
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: stats_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def stats_window=(stats_window)
- if @stats_window != stats_window
- @stats_window = stats_window
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: make_command_list
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_command_list
- @enemies = []
- sort_list
- @bestiary_list.each do |enemy|
- next if enemy.nil?
- next unless enemy.category.include?(@category)
- @enemies << enemy
- add_command($data_enemies[enemy.enemy_id].name, :ok, true, enemy.enemy_id)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: sort_list
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def sort_list
- @bestiary_list = $game_party.bestiary.clone
- if Venka::Bestiary::Sort_Type == :id # Sort by enemy id
- @bestiary_list.sort!{|a, b| a.enemy_id <=> b.enemy_id}
- elsif Venka::Bestiary::Sort_Type == :name # Sort by name
- @bestiary_list.sort!{|a, b|
- $data_enemies[a.enemy_id].name <=> $data_enemies[b.enemy_id].name}
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: draw_item
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_item(index)
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- @width = contents_width * 0.33
- @width = 0 unless Venka::Bestiary::Track_Kills
- rect = item_rect_for_text(index)
- set_bestiary_font(:list_font)
- draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - @width, rect.height, command_name(index))
- draw_kills(index) if Venka::Bestiary::Track_Kills
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_kills
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_kills(index)
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- text = "#{@enemies[index].kills} #{Venka::Bestiary::Kills_Text}"
- draw_text(item_rect_for_text(index), text, 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: update
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update
- super
- if @category_window && @category != @category_window.current_symbol.to_s.to_i
- @category = @category_window.current_symbol.to_s.to_i
- refresh
- end
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_BestiaryStatSelection
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_BestiaryStatSelection < Window_Selectable
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: initialize
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, width, height)
- super(x, y, width, height)
- set_windowskin
- select(0)
- hide
- refresh
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● window settings;
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def col_max; return item_max; end
- def spacing; return 5; end
- def item_height; [Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:normal_font][1].size, 24].max; end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: item_max
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def item_max
- if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
- Venka::Bestiary::Show_Debuff_Info ? 4 : 3
- else
- return 2
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: enemy_id
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def enemy_id=(enemy_id)
- return @enemy = nil if enemy_id == 0
- if @enemy != $data_enemies[enemy_id]
- @enemy = $data_enemies[enemy_id]
- refresh
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: item_rect
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def item_rect(index)
- rect = super
- if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
- rect.y += [Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:normal_font][1], 24].max + 6
- end
- rect
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: draw_item
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_item(index)
- rect = item_rect_for_text(index)
- if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
- text = [Venka::Bestiary::View_Stats, Venka::Bestiary::View_Element,
- Venka::Bestiary::View_States, Venka::Bestiary::View_Debuff]
- else
- text = [Venka::Bestiary::View_Stats, Venka::Bestiary::View_More]
- end
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- draw_text(rect, text[index], 1)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: refresh
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Battle)
- set_bestiary_font(:normal_font)
- @y = font_height
- draw_enemy_name if @enemy
- end
- draw_all_items
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_enemy_name
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_enemy_name
- draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, font_height,, 1)
- draw_line(@y + 2)
- @y += 6
- draw_line(@y + item_height + 3)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: update_help
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_help
- @help_window.set_index(@index)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: select
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def select(index)
- super
- @help_window.oy = 0 if @help_window
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: cursor_down
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cursor_down(wrap = false)
- super
- if @help_window && display_window_oy < @help_window.total_height
- @help_window.oy += Venka::Bestiary::Scroll_Speed
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: display_window_oy
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def display_window_oy
- @help_window.oy + @help_window.height - (@help_window.standard_padding * 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: cursor_up
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cursor_up(wrap = false)
- super
- @help_window.oy -= Venka::Bestiary::Scroll_Speed if @help_window && @help_window.oy > 0
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: wait_to_close
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wait_to_close
- loop do
- Graphics.update
- Input.update
- update
- break if Input.trigger?(:C) || Input.trigger?(:B)
- end
- @help_window.hide
- deactivate
- self.hide
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_BestiaryStats
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_BestiaryStats < Window_Base
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ♦ Public Instance Variables
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :enemy, :total_height
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: initialize
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, width, height)
- @win_height = height
- super(x, y, width, height)
- self.opacity = 0
- @enemy = nil
- hide
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: enemy_id
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def enemy_id=(enemy_id)
- return @enemy = nil if enemy_id == 0
- if @enemy != $data_enemies[enemy_id]
- @enemy = $data_enemies[enemy_id]
- end
- refresh
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: set_index
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_index(index)
- if @index != index
- @index = index
- refresh
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: contents_height
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def contents_height
- @total_height ? @total_height : super
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: refresh
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- return if @enemy.nil?
- if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Bestiary)
- @index == 0 ? draw_basic_stats : draw_other_info
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: determine_window_height
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def determine_window_height(text_lines)
- set_bestiary_font(:header_font)
- @total_height = font_height * text_lines
- self.height = ([(@total_height + standard_padding * 2), @win_height].min)
- create_contents
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: info_rect
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def info_rect(index)
- rect =
- rect.width = contents.width * 0.5 - 3
- rect.height = [Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:stat_name][1], 24].max
- rect.x = index % 2 * (rect.width + 3)
- rect.y = index / 2 * font_height
- rect
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_basic_stats
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_basic_stats
- elements = Venka::Bestiary::Elements.size
- states = Venka::Bestiary::States.size
- # Get the total text lines to show
- height = (elements / 2 + elements % 2) + (states / 2 + states % 2) + 10
- height += 6 if Venka::Bestiary::Show_Debuff_Info
- determine_window_height(height)
- draw_line(5)
- @y = 12
- draw_main_stats
- draw_line(@y + 5)
- @y += 12
- get_revealed_resists
- draw_elements
- draw_line(@y + 5)
- @y += 12
- draw_states
- return unless Venka::Bestiary::Show_Debuff_Info
- draw_line(@y + 5)
- @y += 12
- draw_debuffs
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_main_stats
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_main_stats
- set_bestiary_font(:header_font)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Stats_Text, 1)
- @y += font_height
- 8.times {|stat| draw_stat(stat, :stat)}
- @y += info_rect(0).height * 4
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_stat
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_stat(stat, stat_type)
- rect = info_rect(stat)
- rect.y += @y
- stat_info = Venka::Bestiary::Base_Stats[stat]
- if stat_info[1]
- draw_icon(stat_info[1], rect.x, rect.y)
- rect.x += 25; rect.width -= 25
- end
- if stat_info[0]
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- draw_text(rect, stat_info[0])
- text_width = text_size(stat_info[0]).width + 5
- rect.x += text_width; rect.width -= text_width
- end
- set_bestiary_font(:stats_font)
- text = Venka::Bestiary::Unknown_Stat
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- next unless entry.enemy_id == @enemy.shown_id
- if stat_type == :stat && (entry.scanned ||
- entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_BaseStats)
- text =, @enemy.shown_id).param(stat)
- elsif stat_type == :debuff && (entry.scanned ||
- entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_DebuffStats)
- rate =, @enemy.shown_id).debuff_rate(stat)
- text = get_resist_info(stat, rate)
- end
- end
- draw_text(rect, text, 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: get_revealed_resists
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_revealed_resists
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- @eles = entry.elements if entry.enemy_id == @enemy.shown_id
- @states = entry.states if entry.enemy_id == @enemy.shown_id
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_elements
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_elements
- set_bestiary_font(:header_font)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Element_Text, 1)
- @y += font_height
- elements = Venka::Bestiary::Elements
- (elements.size).times {|i| draw_ele_info(i, elements[i], info_rect(i))}
- @y += (info_rect(0).height) * (elements.size * 0.5 + elements.size % 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_ele_info
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_ele_info(i, element, rect)
- rect.y += @y
- if element[1]
- draw_icon(element[1], rect.x, rect.y)
- rect.x += 25; rect.width -= 25
- end
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- tw = text_size(99).width + 5
- draw_text(rect, $data_system.elements[element[0]])
- text_width = text_size(element[0]).width + 5
- # Scale text so the value will fit as well in small resolutions
- rect.x = [(rect.x + text_width), (rect.x + rect.width - tw)].min
- rect.width = [(rect.width - text_width), tw].max
- set_bestiary_font(:stats_font)
- text = @eles[i] ? get_resist_info(element[0], 11) : Venka::Bestiary::Unknown_Stat
- draw_text(rect, text, 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: get_resist_info
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_resist_info(stat_id, code_id)
- case code_id
- when 11 # Element
- resist =, @enemy.shown_id).element_rate(stat_id)
- if $imported["YEA-Element Absorb"] &&, @enemy.shown_id).element_absorb?(stat_id)
- set_resist_style(resist, Venka::Bestiary::Absorb_Text)
- else
- set_resist_style(resist)
- end
- when 13
- enemy =, @enemy.shown_id)
- if enemy.features_with_id(14, stat_id).empty?
- resist = enemy.state_rate(stat_id)
- set_resist_style(resist)
- else
- set_resist_style(1.0, Venka::Bestiary::Immune_Text)
- end
- else
- set_resist_style(code_id)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: set_resist_style
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def set_resist_style(resist, text = "")
- if text != ""
- color = Venka::Bestiary::Immunity_Color
- else
- color = Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:stats_font][3]
- color = Venka::Bestiary::High_Resist if resist > 1.0
- color = Venka::Bestiary::Low_Resist if resist < 1.0
- resist -= 1.0 if resist >= 1.0
- text = (resist * 100).round
- end
- new_color = color.is_a?(Integer) ? text_color(color) :*color)
- change_color(new_color)
- return text
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_states
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_states
- set_bestiary_font(:header_font)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Status_Text, 1)
- @y += font_height
- states = Venka::Bestiary::States
- (states.size).times {|i| draw_state_info(i, states[i], info_rect(i))}
- @y += (info_rect(0).height) * (states.size / 2).round
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_state_info
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_state_info(i, state_id, rect)
- state = $data_states[state_id]
- rect.y += @y
- draw_icon(state.icon_index, rect.x, rect.y)
- rect.x += 25; rect.width -= 25
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- tw = text_size(99).width + 5
- draw_text(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - tw, rect.height,
- text_width = text_size( + 5
- # Scale text so the value will fit as well in small resolutions
- rect.x = [(rect.x + text_width), (rect.x + rect.width - tw)].min
- rect.width = [(rect.width - text_width), tw].max
- set_bestiary_font(:stats_font)
- text = @states[i] ? get_resist_info(state_id, 13) : Venka::Bestiary::Unknown_Stat
- draw_text(rect, text, 2)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_debuffs
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_debuffs
- set_bestiary_font(:header_font)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Debuff_Text, 1)
- @y += font_height
- 8.times do |stat|
- draw_stat(stat, :debuff)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_other_info
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_other_info
- # Get the number of lines to display loot
- drops = {|d| d.kind > 0 }
- # Get the number of lines to display enemy skills
- ids = []
- @enemy.actions.each do |action|
- ids << action.skill_id unless ids.include?(action.skill_id)
- end
- # Total number of lines to display with skills, loot, headers, etc
- height = 5 + drops.size + ids.size
- determine_window_height(height)
- draw_line(5)
- @y = 12
- set_bestiary_font(:header_font)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Loot_Text, 1)
- @y += font_height
- draw_exp_and_gold
- draw_drops
- draw_skills
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_exp
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_exp_and_gold
- exp = Venka::Bestiary::Exp_Text
- gold = Venka::Bestiary::Gold_Text
- width = contents.width
- width = ((@enemy.exp > 0 || > 0) ? width * 0.5 : width).to_i
- draw_icon_text(exp, 0, width, @enemy.exp) if @enemy.exp > 0
- x = @enemy.exp > 0 ? width : 0
- draw_icon_text(gold, x, width, if > 0
- @y += font_height
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_icon_and_text
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_icon_text(info, x, width, amount)
- draw_icon(info[1], x, @y) if info[1]
- dx = info[1] ? 25 : 0
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- draw_text(x + dx, @y, width - dx, font_height, info[0])
- set_bestiary_font(:stats_font)
- dx += text_size(info[0]).width + 10
- draw_text(x + dx, @y, width - dx, font_height, amount)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_drops
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_drops
- drops_revealed = false
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- next unless entry.enemy_id == @enemy.shown_id
- if entry.scanned || entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_Loot
- drops_revealed = true
- end
- end
- if drops_revealed
- @enemy.drop_items.each do |drop_info|
- next if drop_info.kind == 0
- item = $data_items[drop_info.data_id] if drop_info.kind == 1
- item = $data_weapons[drop_info.data_id] if drop_info.kind == 2
- item = $data_armors[drop_info.data_id] if drop_info.kind == 3
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- tw = text_size("100%").width + 5
- draw_item_name(item, 0, @y, contents.width - tw)
- chance = (1.to_f / drop_info.denominator) * 100
- chance = (chance > 0.9) ? chance.round : chance.round(1)
- set_bestiary_font(:stats_font)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, "#{chance}%", 2)
- @y += font_height
- end
- else
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Unknown_Loot)
- @y += font_height
- end
- draw_line(@y + 5)
- @y += 12
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_skills
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_skills
- set_bestiary_font(:header_font)
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Skill_Text, 1)
- @y += font_height
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- skills_revealed = false
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- next unless entry.enemy_id == @enemy.shown_id
- if entry.scanned || entry.kills >= Venka::Bestiary::Show_Abilities
- skills_revealed = true
- end
- end
- if skills_revealed
- skills.each do |id|
- draw_item_name($data_skills[id], 0, @y, contents.width)
- @y += font_height
- end
- else
- draw_text(0, @y, contents.width, font_height, Venka::Bestiary::Unknown_Skills)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: skills
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def skills
- ids = []
- @enemy.actions.each do |action|
- ids << action.skill_id unless ids.include?(action.skill_id)
- end
- return ids
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Window_BattleScan
- #==============================================================================
- class Window_BattleScan < Window_BestiaryStats
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ♦ Public Instance Variables
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attr_accessor :show_stats
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: initialize
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def initialize(x, y, width, height)
- super(x, y, width, height)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: refresh
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def refresh
- contents.clear
- return if @enemy.nil?
- if $game_party.bestiary_include?(@enemy.shown_id)
- @y = 0
- case @index
- when 0; draw_basic_stats
- when 1; draw_enemy_resists
- when 2; draw_enemy_states
- when 3; draw_debuff_rates
- end
- else
- set_bestiary_font(:stat_name)
- text = Venka::Bestiary::No_Info
- draw_text(0, 0, contents.width, contents.height, text, 1)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_basic_stats
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_basic_stats
- determine_window_height(4)
- 8.times {|stat| draw_stat(stat, :stat)}
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_enemy_resists
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_enemy_resists
- elements = Venka::Bestiary::Elements
- height = (elements.size / 2) + (elements.size % 2)
- determine_window_height(height)
- get_revealed_resists
- (elements.size).times {|i| draw_ele_info(i, elements[i], info_rect(i))}
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_enemy_states
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_enemy_states
- states = Venka::Bestiary::States
- height = (states.size / 2) + (states.size % 2)
- determine_window_height(height)
- (states.size).times {|i| draw_state_info(i, states[i], info_rect(i))}
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_debuff_rates
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_debuff_rates
- determine_window_height(4)
- 8.times {|stat| draw_stat(stat, :debuff)}
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Menu
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: create_command_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias bestiary_menu_access_ccw create_command_window
- def create_command_window
- bestiary_menu_access_ccw
- @command_window.set_handler(:bestiary, method(:command_bestiary))
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: command_bestiary
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def command_bestiary
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Battle
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: create_all_windows
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias scan_window_caw create_all_windows
- def create_all_windows
- scan_window_caw
- create_info_instructions
- create_stats_selection
- create_stats_window
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_stats_selection
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_stats_selection
- width = [Graphics.width * 0.6, 420].max
- x = (Graphics.width - width) * 0.5
- # Get total height of the window since it can change based on fonts used.
- height = 40 + ([Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:normal_font][1], 24].max * 2) +
- ([Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:stat_name][1], 24].max * 4)
- y = (Graphics.height - @status_window.height - height) * 0.5
- @stats_selection =, y, width, height)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_stats_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_stats_window
- y = @stats_selection.y + @stats_selection.item_height + 15 +
- Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:normal_font][1]
- # Make the info window the same height as the selection window minus the
- # header info and selection area.
- height = @stats_selection.height - @stats_selection.item_height - 15 -
- Venka::Bestiary::Fonts[:normal_font][1]
- @stats_window =, y,
- @stats_selection.width, height)
- @stats_selection.help_window = @stats_window
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_scan_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_info_instructions
- @info_instructions =
- @info_instructions.visible = false
- font = Venka::Bestiary::Battle_Font
- @info_instructions.bitmap =, font[1])
- = font[0]
- @info_instructions.bitmap.font.size = font[1]
- @info_instructions.bitmap.font.bold = font[2]
- @info_instructions.bitmap.font.color =*font[3])
- @info_instructions.bitmap.font.outline = font[4]
- text = Venka::Bestiary::Battle_Instructions
- @info_instructions.bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, Graphics.width, font[1], text, 1)
- @info_instructions.y = @enemy_window.y - font[1]
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: select_enemy_selection
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias bestiary_info_enemy_select select_enemy_selection
- def select_enemy_selection
- @info_instructions.visible = true
- bestiary_info_enemy_select
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: on_enemy_ok
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias bestiary_info_enemy_ok on_enemy_ok
- def on_enemy_ok
- @info_instructions.visible = false
- bestiary_info_enemy_ok
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: on_enemy_cancel
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias bestiary_info_enemy_cancel on_enemy_cancel
- def on_enemy_cancel
- @info_instructions.visible = false
- bestiary_info_enemy_cancel
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: show_enemy_info
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def show_enemy_info(enemy_id)
- @stats_selection.enemy_id = enemy_id
- @stats_window.enemy_id = enemy_id
- @stats_selection.wait_to_close
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: update
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias show_enemy_info_update update
- def update
- show_enemy_info_update
- if && Input.trigger?(Venka::Bestiary::Scan_PopUp)
- show_enemy_info(@enemy_window.enemy.enemy_id)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: item_apply
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias venka_scan_skill_used apply_item_effects
- def apply_item_effects(target, item)
- if target.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
- enemy = $data_enemies[target.enemy_id]
- $game_party.reveal_resist(, false) if item.scan
- attack_element = item.damage.element_id
- Venka::Bestiary::Elements.size.times do |i|
- if Venka::Bestiary::Elements[i][0] == attack_element
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- entry.elements[i] = true if entry.enemy_id == enemy.shown_id
- end
- end
- end
- if item.scan
- $game_party.bestiary.each do |entry|
- entry.scanned = true if entry.enemy_id == enemy.shown_id
- end
- show_enemy_info(target.enemy_id)
- end
- end
- venka_scan_skill_used(target, item)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● alias method: terminate
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- alias :dispose_instructions_on_term :terminate
- def terminate
- dispose_instructions_on_term
- dispose_instructions
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: dispose_instructions
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose_instructions
- return if @info_instructions
- @info_instructions.bitmap.dispose
- @info_instructions.dispose
- @info_instructions = nil
- end
- end
- #==============================================================================
- # ■ Scene_Bestiary
- #==============================================================================
- class Scene_Bestiary < Scene_MenuBase
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: start
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def start
- stop_music if Venka::Bestiary::Bestiary_BGM
- super
- bestiary_music if Venka::Bestiary::Bestiary_BGM
- @enemy = nil
- create_all_windows
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: stop_music
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def stop_music
- @map_bgm = RPG::BGM.last
- fadeout_all(60)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: bestiary_music
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def bestiary_music
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: create_background
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_background
- if Venka::Bestiary::BG_Image
- @background_sprite =
- @background_sprite.bitmap =, Graphics.height)
- bitmap = bestiary_bgimage
- dest_rect =, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
- @background_sprite.bitmap.stretch_blt(dest_rect, bitmap, bitmap.rect)
- @background_sprite.color.set(16, 16, 16, 128)
- else
- super
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: bestiary_bgimage
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def bestiary_bgimage
- file_info = Venka::Bestiary::BG_Image
- begin; Cache.title1(file_info)
- rescue; Cache.picture(file_info)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_all_windows
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_all_windows
- create_help_window
- create_bottom_window
- create_category_window
- create_bestiary_list
- create_enemy_image
- create_stats_selection
- create_stats_window
- create_description_window
- create_image_frame if Venka::Bestiary::Frame_Image
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: create_help_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_help_window
- @help_window =, 0)
- @help_window.viewport = @viewport
- @help_window.y = 0
- @help_window.set_text(Venka::Bestiary::Category_Select)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_bottom_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_bottom_window
- y = Graphics.height - @help_window.height
- @bottom_window =, y)
- @bottom_window.draw_completion
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_category_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_category_window
- @category_window =, @help_window.height)
- @category_window.viewport = @viewport
- @category_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:command_list))
- @category_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:return_scene))
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: command_list
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def command_list
- @help_window.set_text(Venka::Bestiary::Enemy_Select)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_bestiary_list
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_bestiary_list
- @list_window =,
- @help_window.height)
- @list_window.viewport = @viewport
- @list_window.category_window = @category_window
- @list_window.deactivate
- @list_window.set_handler(:ok, method(:command_bestiary))
- @list_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:command_category))
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: command_category
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def command_category
- @category_window.activate
- @help_window.set_text(Venka::Bestiary::Category_Select)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: command_bestiary
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def command_bestiary
- @list_window.hide
- @category_window.hide
- if @frame_window
- @enemy_bg.visible = true
- update_enemy_info
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_enemy_image
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_enemy_image
- width = (Graphics.width * 0.55).round; height = Graphics.height * 0.55
- @enemy_bg =
- @enemy_bg.visible = false
- @enemy_bg.x = Graphics.width - (Graphics.width * 0.55).round
- @enemy_bg.y = @help_window.height
- @enemy_bg.bitmap =, height)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_stats_selection
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_stats_selection
- height = Graphics.height - (@help_window.height * 2)
- @stats_selection =, @help_window.height,
- Graphics.width - @enemy_bg.width, height)
- @stats_selection.viewport = @viewport
- @stats_selection.set_handler(:pageup, method(:prev_enemy))
- @stats_selection.set_handler(:pagedown, method(:next_enemy))
- @stats_selection.set_handler(:cancel, method(:to_enemy_list))
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_stats_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_stats_window
- y = @stats_selection.y + @stats_selection.item_height
- height = @stats_selection.height - @stats_selection.item_height
- @stats_window =, y, @stats_selection.width, height)
- @stats_window.viewport = @viewport
- @stats_selection.help_window = @stats_window
- @list_window.stats_window = @stats_window
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: prev_enemy
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def prev_enemy
- if @list_window.index == 0
- @list_window.index = @list_window.item_max - 1
- else
- @list_window.index -= 1
- end
- update_enemy_info
- @stats_selection.activate
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: next_enemy
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def next_enemy
- if @list_window.index == @list_window.item_max - 1
- @list_window.index = 0
- else
- @list_window.index += 1
- end
- update_enemy_info
- @stats_selection.activate
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: to_enemy_list
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def to_enemy_list
- @help_window.set_text(Venka::Bestiary::Category_Select)
- @bottom_window.draw_completion
- @stats_selection.hide.deactivate
- @stats_window.hide
- @descript_window.hide
- @frame_window.hide if @frame_window
- @enemy_bg.visible = false
- command_list
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_description_window
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_description_window
- y = (@help_window.height + @enemy_bg.height).to_i
- @descript_window =, y)
- @descript_window.viewport = @viewport
- @descript_window.width = Graphics.width - @stats_window.width
- @descript_window.height = Graphics.height - y - @bottom_window.height
- @descript_window.hide
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: create_image_frame
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_image_frame
- @frame_window =, @enemy_bg.y, @enemy_bg.width,
- @enemy_bg.height)
- @frame_window.viewport = @viewport
- @frame_window.set_windowskin
- @frame_window.back_opacity = 0
- @frame_window.hide
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: update_enemy_info
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_enemy_info
- enemy = $data_enemies[@list_window.current_ext]
- @help_window.set_text(
- @bottom_window.draw_instructions
- @stats_window.enemy_id = @list_window.current_ext
- @descript_window.set_description(enemy)
- update_enemy_image(enemy)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: update_enemy_image
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def update_enemy_image(enemy)
- @enemy_bg.bitmap.clear
- enemy = $data_enemies[@list_window.current_ext]
- if floor_image(enemy)
- bg_floor = enemy_image(:floor, floor_image(enemy))
- draw_image(bg_floor, @enemy_bg.width, @enemy_bg.height)
- end
- if wall_image(enemy)
- bg_wall = enemy_image(:wall, wall_image(enemy))
- draw_image(bg_wall, @enemy_bg.width, @enemy_bg.height)
- end
- enemy = enemy_image(:battler, enemy.battler_name, enemy.battler_hue)
- draw_image(enemy, @enemy_bg.width, @enemy_bg.height)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: floor_image
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def floor_image(enemy)
- floor = enemy.bg_floor # Get the enemie's wall image (high priority)
- if floor == "" # If it's not set, then get category image
- floor = Venka::Bestiary::Category[@category_window.index][:bg_floor]
- # If the category image wasn't set, then use the default image
- floor = Venka::Bestiary::Default_BGFloor if floor.nil?
- end
- floor = nil if floor == "" # Set to no image if category was set to ""
- return floor
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: wall_image
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def wall_image(enemy)
- wall = enemy.bg_wall # Get the enemie's wall image (high priority)
- if wall == "" # If it's not set, then get category image
- wall = Venka::Bestiary::Category[@category_window.index][:bg_wall]
- # If the category image wasn't set, then use the default image
- wall = Venka::Bestiary::Default_BGWall if wall.nil?
- end
- wall = nil if wall == "" # Set to no image if category was set to ""
- return wall
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: enemy_image
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def enemy_image(type, file, hue = 0)
- begin
- case type
- when :floor; Cache.battleback1(file)
- when :wall; Cache.battleback2(file)
- when :battler; Cache.battler(file, hue)
- end
- rescue; Cache.picture(file)
- end
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: draw_image
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_image(bitmap, width, height)
- x = (bitmap.width - width) * 0.5
- y = (bitmap.height - height) * 0.5
- src_rect =, y, width, height)
- @enemy_bg.bitmap.blt(0, 0, bitmap, src_rect)
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ● upgraded method: terminate
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def terminate
- super
- dispose_enemy_image
- fadeout_all(60)
- @map_bgm.replay
- end
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ○ new method: dispose_enemy_image
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dispose_enemy_image
- return unless @enemy_bg
- @enemy_bg.bitmap.dispose if @enemy_bg.bitmap
- @enemy_bg.dispose
- end
- end
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