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- ' Push to Talk Button Inline-Function for VoiceAttack - Get/Set any Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick Button as a PTT Button
- ' by SemlerPDX Jan2021/Oct2021
- Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
- Imports System
- Imports System.Collections
- Imports System.Collections.Generic
- Imports System.Threading
- Imports System.Threading.Tasks
- Imports System.Windows.Forms
- Public Class VAInline
- dim mouseButtons() as string = {
- }
- dim gamepadTriggers() as string = {"LEFTTRIGGER","RIGHTTRIGGER"}
- dim buttonsAlreadySetList as New List(Of String)
- dim buttonsAlwaysDownList as New List(Of String)
- dim buttonsAlwaysDown as boolean = False
- dim buttonDown as string = ""
- dim buttonCheck as string = ""
- dim checkPOV as string = ""
- dim buttonSet as boolean = False
- dim userReady as boolean = False
- dim counter as integer = 0
- dim keyCheck as string = ""
- dim keyString as string = ""
- dim keyCode() as string
- dim kc as KeysConverter = new KeysConverter()
- dim activeProfile as string = "CORE"
- dim debugCheck as boolean
- dim debugCount as integer = 0
- Private Function SendDebugMessage(ByVal debugText as string, ByVal debugColor as integer)
- '1=Blue - 2=Green - 3=Yellow - 4=Red - 5=Purple - 6=Blank - 7=Orange - 8=Black - 9=Gray - 10=Pink
- if ((VA.GetText("AVCS_Debug_QMSG")) isNot nothing)
- debugCount = VA.GetInt("AVCS_Debug_QMSG")
- end if
- debugCount += 1
- VA.SetText("AVCS_Debug_TMSG_" + debugCount.ToString(), debugText)
- VA.SetInt("AVCS_Debug_WCLR_" + debugCount.ToString(), debugColor)
- VA.SetInt("AVCS_Debug_QMSG", debugCount)
- try
- vaProxy.Command.Execute("f_core_debug -log", true)
- catch
- VA.WriteToLog("AVCS ERROR: PTTGET02 - f_core_debug null - restart VoiceAttack or create bug report", "red")
- end try
- debugCount = 0
- end function
- Private Function BuildPTTkeysList()
- for keyIndex as integer = 1 to 6
- 'Check for PTT buttons already set
- if ((VA.GetText("AVCS_" + activeProfile + "_PTTBUTTON_" + keyIndex.ToString())) isNot nothing)
- buttonCheck = VA.GetText("AVCS_" + activeProfile + "_PTTBUTTON_" + keyIndex.ToString())
- buttonsAlreadySetList.Add(buttonCheck)
- end if
- next
- end function
- Private Function BuildAlwaysDownList()
- 'Mouse Buttons Baseline State Loop
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYMOUSEDOWN}")) <> "0")
- for m as integer = 0 to 4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{"+ mouseButtons(m) +"}")) <> "0")
- buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add(mouseButtons(m))
- buttonsAlwaysDown = true
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("MOUSE BUTTON ("+ mouseButtons(m) +") DISREGARED AS ALWAYS DOWN", 4)
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- 'Keyboard Key Baseline State Loop
- for k as integer = 1 to 254
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYKEYDOWN}")) <> "0")
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
- buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString())
- buttonsAlwaysDown = true
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") DISREGARED AS ALWAYS DOWN", 4)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- 'Joystick Button Baseline State Loop
- for d as integer = 1 to 4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1")
- 'Joystick Buttons Baseline "Pressed" States
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ANYBUTTON}")) <> "0")
- for i as integer = 1 to 128
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
- buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString())
- buttonsAlwaysDown = true
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " DISREGARED - POSSIBLE DUAL STAGE TRIGGER", 4)
- end if
- end if
- next
- 'Joystick POV Buttons Baseline States (4-way only)
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POVENABLED}")) = "1")
- for i as integer = 1 to 4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + "TYPE}")) = "4")
- 'Loop though this Joystick POV 1-4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + "}")) <> "CENTER")
- checkPOV = vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + "}")
- buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV)
- buttonsAlwaysDown = true
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " POV " + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " DISREGARED", 4)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- end if
- 'Joystick as Gamepad Baseline Trigger States (with 20 of 255 as 'deadzone')
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ISGAMEPAD}")) <> "0")
- for t as integer = 0 to 1
- if (IsNumeric(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}")))
- if ((Convert.ToInt32(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}"))) > 20)
- buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t))
- buttonsAlwaysDown = true
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("Always Down " + gamepadTriggers(t), 3)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- end if
- next
- End function
- Private Function GetReverseMouseButton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- 'Check Always Down Mouse Button for "Unpressed" state
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
- if (buttonAlwaysDown.EndsWith("MOUSEBUTTON"))
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")) = "0")
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown 'changed from buttonCheck Sept2021
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE MOUSE BUTTON (" + buttonDown + ") SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- End Function
- Private Function GetMouseButton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- 'Mouse Button Current States
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYMOUSEDOWN}")) <> "0")
- for m as integer = 0 to 4
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{"+ mouseButtons(m) +"}")) <> "0")
- buttonCheck = mouseButtons(m)
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- MOUSE BUTTON (" + mouseButtons(m) + ") SET", 2)
- end if
- else
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("MOUSE BUTTON (" + mouseButtons(m) + ") DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
- end if
- end if
- else
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("MOUSE BUTTON (" + mouseButtons(m) + ") SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- End Function
- Private Function GetReverseKeyboardKey(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- 'Check Always Down Keyboard Key for "Unpressed" state
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if (buttonAlwaysDown.StartsWith("STATE_KEYSTATE"))
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")) <> "1")
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE KEYBOARD KEY (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- End Function
- Private Function GetKeyboardKey(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- 'Keyboard Keys Current State Loop
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYKEYDOWN}")) <> "0")
- for k as integer = 1 to 254
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
- buttonCheck = "STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString()
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") SET", 2)
- end if
- else
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
- end if
- end if
- else
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- End Function
- 'Check Always Down Style Joystick Buttons for "Unpressed" state
- Private Function GetReverseJoystickButton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- for d as integer = 1 to 4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1")
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if (buttonAlwaysDown.StartsWith("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString()))
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")) = "0")
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown 'changed from buttonCheck Sept2021
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") HAS BEEN SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- end if
- next
- End Function
- 'Standard Button Current "Pressed" state
- Private Function GetJoystickButton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- for d as integer = 1 to 4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1")
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ANYBUTTON}")) = "1")
- for i as integer = 1 to 128
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
- buttonCheck = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString()
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " SET", 2)
- end if
- else
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
- end if
- end if
- else
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- end if
- next
- End Function
- 'Check Always Down POV for "Unpressed" state
- Private Function GetReverseJoystickPOV(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- for d as integer = 1 to 4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POVENABLED}")) = "1")
- for i as integer = 1 to 4
- checkPOV = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString()
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- if (buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(checkPOV))
- for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
- if (buttonSet = false) and (buttonAlwaysDown.StartsWith(checkPOV))
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + checkPOV + "}")) = "CENTER")
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " POV (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") HAS BEEN SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- End Function
- 'Check Joystick POV for "Pressed" state
- Private Function GetJoystickPOV(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- for d as integer = 1 to 4
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POVENABLED}")) = "1")
- for i as integer = 1 to 4
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString() + "TYPE}")) = "4")
- checkPOV = vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString() + "}")
- if (checkPOV <> "CENTER")
- buttonCheck = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString() + ":" + checkPOV
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " SET", 2)
- end if
- else
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
- end if
- end if
- else
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- End Function
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'Check Always Down Triggers for "Unpressed" state
- Private Function GetReverseJoystickTrigger(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- for d as integer = 1 to 4
- if (((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1") and ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ISGAMEPAD}")) = "1"))
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if (buttonAlwaysDown.EndsWith("TRIGGER"))
- if (IsNumeric(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")))
- if ((Convert.ToInt32(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}"))) < 20)
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE JOYSTICK GAMEPAD " + d.ToString() + " TRIGGER (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") HAS BEEN SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- end if
- next
- End Function
- 'Check Triggers for "Pressed" state
- Private Function GetJoystickTrigger(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
- for d as integer = 1 to 4
- if (((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1") and ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ISGAMEPAD}")) = "1"))
- 'Gamepad Triggers Current State (with 20 of 255 as 'deadzone')
- for t as integer = 0 to 1
- if (buttonSet = false)
- if (IsNumeric(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}")))
- if ((Convert.ToInt32(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}"))) > 20)
- buttonCheck = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t)
- if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
- if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- else
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK GAMEPAD " + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + " DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
- end if
- end if
- else
- buttonSet = true
- buttonDown = buttonCheck
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK GAMEPAD " + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + " SET", 2)
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- End Function
- Public Sub Main()
- if (VA.GetBoolean("AVCS_Debug_ON") IsNot nothing)
- debugCheck = VA.GetBoolean("AVCS_Debug_ON")
- end if
- if ((VA.GetText("AVCS_ACTIVE_PROFILE")) isNot nothing)
- activeProfile = VA.GetText("AVCS_ACTIVE_PROFILE")
- end if
- if (debugCheck)
- VA.ClearLog()
- SendDebugMessage("inline begin....", 3)
- end if
- 'Get Button/Key Baseline States
- BuildPTTkeysList()
- BuildAlwaysDownList()
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", true)
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("Always Down Array Complete", 3)
- end if
- 'Begin a pause loop to wait for timeout or user input (key/button press or voice 'cancel' phrase)
- while (not(userReady))
- Thread.CurrentThread.Sleep(1000)
- counter += 1
- 'Check for Timeout or TTS User Prompt Instructions complete
- if ((VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")) isNot nothing)
- userReady = VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")
- end if
- if ((counter >= 15) or (userReady))
- if (userReady)
- VA.WriteToLog("== PLEASE PRESS ANY KEY OR BUTTON NOW ==","green")
- else
- VA.WriteToLog("cancelled - command timed out... TTS or primary function error","red")
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("AVCS PTT SET cancelled - command timed out", 3)
- end if
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
- Exit sub
- end if
- end if
- end while
- 'Reset counter for Keypress/Button monitor
- counter = 0
- userReady = false
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready", false)
- 'Begin a pause loop to wait for Joystick/Gamepad Input or spoken 'cancel/done' speech
- while (not(userReady))
- Thread.CurrentThread.Sleep(75)
- counter += 1
- if (buttonSet = false)
- GetReverseMouseButton(buttonSet)
- GetMouseButton(buttonSet)
- GetReverseKeyboardKey(buttonSet)
- GetKeyboardKey(buttonSet)
- GetReverseJoystickButton(buttonSet)
- GetJoystickButton(buttonSet)
- GetReverseJoystickPOV(buttonSet)
- GetJoystickPOV(buttonSet)
- GetReverseJoystickTrigger(buttonSet)
- GetJoystickTrigger(buttonSet)
- end if
- 'Check for Input, Timeout or TTS User Prompt Instructions complete
- if ((VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")) isNot nothing)
- userReady = VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")
- end if
- if ((counter >= 200) or ((buttonSet) and (buttonDown <> "")) or (userReady))
- if ((buttonSet) and (buttonDown <> ""))
- if (buttonsAlreadySetList isNot nothing)
- if (buttonsAlreadySetList.Contains(buttonDown))
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
- VA.SetText("~avcs_button_choice", "alreadyset")
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("ERROR - Existing PTT button has already been set to " + buttonDown, 4)
- end if
- Exit While
- end if
- end if
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
- VA.SetText("~avcs_button_choice", buttonDown)
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("PTT button has been set " + buttonDown, 2)
- end if
- Exit While
- elseif (userReady)
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
- VA.WriteToLog("command cancelled - user input not detected","red")
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("AVCS PTT SET user input not detected", 4)
- end if
- Exit While
- elseif (counter >= 200)
- VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
- VA.WriteToLog("command timed out... user input not detected","red")
- if (debugCheck)
- SendDebugMessage("AVCS PTT SET command timed out", 4)
- end if
- Exit While
- end if
- end if
- end while
- if ((buttonSet) and (buttonDown <> ""))
- if (buttonDown.StartsWith("STATE_KEYSTATE:"))
- keyCode = buttonDown.Split(":")
- if (IsNumeric(keyCode(1)))
- try
- keyString = kc.ConvertToString(Convert.ToInt32(keyCode(1)))
- keyString = keyString.Replace("Oem","")
- VA.WriteToLog("PTT Button Set to " + buttonDown + " == " + keyString, "green")
- catch
- VA.WriteToLog("PTT Button Set to " + buttonDown, "green")
- end try
- end if
- else
- VA.WriteToLog("PTT Button Set to " + buttonDown, "green")
- end if
- end if
- End Sub
- End Class
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