
English words V4

Oct 29th, 2012
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  1. -----unit 1------
  3. 1. alibi = an excuse to avoid a blame
  4. - My sick grandmother was my alibi for missing school
  6. 2. assasinate = to suddenly kill an important person
  7. + mata un hende importante door di politic/religious reasons
  8. - he president was assassinated because of his political views.
  10. 3. assault = a sudden violent attack
  11. + assalta un hende
  12. -
  13. 4. counterfeit = to make a fake fraud copy of something
  14. + traha un copia fake di algo, (placa, firma, etc)
  15. -
  17. 5. embezzle = steal money, often an employer (fraude)
  18. + horta placa di un lugar unda bo ta traha
  19. -
  21. 6. felony = a serious crime, which there is a strict punishement for
  22. + haci algo hopi malo (mata, etc) unda bo por haya te asta death sentence
  23. -
  25. 7. interrogate = ask questions to a suspect/prisoner
  26. + investiga/t7kik
  27. -
  29. 8. lurk = remain hidden to attack someone
  30. + camp pa attacka un hende
  31. -
  33. 9. misdemeanor = a crime that is not very serious
  34. + haci algo malo, pero cu no ta hopi erg > bebe abouw di 18
  35. -
  37. 10. perjury = lying when you have sword to tell the truth in court
  38. + un hende cu ta ganja dilanti corte
  39. -
  41. 11. revenge = something done as a means of vengeance
  42. + tuma revenge, acto riba algo
  43. - nowadays they insist they do not thirst for revenge
  45. 12. torture = to cause pain
  46. + tortura un hende pa force e pa bisa algo
  47. -
  49. 13. - assailant = attacker
  50. - skult = lurk
  51. - prison = jail, penitentiary, reformatoryt, stockade
  52. - prisoner = convict, inmate
  53. - revenge = vengeance, retribution
  54. - scream = holler, yell, shout, shriek
  55. - secretly = furtively, surrpitiously
  57. -----unit 2-------
  59. 1. adamant = unmovable, cannot change from opinion
  60. + un hende ta echt set pa haci algo
  61. - The boss was adamant in his refusal to approve the plan.
  63. 2. adverse = opossed to someones interest
  64. + algo cu ta contra e interes
  65. - your behaviour will adversely affect the boss's opinion about you
  67. 3. aimless = without aim, purposeless
  68. + sin un meta, of no ta dirigi na algo especial
  69. - the current distribution process is aimless and is not cost-effective
  71. 4. botch = to do in a hopelessly way
  72. + ba perde speransa, of haci algo sin smaak
  73. - if you are being recorded or taped and botch an answer, simply begin the answer again
  75. 5. dawdle = to waste time
  76. + bo ta djies keda gasta tempo
  77. - he dawdled away the whole morning
  79. 6. errand = a short trip to take care of some business
  80. + bay un caminda pa caba cu algo di trabouw
  81. - I spend most of the day doing errands
  83. 7.
  85. ------------unit4--------------
  87. 1. adolescent = a person between the age 12-20, is between puberty
  88. + un hende cu no ta adulto ainda
  89. - many adolescents wish they were already adults
  91. 2. adopt = to take by choice to your family, orphaned child
  92. + bo ta adopta un hende, tumele pa bo familla
  93. - I was adopted when I was 10 years old
  95. 3. conflict = a disagreement that leads to a problem, a clash with someone
  96. + un conflicto, ora tin dos hende cu differente opinion
  97. - again, my comments only apply to this brief summation, which may conflict with the full article
  99. 4. custody = take care of someone, generally under court rules
  100. + tuma legal cuido di un hende of algo, ladron deteni door di polis
  101. - the robber was under custody by the police
  103. 5. descendant = offspring of a particular person, coming from onother person
  104. + decendiente, bo tata, welo, yui, nieto, etc.
  105. - this area is now inhabited by the descendants of european settlers and african slaves who arrived just 500 years ago
  107. 6. embrace = clasp in the arms (hug), accept
  108. + tuma cu un brasa, accepta, approva
  109. - embrace the greatest diversity of workers
  111. 7. foster = receiving parenthood from someone who isn't blood related
  112. + bo ta temporaly cria un hende cu no ta di bo sanger, sin adopt e
  113. - an example of foster is to take in a child from an orphanage until permanent parents adopt him
  115. 8. guardian = a person who is legally in charge of a minor
  116. + legalmente bo ta zorg pa un mucha ofzo
  117. - teacher williams will become your guardian when your parents die
  119. 9. nurture = someone or something that provides support, well balanced meal, parent
  120. + un hende of algo cu ta yudabo crece, un manera di crecencia
  121. - childs need to be nurtured in a good way to succesfully grow up
  123. 10. scold = criticize, chasitise a child for doing something wrong
  124. + duna straf pa un mucha si e haci algo malo, castigele ish
  125. - he even scolded them at times, but they seemed to like it
  127. 11. spank = parent striking their child with an open hand
  128. + bo ta duna sota pa bo yui ish xD
  129. - teacher williams spanked the little boy for straf
  131. 12. temparement = emotional response, is not angry fast
  132. + no ta get mad hopi lihe > calm temperament
  133. - She is very temperement, she rarely gets angry
  135. 13. temperamental = changes from mood easily, quickly
  136. + ta moody, ta cambia hopi lihe di beis ish
  137. - he is very temperamental, they often misunderstand him
  139. 14. toddler = a young child who is learning or recently learned to walk
  140. + mucha chikito cu awo a sinja cana, nino
  141. - the father helped his toddler child to walk to the fridge
  143. 15. ward = a child who is dependent on the support of the guardian
  144. + un mucha cu ta wordo cria door di un guardian
  145. - those children are wards of the state, because their family is dead
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