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- Enchantments:
- Glowing:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Glowing'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&bGlowing'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Helmet'
- - '&eDescription: &7Actives your inner glow'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- BurnShield:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Magma'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&eMagma'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives permanent fire resistance'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Piercing:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Piercing'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&6Piercing'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Inflicts more arrow damage'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- OverLoad:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Overload'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&6Overload'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Increases the wearer''s total health'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- SelfDestruct:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Suicide'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&aSuicide'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7When close to death,'
- - '&7TNT spawns around you'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Springs:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Springs'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bSprings'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Boots'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives you infinite jump boost'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Gears:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Speed'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&aSpeed'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Boots'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives you infinite speed boost'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Hulk:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Hulk'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&6Hulk'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives strength, damage resistance, and slowness when wearing it'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Mermaid:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Pufferfish'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&bPufferfish'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Helmet'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives permanent water breathing'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Ninja:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Ninja'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&bNinja'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives speed and health boost when you put it on'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Vampire:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Soulsteal'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&6Soulsteal'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to heal you when fighting'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- LifeSteal:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Lifesteal'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&6Lifesteal'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance of gaining your health back'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Doctor:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Medical'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bMedic'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Heals player hit by the arrow'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Boom:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Missile'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bMissile'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to spawn tnt where the arrow lands'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Venom:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Venom'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&aVenom'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent poison'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- DoubleDamage:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Extinction'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&6Extinction'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to deal double damage'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- SlowMo:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'SlowMo'
- Color: '&7'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eSlowMo'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent slowness'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- - 'Rare'
- - 'Legendary'
- Blindness:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Blindness'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eBlindness'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance of causing blindness when attacking'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Viper:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Assassin'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aAssassin'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent poison'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- AntiGravity:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Grav'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eGrav'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Boots'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives a high jump boost when you put it on'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- FastTurn:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'FastTurn'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&bFast Turn'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to deal more damage'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- LightWeight:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Quickdraw'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&bQuickdraw'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give you haste when attacking'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Blessed:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Blessed'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eBlessed'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Axe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance of removing negative debuffs'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- FeedMe:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'FeedMe'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&aFeedMe'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Axe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to feed you while fightning'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Dizzy:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Corruption'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bCorruption'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Axe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent confusion'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Berserk:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Berserk'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aBerserk'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Axe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give you strength and mining fatigue'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Cursed:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Cursed'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aCursed'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Axe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent mining fatigue'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Rekt:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Demolition'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&6Demolition'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Axe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Inflicts more axe damage'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Enlightened:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Reversal'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&eReversal'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Can heal you while taking damage'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Freeze:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Freeze'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&6Freeze'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent slowness'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Fortify:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Fortify'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eFortify'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent weakness'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Molten:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Immolation'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&6Immolation'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to set set your opponent on fire'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- PainGiver:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Toxic Waste'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&aToxic Waste'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent poison'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Savior:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Reinforced'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 6
- Info:
- Name: '&eReinforced'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to cut your in-coming damage by half'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Nursery:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Nursery'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&aNursery'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to heal you while walking'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- AutoSmelt:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Smelting'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&bSmelting'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Pickaxe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to auto smelt'
- - '&7ores and give more ingots'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Experience:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Experience'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&aExperience'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Pickaxe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives more exp when mining blocks'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Telepathy:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Telepathy'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&eTelepathy'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Pickaxe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Automatically sends mined'
- - '&7blocks to your inventory'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Haste:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Haste'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aHaste'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Pickaxe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives you haste when'
- - '&7holding the item in your hand'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Oxygenate:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Oxygenate'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&bOxygenate'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Pickaxe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives you water breathing when holding the item in your hand'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- IceFreeze:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Entangle'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&bEntangle'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent slowness'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Lightning:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Zeus'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aZeus'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to summon lightning'
- - '&7onto your victim'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Decapitation:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Decapitation'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&aDecapitation'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Axe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to drop your opponents head on death'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Confusion:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Confusion'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&eConfusion'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent confusion'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Disarmer:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Disarmed'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&6Disarmed'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to take a random armor piece off your opponent'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Execute:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Execute'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&bExecute'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to get strength'
- - '&7when your opponent is low on health'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Headless:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Confirmed'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&aConfirmed'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to drop your'
- - '&7opponents head on death'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Inquisitive:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Inquisitive'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&6Inquisitive'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Increases exp drops from mobs'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Insomnia:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Insomnia'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&aInsomnia'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives confusion, mining fatigue, and slowness'
- - '&ebut has a high chance of doing double the damage'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Nutrition:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Nutrition'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bNutrition'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to feed you while fighting'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Obliterate:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Obliterate'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bObliterate'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to cause extreme knockback'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Paralyze:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Paralyze'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eParalyze'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent mining fatigue and slowness'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- SkillSwipe:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Skill Swipe'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&bSkill Swipe'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to steal xp from your opponent while fighting'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Snare:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Snare'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bSnare'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent slowness and mining fatigue'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Trap:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Trapped'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&bTrapped'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to freeze your opponent'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Wither:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Withered'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&6Withered'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Sword'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give the wither effect'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Rage:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Rage'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 6
- Info:
- Name: '&6Rage'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Weapon'
- - '&eDescription: &7For every combo hit you land,'
- - '&7your damage is multiplied'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Valor:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Valor'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&bValor'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives damage resistance'
- - '&7based on your enchantment level'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- SmokeBomb:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Escapist'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aEscapist'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to blind and slow'
- - '&7your opponent so you can escape'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Drunk:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Drunk'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&6Drunk'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives strength, mining fatigue, and slowness when put on'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Voodoo:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Voodoo'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bVoodoo'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to give your opponent weakness'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- MultiArrow:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Squadron'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&eSquadron'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to shoot multiple arrows at once'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Recover:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Resurrect'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&eResurrect'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7When you kill a player you get absorption and regen'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Cactus:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Cactus'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&bCactus'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to damage the player that hits you'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Rocket:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Rocket Escape'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bRocket Escape'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Boots'
- - '&eDescription: &7If low on health there is a chance you will blast off backwards to escape'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Angel:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Angel'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&aAngel'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Heals near by faction members when you are wearing item'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- HellForged:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Reforged'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 10
- Info:
- Name: '&aReforged'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Weapon'
- - '&eDescription: &7Protects tool durability,'
- - '&7items will take longer to break'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Commander:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Commander'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&aCommander'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Helmet'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives nearby faction members'
- - '&7haste when wearing it'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- StormCaller:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'StormCaller'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 5
- Info:
- Name: '&bStormCaller'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to strike your opponent down with a lightning strike'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Leadership:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Ganked'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 4
- Info:
- Name: '&eGanked'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Attacks get stronger when allies are nearby'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Implants:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Saturated'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bSaturated'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Helmet'
- - '&eDescription: &7While moving your hunger'
- - '&7will start to go up while equipped'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Wings:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Airborn'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&6Airborn'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Boots'
- - '&eDescription: &7Allows you to fly in your own territory'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Blast:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Blast'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eBlast'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Pickaxe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Explosions occur when mining'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Furnace:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Furnace'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&bFurnace'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Pickaxe'
- - '&eDescription: &7Always smelts ores into items instead of blocks'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Blizzard:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Snowify'
- Color: '&c'
- BookColor: '&c'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&cSnowify'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to spawn a snow storm to opponents nearby'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- AcidRain:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Acidic'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aAcidic'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives enemies within 3 blocks poison for a short time'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- SandStorm:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Sandstorm'
- Color: '&6'
- BookColor: '&6'
- MaxPower: 1
- Info:
- Name: '&6Sandstorm'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives enemies within 3 blocks blindness for a short time'
- Categories:
- - 'Legendary'
- Radiant:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Radiant'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&aRadiant'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Sets enemies within 3 blocks on fire for a short time'
- Categories:
- - 'Basic'
- Intimidate:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Intimidate'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&bIntimidate'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Gives enemies within 3 blocks weakness for a short time'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Pull:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Hooked'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bHooked'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Bow'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to send the opponent you hit flying at you'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Tamer:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Wolves'
- Color: '&e'
- BookColor: '&e'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eWolves'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to spawn friendly'
- - '&7wolves to fight along side of you'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Guards:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Guardians'
- Color: '&a'
- BookColor: '&a'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&eGuardians'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Spawns in iron golems when you are in trouble'
- Categories:
- - 'Ultimate'
- Infestation:
- Enabled: False
- Name: 'Infestation'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 2
- Info:
- Name: '&bInfestation'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Spawns in endermites and silverfish when you are in trouble'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
- Necromancer:
- Enabled: True
- Name: 'Necromancer'
- Color: '&b'
- BookColor: '&b'
- MaxPower: 3
- Info:
- Name: '&bNecromancer'
- Description:
- - '&eType: &7Armour'
- - '&eDescription: &7Chance to summon zombie allies upon hit'
- Categories:
- - 'Rare'
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