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- .pc =$0801 "Basic Upstart Program"
- :BasicUpstart($0810)
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- // 2x2 Scroll
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- .var music = LoadSid("C:\\Users\\xxx\\Dysk Google\\C64\\CDU_Suxx.sid")
- .pc = $0810 "Main Program"
- ldx #0
- !loop:
- .for(var i=0; i<4; i++) {
- lda #$20
- sta $0400+i*$100,x
- lda #$0f
- sta $d800+i*$100,x
- }
- inx
- bne !loop-
- lda #$00
- sta $d020
- sta $d021
- ldx #0
- ldy #0
- lda #music.startSong-1
- jsr music.init
- sei
- lda #<irq1
- sta $0314
- lda #>irq1
- sta $0315
- asl $d019
- lda #$7b
- sta $dc0d
- lda #$81
- sta $d01a
- lda #$1b
- sta $d011
- lda #$80
- sta $d012
- cli
- this: jmp this
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- irq1:
- asl $d019
- inc $d020
- jsr
- inc $d020
- jsr scroll
- lda #$c0
- ora scroll_xpos
- sta $d016
- lda #$1e
- sta $d018
- lda #0
- sta $d020
- pla
- tay
- pla
- tax
- pla
- rti
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- .var scroll_screen = $0400
- scroll:
- lda scroll_xpos
- sec
- sbc scroll_speed
- and #$07
- sta scroll_xpos
- bcc !moveChars+
- rts
- !moveChars:
- // Move the chars
- ldx #0
- !loop:
- lda scroll_screen+1,x
- sta scroll_screen,x
- lda scroll_screen+1+40,x
- sta scroll_screen+40,x
- inx
- cpx #40
- bne !loop-
- // print the new chars
- !txtPtr: lda scroll_text
- cmp #$ff
- bne !noWrap+
- lda #<scroll_text
- sta !txtPtr-+1
- lda #>scroll_text
- sta !txtPtr-+2
- jmp !txtPtr-
- !noWrap:
- ora scroll_charNo
- sta scroll_screen+39
- clc
- adc #$40
- sta scroll_screen+39+40
- // Advance textpointer
- lda scroll_charNo
- eor #$80
- sta scroll_charNo
- bne !over+
- !incr:
- inc !txtPtr-+1
- bne !over+
- inc !txtPtr-+2
- !over:
- rts
- scroll_xpos: .byte 0
- scroll_speed: .byte 4
- scroll_charNo: .byte 0
- scroll_text:
- .text "hello world.. here is a scroll with a converted charset. the charset was "
- .text "drawn by trifox who asked how to convert it on csdb. this is a quick example of "
- .text "how it can be done in kick assembler... .. .. . . . "
- .byte $ff
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- .pc=music.location "Music"
- .fill music.size, music.getData(i)
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- .pc = $3800
- .var charsetPic = LoadPicture("2x2char.gif", List().add($000000, $ffffff))
- .function picToCharset(byteNo, picture) {
- .var ypos = [byteNo&7] + 8*[[byteNo>>9]&1]
- .var xpos = 2*[[byteNo>>3]&$3f] + [[byteNo>>10]&1]
- .return picture.getSinglecolorByte(xpos,ypos)
- }
- .fill $800, picToCharset(i,charsetPic)
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