
Puyo 7 Mega/Mini form "hoax"

Feb 15th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. This is a machine translations (using DeepL) of text found within a certain Niconico video that managed to fool the western Puyo community for quite some time. Said video contained fan-interpretations of Mega/Mini forms of the Transformation rule set for Schezo, Rulue and Klug. The rest of the video contained every in-game form of each playable character in Puyo Puyo 7 (including the real forms of previously mentioned characters), alongside the cutscene-only appearance of Witch and Harpy. One noteworthy thing to note is the appearance of a fake roster including all the characters from the actual roster but also including Lidelle (who was notably absent from 7) and the previously mentioned cutscene-only characters. The reason it's notable is that said part of the video never gets spread around unlike the fake Mega/Mini forms. However there's a counter-argument to that being, it's easy to confirm Lidelle not being in files of Puyo 7 (although she probably was thought to be included, since she is a mainstay character), while the rumor says that the Mega/Mini forms are their original versions changed during development, justifying their absence from the files of the final game.
  3. The reason I'm making this Pastebin is the rumor was included in Tucker's well researched video (well besides that blunder and some smaller ones which I won't elaborate on here) simply titled "Puyo Puyo Trivia" (It's got great editing and certain trivia that even some Puyo veterans might not know, I'd highly recommend it!).
  5. One last thing before we get to the translations, is the link for the original video plus Tucker's "Puyo Puyo Trivia" which I couldn't recommend enough (Although he might update that video to remove the mention of the fanmade form).
  7. Original "hoax" video: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10121608
  9. "Puyo Puyo Trivia": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgX9YZkjEBk
  11. --------------------------------------------------- Translations
  13. Timestamp: 16:00 - 16:12
  15. That's all for now, thank you for your patience.
  17. This time, I've put together a picture of the henshin and the upper screen of the DS.
  18. I'm still hoping for an official introduction of all of them.
  19. I'm still looking forward to the official introduction of all the standing pictures.
  21. I'd like to see them in official and clear quality.
  23. ---------
  25. Timestamp: 16:13 - 16:24
  27. The following is a little something extra.
  29. This is just a tracing of my imagination.
  30. I hope you enjoy it, and if you agree with me
  31. I hope you enjoy it, and if you agree, I'd be very happy.
  33. If you are interested, please feel free to take a look.
  35. (In my opinion this confirms that they aren't real, but real kicker is that they never really meant to fool anyone)
  37. --------------------------------------------------- Conclusion
  39. I know it isn't really a lot but I think what I have proves my point enough to justify being lazy and not translating the rest of the video (I think it just might confirm my point even further, although that's a bit of a bold statement).
  41. Tucker, I'm not mad at you for making a honest mistake and I sure hope you aren't mad at me. What you said about the implication of Klug being destined to be Strange/Possessed Klug in the future through Klug's Mega form still holds true without the fanmade Mega form. I'm glad to be of help! (~~btw please credit me as Xkower, not my youtube name pls~~)
  43. Yours truly,
  45. Xkower8181, signing off.
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