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- --[[
- Script shared by eletronix ]]
- local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local bin ="HopperBin", player.Backpack)
- bin.Name = "Striker unit"
- local camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
- local character = player.Character
- local torso = character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local neck = torso:FindFirstChild("Neck")
- local rightLeg = character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg")
- local leftLeg = character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg")
- local rightHip = torso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
- local leftHip = torso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
- local neckAngle = neck.C1
- local rightHipAngle = rightHip.C1
- local leftHipAngle = leftHip.C1
- local leftWeld ="Weld")
- local rightWeld ="Weld")
- local velocity ="BodyVelocity")
- local gyro ="BodyGyro")
- local pos ="BodyPosition")
- local parts = {"StrikerOne", "StrikerTwo", "JointOne", "JointTwo", "PropellerOne", "PropellerTwo"}
- local welds = {"SWelderOne", "SWelderTwo", "JWelderOne", "JWelderTwo", "PWelderOne", "PWelderTwo"}
- local strikerColor = "Really black"
- local propellerColor = "White"
- local jointColor = "Bright blue"
- local mainModel ="Model")
- local cframePart ="Part")
- local toolSelected = false
- local runNext = false
- local strikerLoaded = false
- local connected = false
- local turn = false
- local forward = false
- local backward = false
- local onleft = false
- local onright = false
- local onup = false
- local ondown = false
- local gyroAngleX = 0
- local desiredGyroAngleX = 0
- local gyroAngleY = 0
- local desiredGyroAngleY = 0
- local gyroAngleZ = 0
- local desiredGyroAngleZ = 0
- local angleSetSpeed = 5
- local rotationIndice = 0
- local maxRotation = 70
- local motorSpeed = 0
- local desiredSpeed = 0
- local xPartPos = 0
- local desiredXPartPos = 0
- local yPartPos = 0
- local desiredYPartPos = 0
- function Striker(delay)
- wait(delay)
- mainModel.Name = "Striker"
- mainModel.Archivable = false
- mainModel.Parent = character
- for index, name in pairs(parts) do
- getfenv()[name] ="Part")
- getfenv()[name].Name = name
- getfenv()[name].Anchored = true
- getfenv()[name].Locked = true
- getfenv()[name].CanCollide = false
- getfenv()[name].Transparency = 1
- getfenv()[name].CFrame =, math.huge, 0)
- getfenv()[name].FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- getfenv()[name].BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- getfenv()[name].TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- if index <= 2 then
- getfenv()[name].BrickColor =
- getfenv()[name].Size =, 1.5, 1.1)
- elseif index == 3 or index == 4 then
- getfenv()[name].BrickColor =
- getfenv()[name].Size =, 0.25, 0.25)
- elseif index >= 5 then
- getfenv()[name].BrickColor =
- getfenv()[name].Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
- end
- getfenv()[name].Parent = mainModel
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- for i = getfenv()[name].Transparency, 0, -0.1 do
- if toolSelected then wait() getfenv()[name].Transparency = i end
- end
- end))
- end
- for index, name in pairs(welds) do
- getfenv()[name] ="Weld")
- getfenv()[name].Parent = mainModel
- getfenv()[name].Name = name
- if index == 1 then
- getfenv()[name].Part0 = leftLeg
- StrikerOne.Anchored = false
- getfenv()[name].Part1 = StrikerOne
- getfenv()[name].C1 =, 0.35, 0)
- elseif index == 2 then
- getfenv()[name].Part0 = rightLeg
- StrikerTwo.Anchored = false
- getfenv()[name].Part1 = StrikerTwo
- getfenv()[name].C1 =, 0.35, 0)
- elseif index == 3 then
- getfenv()[name].Part0 = StrikerOne
- JointOne.Anchored = false
- getfenv()[name].Part1 = JointOne
- getfenv()[name].C1 =, 0.775, 0)
- JointOne.CanCollide = true
- elseif index == 4 then
- getfenv()[name].Part0 = StrikerTwo
- JointTwo.Anchored = false
- getfenv()[name].Part1 = JointTwo
- getfenv()[name].C1 =, 0.775, 0)
- JointTwo.CanCollide = true
- elseif index == 5 then
- getfenv()[name].Part0 = JointOne
- PropellerOne.Anchored = false
- getfenv()[name].Part1 = PropellerOne
- elseif index == 6 then
- getfenv()[name].Part0 = JointTwo
- PropellerTwo.Anchored = false
- getfenv()[name].Part1 = PropellerTwo
- end
- end
- wait(0.1)
- strikerLoaded = true
- end
- function SetAngles(cfr, x, y, z) print("Settings")
- local x2, y2, z2 = cfr.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- x = math.rad(x)
- y = math.rad(y)
- z = math.rad(z)
- x2 = math.rad(x2)
- y2 = math.rad(y2)
- z2 = math.rad(z2)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local v1 local v2
- if x2 < x then v1, v2 = x2, x else v1, v2 = x, x2 end
- for i = v1, v2, (v2 - v1) / angleSetSpeed do wait()
- cfr.C1 = unitCfr * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(i/v2, 0, 0)
- end
- end))
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local v3 local v4
- if y2 < y then v3, v4 = y2, y else v3, v4 = y, x2 end
- for i = v3, v4, (v2 - v1) / angleSetSpeed do wait()
- cfr.C1 = unitCfr * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, i/v4, 0)
- end
- end))
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local v5 local v6
- if z2 < z then v5, v6 = z2, z else v5, v6 = z, z2 end
- for i = v5, v6, (v5 - v6) / angleSetSpeed do wait()
- cfr.C1 = unitCfr * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, i/v6)
- end
- end))
- end
- function Connection(mouse)
- toolSelected = true
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait()
- if toolSelected then
- if leftHip ~= nil then
- leftHip.DesiredAngle = 0
- leftHip.CurrentAngle = 0
- end
- if rightHip ~= nil then
- rightHip.DesiredAngle = 0
- rightHip.CurrentAngle = 0
- end
- runNext = true
- else break end
- until false return false end))
- repeat wait() until runNext
- humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- torso.Anchored = true wait()
- torso.Velocity =, 0, 0)
- torso.RotVelocity =, 0, 0)
- leftHipAngle = leftHip.C1
- rightHipAngle = rightHip.C1
- pos.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
- pos.Parent = torso
- pos.position = torso.CFrame.p
- torso.Anchored = false
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(Striker),0.2)
- for i = 1, 20, 1 do wait()
- if toolSelected then
- pos.position = pos.position +, 0.2, 0)
- torso.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(18), 0)
- humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- leftHip.C1 = leftHip.C1 *, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0.5), -math.rad(0.5), -math.rad(0.5))
- rightHip.C1 = rightHip.C1 *, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0.5), math.rad(0.5), math.rad(0.5))
- end
- end
- local x22, y22, z22 = leftHip.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
- repeat wait() until strikerLoaded
- gyro.maxTorque =, math.huge, math.huge)
- gyro.Parent = torso
- gyro.P = 1500
- velocity.Parent = torso
- velocity.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
- velocity.P = 125
- if pos ~= nil then if pos.Parent == torso then pos:remove() end end
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while strikerLoaded do wait(0.03405) if toolSelected and rotationIndice < maxRotation then rotationIndice = rotationIndice + 0.25
- if desiredSpeed ~= 0 then if desiredSpeed > 0 then motorSpeed = desiredSpeed - (maxRotation - rotationIndice) elseif desiredSpeed < 0 then motorSpeed = desiredSpeed + (maxRotation - rotationIndice) end else motorSpeed = 0 end
- if desiredXPartPos ~= 0 then if desiredXPartPos > 0 then xPartPos = desiredXPartPos - (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) elseif desiredXPartPos < 0 then xPartPos = desiredXPartPos + (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) end else xPartPos = 0 end
- if desiredYPartPos ~= 0 then if desiredYPartPos > 0 then yPartPos = desiredYPartPos - (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) elseif desiredYPartPos < 0 then yPartPos = desiredYPartPos + (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) end else yPartPos = 0 end
- if desiredGyroAngleX ~= 0 then if desiredGyroAngleX > 0 then gyroAngleX = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleX - (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) elseif desiredGyroAngleX < 0 then gyroAngleX = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleX + (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) end else gyroAngleX = 0 end
- if desiredGyroAngleY ~= 0 then if desiredGyroAngleY > 0 then gyroAngleY = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleY - (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) elseif desiredGyroAngleY < 0 then gyroAngleY = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleY + (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) end else gyroAngleY = 0 end
- if desiredGyroAngleZ ~= 0 then if desiredGyroAngleZ > 0 then gyroAngleZ = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleZ - (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) elseif desiredGyroAngleZ < 0 then gyroAngleZ = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleZ + (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) end else gyroAngleZ = 0 end
- elseif toolSelected and rotationIndice == maxRotation then humanoid.PlatformStand = true motorSpeed = desiredSpeed gyroAngleX = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleX) gyroAngleY = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleY) gyroAngleZ = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleZ) xPartPos = desiredXPartPos yPartPos = desiredYPartPos end
- if PropellerOne ~= nil and PWelderOne ~= nil then
- PWelderOne.C1 = PWelderOne.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, -math.rad(rotationIndice), 0)
- end
- if PropellerTwo ~= nil and PWelderTwo ~= nil then
- PWelderTwo.C1 = PWelderTwo.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(rotationIndice), 0)
- end
- if cframePart ~= nil then
- cframePart.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
- cframePart.CFrame =, camera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * 10000000) +, yPartPos, 0)
- end
- if velocity ~= nil then if velocity.Parent == torso then velocity.velocity = (cframePart.CFrame - cframePart.CFrame.p) *, yPartPos, -motorSpeed) end end
- if gyro ~= nil then if gyro.Parent == torso then gyro.cframe =, camera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * 10000000) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(gyroAngleX, gyroAngleY, gyroAngleZ) end end
- end return
- end)) connected = true stand = true
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) key = key:lower()
- if key == "w" then ForwardDown()
- elseif key == "s" then BackwardDown()
- elseif key == "a" then LeftDown()
- elseif key == "d" then RightDown()
- elseif key == "e" then UpDown()
- elseif key == "q" then DownDown()
- end end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) key = key:lower()
- if key == "w" then ForwardUp() if backward then BackwardDown() end
- elseif key == "s" then BackwardUp() if forward then ForwardDown() end
- elseif key == "a" then LeftUp() if onright then RightDown() end
- elseif key == "d" then RightUp() if onleft then LeftDown() end
- elseif key == "e" then UpUp() if ondown then DownDown() end
- elseif key == "q" then DownUp() if onup then UpDown() end
- end end)
- end
- function Disconnection()
- toolSelected = false wait()
- for index, name in pairs(parts) do
- if getfenv()[name] ~= nil then
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- for i = getfenv()[name].Transparency, 1, 0.1 do wait()
- getfenv()[name].Transparency = i
- end
- end))
- end
- end
- pos.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
- pos.Parent = torso
- pos.position = torso.CFrame.p
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(Striker),0.2)
- for i = 1, 10, 1 do wait()
- pos.position = pos.position -, 0.15, 0)
- humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- leftHip.C1 = leftHip.C1 *, 0.02, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-1), -math.rad(-1), -math.rad(-1))
- rightHip.C1 = rightHip.C1 *, 0.02, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-1), math.rad(-1), math.rad(-1))
- end wait()
- humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- if pos ~= nil then if pos.Parent == torso then pos:remove() end end
- if gyro ~= nil then if gyro.Parent == torso then gyro:remove() end end
- if velocity ~= nil then if velocity.Parent == torso then velocity:remove() end end
- if mainModel ~= nil then mainModel:remove() end
- strikerLoaded = false
- rotationIndice = 0
- motorSpeed = 0
- desiredSpeed = 0
- ForwardUp()
- BackwardUp()
- LeftUp()
- RightUp()
- forward = false
- backward = false
- onleft = false
- onright = false
- onup = false
- ondown = false
- leftHip.C1 = leftHipAngle
- rightHip.C1 = rightHipAngle
- connected = false
- end
- function ForwardDown() forward = true
- desiredGyroAngleX = -maxRotation
- desiredSpeed = maxRotation
- end
- function BackwardDown() backward = true
- desiredGyroAngleX = maxRotation
- desiredSpeed = -maxRotation
- end
- function ForwardUp() forward = false
- desiredGyroAngleX = 0
- desiredSpeed = 0
- end
- function BackwardUp() backward = false
- desiredGyroAngleX = 0
- desiredSpeed = 0
- end
- function LeftDown() onleft = true
- desiredGyroAngleY = -maxRotation
- desiredXPartPos = -maxRotation/2
- end
- function RightDown() onright = true
- desiredGyroAngleY = maxRotation
- desiredXPartPos = maxRotation/2
- end
- function LeftUp() onleft = false
- desiredGyroAngleY = 0
- desiredXPartPos = 0
- end
- function RightUp() onright = false
- desiredGyroAngleY = 0
- desiredXPartPos = 0
- end
- function UpDown() onup = true
- desiredYPartPos = maxRotation/2
- end
- function DownDown() ondown = true
- desiredYPartPos = -maxRotation/2
- end
- function UpUp() onup = false
- desiredYPartPos = 0
- end
- function DownUp() ondown = false
- desiredYPartPos = 0
- end
- bin.Selected:connect(Connection)
- bin.Deselected:connect(Disconnection)
- --mediafire
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