

Nov 23rd, 2023
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text 31.96 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Mono path[0] = 'Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/Managed'
  2. Mono config path = 'Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
  3. Initialize engine version: 2022.3.6f1 (b9e6e7e9fa2d)
  4. [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/UnitySubsystems
  5. [Subsystems] No descriptors matched for examples in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
  6. [Subsystems] 1 'inputs' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
  7. [Subsystems] 1 'displays' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
  8. [Subsystems] No descriptors matched for meshings in UnitySubsystems/OculusXRPlugin/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
  9. [Subsystems] No descriptors matched for examples in UnitySubsystems/UnityOpenXR/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
  10. [Subsystems] 1 'inputs' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/UnityOpenXR/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
  11. [Subsystems] 1 'displays' descriptors matched in UnitySubsystems/UnityOpenXR/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json
  12. [Subsystems] No descriptors matched for meshings in UnitySubsystems/UnityOpenXR/UnitySubsystemsManifest.json.
  13. GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=0
  14. Direct3D:
  15. Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
  16. Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (ID=0x73df)
  17. Vendor: ATI
  18. VRAM: 8438 MB
  19. Driver: 31.0.14051.5006
  20. Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
  21. - Loaded All Assemblies, in 1.428 seconds
  22. - Finished resetting the current domain, in 0.002 seconds
  23. XRGeneral Settings awakening...
  24. D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding.
  25. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin
  26. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin.dll
  27. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin.dll
  28. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin
  29. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin
  30. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin.dll
  31. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin.dll
  32. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin
  33. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin
  34. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin.dll
  35. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin.dll
  36. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/OculusXRPlugin
  37. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin
  38. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin.dll
  39. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin.dll
  40. Fallback handler could not load library Z:/ssd/SteamLibraryLin/steamapps/common/Universe Sandbox 2/Universe Sandbox x64_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libOculusXRPlugin
  41. <RI> Initializing input.
  42. New input system (experimental) initialized
  43. Using Windows.Gaming.Input
  44. <RI> Input initialized.
  45. <RI> Initialized touch support.
  46. UnloadTime: 1.418700 ms
  47. [Localization] Loading Language: DEV
  48. [Localization] Loading Language: DEV
  49. ***********************************************
  50. Universe Sandbox
  52. Update 33.0.3 | 2023-10-26 06:26:38 | WindowsPlayer x64 (Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit)
  53. System Language: English, Selected Language: N
  55. Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor - System Product Name (System manufacturer)
  56. Cores/Threads: 24, Memory: 31.3 GB
  58. Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 - Memory: 8.24 GB
  59. Shader Model: 50, Tier: 2, SM45: Yes, Compute: Yes
  61. ***********************************************
  62. Auto canvas scale calculated: 1
  63. Crash Reporter: log folder C:\users\steamuser\Temp\Giant Army\Universe Sandbox\Crashes\ not found
  64. Crash Reporter: log folder C:\users\steamuser\Temp\Giant Army\Universe Sandbox\Crashes\ not found
  65. Crash Reporter: nothing to report
  66. Initializing Google Analytics 0.2.
  67. ------------------------
  68. Atlas Resolution: 2048 x 4096 (Auto)
  69. Simulation Performance: High (Auto)
  70. Max Objects: 128 Attracting, 4096 Non-Attracting
  71. ------------------------
  72. [Localization] Loading Language: EN_US
  73. Applying resolution: 3840 × 2160 - Mode: Fullscreen Borderless
  75. Serialization depth limit 10 exceeded at 'RandomSystemChildGroup.SpecificBodySourceOverride'. There may be an object composition cycle in one or more of your serialized classes.
  77. Serialization hierarchy:
  78. 11: RandomSystemChildGroup.SpecificBodySourceOverride
  79. 10: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  80. 9: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  81. 8: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  82. 7: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  83. 6: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  84. 5: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  85. 4: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  86. 3: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  87. 2: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  88. 1: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  89. 0: RandomSystemPreset.Children
  90. Serialization depth limit 10 exceeded at 'RandomSystemChildGroup.SpecificBodySourceOverride'. There may be an object composition cycle in one or more of your serialized classes.
  92. Serialization hierarchy:
  93. 11: RandomSystemChildGroup.SpecificBodySourceOverride
  94. 10: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  95. 9: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  96. 8: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  97. 7: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  98. 6: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  99. 5: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  100. 4: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  101. 3: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  102. 2: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  103. 1: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  104. 0: RandomSystemChildGroup.Children
  107. The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Magic Leap Camera') is missing!
  108. Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1)
  109. UnloadTime: 2.156300 ms
  110. UIPrefabs created
  111. Auto canvas scale calculated: 1
  112. Filling property pools
  113. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 230290
  114. SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198065169250 [API loaded no]
  115. AddComponent with MonoBehaviour is not allowed. Create a class that derives from MonoBehaviour and add it instead.
  116. 0x00000001809ec11d (unityplayer)
  117. 0x00000001809ebe98 (unityplayer)
  118. 0x00000001809d5189 (unityplayer)
  119. 0x000000018105950f (unityplayer)
  120. 0x00000001806e9466 (unityplayer)
  121. 0x00000001800fb248 (unityplayer)
  122. 0x00000000743829ec (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:Internal_AddComponentWithType (UnityEngine.GameObject,System.Type)
  123. 0x0000000074382923 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent (System.Type)
  124. 0x000000007438287b (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent<T_REF> ()
  125. 0x000000007ff58123 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.CrashLog.UnityCoroutineManager:.ctor ()
  126. 0x000000007ff57e73 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.CrashLog.CrashReporting:Init (string,string,string)
  127. 0x000000007d3ff0cb (Mono JIT Code) SteamManager:Init ()
  128. 0x000000007d3fe753 (Mono JIT Code) SteamManager:Initialize ()
  129. 0x000000007d3fc61b (Mono JIT Code) Sandbox/<Start>d__193:MoveNext ()
  130. 0x000000007d3fc213 (Mono JIT Code) Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.CompilerServices.AsyncUniTaskVoidMethodBuilder:Start<Sandbox/<Start>d__193> (Sandbox/<Start>d__193&)
  131. 0x000000007d3fc1b3 (Mono JIT Code) Sandbox:Start ()
  132. 0x00000000798f4558 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) <Module>:runtime_invoke_UniTaskVoid__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  133. 0x00000000644ee0d4 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  134. 0x000000006442eb74 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  135. 0x000000006442ed0c (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  136. 0x00000001807772da (unityplayer)
  137. 0x0000000180765deb (unityplayer)
  138. 0x0000000180766646 (unityplayer)
  139. 0x000000018076784a (unityplayer)
  140. 0x000000018043d54d (unityplayer)
  141. 0x00000001805a8b6b (unityplayer)
  142. 0x00000001805a8d08 (unityplayer)
  143. 0x00000001805a90e3 (unityplayer)
  144. 0x00000001807f616b (unityplayer)
  145. 0x00000001807f87fb (unityplayer)
  146. 0x00000001807fbb8b (unityplayer)
  147. 0x00000001807fbe2b (unityplayer)
  148. 0x00000001400011f2 (universe sandbox x64)
  149. 0x000000007b6146ed (kernel32)
  150. 0x000000017000f1a7 (ntdll)
  152. [Steamworks.NET] Initialization Result: Success
  153. [Steam] Steam API Version: - Internal:
  154. ***********************************************
  155. Steam Build: Kaelygon | 45 | 76561198065169250 | Online
  157. Run Count: 2 | RunCountCumulative: 0
  158. VR Run Count: 0 | VR RunCountCumulative: 0
  159. Run Time: 11.6 mins | RunTimeCumulative 0.0 sec
  160. VR Run Time: 0.0 sec | VR RunTimeCumulative 0.0 sec
  163. ***********************************************
  164. Applying Auto Quality Settings
  165. Finding Auto Settings for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU, VRAM: 8438 MB, max. texture size: 16384 MB
  166. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor CPU, processor count: 24, RAM: 32001 MB
  167. Shader Model: 50
  168. Auto Set GPU Tier 2
  169. Auto Set High CPU
  170. Applying Auto Sim Settings
  171. Started Simulation constructor
  172. Creating N-Body system
  173. Setting simulation defaults
  174. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  175. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  176. Finished simulation constructor
  177. Base Light initialized.
  178. Prefabs loaded in 0.001677513 seconds
  179. [AudioSystem] Driver reported caps: Stereo
  180. Setting GRAPHICS_TIER_3
  181. Ambience: Reflections generated
  182. Unloading 9254 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 45122.
  183. Total: 34.917400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.802000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.225300 ms MarkObjects: 26.656200 ms DeleteObjects: 4.233200 ms)
  185. Reading remote configuration file configProduction.txt
  186. SoftMask will not work on Text (US2TextMeshPro) because material OpenSans-Regular Atlas Material (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  187. SoftMask will not work on Handle (UnityEngine.UI.ProceduralImage.ProceduralImage) because material UI/Procedural UI Image (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  188. SoftMask will not work on Text (US2TextMeshPro) because material OpenSans-Regular Atlas Material (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  189. SoftMask will not work on Handle (UnityEngine.UI.ProceduralImage.ProceduralImage) because material UI/Procedural UI Image (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  190. SoftMask will not work on Text (US2TextMeshPro) because material OpenSans-Regular Atlas Material (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  191. SoftMask will not work on Handle (UnityEngine.UI.ProceduralImage.ProceduralImage) because material UI/Procedural UI Image (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  192. SoftMask will not work on Text (US2TextMeshPro) because material OpenSans-Regular Atlas Material (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  193. SoftMask will not work on Handle (UnityEngine.UI.ProceduralImage.ProceduralImage) because material UI/Procedural UI Image (UnityEngine.Material) doesn't support masking. Add masking support to your material or set Graphic's material to None to use a default one.
  194. <b><color=green>Analytics: Realtime UI Tracking Enabled</color></b>
  195. GiantArmy.Analytics.UI.GoogleEventSender | Resetting Message Count and Timer
  196. GiantArmy.Analytics.UI.GoogleEventSender | Current Hour: 209471 | Current Message Count: 0
  197. Reset Method: PerSession | Message Limit: 150 | Hours To Reset: 168
  198. <b><color=green>Analytics: Stat Tracking Enabled</color></b>
  199. Audio: Driver reported caps: Stereo
  200. Done filling property pools
  201. BodyPanel Preload
  202. WinSearch Preload
  203. TimePopup preload
  204. SimPanelPopup preload
  205. ViewPanelPopup preload
  206. ToolsPanelPopup preload
  207. body ID counter reset to 0
  208. Started Simulation constructor
  209. Creating N-Body system
  210. Setting simulation defaults
  211. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  212. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  213. Finished simulation constructor
  214. WinUIScale Preload
  215. WinShowInputData Preload
  216. Initializing Simulation (1.31 sec)
  217. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  218. Highest Body Id after initialize:632
  219. Setting tolerances.
  220. InitializingParenting
  221. Complete Initialization of Simulation Solar System Using Hermite adaptive True
  222. Look rotation viewing vector is zero
  223. Simulation loaded: Solar System (1.40 sec)
  224. Ambience: Reflections generated
  225. <color=lightblue>STARTUP TIME:</color> 12.8 sec
  226. --------------------
  227. 01:15:29 - Saving Settings
  228. 01:15:49 - Saving Settings
  229. Setting Options to Benchmark Values
  230. Applying Medium Quality Settings
  231. Saving Custom Sim Settings
  232. body ID counter reset to 0
  233. Started Simulation constructor
  234. Creating N-Body system
  235. Setting simulation defaults
  236. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  237. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  238. Finished simulation constructor
  239. Initializing Simulation (1.95 sec)
  240. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  241. Highest Body Id after initialize:190
  242. Setting tolerances.
  243. InitializingParenting
  244. Complete Initialization of Simulation Planet Grid Using Hermite adaptive True
  245. Simulation loaded: Planet Grid (1.95 sec)
  246. Ambience: Reflections generated
  247. Saved screenshot to: C:\users\steamuser\Documents/Universe Sandbox/Images/Universe Sandbox - 20231124-011557 Test Planets.png
  248. body ID counter reset to 0
  249. Started Simulation constructor
  250. Creating N-Body system
  251. Setting simulation defaults
  252. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  253. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  254. Finished simulation constructor
  255. Initializing Simulation (2.20 sec)
  256. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  257. Highest Body Id after initialize:6
  258. Setting tolerances.
  259. InitializingParenting
  260. Complete Initialization of Simulation Sun Wolf Jupiter Earth Using Hermite adaptive True
  261. Simulation loaded: Sun Wolf Jupiter Earth (2.20 sec)
  262. Ambience: Reflections generated
  263. Saved screenshot to: C:\users\steamuser\Documents/Universe Sandbox/Images/Universe Sandbox - 20231124-011606 Test Star.png
  264. body ID counter reset to 0
  265. Started Simulation constructor
  266. Creating N-Body system
  267. Setting simulation defaults
  268. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  269. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  270. Finished simulation constructor
  271. Initializing Simulation (2.07 sec)
  272. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  273. Highest Body Id after initialize:502
  274. Setting tolerances.
  275. InitializingParenting
  276. Complete Initialization of Simulation Earth & 500 Orbiting Moons Using Hermite adaptive True
  277. Simulation loaded: Earth & 500 Orbiting Moons (2.25 sec)
  278. Ambience: Reflections generated
  279. Saved screenshot to: C:\users\steamuser\Documents/Universe Sandbox/Images/Universe Sandbox - 20231124-011615 Test Trails.png
  280. body ID counter reset to 0
  281. Started Simulation constructor
  282. Creating N-Body system
  283. Setting simulation defaults
  284. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  285. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  286. Finished simulation constructor
  287. Initializing Simulation (2.49 sec)
  288. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  289. Highest Body Id after initialize:16004
  290. Setting tolerances.
  291. InitializingParenting
  292. Complete Initialization of Simulation Galaxy Collision (high detail) Using Hermite adaptive True
  293. Simulation loaded: Galaxy Collision (high detail) (2.62 sec)
  294. Ambience: Reflections generated
  295. Saved screenshot to: C:\users\steamuser\Documents/Universe Sandbox/Images/Universe Sandbox - 20231124-011626 Test Galaxy.png
  296. body ID counter reset to 0
  297. Started Simulation constructor
  298. Creating N-Body system
  299. Setting simulation defaults
  300. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  301. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  302. Finished simulation constructor
  303. Initializing Simulation (2.30 sec)
  304. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  305. Highest Body Id after initialize:4706
  306. Setting tolerances.
  307. InitializingParenting
  308. Complete Initialization of Simulation Saturn & Neptune Using Hermite adaptive True
  309. Simulation loaded: Saturn & Neptune (2.32 sec)
  310. Ambience: Reflections generated
  311. Saved screenshot to: C:\users\steamuser\Documents/Universe Sandbox/Images/Universe Sandbox - 20231124-011638 Test Ring.png
  312. body ID counter reset to 0
  313. Started Simulation constructor
  314. Creating N-Body system
  315. Setting simulation defaults
  316. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  317. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  318. Finished simulation constructor
  319. Initializing Simulation (2.04 sec)
  320. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  321. Highest Body Id after initialize:129
  322. Setting tolerances.
  323. InitializingParenting
  324. Complete Initialization of Simulation Moon Bombardment Using Hermite adaptive True
  325. MeanAnomalyToEccentricAnomaly exceeded max iterations, meanAnom = 4.1069208618817E+16, e = 4.55959810117446
  326. MeanAnomalyToEccentricAnomaly exceeded max iterations, meanAnom = 1.91408600027026E+17, e = 21.2506234861271
  327. MeanAnomalyToEccentricAnomaly exceeded max iterations, meanAnom = 8.91075199547881E+16, e = 9.89292203210513
  328. Simulation loaded: Moon Bombardment (2.04 sec)
  329. Saved screenshot to: C:\users\steamuser\Documents/Universe Sandbox/Images/Universe Sandbox - 20231124-011651 Test Collisions.png
  330. Applying Auto Quality Settings
  331. Finding Auto Settings for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU, VRAM: 8438 MB, max. texture size: 16384 MB
  332. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor CPU, processor count: 24, RAM: 32001 MB
  333. Shader Model: 50
  334. Auto Set GPU Tier 2
  335. Auto Set High CPU
  336. Applying Auto Sim Settings
  337. Applying Auto Quality Settings
  338. Finding Auto Settings for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU, VRAM: 8438 MB, max. texture size: 16384 MB
  339. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor CPU, processor count: 24, RAM: 32001 MB
  340. Shader Model: 50
  341. Auto Set GPU Tier 2
  342. Auto Set High CPU
  343. Applying Auto Sim Settings
  344. body ID counter reset to 0
  345. Started Simulation constructor
  346. Creating N-Body system
  347. Setting simulation defaults
  348. Assigning default integration mode and integratorID
  349. Setting Default Integrator: Fourth, Sixth and Eighth order iterative predict/correct integrater, which is very accurate and very stable
  350. Finished simulation constructor
  351. Initializing Simulation (2.35 sec)
  352. Starting Initialize : setting physics engine
  353. Highest Body Id after initialize:632
  354. Setting tolerances.
  355. InitializingParenting
  356. Complete Initialization of Simulation Solar System Using Hermite adaptive True
  357. Simulation loaded: Solar System (2.36 sec)
  358. Applying Auto Quality Settings
  359. Finding Auto Settings for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU, VRAM: 8438 MB, max. texture size: 16384 MB
  360. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor CPU, processor count: 24, RAM: 32001 MB
  361. Shader Model: 50
  362. Auto Set GPU Tier 2
  363. Auto Set High CPU
  364. Applying Auto Sim Settings
  365. 01:17:33 - Saving Settings
  366. 01:18:33 - Saving Settings
  367. 01:19:33 - Saving Settings
  368. 01:20:33 - Saving Settings
  369. Auto scroll will not work since UISmoothScroll is null.
  370. 0x00000001809ec11d (unityplayer)
  371. 0x00000001809ebe98 (unityplayer)
  372. 0x00000001809d5189 (unityplayer)
  373. 0x000000018105950f (unityplayer)
  374. 0x0000000180079688 (unityplayer)
  375. 0x000000006d96ac03 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
  376. 0x000000006d96a5db (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
  377. 0x000000016f0c28d9 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object,UnityEngine.Object)
  378. 0x000000016f0c27d1 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
  379. 0x000000016f0b1193 (Mono JIT Code) UIPropertyPanel:ScrollVerticalWhileCollapsing (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  380. 0x000000016f0b10fe (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyFoldout:<Awake>b__26_1 (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  381. 0x000000016f0b108e (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:InvokeFoldedOut ()
  382. 0x000000016f7260bb (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:HandleResize ()
  383. 0x000000016f725dab (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:Update ()
  384. 0x000000007112a388 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  385. 0x00000000644ee0d4 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  386. 0x000000006442eb74 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  387. 0x000000006442ed0c (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  388. 0x0000000180764dd6 (unityplayer)
  389. 0x0000000180764f01 (unityplayer)
  390. 0x0000000180441ec0 (unityplayer)
  391. 0x00000001805a8b6b (unityplayer)
  392. 0x00000001805a8d08 (unityplayer)
  393. 0x00000001805a90e3 (unityplayer)
  394. 0x00000001807f616b (unityplayer)
  395. 0x00000001807f87fb (unityplayer)
  396. 0x00000001807fbb8b (unityplayer)
  397. 0x00000001807fbe2b (unityplayer)
  398. 0x00000001400011f2 (universe sandbox x64)
  399. 0x000000007b6146ed (kernel32)
  400. 0x000000017000f1a7 (ntdll)
  402. Auto scroll will not work since UISmoothScroll is null.
  403. 0x00000001809ec11d (unityplayer)
  404. 0x00000001809ebe98 (unityplayer)
  405. 0x00000001809d5189 (unityplayer)
  406. 0x000000018105950f (unityplayer)
  407. 0x0000000180079688 (unityplayer)
  408. 0x000000006d96ac03 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
  409. 0x000000006d96a5db (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
  410. 0x000000016f0c28d9 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object,UnityEngine.Object)
  411. 0x000000016f0c27d1 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
  412. 0x000000016f0b1193 (Mono JIT Code) UIPropertyPanel:ScrollVerticalWhileCollapsing (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  413. 0x000000016f0b10fe (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyFoldout:<Awake>b__26_1 (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  414. 0x000000016f0b108e (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:InvokeFoldedOut ()
  415. 0x000000016f7260bb (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:HandleResize ()
  416. 0x000000016f725dab (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:Update ()
  417. 0x000000007112a388 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  418. 0x00000000644ee0d4 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  419. 0x000000006442eb74 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  420. 0x000000006442ed0c (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  421. 0x0000000180764dd6 (unityplayer)
  422. 0x0000000180764f01 (unityplayer)
  423. 0x0000000180441ec0 (unityplayer)
  424. 0x00000001805a8b6b (unityplayer)
  425. 0x00000001805a8d08 (unityplayer)
  426. 0x00000001805a90e3 (unityplayer)
  427. 0x00000001807f616b (unityplayer)
  428. 0x00000001807f87fb (unityplayer)
  429. 0x00000001807fbb8b (unityplayer)
  430. 0x00000001807fbe2b (unityplayer)
  431. 0x00000001400011f2 (universe sandbox x64)
  432. 0x000000007b6146ed (kernel32)
  433. 0x000000017000f1a7 (ntdll)
  435. Auto scroll will not work since UISmoothScroll is null.
  436. 0x00000001809ec11d (unityplayer)
  437. 0x00000001809ebe98 (unityplayer)
  438. 0x00000001809d5189 (unityplayer)
  439. 0x000000018105950f (unityplayer)
  440. 0x0000000180079688 (unityplayer)
  441. 0x000000006d96ac03 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
  442. 0x000000006d96a5db (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
  443. 0x000000016f0c28d9 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object,UnityEngine.Object)
  444. 0x000000016f0c27d1 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
  445. 0x000000016f0b1193 (Mono JIT Code) UIPropertyPanel:ScrollVerticalWhileCollapsing (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  446. 0x000000016f0b10fe (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyFoldout:<Awake>b__26_1 (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  447. 0x000000016f0b108e (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:InvokeFoldedOut ()
  448. 0x000000016f7260bb (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:HandleResize ()
  449. 0x000000016f725dab (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:Update ()
  450. 0x000000007112a388 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  451. 0x00000000644ee0d4 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  452. 0x000000006442eb74 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  453. 0x000000006442ed0c (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  454. 0x0000000180764dd6 (unityplayer)
  455. 0x0000000180764f01 (unityplayer)
  456. 0x0000000180441ec0 (unityplayer)
  457. 0x00000001805a8b6b (unityplayer)
  458. 0x00000001805a8d08 (unityplayer)
  459. 0x00000001805a90e3 (unityplayer)
  460. 0x00000001807f616b (unityplayer)
  461. 0x00000001807f87fb (unityplayer)
  462. 0x00000001807fbb8b (unityplayer)
  463. 0x00000001807fbe2b (unityplayer)
  464. 0x00000001400011f2 (universe sandbox x64)
  465. 0x000000007b6146ed (kernel32)
  466. 0x000000017000f1a7 (ntdll)
  468. Auto scroll will not work since UISmoothScroll is null.
  469. 0x00000001809ec11d (unityplayer)
  470. 0x00000001809ebe98 (unityplayer)
  471. 0x00000001809d5189 (unityplayer)
  472. 0x000000018105950f (unityplayer)
  473. 0x0000000180079688 (unityplayer)
  474. 0x000000006d96ac03 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
  475. 0x000000006d96a5db (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
  476. 0x000000016f0c28d9 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object,UnityEngine.Object)
  477. 0x000000016f0c27d1 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
  478. 0x000000016f0b1193 (Mono JIT Code) UIPropertyPanel:ScrollVerticalWhileCollapsing (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  479. 0x000000016f0b10fe (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyFoldout:<Awake>b__26_1 (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  480. 0x000000016f0b108e (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:InvokeFoldedOut ()
  481. 0x000000016f7260bb (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:HandleResize ()
  482. 0x000000016f725dab (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:Update ()
  483. 0x000000007112a388 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  484. 0x00000000644ee0d4 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  485. 0x000000006442eb74 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  486. 0x000000006442ed0c (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  487. 0x0000000180764dd6 (unityplayer)
  488. 0x0000000180764f01 (unityplayer)
  489. 0x0000000180441ec0 (unityplayer)
  490. 0x00000001805a8b6b (unityplayer)
  491. 0x00000001805a8d08 (unityplayer)
  492. 0x00000001805a90e3 (unityplayer)
  493. 0x00000001807f616b (unityplayer)
  494. 0x00000001807f87fb (unityplayer)
  495. 0x00000001807fbb8b (unityplayer)
  496. 0x00000001807fbe2b (unityplayer)
  497. 0x00000001400011f2 (universe sandbox x64)
  498. 0x000000007b6146ed (kernel32)
  499. 0x000000017000f1a7 (ntdll)
  501. Auto scroll will not work since UISmoothScroll is null.
  502. 0x00000001809ec11d (unityplayer)
  503. 0x00000001809ebe98 (unityplayer)
  504. 0x00000001809d5189 (unityplayer)
  505. 0x000000018105950f (unityplayer)
  506. 0x0000000180079688 (unityplayer)
  507. 0x000000006d96ac03 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
  508. 0x000000006d96a5db (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
  509. 0x000000016f0c28d9 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object,UnityEngine.Object)
  510. 0x000000016f0c27d1 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
  511. 0x000000016f0b1193 (Mono JIT Code) UIPropertyPanel:ScrollVerticalWhileCollapsing (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  512. 0x000000016f0b10fe (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyFoldout:<Awake>b__26_1 (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  513. 0x000000016f0b108e (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:InvokeFoldedOut ()
  514. 0x000000016f7260bb (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:HandleResize ()
  515. 0x000000016f725dab (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:Update ()
  516. 0x000000007112a388 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  517. 0x00000000644ee0d4 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  518. 0x000000006442eb74 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  519. 0x000000006442ed0c (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  520. 0x0000000180764dd6 (unityplayer)
  521. 0x0000000180764f01 (unityplayer)
  522. 0x0000000180441ec0 (unityplayer)
  523. 0x00000001805a8b6b (unityplayer)
  524. 0x00000001805a8d08 (unityplayer)
  525. 0x00000001805a90e3 (unityplayer)
  526. 0x00000001807f616b (unityplayer)
  527. 0x00000001807f87fb (unityplayer)
  528. 0x00000001807fbb8b (unityplayer)
  529. 0x00000001807fbe2b (unityplayer)
  530. 0x00000001400011f2 (universe sandbox x64)
  531. 0x000000007b6146ed (kernel32)
  532. 0x000000017000f1a7 (ntdll)
  534. Auto scroll will not work since UISmoothScroll is null.
  535. 0x00000001809ec11d (unityplayer)
  536. 0x00000001809ebe98 (unityplayer)
  537. 0x00000001809d5189 (unityplayer)
  538. 0x000000018105950f (unityplayer)
  539. 0x0000000180079688 (unityplayer)
  540. 0x000000006d96ac03 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
  541. 0x000000006d96a5db (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
  542. 0x000000016f0c28d9 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object,UnityEngine.Object)
  543. 0x000000016f0c27d1 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
  544. 0x000000016f0b1193 (Mono JIT Code) UIPropertyPanel:ScrollVerticalWhileCollapsing (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  545. 0x000000016f0b10fe (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyFoldout:<Awake>b__26_1 (UnityEngine.Vector3[])
  546. 0x000000016f0b108e (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:InvokeFoldedOut ()
  547. 0x000000016f7260bb (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:HandleResize ()
  548. 0x000000016f725dab (Mono JIT Code) GiantArmy.UI.UIPropertyCollapse:Update ()
  549. 0x000000007112a388 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  550. 0x00000000644ee0d4 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  551. 0x000000006442eb74 (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  552. 0x000000006442ed0c (mono-2.0-bdwgc)
  553. 0x0000000180764dd6 (unityplayer)
  554. 0x0000000180764f01 (unityplayer)
  555. 0x0000000180441ec0 (unityplayer)
  556. 0x00000001805a8b6b (unityplayer)
  557. 0x00000001805a8d08 (unityplayer)
  558. 0x00000001805a90e3 (unityplayer)
  559. 0x00000001807f616b (unityplayer)
  560. 0x00000001807f87fb (unityplayer)
  561. 0x00000001807fbb8b (unityplayer)
  562. 0x00000001807fbe2b (unityplayer)
  563. 0x00000001400011f2 (universe sandbox x64)
  564. 0x000000007b6146ed (kernel32)
  565. 0x000000017000f1a7 (ntdll)
  567. 01:21:39 - Saving Settings
  568. 01:22:39 - Saving Settings
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