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- --Copyright Simlor ( - Alle Rechte an diesen Programm sind Simlor vorbehalten.
- term.setBackgroundColor(1)
- term.setTextColor(256)
- term.clear()
- --Functions
- --Clear
- function Clear()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- --Set Cursorposition
- function CP(x,y)
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- end
- --Set Background Color
- function BC(farbe)
- term.setBackgroundColor(farbe)
- end
- --Set Text Color
- function TC(farbe)
- term.setTextColor(farbe)
- end
- --Download Function
- function Download(CodePB, Pfad)
- local cacheBuster = ("%x"):format(math.random(0, 2 ^ 30))
- local datei = http.get("" .. textutils.urlEncode(CodePB) .. "?cb=" .. cacheBuster)
- datei = datei.readAll()
- local file =, "w")
- file.write(datei)
- file.close()
- end
- --SimSoft-Balken setzten
- function SimSoftBalken(titel, laenge)
- w, h = term.getSize()
- BC(128)
- TC(1)
- anz = 0
- hig = 1
- while true do
- anz = (anz+1)
- term.setCursorPos(anz, hig)
- write(" ")
- if anz == w then
- if hig == 3 then
- laenge = (laenge/2)
- w = (w/2)
- w = (w-laenge)
- term.setCursorPos(w,2)
- print(titel)
- break
- else
- hig = (hig+1)
- anz = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --OS Version und Sprache
- function VerSpr()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/Config","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- SS2V = fileData[3]
- Sprache = fileData[4]
- end
- --OS Update Function
- function OSUpdateCheck()
- local cacheBuster = ("%x"):format(math.random(0, 2 ^ 30))
- local datei = http.get("".. "?cb=" .. cacheBuster)
- if not datei then
- function UpdateC()
- UpdateCV = true
- end
- else
- datei = datei.readAll()
- local file ="SimSoft/Data/UpdateCheck/S","w")
- file.writeLine(datei)
- file.close()
- file ="SimSoft/Data/UpdateCheck/S","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- v = fileData[1]
- VerSpr()
- if v == SS2V then
- function UpdateC()
- UpdateCV = true
- end
- else
- function UpdateC()
- UpdateCV = false
- end
- end
- fs.delete("SimSoft/Data/UpdateCheck/S")
- end
- end
- OSUpdateCheck()
- --Ende Functionen
- --Rednet Check
- if peripheral.getType("back") == "modem" then
- end
- if peripheral.getType("left") == "modem" then
- end
- if peripheral.getType("right") == "modem" then
- end
- if peripheral.getType("top") == "modem" then
- end
- if peripheral.getType("front") == "modem" then
- end
- if peripheral.getType("bottom") == "modem" then
- end
- BC(256)
- Clear()
- sleep(0.2)
- BC(1)
- Clear()
- sleep(0.1)
- BC(256)
- Clear()
- --Start System (Passwort System)
- file ="SimSoft/Data/Config","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- PassSystem = fileData[1]
- if PassSystem == "true" then
- SimSoftBalken("SimSoft - Login", 15)
- BC(256)
- TC(128)
- CP(4,8)
- write("Name -")
- CP(4,10)
- write("Password -")
- TC(1)
- CP(4,8)
- write("Name -")
- TC(32768)
- CP(11,8)
- namee = read()
- TC(128)
- CP(4,8)
- write("Name -")
- TC(1)
- CP(4,10)
- write("Password -")
- TC(32768)
- CP(15,10)
- passe = read("#")
- TC(128)
- CP(4,10)
- write("Password -")
- function PassSS(nr)
- file ="SimSoft/Data/User/User","r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData,line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- name = fileData[1]
- pass = fileData[2]
- ATF = fileData[3]
- end
- PassSS(1)
- if namee == name then
- if passe == pass then
- function Rechte()
- Recht = "Admin"
- RechtH = 1
- end
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("Welcome "..namee.."!")
- sleep(1)
- else
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("Wrong name or password")
- sleep(1.5)
- os.reboot()
- end
- else
- PassSS(2)
- if namee == name then
- if ATF == "false" then
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("This account is offline")
- sleep(1.5)
- os.reboot()
- elseif passe == pass then
- function Rechte()
- Recht = "Guest"
- RechtH = 2
- end
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("Welcome "..namee.."!")
- sleep(1)
- else
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("Wrong name or password")
- sleep(1.5)
- os.reboot()
- end
- else
- PassSS(3)
- if namee == name then
- if ATF == "false" then
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("This account is offline")
- sleep(1.5)
- os.reboot()
- elseif passe == pass then
- function Rechte()
- Recht = "Guest"
- RechtH = 3
- end
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("Welcome "..namee.."!")
- sleep(1)
- else
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("Wrong name or password")
- sleep(1.5)
- os.reboot()
- end
- else
- TC(1)
- CP(3,14)
- print("Wrong name or password")
- sleep(1.5)
- os.reboot()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- function Rechte()
- Recht = "Admin"
- RechtH = 0
- end
- end
- --end
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