

Dec 13th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. inssserver@inssserver:~$ ./inssserver debug
  3. Insurgency: Sandstorm Debuging
  4. =================================
  5. Distro:        Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  6. Architecture:  x86_64
  7. Kernel:        5.4.0-174-generic
  8. Hostname:      inssserver
  9. tmux:          3.0a
  10. Avg Load:      0.78, 0.58, 0.38
  11. Free Memory:   126GB
  12. Free Disk:     6.7T
  13. glibc required: 2.17
  14. Game Server IP: ###.###.##.###:27102
  15. Server password:    NOT SET
  16. Start parameters:
  17.  ./InsurgencyServer-Linux-Shipping Prison?Scenario=Scenario_Prison_Checkpoint_Security?MaxPlayers=8 -Port=27102 -QueryPort=27131 -hostname='Ugalz Server 8 v 40 Aim Bots | Try your best' -Rcon -RconPassword=#Freedom37 -MapCycle=mapcycle -RconListenPort=27015 -GSLTToken=AACF3AEA41956DCC3A702ACC9402A722 -GameStatsToken=9B0E9CEF17D044B5A5F7660FF33CD4FB -log
  19. Use debug for identifying server issues only!
  20. Press CTRL+c to drop out of debug mode.
  21. Warning! If inssserver is already running it will be stopped.
  22. Continue? [Y/n] Y
  23. [ INFO ] Debuging inssserver: Stopping any running servers
  24. [ INFO ] Stopping inssserver: Ugalz Server 8 v 40 Aim Bots | Try your best is already stopped
  25. [  OK  ] Debuging inssserver: Starting debug
  26. Shutdown handler: initialize.
  27. 4.27.2-343179+++sandstorm+main 522 2
  28. Disabling core dumps.
  29. Looking for binary: ../../../Insurgency/Config/BinaryConfig.ini
  30. LogConsoleResponse: Display: Failed to find resolution value strings in scalability ini. Falling back to default.
  31. LogConsoleResponse: Display: Failed to find resolution value strings in scalability ini. Falling back to default.
  32. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk27-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  33. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk27-LinuxServer.pak.
  34. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=15901
  35. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=536
  36. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=2003
  37. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk27-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  38. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk27-LinuxServer.pak)
  39. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000009
  40. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk26-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  41. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk26-LinuxServer.pak.
  42. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=8401
  43. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=368
  44. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1439
  45. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk26-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  46. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk26-LinuxServer.pak)
  47. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000005
  48. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk25-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  49. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk25-LinuxServer.pak.
  50. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=3533
  51. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=320
  52. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1252
  53. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk25-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  54. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk25-LinuxServer.pak)
  55. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  56. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk24-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  57. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk24-LinuxServer.pak.
  58. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=9637
  59. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=440
  60. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1543
  61. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk24-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  62. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk24-LinuxServer.pak)
  63. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000006
  64. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk23-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  65. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk23-LinuxServer.pak.
  66. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=10177
  67. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=512
  68. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1907
  69. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk23-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  70. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk23-LinuxServer.pak)
  71. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000005
  72. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk22-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  73. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk22-LinuxServer.pak.
  74. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=11929
  75. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=200
  76. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=800
  77. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk22-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  78. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk22-LinuxServer.pak)
  79. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000005
  80. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk21-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  81. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk21-LinuxServer.pak.
  82. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=7077
  83. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=680
  84. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=2450
  85. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk21-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  86. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk21-LinuxServer.pak)
  87. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  88. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk20-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  89. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk20-LinuxServer.pak.
  90. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=8397
  91. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=368
  92. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1385
  93. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk20-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  94. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk20-LinuxServer.pak)
  95. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  96. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk19-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  97. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk19-LinuxServer.pak.
  98. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=11717
  99. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=800
  100. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=3398
  101. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk19-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  102. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk19-LinuxServer.pak)
  103. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  104. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk18-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  105. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk18-LinuxServer.pak.
  106. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=11285
  107. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=488
  108. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1866
  109. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk18-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  110. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk18-LinuxServer.pak)
  111. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000010
  112. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk17-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  113. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk17-LinuxServer.pak.
  114. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=4917
  115. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=464
  116. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1920
  117. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk17-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  118. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk17-LinuxServer.pak)
  119. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  120. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk16-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  121. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk16-LinuxServer.pak.
  122. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=14778
  123. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=1972
  124. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=6979
  125. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk16-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../') mounted
  126. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk16-LinuxServer.pak)
  127. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  128. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk15-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  129. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk15-LinuxServer.pak.
  130. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=8173
  131. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=440
  132. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1691
  133. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk15-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  134. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk15-LinuxServer.pak)
  135. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000018
  136. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk14-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  137. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk14-LinuxServer.pak.
  138. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=14861
  139. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=4516
  140. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=5844
  141. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk14-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  142. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk14-LinuxServer.pak)
  143. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  144. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk13-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  145. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk13-LinuxServer.pak.
  146. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=13129
  147. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=848
  148. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=3259
  149. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk13-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  150. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk13-LinuxServer.pak)
  151. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  152. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk12-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  153. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk12-LinuxServer.pak.
  154. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=11961
  155. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=440
  156. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=1756
  157. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk12-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  158. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk12-LinuxServer.pak)
  159. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000004
  160. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk11-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  161. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk11-LinuxServer.pak.
  162. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=11185
  163. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=820
  164. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=2894
  165. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk11-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  166. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk11-LinuxServer.pak)
  167. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000010
  168. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk10-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  169. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk10-LinuxServer.pak.
  170. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=14145
  171. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=1112
  172. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=4191
  173. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk10-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../Insurgency/Content/') mounted
  174. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../Insurgency/Content/ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk10-LinuxServer.pak)
  175. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000013
  176. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-LinuxServer.pak attempting to mount.
  177. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-LinuxServer.pak.
  178. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=2578006
  179. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=1821459
  180. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=6252477
  181. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: PakFile '../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-LinuxServer.pak' (chunk index 0, root '../../../') mounted
  182. LogShaderLibrary: Display: ShaderCodeLibraryPakFileMountedCallback: pending pak file info (ChunkID:0 Root:../../../ File:../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-LinuxServer.pak)
  183. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000012
  184. LogPlatformFile: Using cached read wrapper
  185. LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 4 named threads and 8 total threads with 1 sets of task threads.
  186. LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: +0:00, Platform Override: ''
  187. LogInit: Display: Loading text-based GConfig....
  188. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Wwise
  189. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryMode
  190. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemSteamNWI
  191. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystem
  192. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemUtils
  193. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SteamShared
  194. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Ansel
  195. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineFramework
  196. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MediaPlayerEditor
  197. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WmfMedia
  198. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemNWI
  199. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SignificanceManager
  200. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Niagara
  201. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PythonScriptPlugin
  202. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ReplicationGraph
  203. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EditorScriptingUtilities
  204. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Gauntlet
  205. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin BlueprintStats
  206. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin InsurgencyEditor
  207. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PluginBrowser
  208. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PluginUtils
  209. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ModKit
  210. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin HttpExtensions
  211. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ZipUtilities
  212. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AnimationBudgetAllocator
  213. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin InsurgencyUnitTests
  214. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin DataValidation
  215. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RenderDocPlugin
  216. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TraceDataFilters
  217. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TraceSourceFilters
  218. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GameplayInsights
  219. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin StatsCollector
  220. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemEOS
  221. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin VivoxCore
  222. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MfMedia
  223. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ControlRig
  224. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LevelSequenceEditor
  225. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Hydra5
  226. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemNull
  227. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin InstanceTool
  228. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ConsoleCertificationRequirements
  229. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin DiscordRpc
  230. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LocalizationCommandlet
  231. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CryptoUtilities
  232. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GameStats
  233. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Holidays
  234. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin InsurgencyGameplayDebugger
  235. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SlackFeedback
  236. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UMGExtensions
  237. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PerformanceCapture
  238. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PinglePythonExtension
  239. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RconSandstorm
  240. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Rcon
  241. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AISupport
  242. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EnvironmentQueryEditor
  243. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LightPropagationVolume
  244. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CameraShakePreviewer
  245. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GameplayCameras
  246. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TemplateSequence
  247. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OodleData
  248. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OodleNetwork
  249. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AnimationSharing
  250. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PropertyAccessEditor
  251. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AssetManagerEditor
  252. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin FacialAnimation
  253. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SpeedTreeImporter
  254. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin VariantManagerContent
  255. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AutomationUtils
  256. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ScreenshotTools
  257. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosClothEditor
  258. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosCloth
  259. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosEditor
  260. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PlanarCut
  261. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryProcessing
  262. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EditableMesh
  263. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryCollectionPlugin
  264. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ProceduralMeshComponent
  265. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosSolverPlugin
  266. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosNiagara
  267. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CharacterAI
  268. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MotoSynth
  269. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OpenImageDenoise
  270. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PlatformCrypto
  271. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MLSDK
  272. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MeshPainting
  273. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TcpMessaging
  274. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UdpMessaging
  275. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ActorSequence
  276. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MatineeToLevelSequence
  277. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ActorLayerUtilities
  278. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AssetTags
  279. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChunkDownloader
  280. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GooglePAD
  281. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PhysXVehicles
  282. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RuntimePhysXCooking
  283. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SoundFields
  284. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Synthesis
  285. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AudioSynesthesia
  286. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WindowsMoviePlayer
  287. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ExampleContent
  288. LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NWI_Infected
  289. LogInit: Using libcurl 7.65.3-DEV
  290. LogInit:  - built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  291. LogInit:  - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1c
  292. LogInit:  - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.8
  293. LogInit:  - other features:
  294. LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_SSL
  295. LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_LIBZ
  296. LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_IPV6
  300. LogInit:  CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
  301. LogInit:  - bVerifyPeer = true  - Libcurl will verify peer certificate
  302. LogInit:  - bUseHttpProxy = false  - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
  303. LogInit:  - bDontReuseConnections = false  - Libcurl will reuse connections
  304. LogInit:  - MaxHostConnections = 16  - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
  305. LogInit:  - LocalHostAddr = Default
  306. LogInit:  - BufferSize = 65536
  307. LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: SteamNWI
  308. LogOnline: Display: STEAM (NWI): Steam: Starting SteamWorks. Client [0] Server [1]
  309. [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded local '' OK.
  310. CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 2 milliseconds to initialize
  311. CApplicationManagerPopulateThread took 0 milliseconds to initialize (will have waited on CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread)
  312. Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found
  313. RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 58517): SteamGameServer013 /
  314. RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 58517): SteamUtils009 /
  315. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 581320
  316. RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 58517): SteamGameServer013 /
  317. RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 58517): SteamGameServerStats001 /
  318. RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 58517): SteamNetworking006 /
  319. RecordSteamInterfaceCreation (PID 58517): SteamUtils009 /
  320. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'AllYouCanEatTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  321. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'AntiMaterialRiflesOnlyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  322. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'ArmsRaceTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  323. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'ArmsRaceTitleUpper'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  324. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'BoltActionsOnlyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  325. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'BrokeTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  326. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'BudgetAntiquingTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  327. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'BulletSpongeTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  328. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'CompetitiveTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  329. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'CompetitiveLoadoutsTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  330. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'FastMovementTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  331. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'FullyLoadedTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  332. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'GuerrillasTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  333. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'GunslingersTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  334. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'HardcoreTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  335. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'LockedAimTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  336. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'MakarovsOnlyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  337. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'NoAimTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  338. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'NoDeathCamTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  339. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'NoThirdPersonTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  340. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'OfficialRulesTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  341. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'PistolsOnlyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  342. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'PoorTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  343. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'ShotgunsOnlyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  344. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'SlowCaptureTimesTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  345. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'SlowMovementTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  346. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'SmallFirefightTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  347. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'SoldierOfFortuneTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  348. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'SpecialOperationsTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  349. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'StrappedTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  350. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'TacticalVoiceChatTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  351. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'TieBreakerTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  352. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'WarlordsTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  353. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'WelrodsTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  354. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'WelrodsOnlyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  355. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CompFirefightTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  356. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CompFirefightTitleXPBoost'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  357. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointBigMoneyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  358. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BoltActionsOnlyCoopTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  359. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BoltActionsOnlyCoopNoDropsTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  360. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'ChadTeam6Title'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  361. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointTitleAlt'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  362. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointFrenzyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  363. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointFrenzyBrainEmTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  364. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointFrenzyHillsideTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  365. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointHardcoreTitleAlt'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  366. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointHardcoreHillsideTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  367. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointHillsideTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  368. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointHardcoreDoubleTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  369. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointGuerrillasTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  370. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'HardcoreLiteTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  371. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointHotPotatoTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  372. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointFrenzyHotPotatoTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  373. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'MakattackTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  374. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'OutpostTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  375. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BudgetAntiquingTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  376. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'OutpostCTE1Title'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  377. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'OutpostCTE2Title'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  378. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointPistolsInArmsTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  379. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointHardcoreQuadrupleTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  380. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointRunningInThe90sTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  381. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'SurvivalTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  382. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointFrenzyTaskForce666Title'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  383. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CheckpointHardcoreTripleTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  384. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'VersusCoopBabTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  385. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'HardcoreCheckpointBabTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  386. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'VersusCoopCitadelTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  387. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'CommunityTestTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  388. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'VersusCoopGapTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  389. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'VersusCoopLastLight'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  390. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'VersusCoopPrisonTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  391. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'VersusCoopTrainYard'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  392. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Gamemodes.ST_Gamemodes' 'AmbushLower'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  393. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BattleTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  394. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BattleAMRTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  395. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BattleBoltActionTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  396. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BattleHardcoreTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  397. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BattleHillsideTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  398. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BattleNightTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  399. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BigMoneyDomTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  400. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'TeamDeathmatchBigMoneyTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  401. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'BrainEmTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  402. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'PointCaptureBrainEmTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  403. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'ContactTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  404. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'DangerCloseTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  405. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Gamemodes.ST_Gamemodes' 'DefusalLower'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  406. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Gamemodes.ST_Gamemodes' 'DominationLower'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  407. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'FirefightTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  408. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'FirefightGoldenGunTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  409. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'FirefightTitleXPBoost'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  410. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'FrontlineTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  411. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'GangWarTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  412. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'GunslingersTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  413. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'MakattackDominationTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  414. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'PointCaptureTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  415. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'PointCaptureGuerrillaTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  416. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'PointCaptureHillsideTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  417. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'PointCapturePumpItTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  418. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'PushTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  419. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'SkirmishTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  420. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'SkirmishTitleXPBoost'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  421. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Gamemodes.ST_Gamemodes' 'TeamDeathmatchLower'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  422. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'TeamDeathMatchVampireTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  423. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Playlists.ST_Playlists' 'WelrodTitle'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  424. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Scenarios.ST_Scenarios' 'Insurgents'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  425. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Scenarios.ST_Scenarios' 'Security'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  426. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Scenarios.ST_Scenarios' 'West'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  427. LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Scenarios.ST_Scenarios' 'East'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  428. LogOnline: STEAM (NWI): [AppId: 581320] Game Server API initialized 1
  429. LogOnline: STEAM (NWI): Missing P2PCleanupTimeout key in OnlineSubsystemSteam of DefaultEngine.ini, using default
  430. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworking006 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
  431. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamUser020 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
  432. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamFriends017 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
  433. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
  434. [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamMatchMaking009 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
  435. LogOnline: STEAM (NWI): Initializing voice subsystem.
  436. LogOnlineVoice: OSS: Voice interface disabled by config [OnlineSubsystem].bHasVoiceEnabled
  437. LogOnline: Error: STEAM (NWI): Failed initializing server voice subsystem.
  438. LogOnline: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: Loaded subsystem for module [SteamNWI]
  439. LogInit: Build: ++sandstorm+main-CL-343179
  440. LogInit: Engine Version: 4.27.2-343179+++sandstorm+main
  441. LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 4.27.2-343179+++sandstorm+main
  442. LogInit: Net CL: 343179
  443. LogInit: OS: GenericOSVersionLabel (GenericOSSubVersionLabel), CPU:        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz, GPU: GenericGPUBrand
  444. LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Oct 17 2024 23:26:01
  445. LogInit: Compiled with Clang: 11.0.1 ( 43ff75f2c3feef64f9d73328230d34dac8832a91)
  446. LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping
  447. LogInit: Branch Name: ++sandstorm+main
  448. LogInit: Command Line:  Prison?Scenario=Scenario_Prison_Checkpoint_Security?MaxPlayers=8 -Port=27102 -QueryPort=27131 -hostname="Ugalz Server 8 v 40 Aim Bots | Try your best" -Rcon -RconPassword=#Freedom37 -MapCycle=mapcycle -RconListenPort=27015 -GSLTToken=AACF3AEA41956DCC3A702ACC9402A722 -GameStatsToken=9B0E9CEF17D044B5A5F7660FF33CD4FB -log
  449. ' id (pid) is 58517, parent process' id (ppid) is 57234
  450. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - we are not running under debugger
  451. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - machine network name is 'inssserver'
  452. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - user name is 'inssserver' (inssserver)
  453. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - we're logged in locally
  454. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - we're running without rendering
  455. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - CPU: GenuineIntel '       Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz' (signature: 0x206D7)
  456. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - Number of physical cores available for the process: 7
  457. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - Number of logical cores available for the process: 8
  458. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - Cache line size: 64
  459. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - Memory allocator used: binned2
  460. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no
  461. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - This is a licensee build.
  462. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogCore: Benchmarking clocks:
  463. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogCore:  - CLOCK_MONOTONIC (id=1) can sustain 32348222 (32348K, 32M) calls per second without zero deltas.
  464. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogCore:  - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW (id=4) can sustain 31714071 (31714K, 32M) calls per second without zero deltas.
  465. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogCore:  - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE (id=6) can sustain 49590804 (49591K, 50M) calls per second with 99.999476% zero deltas.
  466. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogCore: Selected clock_id 1 (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) since it is the fastest support clock without zero deltas.
  467. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit: Unix-specific commandline switches:
  468. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -ansimalloc - use malloc()/free() from libc (useful for tools like valgrind and electric fence)
  469. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -jemalloc - use jemalloc for all memory allocation
  470. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -binnedmalloc - use binned malloc  for all memory allocation
  471. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -filemapcachesize=NUMBER - set the size for case-sensitive file mapping cache
  472. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -useksm - uses kernel same-page mapping (KSM) for mapped memory (OFF)
  473. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -ksmmergeall - marks all mmap'd memory pages suitable for KSM (OFF)
  474. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -preloadmodulesymbols - Loads the main module symbols file into memory (OFF)
  475. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -sigdfl=SIGNAL - Allows a specific signal to be set to its default handler rather then ignoring the signal
  476. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -httpproxy=ADDRESS:PORT - redirects HTTP requests to a proxy (only supported if compiled with libcurl)
  477. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -reuseconn - allow libcurl to reuse HTTP connections (only matters if compiled with libcurl)
  478. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  -virtmemkb=NUMBER - sets process virtual memory (address space) limit (overrides VirtualMemoryLimitInKB value from .ini)
  479. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - Physical RAM available (not considering process quota): 126 GB (128867 MB, 131960800 KB, 135127859200 bytes)
  480. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - VirtualMemoryAllocator pools will grow at scale 1.4
  481. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:934][  0]LogInit:  - MemoryRangeDecommit() will will evict the memory from RAM (re-run with -novmapoolevict to change)
  482. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:946][  0]LogInit: Physics initialised using underlying interface: PhysX
  483. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:946][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US-POSIX).
  484. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:946][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US-POSIX).
  485. [2024.12.14-05.40.05:949][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so the 'en' localization will be used.
  486. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:020][  0]LogRendererCore: Ray tracing is disabled. Reason: r.RayTracing=0.
  487. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:029][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US-POSIX).
  488. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:029][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US-POSIX).
  489. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:030][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so the 'en' localization will be used.
  490. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:042][  0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0117 seconds to start up
  491. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:163][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: Compacting localization data took   2.80ms
  492. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:163][  0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (BlockAll) - Custom Channel Name = 'ClientsideDestructible' hasn't been found
  493. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:163][  0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (OverlapOnlyPawn) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel8' hasn't been found
  494. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:163][  0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (OverlapOnlyPawn) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel9' hasn't been found
  495. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:163][  0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (OverlapOnlyPawn) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel10' hasn't been found
  496. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:163][  0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (OverlapOnlyPawn) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel11' hasn't been found
  497. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:163][  0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (Destructible) - Custom Channel Name = 'ClientsideDestructible' hasn't been found
  498. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:164][  0]LogStreaming: Display: FlushAsyncLoading: 1 QueuedPackages, 0 AsyncPackages
  499. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:164][  0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-LinuxServer.pak added to pak precacher.
  500. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:165][  0]LogLinux: Selected Device Profile: [LinuxServer]
  501. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:165][  0]LogInit: Active device profile: [0x7f39f1ccd360][0x7f39e897db70 49] LinuxServer
  502. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:165][  0]LogInit: Profiles: [0x7f39f1ccd1c0][0x7f3a11c624a0 49] Linux, [0x7f39f1ccd360][0x7f39e897db70 49] LinuxServer,
  503. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:182][  0]LogSerialization: Display: AllowBulkDataInIoStore: 'true'
  504. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:182][  0]LogNetVersion: Insurgency 1.0.0, NetCL: 343179, EngineNetVer: 17, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 1396880442)
  505. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:201][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /StatsCollector/BP_DebugStatCollectorMenu requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /StatsCollector/BP_DebugStatCollectorMenu
  506. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:201][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
  507. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:201][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /StatsCollector/FPSCounter requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /StatsCollector/FPSCounter
  508. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:201][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
  509. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:202][  0]LogGameStatsServer: Display: GameStatsServer INIT: Ready to issue login
  510. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:280][  0]LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: Pros
  511. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:280][  0]LogOnline: Warning: PROS: InitWrapped, submissive OSS is not defined explicitly! Pros will use default platform subsystem, this may cause problems in case Pros is the default one.
  512. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:280][  0]LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: Hydra
  513. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:280][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/UI/Widgets/WelcomeScreen/BP_WelcomeScreen requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/UI/Widgets/WelcomeScreen/BP_WelcomeScreen
  514. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:280][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
  515. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:297][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/UI/Fonts/Oswald requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/UI/Fonts/Oswald
  516. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:297][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
  517. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:299][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/UI/Fonts/SourceSansPro requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/UI/Fonts/SourceSansPro
  518. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:299][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
  519. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:306][  0]LogActor: Warning: SetReplicates called on non-initialized actor Default__MagazineDebris. Directly setting bReplicates is the correct procedure for pre-init actors.
  520. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:307][  0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Mutators.ST_Mutators' 'ArmsRaceDescription'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  521. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:308][  0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Arcade.ST_Arcade' 'ModeFrenzyGameRules1'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  522. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:308][  0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Arcade.ST_Arcade' 'ModeFrenzyGameRules2'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  523. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:308][  0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Arcade.ST_Arcade' 'ModeFrenzyGameRules3'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  524. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:308][  0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Arcade.ST_Arcade' 'ModeFrenzyGameRules4'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
  525. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:344][  0]LogUObjectArray: 25491 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  526. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:344][  0]LogUObjectAllocator: 6269640 out of 32000000 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  527. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:344][  0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 25491/0 objects in disregard for GC pool
  528. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:345][  0]LogGauntlet: Display: Gauntlet Initialized
  529. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:346][  0]LogOnline: FOnlineSubsystemNWIModule::StartupModule
  530. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:356][  0]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Console object named 'StartFPSCounter' already exists but is being registered again, but we weren't expected it to be! (FConsoleManager::AddConsoleObject)
  531. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:377][  0]LogHydra: StartupModule()
  532. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:377][  0]LogPros: StartupModule()
  533. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:377][  0]LogOnline: Warning: PROS: InitWrapped, submissive OSS is not defined explicitly! Pros will use default platform subsystem, this may cause problems in case Pros is the default one.
  534. Signal 11 caught.
  535. Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
  536. CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
  537. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:406][  0]LogCore: === Critical error: ===
  538. Unhandled Exception: SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to read memory at address 0x0000000000000000
  540. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:406][  0]LogCore: Fatal error!
  542. 0x00007f3a1cb187e3!UnknownFunction(0x4be7e3)
  543. 0x00007f3a1cd04a45!UnknownFunction(0x6aaa44)
  544. 0x00007f3a20083609!UnknownFunction(0x8608)
  545. 0x00007f3a1c1cf353!clone(+0x42)
  547. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:406][  0]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
  548. Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744
  549. [Free] Block in the end of allocated memory. Current LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65568
  550. Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744
  551. [Free] Block in the end of allocated memory. Current LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65568
  552. Malloc Size=88756 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=154340
  553. [Free] Block in the end of allocated memory. Current LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65568
  554. Looking for binary: ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Config/BinaryConfig.ini
  555. LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak attempting to mount.
  556. LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak.
  557. LogPakFile: PakFile PrimaryIndexSize=95001
  558. LogPakFile: PakFile PathHashIndexSize=186721
  559. LogPakFile: PakFile FullDirectoryIndexSize=118918
  560. LogPakFile: OnPakFileMounted2Time == 0.000001
  561. LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper
  562. LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 4 named threads and 10 total threads with 1 sets of task threads.
  563. LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: +0:00, Platform Override: ''
  564. LogInit: Display: Loading text-based GConfig....
  565. LogInit: Build: ++sandstorm+main-CL-343179
  566. LogInit: Engine Version: 4.27.2-343179+++sandstorm+main
  567. LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 4.27.2-343179+++sandstorm+main
  568. LogInit: Net CL: 343179
  569. LogInit: OS: GenericOSVersionLabel (GenericOSSubVersionLabel), CPU:        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz, GPU: GenericGPUBrand
  570. LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Oct 17 2024 23:34:02
  571. LogInit: Compiled with Clang: 11.0.1 ( 43ff75f2c3feef64f9d73328230d34dac8832a91)
  572. LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping
  573. LogInit: Branch Name: ++sandstorm+main
  574. LogInit: Command Line:  -Abslog="/home/inssserver/serverfiles/Insurgency/Saved/Logs/Insurgency-CRC.log" -Unattended "/home/inssserver/serverfiles/Insurgency/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Insurgency-pid-58517-45E2A6B697EA4851B0316BCDA22A2B1C/" -unattended
  575. LogInit: Base Directory: /home/inssserver/serverfiles/Engine/Binaries/Linux/
  576. LogInit: Allocator: binned2
  577. LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1
  578. LogInit: Presizing for max 100000 objects, including 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool.
  579. LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.StreamingSettings] File [/home/inssserver/.config/Epic/CrashReportClient/Saved/Config/Linux/Engine.ini]
  580. LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
  581. LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [/home/inssserver/.config/Epic/CrashReportClient/Saved/Config/Linux/Engine.ini]
  582. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit: Unix hardware info:
  583. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - we are the first instance of this executable
  584. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - this process' id (pid) is 58548, parent process' id (ppid) is 58517
  585. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - we are not running under debugger
  586. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - machine network name is 'inssserver'
  587. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - user name is 'inssserver' (inssserver)
  588. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - we're logged in locally
  589. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - we're running with rendering
  590. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - CPU: GenuineIntel '       Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz' (signature: 0x206D7)
  591. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - Number of physical cores available for the process: 7
  592. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:505][  0]LogInit:  - Number of logical cores available for the process: 8
  593. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  - Cache line size: 64
  594. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  - Memory allocator used: binned2
  595. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  - This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no
  596. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  - This is a licensee build.
  597. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogCore: Skipped benchmarking clocks because the engine is running in a standalone program mode - CLOCK_MONOTONIC will be used.
  598. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit: Unix-specific commandline switches:
  599. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -ansimalloc - use malloc()/free() from libc (useful for tools like valgrind and electric fence)
  600. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -jemalloc - use jemalloc for all memory allocation
  601. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -binnedmalloc - use binned malloc  for all memory allocation
  602. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -filemapcachesize=NUMBER - set the size for case-sensitive file mapping cache
  603. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -useksm - uses kernel same-page mapping (KSM) for mapped memory (OFF)
  604. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -ksmmergeall - marks all mmap'd memory pages suitable for KSM (OFF)
  605. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -preloadmodulesymbols - Loads the main module symbols file into memory (OFF)
  606. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -sigdfl=SIGNAL - Allows a specific signal to be set to its default handler rather then ignoring the signal
  607. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -httpproxy=ADDRESS:PORT - redirects HTTP requests to a proxy (only supported if compiled with libcurl)
  608. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -reuseconn - allow libcurl to reuse HTTP connections (only matters if compiled with libcurl)
  609. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  -virtmemkb=NUMBER - sets process virtual memory (address space) limit (overrides VirtualMemoryLimitInKB value from .ini)
  610. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  - Physical RAM available (not considering process quota): 126 GB (128867 MB, 131960800 KB, 135127859200 bytes)
  611. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  - VirtualMemoryAllocator pools will grow at scale 1.4
  612. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:506][  0]LogInit:  - MemoryRangeDecommit() will be a no-op (re-run with -vmapoolevict to change)
  613. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogUObjectArray: 363 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  614. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogUObjectAllocator: 62776 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  615. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool
  616. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogPaths: Warning: No paths for game localization data were specifed in the game configuration.
  617. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US-POSIX).
  618. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US-POSIX).
  619. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogInit: Warning: No paths for engine localization data were specifed in the engine configuration.
  620. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language.
  621. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:513][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale.
  622. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US-POSIX).
  623. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US-POSIX).
  624. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language.
  625. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale.
  626. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: Compacting localization data took   0.02ms
  627. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 2 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000278 seconds
  628. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportClientVersion=1.0
  629. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportReceiver disabled
  630. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:514][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: DataRouterUrl:
  631. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:515][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value
  632. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:515][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value
  633. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:515][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //sandstorm/main
  634. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:515][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 343179
  635. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:515][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 4.27.2-343179+++sandstorm+main
  636. [2024.12.14-05.40.06:515][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++sandstorm+main-CL-343179
  637. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:485][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Got 4 pending files to upload from 'crashinfo-Insurgency-pid-58517-45E2A6B697EA4851B0316BCDA22A2B1C'
  638. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:485][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from Ready to SendingFiles
  639. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:485][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData have 4 pending files
  640. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:485][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 4401 bytes ('/home/inssserver/serverfiles/Insurgency/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Insurgency-pid-58517-45E2A6B697EA4851B0316BCDA22A2B1C/CrashContext.runtime-xml')
  641. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:485][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 574 bytes ('/home/inssserver/serverfiles/Insurgency/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Insurgency-pid-58517-45E2A6B697EA4851B0316BCDA22A2B1C/Diagnostics.txt')
  642. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:485][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 107 bytes ('/home/inssserver/serverfiles/Insurgency/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Insurgency-pid-58517-45E2A6B697EA4851B0316BCDA22A2B1C/CrashReportClient.ini')
  643. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:485][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 88756 bytes ('/home/inssserver/serverfiles/Insurgency/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Insurgency-pid-58517-45E2A6B697EA4851B0316BCDA22A2B1C/Insurgency.log')
  644. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit: Using libcurl 7.65.3-DEV
  645. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:  - built for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  646. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:  - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1c
  647. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:  - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.8
  648. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:  - other features:
  649. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_SSL
  650. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_LIBZ
  651. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_IPV6
  652. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS
  653. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE
  654. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:500][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP
  655. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]LogInit:  CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
  656. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]LogInit:  - bVerifyPeer = false  - Libcurl will NOT verify peer certificate
  657. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]LogInit:  - bUseHttpProxy = false  - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
  658. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]LogInit:  - bDontReuseConnections = false  - Libcurl will reuse connections
  659. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]LogInit:  - MaxHostConnections = 16  - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
  660. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]LogInit:  - LocalHostAddr = Default
  661. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]LogInit:  - BufferSize = 65536
  662. [2024.12.14-05.40.07:501][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Sending HTTP request:
  663. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:321][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: OnProcessRequestComplete(), State=SendingFiles bSucceeded=1
  664. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:321][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from SendingFiles to SendingFiles
  665. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:321][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: All uploads done
  666. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:321][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from SendingFiles to Finished
  667. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:522][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Final state (Receiver) = Finished
  668. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:522][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Final state (Receiver) = Unknown UploadState value
  669. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:522][  0]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: CrashReportClientApp RequestExit)
  670. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:522][  0]LogExit: Preparing to exit.
  671. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:523][  0]LogExit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
  672. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:525][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module HTTP (12)
  673. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:525][  0]LogHttp: Display: cleaning up 0 outstanding Http requests.
  674. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:532][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SSL (11)
  675. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:534][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CrashDebugHelper (8)
  676. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:534][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CoreUObject (6)
  677. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:534][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PakFile (4)
  678. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:534][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module RSA (3)
  679. [2024.12.14-05.40.09:535][  0]LogExit: Exiting.
  680. Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
  681. [Free] Saved block size=65538 to FreeBlocks LargeMemoryPoolFreeBlockCount=1
  682. /home/inssserver/lgsm/modules/ line 121: 58517 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ./InsurgencyServer-Linux-Shipping Prison?Scenario=Scenario_Prison_Checkpoint_Security?MaxPlayers=8 -Port=27102 -QueryPort=27131 -hostname='Ugalz Server 8 v 40 Aim Bots | Try your best' -Rcon -RconPassword=#Freedom37 -MapCycle=mapcycle -RconListenPort=27015 -GSLTToken=AACF3AEA41956DCC3A702ACC9402A722 -GameStatsToken=9B0E9CEF17D044B5A5F7660FF33CD4FB -log
  683. [ ERROR ] Debuging inssserver: Server has stopped: exit code: 0
  684. [ ERROR ] Debuging inssserver: Press ENTER to exit debug mode
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