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- program MY_TSlackGUI;
- {$I SRL/OSR.simba}
- {$I SlackGUI/SlackGUI.simba}
- {$H-}
- type
- TWebGraph = record
- Nodes: TPointArray;
- Paths: T2DIntArray;
- end;
- var
- // forms stuff
- WorldImg: TMufasaBitmap;
- CurrX, CurrY, tmpX, tmpY, StartX, StartY: Int32;
- IsDragging, IsDraggingNode, IsTesting: Boolean;
- // node stuff
- NodeCount: Int32;
- InFocus: Int32 = -1;
- Graph: TWebGraph;
- TestPath: TIntArray;
- function ToString(X: TPoint): String; override;
- begin
- Result := '['+ToString(X.X)+','+ToString(X.Y)+']';
- end;
- function ToString(X: TPointArray): String; override;
- var i: Int32;
- begin
- Result := '[';
- for i:=0 to High(X)-1 do Result += ToString(X[i])+',';
- Result += ToString(X[High(X)]);
- Result += ']';
- end;
- function LinesIntersect(p,q:array[0..1] of TPoint; out i:TPoint): Boolean;
- var
- dx,dy,d: TPoint;
- dt,s,t: Double;
- function Det(a,b: TPoint): Int64;
- begin
- Result := a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;
- end;
- begin
- dx := [p[0].x - p[1].x, q[0].x - q[1].x];
- dy := [p[0].y - p[1].y, q[0].y - q[1].y];
- dt := det(dx, dy);
- if dt = 0 then Exit(False);
- d := [Det(p[0],p[1]), Det(q[0],q[1])];
- i.x := Round(Det(d, dx) / dt);
- i.y := Round(Det(d, dy) / dt);
- s := (dx.x * (q[0].y-p[0].y) + dy.x * (p[0].x-q[0].x)) / dt;
- t := (dx.y * (p[0].y-q[0].y) + dy.y * (q[0].x-p[0].x)) / (-dt);
- Result := (s > 0) and (s < 1) and (t > 0) and (t < 1);
- end;
- function CheckForNearbyNode(p: TPoint): Int32;
- var i:Int32;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- for i:=0 to High(Graph.Nodes) do
- if Distance(p,Graph.Nodes[i]) < 5 then
- Exit(i);
- end;
- function InvalidPath(p,q: TPoint): Boolean;
- var
- i,n: Int32;
- l1,l2: array[0..1] of TPoint;
- _: TPoint;
- begin
- l1 := [p,q];
- for i:=0 to High(Graph.Paths) do
- begin
- l2[0] := Graph.Nodes[i];
- for n in Graph.Paths[i] do
- begin
- l2[1] := Graph.Nodes[n];
- if (l1[0] = l2[0]) and (l1[1] = l2[1]) then
- Continue;
- if LinesIntersect(l1,l2,_) then
- Exit(True);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure AddNode(p: TPoint);
- var
- c: Int32;
- begin
- if (InFocus <> -1) and (InvalidPath(p,Graph.Nodes[InFocus])) then
- begin
- WriteLn('Error: Path crosses another path');
- Exit;
- end;
- c := NodeCount;
- Inc(NodeCount);
- SetLength(Graph.Nodes, NodeCount);
- SetLength(Graph.Paths, NodeCount);
- Graph.Nodes[c] := p;
- if InFocus = -1 then
- InFocus := c
- else
- begin
- Graph.Paths[InFocus] += c;
- Graph.Paths[c] += InFocus;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ConnectNodes(a,b: Int32);
- var
- i,n: Int32;
- p: TPoint;
- l1,l2: array[0..1] of TPoint;
- begin
- if InIntArray(Graph.Paths[a], b) then
- begin
- Graph.Paths[a].Remove(b);
- Graph.Paths[b].Remove(a);
- end else
- begin
- if (InvalidPath(Graph.Nodes[a],Graph.Nodes[b])) then
- begin
- WriteLn('Error: Path crosses another path');
- Exit;
- end;
- Graph.Paths[a] += b;
- Graph.Paths[b] += a;
- end;
- (*
- l1 := [Graph.Nodes[a], Graph.Nodes[b]];
- SetLength(l2, 2);
- for i:=0 to High(Graph.Paths) do
- begin
- l2[0] := Graph.Nodes[i];
- for n in Graph.Paths[i] do
- begin
- l2[1] := Graph.Nodes[n];
- if LinesIntersect(l1,l2,p) then
- begin
- end;
- end;
- end;
- *)
- end;
- procedure DeleteNode(node: Int32);
- var
- i,j,n,curr: Int32;
- marked: TIntArray;
- begin
- marked += node;
- repeat
- curr := marked.Pop();
- for n in Graph.Paths[curr] do
- begin
- Graph.Paths[n].Remove(curr, True);
- if Length(Graph.Paths[n]) = 0 then
- marked += n;
- end;
- // offset remainding nodes
- for i:=0 to High(Graph.Paths) do
- for j:=0 to High(Graph.Paths[i]) do
- if Graph.Paths[i][j] > curr then
- Dec(Graph.Paths[i][j]);
- for i:=0 to High(marked) do
- if marked[i] > curr then Dec(marked[i]);
- // remove the node itself
- Delete(Graph.Paths, curr, 1);
- Delete(Graph.Nodes, curr, 1);
- Dec(NodeCount);
- until Length(marked) = 0;
- end;
- function FindPath(Graph: TWebGraph; Start, Goal: Int32): TIntArray;
- type
- TNode = record
- Indices: TIntArray;
- Score: Double;
- end;
- var
- queue: array of TNode;
- visited: TBoolArray;
- cIdx, pathIdx, n: Int32;
- current, node: TNode;
- altPaths: array of TIntArray;
- p,q: TPoint;
- function GetNextShortest(): TNode;
- var i,node: Int32;
- begin
- Result := queue[0];
- for i:=0 to High(queue) do
- if queue[i].Score < Result.Score then
- begin
- node := i;
- Result := queue[i];
- end;
- Delete(queue, node, 1);
- end;
- begin
- queue := [[[start],0]];
- SetLength(visited, Length(Graph.Nodes));
- while Length(queue) <> 0 do
- begin
- current := GetNextShortest();
- cIdx := current.Indices[High(current.Indices)];
- if Visited[cIdx] then Continue; //skip overwrapping paths..
- Visited[cIdx] := True;
- if (cIdx = Goal) then
- begin
- Exit(current.Indices);
- end;
- p := Graph.Nodes[cIdx];
- for pathIdx in Graph.Paths[cIdx] do
- begin
- if not Visited[pathIdx] then
- begin
- q := Graph.Nodes[pathIdx];
- node.Indices := current.Indices + pathIdx;
- node.Score := current.Score + Hypot(p.x-q.x, p.y-q.y);
- queue += node;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawWeb(Image: TMufasaBitmap; X1,Y1: Int32; Graph: TWebGraph);
- var
- W,H,i,j: Int32;
- p,q: TPoint;
- Nodes,line: TPointArray;
- begin
- W := Image.GetWidth-1;
- H := Image.GetHeight-1;
- Nodes := Copy(Graph.Nodes);
- Nodes.Offset(Point(-X1,-Y1));
- for i:=0 to High(Graph.Paths) do
- begin
- p := Nodes[i];
- if (not InRange(p.x,4,W-4)) or (not InRange(p.y,4,H-4)) then
- continue;
- for j:=0 to High(Graph.Paths[i]) do
- begin
- q := Nodes[Graph.Paths[i][j]];
- line := TPAFromLine(p.x,p.y,q.x,q.y);
- FilterPointsBox(line,0,0,W,H);
- Image.DrawTPA(line, $77FF77);
- end;
- end;
- for i:=0 to High(Nodes) do
- if InRange(Nodes[i].x,4,W-5) and InRange(Nodes[i].y,4,H-5) then
- begin
- if InFocus = i then
- Image.DrawCircle(Nodes[i],4,True,$FF0000)
- else
- Image.DrawCircle(Nodes[i],3,True,$0000FF);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DrawPath(Image: TMufasaBitmap; X1,Y1: Int32; Path: TIntArray; Graph: TWebGraph);
- var
- i,W,H: Int32;
- p,q: TPoint;
- Nodes,line: TPointArray;
- begin
- W := Image.GetWidth-1;
- H := Image.GetHeight-1;
- Nodes := Copy(Graph.Nodes);
- Nodes.Offset(Point(-X1,-Y1));
- p := Nodes[Path[0]];
- q := Nodes[Path[High(Path)]];
- if InRange(p.x,8,W-8) and InRange(p.y,8,H-8) then
- Image.DrawCircle(p, 8, True, $0000FF);
- if InRange(q.x,8,W-8) and InRange(q.y,8,H-8) then
- Image.DrawCircle(q, 8, True, $FF0000);
- for i:=0 to High(Path) do
- begin
- p := Nodes[Path[i]];
- if InRange(p.x,4,W-4) and InRange(p.y,4,H-4) then
- Image.DrawCircle(p,3,True, 0);
- if i < High(Path) then
- begin
- q := Nodes[Path[i+1]];
- line := TPAFromLine(p.x,p.y,q.x,q.y);
- FilterPointsBox(line,0,0,W,H);
- Image.DrawTPA(line, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The GUI
- procedure SideButtonStyle(Obj: TFormObject);
- begin
- TButtonObject(Obj).SetDefaultStyles();
- Obj^.Styles.Padding := [5,5,5,6];
- Obj^.Styles.BorderSize := 0;
- Obj^.Styles.BorderColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground4];
- Obj^.Styles.Background := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground0];
- Obj^.Styles.FontSize := 8;
- Obj^.Styles2.Background := SlackGUI.Palette[clHighlighted2];
- Obj^.Styles2.BorderColor:= SlackGUI.Palette[clHighlighted2];
- Obj^.Styles2.FontSize := Obj^.Styles.FontSize;
- Obj^.Styles2.FontColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground0];
- Obj^.Styles2.Padding := Obj^.Styles.Padding;
- end;
- procedure OnCloseWindow(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- begin
- SlackGUI.Form.Close();
- end;
- procedure OnDeleteNodeBtn(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- begin
- DeleteNode(InFocus);
- InFocus := High(Graph.Nodes);
- end;
- procedure OnPrintBtn(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- begin
- Write('Index(',InFocus,'), ');
- Write('Node(', Graph.Nodes[InFocus],'), ');
- Write('Paths(', Graph.Paths[InFocus],')');
- WriteLn();
- end;
- procedure OnCopyBtn(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- var s: string;
- begin
- s := 'Graph.Nodes := '+ ToString(Graph.Nodes) + ';';
- s += #13#10;
- s += 'Graph.Paths := '+ ToStr(Graph.Paths) + ';';
- SetClipBoard(s);
- end;
- procedure OnRunTest(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- begin
- IsTesting := not IsTesting;
- if IsTesting then
- begin
- TestPath := [];
- Sender^.Styles.BorderColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground0];
- Sender^.Styles.Background := SlackGUI.Palette[clHighlighted2];
- Sender^.Styles.FontColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground0];
- Sender^.Styles2.Background := SlackGUI.Palette[clHighlighted2];
- Sender^.Styles2.FontColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground0];
- end else
- begin
- SideButtonStyle(Sender);
- Swap(Sender^.Styles, Sender^.Styles2);
- end;
- end;
- procedure OnRunCheck(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- var count,node,i,j:Int32;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(Graph.Paths) do
- for j:=0 to High(Graph.Paths[i]) do
- begin
- node := Graph.Paths[i][j];
- if not InIntArray(Graph.Paths[node], i) then
- begin
- Graph.Paths[node] += i;
- Inc(count);
- end;
- end;
- if count <> 0 then
- WriteLn('Check completed: Fixed `', count,'` pathways!')
- else
- WriteLn('Check completed: All was good!');
- end;
- procedure OnPrintSep(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- begin
- WriteLn(#13#10);
- end;
- procedure DrawMap(Self: TFormObject);
- var
- newW, newH, X,Y,W,H,i,j: Int32;
- p,q: TPoint;
- tmp: TBitmap;
- muf: TMufasaBitmap;
- B: TRect;
- tmpTPA,line: TPointArray;
- begin
- SlackGUI.RenderBasicBlock(Self);
- with self.Bounds do
- begin
- X := Left + 5;
- Y := Top + 5;
- W := Right - X - 5;
- H := Bottom - Y - 5;
- end;
- muf := WorldImg.Copy(CurrX,CurrY, Min(WorldImg.GetWidth,CurrX+W)-1,Min(WorldImg.GetHeight, CurrY+H)-1);
- muf.SetList(client.GetMBitmaps);
- client.GetMBitmaps.AddBMP(muf);
- DrawWeb(muf, CurrX, CurrY, Graph);
- if (IsTesting) and (Length(TestPath) > 0) then
- DrawPath(muf, CurrX, CurrY, TestPath, Graph);
- tmp := muf.ToTBitmap;
- SlackGUI.Canvas.Draw(x,y,tmp);
- tmp.Free();
- muf.Free();
- end;
- procedure ImgPress(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- var
- dx,dy,idx: Int32;
- begin
- if Button = mbLeft then
- begin
- tmpX := X;
- tmpY := Y;
- startX := CurrX;
- startY := CurrY;
- if (InFocus <> -1) then
- with Sender.Bounds(True) do
- begin
- dx := CurrX + X - Left;
- dy := CurrY + Y - Top;
- if Distance(Graph.Nodes[InFocus], Point(dx-5,dy-5)) < 5 then
- IsDraggingNode := True;
- end;
- if(not IsDraggingNode) then
- IsDragging := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ImgMove(Sender: TFormObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- begin
- if IsDragging then
- begin
- CurrX := Max(0, CurrX + tmpX-X);
- CurrY := Max(0, CurrY + tmpY-Y);
- tmpX := X;
- tmpY := Y;
- end;
- if IsDraggingNode then
- with Sender.Bounds(True) do
- Graph.Nodes[InFocus] := Point(CurrX + X - Left, CurrY + Y - Top);
- end;
- procedure ImgRelease(Sender: TFormObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Int32); static;
- var
- dx,dy,c,idx: Int32;
- DidChange: Boolean;
- t: Double;
- begin
- if (Button = mbLeft) and (IsDragging) then
- begin
- CurrX := Max(0, CurrX + tmpX-X);
- CurrY := Max(0, CurrY + tmpY-Y);
- IsDragging := False;
- DidChange := (StartX <> CurrX) or (StartY <> CurrY);
- end else
- if (Button = mbLeft) and (IsDraggingNode) then
- begin
- with Sender.Bounds(True) do
- Graph.Nodes[InFocus] := Point(CurrX + X - Left, CurrY + Y - Top);
- IsDraggingNode := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (Button = mbLeft) and (not DidChange) then
- with Sender.Bounds(True) do
- begin
- dx := CurrX + X - Left - 5;
- dy := CurrY + Y - Top - 5;
- idx := CheckForNearbyNode([dx,dy]);
- if IsTesting then
- begin
- if idx <> -1 then
- begin
- t := PerformanceTimer();
- TestPath := FindPath(Graph, InFocus, idx);
- WriteLn('Path generated in ', Round(PerformanceTimer - t),'ms | Found ', Length(TestPath), ' nodes');
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (idx = -1) then // add node
- AddNode(Point(dx,dy))
- else if (not(ssShift in Shift)) then // select node
- InFocus := idx
- else if (InFocus <> idx) then // connect node
- ConnectNodes(InFocus, idx);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TSlackGUI.Init(); static; override;
- var
- TitleBar, TopObject, Button, MapPath: TFormObject;
- W, H: Int32;
- begin
- SlackGUI.Width := 990;
- SlackGUI.Height := 620;
- SlackGUI.Palette := DARK_NEUTRAL;
- inherited;
- W := SlackGUI.Width;
- H := SlackGUI.Height;
- with (TopObject := SlackGUI.AddObject(FormObject('Stub')))^ do
- begin
- Position := bpRelative;
- Styles.Background := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground2];
- Styles.BorderColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBorder1];
- Styles.BorderSize := 0;
- Styles.Padding := [];
- RenderProc := @RenderBasicBlock;
- end;
- with TTitlebarObject(TitleBar := SlackGUI.AddObject(TitlebarObject('TitleBar', [0,0,W,29], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- Text := 'Web Walk Generator';
- RenderProc := @RenderTitlebar;
- Styles.Background := $1F1A13;
- Styles.BorderColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBorder1];
- Styles.BorderSize := 0;
- Styles.FontStyle := [fsBold];
- Styles.FontColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clText1];
- Styles.FontSize := 12;
- Styles.FontName := 'Tahoma';
- end;
- with TButtonObject(SlackGUI.AddObject(ButtonObject('GUIClose', TitleBar.Bounds, TitleBar)))^ do
- begin
- Bounds := Rect(Bounds.Right-26, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Right, Bounds.Bottom);
- Text := 'X';
- Styles.FontName := 'MS Sans Serif';
- Styles.Background := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground0];
- Styles.BorderSize := 0;
- Styles.FontSize := 13;
- Styles.FontStyle := [fsBold];
- Styles.FontColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clText3];
- Styles.Padding := [7,5,0,0];
- Styles2 := Styles;
- Styles2.Background := clRed;
- Styles2.FontColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clText1];
- RenderProc := @RenderTextButton;
- OnClick := @OnCloseWindow;
- end;
- with TButtonObject(Button := SlackGUI.AddObject(ButtonObject('REMOVE', [10,40,65], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- RenderProc := @RenderTextButton;
- SideButtonStyle(Button);
- Text := 'REMOVE';
- OnClick := @OnDeleteNodeBtn;
- end;
- with TButtonObject(Button := SlackGUI.AddObject(ButtonObject('COPY', [10,65,65], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- RenderProc := @RenderTextButton;
- SideButtonStyle(Button);
- Text := 'COPY';
- OnClick := @OnCopyBtn;
- end;
- with TButtonObject(Button := SlackGUI.AddObject(ButtonObject('TEST', [10,90,65], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- RenderProc := @RenderTextButton;
- SideButtonStyle(Button);
- Text := 'TEST';
- OnClick := @OnRunTest;
- end;
- with TButtonObject(Button := SlackGUI.AddObject(ButtonObject('CHECK', [10,115,65], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- RenderProc := @RenderTextButton;
- SideButtonStyle(Button);
- Text := 'CHECK';
- OnClick := @OnRunCheck;
- end;
- with TButtonObject(Button := SlackGUI.AddObject(ButtonObject('PRINT', [10,200,65], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- RenderProc := @RenderTextButton;
- SideButtonStyle(Button);
- Text := 'PRINT';
- OnClick := @OnPrintBtn;
- end;
- with TButtonObject(Button := SlackGUI.AddObject(ButtonObject('SEPARATOR', [10,225,65], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- RenderProc := @RenderTextButton;
- SideButtonStyle(Button);
- Text := '---------';
- OnClick := @OnPrintSep;
- end;
- with (MapPath := SlackGUI.AddObject(FormObject('MapPath', [65,40,-10,-10], TopObject)))^ do
- begin
- Position := bpRelative;
- Styles.Background := SlackGUI.Palette[clBackground2];
- Styles.BorderColor := SlackGUI.Palette[clBorder1];
- Styles.BorderSize := 0;
- Styles.Padding := [];
- RenderProc := @RenderBasicBlock;
- with SlackGUI.AddObject(FormObject('Image''includes/RSWalker/maps/World.png');
- SlackGUI.Show();
- WorldImg.Free();
- end.
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