
OpenComptuers kernel.lua

Oct 14th, 2014
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  1. local hookInterval = 100
  2. local deadline = math.huge
  3. local hitDeadline = false
  4. local function checkDeadline()
  5.   if computer.realTime() > deadline then
  6.     debug.sethook(coroutine.running(), checkDeadline, "", 1)
  7.     if not hitDeadline then
  8.       deadline = deadline + 0.5
  9.     end
  10.     hitDeadline = true
  11.     error("too long without yielding", 0)
  12.   end
  13. end
  15. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. local function checkArg(n, have, ...)
  18.   have = type(have)
  19.   local function check(want, ...)
  20.     if not want then
  21.       return false
  22.     else
  23.       return have == want or check(...)
  24.     end
  25.   end
  26.   if not check(...) then
  27.     local msg = string.format("bad argument #%d (%s expected, got %s)",
  28.                               n, table.concat({...}, " or "), have)
  29.     error(msg, 3)
  30.   end
  31. end
  33. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. local function smatch(f, s, ...)
  36.   if #s > system.maxPatternInputLength() then
  37.     return nil, "input too long, see maxPatternInputLength in the config"
  38.   end
  39.   return f(s, ...)
  40. end
  42. -- Replacing methods in actual string table to also take care of OO
  43. -- calls (i.e. ("asd"):match(...)).
  44. local string_find, string_gmatch, string_gsub, string_match =
  45.       string.find, string.gmatch, string.gsub, string.match
  46. local function installPatternSandbox()
  47.   string.find = function(...)
  48.     return smatch(string_find, ...)
  49.   end
  50.   string.gmatch = function(...)
  51.     return smatch(string_gmatch, ...)
  52.   end
  53.   string.gsub = function(...)
  54.     return smatch(string_gsub, ...)
  55.   end
  56.   string.match = function(...)
  57.     return smatch(string_match, ...)
  58.   end
  59. end
  60. installPatternSandbox()
  62. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. local loadHookMetatable
  65. loadHookMetatable = {
  66.   [persistKey and persistKey() or "LuaJ"] = function()
  67.     return function()
  68.       -- Has to be re-applied after loading saved state because global
  69.       -- metatables (such as the string one) aren't persisted automatically.
  70.       installPatternSandbox()
  71.       return setmetatable({}, loadHookMetatable)
  72.     end
  73.   end
  74. }
  75. local loadHook = setmetatable({}, loadHookMetatable)
  77. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. local function spcall(...)
  80.   local result = table.pack(pcall(...))
  81.   if not result[1] then
  82.     error(tostring(result[2]), 0)
  83.   else
  84.     return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
  85.   end
  86. end
  88. local function sgc(self)
  89.   local oldDeadline, oldHitDeadline = deadline, hitDeadline
  90.   local mt = debug.getmetatable(self)
  91.   mt = rawget(mt, "mt")
  92.   local gc = rawget(mt, "__gc")
  93.   if type(gc) ~= "function" then
  94.     return
  95.   end
  96.   local co = coroutine.create(gc)
  97.   debug.sethook(co, checkDeadline, "", hookInterval)
  98.   deadline, hitDeadline = math.min(oldDeadline, computer.realTime() + 0.5), true
  99.   local result, reason = coroutine.resume(co, self)
  100.   debug.sethook(co)
  101.   deadline, hitDeadline = oldDeadline, oldHitDeadline
  102.   if not result then
  103.     error(reason, 0)
  104.   end
  105. end
  107. --[[ This is the global environment we make available to userland programs. ]]
  108. -- You'll notice that we do a lot of wrapping of native functions and adding
  109. -- parameter checks in those wrappers. This is to avoid errors from the host
  110. -- side that would push error objects - which are userdata and cannot be
  111. -- persisted.
  112. local sandbox, libprocess
  113. sandbox = {
  114.   assert = assert,
  115.   dofile = nil, -- in boot/*_base.lua
  116.   error = error,
  117.   _G = nil, -- see below
  118.   getmetatable = function(t)
  119.     if type(t) == "string" then -- don't allow messing with the string mt
  120.       return nil
  121.     end
  122.     local result = getmetatable(t)
  123.     -- check if we have a wrapped __gc using mt
  124.     if type(result) == "table" and rawget(result, "__gc") == sgc then
  125.       result = rawget(result, "mt")
  126.     end
  127.     return result
  128.   end,
  129.   ipairs = ipairs,
  130.   load = function(ld, source, mode, env)
  131.     if not system.allowBytecode() then
  132.       mode = "t"
  133.     end
  134.     return load(ld, source, mode, env or sandbox)
  135.   end,
  136.   loadfile = nil, -- in boot/*_base.lua
  137.   next = next,
  138.   pairs = pairs,
  139.   pcall = function(...)
  140.     local result = table.pack(pcall(...))
  141.     checkDeadline()
  142.     return table.unpack(result, 1, result.n)
  143.   end,
  144.   print = nil, -- in boot/*_base.lua
  145.   rawequal = rawequal,
  146.   rawget = rawget,
  147.   rawlen = rawlen,
  148.   rawset = rawset,
  149.   select = select,
  150.   setmetatable = function(t, mt)
  151.     if type(mt) ~= "table" then
  152.       return setmetatable(t, mt)
  153.     end
  154.     if type(rawget(mt, "__gc")) == "function" then
  155.       -- For all user __gc functions we enforce a much tighter deadline.
  156.       -- This is because these functions may be called from the main
  157.       -- thread under certain circumstanced (such as when saving the world),
  158.       -- which can lead to noticeable lag if the __gc function behaves badly.
  159.       local sbmt = {} -- sandboxed metatable. only for __gc stuff, so it's
  160.                       -- kinda ok to have a shallow copy instead... meh.
  161.       for k, v in pairs(mt) do
  162.         sbmt[k] = v
  163.       end
  164. = mt
  165.       sbmt.__gc = sgc
  166.       mt = sbmt
  167.     end
  168.     return setmetatable(t, mt)
  169.   end,
  170.   tonumber = tonumber,
  171.   tostring = tostring,
  172.   type = type,
  173.   _VERSION = "Lua 5.2",
  174.   xpcall = function(f, msgh, ...)
  175.     local handled = false
  176.     local result = table.pack(xpcall(f, function(...)
  177.       if handled then
  178.         return ...
  179.       else
  180.         handled = true
  181.         return msgh(...)
  182.       end
  183.     end, ...))
  184.     checkDeadline()
  185.     return table.unpack(result, 1, result.n)
  186.   end,
  188.   coroutine = {
  189.     create = coroutine.create,
  190.     resume = function(co, ...) -- custom resume part for bubbling sysyields
  191.       checkArg(1, co, "thread")
  192.       local args = table.pack(...)
  193.       while true do -- for consecutive sysyields
  194.         debug.sethook(co, checkDeadline, "", hookInterval)
  195.         local result = table.pack(
  196.           coroutine.resume(co, table.unpack(args, 1, args.n)))
  197.         debug.sethook(co) -- avoid gc issues
  198.         checkDeadline()
  199.         if result[1] then -- success: (true, sysval?, ...?)
  200.           if coroutine.status(co) == "dead" then -- return: (true, ...)
  201.             return true, table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
  202.           elseif result[2] ~= nil then -- yield: (true, sysval)
  203.             args = table.pack(coroutine.yield(result[2]))
  204.           else -- yield: (true, nil, ...)
  205.             return true, table.unpack(result, 3, result.n)
  206.           end
  207.         else -- error: result = (false, string)
  208.           return false, result[2]
  209.         end
  210.       end
  211.     end,
  212.     running = coroutine.running,
  213.     status = coroutine.status,
  214.     wrap = function(f) -- for bubbling coroutine.resume
  215.       local co = coroutine.create(f)
  216.       return function(...)
  217.         local result = table.pack(sandbox.coroutine.resume(co, ...))
  218.         if result[1] then
  219.           return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
  220.         else
  221.           error(result[2], 0)
  222.         end
  223.       end
  224.     end,
  225.     yield = function(...) -- custom yield part for bubbling sysyields
  226.       return coroutine.yield(nil, ...)
  227.     end
  228.   },
  230.   string = {
  231.     byte = string.byte,
  232.     char = string.char,
  233.     dump = string.dump,
  234.     find = string.find,
  235.     format = string.format,
  236.     gmatch = string.gmatch,
  237.     gsub = string.gsub,
  238.     len = string.len,
  239.     lower = string.lower,
  240.     match = string.match,
  241.     rep = string.rep,
  242.     reverse = string.reverse,
  243.     sub = string.sub,
  244.     upper = string.upper
  245.   },
  247.   table = {
  248.     concat = table.concat,
  249.     insert = table.insert,
  250.     pack = table.pack,
  251.     remove = table.remove,
  252.     sort = table.sort,
  253.     unpack = table.unpack
  254.   },
  256.   math = {
  257.     abs = math.abs,
  258.     acos = math.acos,
  259.     asin = math.asin,
  260.     atan = math.atan,
  261.     atan2 = math.atan2,
  262.     ceil = math.ceil,
  263.     cos = math.cos,
  264.     cosh = math.cosh,
  265.     deg = math.deg,
  266.     exp = math.exp,
  267.     floor = math.floor,
  268.     fmod = math.fmod,
  269.     frexp = math.frexp,
  270.     huge = math.huge,
  271.     ldexp = math.ldexp,
  272.     log = math.log,
  273.     max = math.max,
  274.     min = math.min,
  275.     modf = math.modf,
  276.     pi = math.pi,
  277.     pow = math.pow,
  278.     rad = math.rad,
  279.     random = function(...)
  280.       return spcall(math.random, ...)
  281.     end,
  282.     randomseed = function(seed)
  283.       spcall(math.randomseed, seed)
  284.     end,
  285.     sin = math.sin,
  286.     sinh = math.sinh,
  287.     sqrt = math.sqrt,
  288.     tan = math.tan,
  289.     tanh = math.tanh
  290.   },
  292.   bit32 = {
  293.     arshift = bit32.arshift,
  294.     band =,
  295.     bnot = bit32.bnot,
  296.     bor = bit32.bor,
  297.     btest = bit32.btest,
  298.     bxor = bit32.bxor,
  299.     extract = bit32.extract,
  300.     replace = bit32.replace,
  301.     lrotate = bit32.lrotate,
  302.     lshift = bit32.lshift,
  303.     rrotate = bit32.rrotate,
  304.     rshift = bit32.rshift
  305.   },
  307.   io = nil, -- in lib/io.lua
  309.   os = {
  310.     clock = os.clock,
  311.     date = function(format, time)
  312.       return spcall(, format, time)
  313.     end,
  314.     difftime = function(t2, t1)
  315.       return t2 - t1
  316.     end,
  317.     execute = nil, -- in boot/*_os.lua
  318.     exit = nil, -- in boot/*_os.lua
  319.     remove = nil, -- in boot/*_os.lua
  320.     rename = nil, -- in boot/*_os.lua
  321.     time = function(table)
  322.       checkArg(1, table, "table", "nil")
  323.       return os.time(table)
  324.     end,
  325.     tmpname = nil, -- in boot/*_os.lua
  326.   },
  328.   debug = {
  329.     traceback = debug.traceback
  330.   },
  332.   checkArg = checkArg
  333. }
  334. sandbox._G = sandbox
  336. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  337. -- Start of non-standard stuff.
  339. -- JNLua derps when the metatable of userdata is changed, so we have to
  340. -- wrap and isolate it, to make sure it can't be touched by user code.
  341. -- These functions provide the logic for wrapping and unwrapping (when
  342. -- pushed to user code and when pushed back to the host, respectively).
  343. local wrapUserdata, wrapSingleUserdata, unwrapUserdata, wrappedUserdataMeta
  345. wrappedUserdataMeta = {
  346.   -- Weak keys, clean up once a proxy is no longer referenced anywhere.
  347.   __mode="k",
  348.   -- We need custom persist logic here to avoid ERIS trying to save the
  349.   -- userdata referenced in this table directly. It will be repopulated
  350.   -- in the load methods of the persisted userdata wrappers (see below).
  351.   [persistKey and persistKey() or "LuaJ"] = function()
  352.     return function()
  353.       -- When using special persistence we have to manually reassign the
  354.       -- metatable of the persisted value.
  355.       return setmetatable({}, wrappedUserdataMeta)
  356.     end
  357.   end
  358. }
  359. local wrappedUserdata = setmetatable({}, wrappedUserdataMeta)
  361. local function processResult(result)
  362.   wrapUserdata(result) -- needed for metamethods.
  363.   if not result[1] then -- error that should be re-thrown.
  364.     error(result[2], 0)
  365.   else -- success or already processed error.
  366.     return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
  367.   end
  368. end
  370. local function invoke(target, direct, ...)
  371.   local result
  372.   if direct then
  373.     local args = table.pack(...) -- for unwrapping
  374.     unwrapUserdata(args)
  375.     result = table.pack(target.invoke(table.unpack(args, 1, args.n)))
  376.     if result.n == 0 then -- limit for direct calls reached
  377.       result = nil
  378.     end
  379.     -- no need to wrap here, will be wrapped in processResult
  380.   end
  381.   if not result then
  382.     local args = table.pack(...) -- for access in closure
  383.     result = select(1, coroutine.yield(function()
  384.       unwrapUserdata(args)
  385.       local result = table.pack(target.invoke(table.unpack(args, 1, args.n)))
  386.       wrapUserdata(result)
  387.       return result
  388.     end))
  389.   end
  390.   return processResult(result)
  391. end
  393. local function udinvoke(f, data, ...)
  394.   local args = table.pack(...)
  395.   unwrapUserdata(args)
  396.   local result = table.pack(f(data, table.unpack(args)))
  397.   return processResult(result)
  398. end
  400. -- Metatable for additional functionality on userdata.
  401. local userdataWrapper = {
  402.   __index = function(self, ...)
  403.     return udinvoke(userdata.apply, wrappedUserdata[self], ...)
  404.   end,
  405.   __newindex = function(self, ...)
  406.     return udinvoke(userdata.unapply, wrappedUserdata[self], ...)
  407.   end,
  408.   __call = function(self, ...)
  409.     return udinvoke(, wrappedUserdata[self], ...)
  410.   end,
  411.   __gc = function(self)
  412.     local data = wrappedUserdata[self]
  413.     wrappedUserdata[self] = nil
  414.     userdata.dispose(data)
  415.   end,
  416.   -- This is the persistence protocol for userdata. Userdata is considered
  417.   -- to be 'owned' by Lua, and is saved to an NBT tag. We also get the name
  418.   -- of the actual class when saving, so we can create a new instance via
  419.   -- reflection when loading again (and then immediately wrap it again).
  420.   -- Collect wrapped callback methods.
  421.   [persistKey and persistKey() or "LuaJ"] = function(self)
  422.     local className, nbt =[self])
  423.     -- The returned closure is what actually gets persisted, including the
  424.     -- upvalues, that being the classname and a byte array representing the
  425.     -- nbt data of the userdata value.
  426.     return function()
  427.       return wrapSingleUserdata(userdata.load(className, nbt))
  428.     end
  429.   end,
  430.   -- Do not allow changing the metatable to avoid the gc callback being
  431.   -- unset, leading to potential resource leakage on the host side.
  432.   __metatable = "userdata",
  433.   __tostring = function(self)
  434.     local data = wrappedUserdata[self]
  435.     return tostring(select(2, pcall(data.toString, data)))
  436.   end
  437. }
  439. local userdataCallback = {
  440.   __call = function(self, ...)
  441.     local methods = spcall(userdata.methods, wrappedUserdata[self.proxy])
  442.     for name, direct in pairs(methods) do
  443.       if name == then
  444.         return invoke(userdata, direct, self.proxy, name, ...)
  445.       end
  446.     end
  447.     error("no such method", 1)
  448.   end,
  449.   __tostring = function(self)
  450.     return userdata.doc(wrappedUserdata[self.proxy], or "function"
  451.   end
  452. }
  454. function wrapSingleUserdata(data)
  455.   -- Reuse proxies for lower memory consumption and more logical behavior
  456.   -- without the need of metamethods like __eq, as well as proper reference
  457.   -- behavior after saving and loading again.
  458.   for k, v in pairs(wrappedUserdata) do
  459.     -- We need a custom 'equals' check for userdata because metamethods on
  460.     -- userdata introduced by JNLua tend to crash the game for some reason.
  461.     if v == data then
  462.       return k
  463.     end
  464.   end
  465.   local proxy = {type = "userdata"}
  466.   local methods = spcall(userdata.methods, data)
  467.   for method in pairs(methods) do
  468.     proxy[method] = setmetatable({name=method, proxy=proxy}, userdataCallback)
  469.   end
  470.   wrappedUserdata[proxy] = data
  471.   return setmetatable(proxy, userdataWrapper)
  472. end
  474. function wrapUserdata(values)
  475.   local processed = {}
  476.   local function wrapRecursively(value)
  477.     if type(value) == "table" then
  478.       if not processed[value] then
  479.         processed[value] = true
  480.         for k, v in pairs(value) do
  481.           value[k] = wrapRecursively(v)
  482.         end
  483.       end
  484.     elseif type(value) == "userdata" then
  485.       return wrapSingleUserdata(value)
  486.     end
  487.     return value
  488.   end
  489.   wrapRecursively(values)
  490. end
  492. function unwrapUserdata(values)
  493.   local processed = {}
  494.   local function unwrapRecursively(value)
  495.     if wrappedUserdata[value] then
  496.       return wrappedUserdata[value]
  497.     end
  498.     if type(value) == "table" then
  499.       if not processed[value] then
  500.         processed[value] = true
  501.         for k, v in pairs(value) do
  502.           value[k] = unwrapRecursively(v)
  503.         end
  504.       end
  505.     end
  506.     return value
  507.   end
  508.   unwrapRecursively(values)
  509. end
  511. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  513. local libcomponent
  515. -- Caching proxy objects for lower memory use.
  516. local proxyCache = setmetatable({}, {__mode="v"})
  518. -- Short-term caching of callback directness for improved performance.
  519. local directCache = setmetatable({}, {__mode="k"})
  520. local function isDirect(address, method)
  521.   local cacheKey = address..":"..method
  522.   local cachedValue = directCache[cacheKey]
  523.   if cachedValue ~= nil then
  524.     return cachedValue
  525.   end
  526.   local methods, reason = spcall(component.methods, address)
  527.   if not methods then
  528.     return false
  529.   end
  530.   for name, info in pairs(methods) do
  531.     if name == method then
  532.       directCache[cacheKey] =
  533.       return
  534.     end
  535.   end
  536.   error("no such method", 1)
  537. end
  539. local componentProxy = {
  540.   __index = function(self, key)
  541.     if self.fields[key] and self.fields[key].getter then
  542.       return libcomponent.invoke(self.address, key)
  543.     else
  544.       rawget(self, key)
  545.     end
  546.   end,
  547.   __newindex = function(self, key, value)
  548.     if self.fields[key] and self.fields[key].setter then
  549.       return libcomponent.invoke(self.address, key, value)
  550.     elseif self.fields[key] and self.fields[key].getter then
  551.       error("field is read-only")
  552.     else
  553.       rawset(self, key, value)
  554.     end
  555.   end,
  556.   __pairs = function(self)
  557.     local keyProxy, keyField, value
  558.     return function()
  559.       if not keyField then
  560.         repeat
  561.           keyProxy, value = next(self, keyProxy)
  562.         until not keyProxy or keyProxy ~= "fields"
  563.       end
  564.       if not keyProxy then
  565.         keyField, value = next(self.fields, keyField)
  566.       end
  567.       return keyProxy or keyField, value
  568.     end
  569.   end
  570. }
  572. local componentCallback = {
  573.   __call = function(self, ...)
  574.     return libcomponent.invoke(self.address,, ...)
  575.   end,
  576.   __tostring = function(self)
  577.     return libcomponent.doc(self.address, or "function"
  578.   end
  579. }
  581. libcomponent = {
  582.   doc = function(address, method)
  583.     checkArg(1, address, "string")
  584.     checkArg(2, method, "string")
  585.     local result, reason = spcall(component.doc, address, method)
  586.     if not result and reason then
  587.       error(reason, 2)
  588.     end
  589.     return result
  590.   end,
  591.   invoke = function(address, method, ...)
  592.     checkArg(1, address, "string")
  593.     checkArg(2, method, "string")
  594.     return invoke(component, isDirect(address, method), address, method, ...)
  595.   end,
  596.   list = function(filter, exact)
  597.     checkArg(1, filter, "string", "nil")
  598.     local list = spcall(component.list, filter, not not exact)
  599.     local key = nil
  600.     return setmetatable(list, {__call=function()
  601.       key = next(list, key)
  602.       if key then
  603.         return key, list[key]
  604.       end
  605.     end})
  606.   end,
  607.   methods = function(address)
  608.     local result, reason = spcall(component.methods, address)
  609.     -- Transform to pre 1.4 format to avoid breaking scripts.
  610.     if type(result) == "table" then
  611.       for k, v in pairs(result) do
  612.         if not v.getter and not v.setter then
  613.           result[k] =
  614.         else
  615.           result[k] = nil
  616.         end
  617.       end
  618.       return result
  619.     end
  620.     return result, reason
  621.   end,
  622.   fields = function(address)
  623.     local result, reason = spcall(component.methods, address)
  624.     if type(result) == "table" then
  625.       for k, v in pairs(result) do
  626.         if not v.getter and not v.setter then
  627.           result[k] = nil
  628.         end
  629.       end
  630.       return result
  631.     end
  632.     return result, reason
  633.   end,
  634.   proxy = function(address)
  635.     local type, reason = spcall(component.type, address)
  636.     if not type then
  637.       return nil, reason
  638.     end
  639.     local slot, reason = spcall(component.slot, address)
  640.     if not slot then
  641.       return nil, reason
  642.     end
  643.     if proxyCache[address] then
  644.       return proxyCache[address]
  645.     end
  646.     local proxy = {address = address, type = type, slot = slot, fields = {}}
  647.     local methods, reason = spcall(component.methods, address)
  648.     if not methods then
  649.       return nil, reason
  650.     end
  651.     for method, info in pairs(methods) do
  652.       if not info.getter and not info.setter then
  653.         proxy[method] = setmetatable({address=address,name=method}, componentCallback)
  654.       else
  655.         proxy.fields[method] = info
  656.       end
  657.     end
  658.     setmetatable(proxy, componentProxy)
  659.     proxyCache[address] = proxy
  660.     return proxy
  661.   end,
  662.   type = function(address)
  663.     return spcall(component.type, address)
  664.   end,
  665.   slot = function(address)
  666.     return spcall(component.slot, address)
  667.   end
  668. }
  669. sandbox.component = libcomponent
  671. local libcomputer = {
  672.   isRobot = computer.isRobot,
  673.   address = computer.address,
  674.   tmpAddress = computer.tmpAddress,
  675.   freeMemory = computer.freeMemory,
  676.   totalMemory = computer.totalMemory,
  677.   uptime = computer.uptime,
  678.   energy =,
  679.   maxEnergy = computer.maxEnergy,
  681.   getBootAddress = computer.getBootAddress,
  682.   setBootAddress = function(...)
  683.     return spcall(computer.setBootAddress, ...)
  684.   end,
  686.   users = computer.users,
  687.   addUser = function(...)
  688.     return spcall(computer.addUser, ...)
  689.   end,
  690.   removeUser = function(...)
  691.     return spcall(computer.removeUser, ...)
  692.   end,
  694.   shutdown = function(reboot)
  695.     coroutine.yield(reboot ~= nil and reboot ~= false)
  696.   end,
  697.   pushSignal = function(...)
  698.     return spcall(computer.pushSignal, ...)
  699.   end,
  700.   pullSignal = function(timeout)
  701.     local deadline = computer.uptime() +
  702.       (type(timeout) == "number" and timeout or math.huge)
  703.     repeat
  704.       local signal = table.pack(coroutine.yield(deadline - computer.uptime()))
  705.       if signal.n > 0 then
  706.         return table.unpack(signal, 1, signal.n)
  707.       end
  708.     until computer.uptime() >= deadline
  709.   end,
  711.   beep = function(...)
  712.     libcomponent.invoke(computer.address(), "beep", ...)
  713.   end
  714. }
  715. = libcomputer
  717. local libunicode = {
  718.   char = function(...)
  719.     return spcall(unicode.char, ...)
  720.   end,
  721.   len = function(s)
  722.     return spcall(unicode.len, s)
  723.   end,
  724.   lower = function(s)
  725.     return spcall(unicode.lower, s)
  726.   end,
  727.   reverse = function(s)
  728.     return spcall(unicode.reverse, s)
  729.   end,
  730.   sub = function(s, i, j)
  731.     if j then
  732.       return spcall(unicode.sub, s, i, j)
  733.     end
  734.     return spcall(unicode.sub, s, i)
  735.   end,
  736.   upper = function(s)
  737.     return spcall(unicode.upper, s)
  738.   end,
  739.   isWide = function(s)
  740.     return spcall(unicode.isWide, s)
  741.   end,
  742.   charWidth = function(s)
  743.     return spcall(unicode.charWidth, s)
  744.   end,
  745.   wlen = function(s)
  746.     return spcall(unicode.wlen, s)
  747.   end,
  748.   wtrunc = function(s, n)
  749.     return spcall(unicode.wtrunc, s, n)
  750.   end
  751. }
  752. sandbox.unicode = libunicode
  754. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  756. local function bootstrap()
  757.   function boot_invoke(address, method, ...)
  758.     local result = table.pack(pcall(libcomponent.invoke, address, method, ...))
  759.     if not result[1] then
  760.       return nil, result[2]
  761.     else
  762.       return table.unpack(result, 2, result.n)
  763.     end
  764.   end
  765.   do
  766.     local screen = libcomponent.list("screen")()
  767.     local gpu = libcomponent.list("gpu")()
  768.     if gpu and screen then
  769.       boot_invoke(gpu, "bind", screen)
  770.     end
  771.   end
  772.   local function tryLoadFrom(address)
  773.     local handle, reason = boot_invoke(address, "open", "/init.lua")
  774.     if not handle then
  775.       return nil, reason
  776.     end
  777.     local buffer = ""
  778.     repeat
  779.       local data, reason = boot_invoke(address, "read", handle, math.huge)
  780.       if not data and reason then
  781.         return nil, reason
  782.       end
  783.       buffer = buffer .. (data or "")
  784.     until not data
  785.     boot_invoke(address, "close", handle)
  786.     return load(buffer, "=init", "t", sandbox)
  787.   end
  788.   local init, reason
  789.   if computer.getBootAddress() then
  790.     init, reason = tryLoadFrom(computer.getBootAddress())
  791.   end
  792.   if not init then
  793.     computer.setBootAddress()
  794.     for address in libcomponent.list("filesystem") do
  795.       init, reason = tryLoadFrom(address)
  796.       if init then
  797.         computer.setBootAddress(address)
  798.         break
  799.       end
  800.     end
  801.   end
  802.   if not init then
  803.     error("no bootable medium found" .. (reason and (": " .. tostring(reason)) or ""), 0)
  804.   end
  806.   return coroutine.create(init), {n=0}
  807. end
  809. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  811. local function main()
  812.   -- Yield once to get a memory baseline.
  813.   coroutine.yield()
  815.   -- After memory footprint to avoid init.lua bumping the baseline.
  816.   local co, args = bootstrap()
  817.   local forceGC = 10
  819.   while true do
  820.     deadline = computer.realTime() + system.timeout()
  821.     hitDeadline = false
  823.     -- NOTE: since this is run in an executor thread and we enforce timeouts
  824.     -- in user-defined garbage collector callbacks this should be safe.
  825.     if persistKey then -- otherwise we're in LuaJ
  826.       forceGC = forceGC - 1
  827.       if forceGC < 1 then
  828.         collectgarbage("collect")
  829.         forceGC = 10
  830.       end
  831.     end
  833.     debug.sethook(co, checkDeadline, "", hookInterval)
  834.     local result = table.pack(coroutine.resume(co, table.unpack(args, 1, args.n)))
  835.     if not result[1] then
  836.       error(tostring(result[2]), 0)
  837.     elseif coroutine.status(co) == "dead" then
  838.       error("computer stopped unexpectedly", 0)
  839.     else
  840.       args = table.pack(coroutine.yield(result[2])) -- system yielded value
  841.       wrapUserdata(args)
  842.     end
  843.   end
  844. end
  846. -- JNLua converts the coroutine to a string immediately, so we can't get the
  847. -- traceback later. Because of that we have to do the error handling here.
  848. return pcall(main)
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