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- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}
- import Data.Ratio -- рациональные числа
- import Data.Complex -- комплексные числа
- -- Класс абелевой группы
- class AbelGroup a where
- (^+^) :: a -> a -> a
- zero :: a
- negate' :: a -> a
- negate' a = zero ^-^ a
- (^-^) :: a -> a -> a
- (^-^) el1 el2 = el1 ^+^ negate' el2
- ---------------------------------------------
- -- Класс линейного пространства над числовым полем типа Numeric a
- class AbelGroup a => LinearSpace a where
- type Numeric a :: * -- Numeric - тип числового поля
- (^*^) :: Numeric a -> a -> a
- --- Тип векторов
- data TVector = Vector { x::Double, y::Double }
- deriving(Eq,Ord)
- instance Show TVector where
- show (Vector x y) = "(" ++ show x ++ ";" ++ show y ++ ")"
- instance AbelGroup TVector where
- (Vector x1 y1) ^+^ (Vector x2 y2) =
- Vector (x1+x2) (y1+y2)
- zero = Vector 0 0
- negate' (Vector x y) = Vector (-x) (-y)
- instance LinearSpace TVector where
- type Numeric TVector = Double
- a ^*^ v = Vector (a*x v) (a*y v)
- class LinearSpace a => HilbertSpace a where
- (%) :: a -> a -> Numeric a
- instance HilbertSpace TVector where
- (Vector x1 y1) % (Vector x2 y2) = (x1)*(x2) + (y1)*(y2)
- data TRealFunc = RealFunc (Double->Double)
- (^$^) :: TRealFunc -> Double -> Double
- (RealFunc f) ^$^ x = f x
- instance AbelGroup TRealFunc where
- (RealFunc f1) ^+^ (RealFunc f2) =
- RealFunc (\x -> f1 x + f2 x)
- zero = RealFunc (\_ -> 0)
- negate' (RealFunc f) = RealFunc (\x -> -f x)
- instance LinearSpace TRealFunc where
- type Numeric TRealFunc = Double
- a ^*^ (RealFunc f) = RealFunc (\x -> a*f x)
- instance HilbertSpace TRealFunc where
- (RealFunc f1) % (RealFunc f2) =
- sum $ map (\x -> (f1 x)*(f2 x)*(1/100)) [1/100,2/100..100/100]
- class MyMonoid a where
- (^**^) :: a -> a -> a
- neutral :: a
- instance MyMonoid [a] where
- l1 ^**^ l2 = l1 ++ l2
- neutral = []
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