
Aether Foundation's Roomintro for side servers code

Dec 31st, 2017 (edited)
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  2. <div style="background-image: url(&quot;;) ; background-size: 100% 100% ; height: 250px ; border: 2px inset #b57edc"><center><br><button style="border: none ; background-color: transparent" name="parseCommand" value="/user Arkenciel"><img src="" height="80" width="80"></button> <button name="parseCommand" style="background: none ; border: none" value="/user Viktria"><img src="" height="80" width="80"></button> <button name="parseCommand" style="background: none ; border: none" value="/user Ntilikina"><img src="" height="80" width="80"></button> <button style="border: none ; background-color: transparent" name="parseCommand" value="/user SiO2"><img src="//" height="80" width="80"></button> <button style="border: none ; background-color: transparent" name="parseCommand" value="/user Light HaZe"><img src="" height="80" width="80"></button> <br><br><br><br> <button style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 2px inset black ; background-color: #2a3439 ; border: 1px inset #b57edc ; color: #add8e6 ; border-radius: 7px ; padding: 3px" name="send" value="lusahi Hello Friends!">Say Hello</button> <button name="parseCommand" style="background: none ; border: none" value="/user Triggerhappy948"><img src="" height="80" width="80"></button><button style="border: none ; background-color: transparent" name="parseCommand" value="/user Visionary Adrienn"><img src="" height="80" width="80"></button> <button style="border-radius: 5px ; border: 2px inset black ; background-color: #2a3439 ; border: 1px inset #b57edc ; color: #add8e6 ; border-radius: 7px ; padding: 3px" name="receive" value="|j|~Lusamine&#10; I am the president of the foundation. But please, just call me Lusamine. I'm so glad that we got to meet.">Lusamine</button></center><br><br></div>
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