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- function [x,p,t,x_berechnet,t_verrauscht] = sensor_graphisch(varargin)
- params = struct('epsilon',0.2,'n',100);
- n_vararg = numel(varargin);
- if mod(n_vararg,2) ~= 0
- disp('Bitte Argumentepaare eingeben!')
- return
- else
- for i=1:n_vararg/2
- keyword = varargin{2*i-1};
- value = varargin{2*i};
- params.(keyword) = value;
- end
- end
- fig=figure(1); clf; xlim([-1,1]); ylim([-1,1])
- grid('on')
- hold('on')
- sensors = zeros(params.n,2);
- for i=1:params.n
- title_fstring = sprintf('Setze Sensor %i (beende mit rechtem Mausklick)',i);
- title(title_fstring);
- [sensor_pos_x, sensor_pos_y] = ginput(1);
- sel = get(fig, 'SelectionType');
- if strcmpi(sel, 'alt')
- break
- end
- sensors(i,:) = [sensor_pos_x,sensor_pos_y];
- plot(sensor_pos_x, sensor_pos_y,'ob')
- end
- v = nonzeros(sensors);
- sensors = reshape(v,numel(v)/2,2);
- title('Setze Objekt');
- [objekt_pos_x, objekt_pos_y] = ginput(1);
- plot(objekt_pos_x, objekt_pos_y,'xr')
- objekt = [objekt_pos_x, objekt_pos_y, rand(1)];
- t = sensorzeit(objekt,sensors);
- noise = params.epsilon;
- t_noise = (1+noise-2*rand(size(t))*noise).*t;
- objekt_berechnet = lsqnonlin(@(x) sensorfunktion(objekt,sensors,t_noise),zeros(1,3));
- plot(objekt_berechnet(1),objekt_berechnet(2),'ro','Markersize',16);
- title('Berechnete Objektposition');
- hold('off');
- end
- function f=sensorfunktion(x,p,t)
- f=sqrt( (p(:,1) - x(1)).^2 + p(:,2) - x(2)).^2 - t + x(3);
- end
- function t=sensorzeit(x,p)
- t=sqrt( (p(:,1) - x(1)).^2 + p(:,2) - x(2)).^2 + x(3);
- end
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