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- """ Joelin ratkaisut Helsingin yliopiston Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit-kurssin
- viikon 12 harjoitustehtäviin .
- Nämä ratkaisut eroavat tarkoituksella malliratkaisuista. Niiden pääasiallinen
- tarkoitus on inspiroida ja antaa ideoita sellaisille opiskelijoille, jotka
- haluavat nähdä ohjelmoinnin taiteena — tai kenties vaikka yksinkertaisina
- matemaattisina lausekkeina. Vastaukset ovat tarkoituksella erittäin tiiviitä.
- Missään nimessä niitä ei tule tulkita esimerkkeinä hyvistä ohjelmointitavoista!
- Discordissa saa vapaasti kysyä, jos jokin kohta herättää kysymyksiä.
- Tehtäväsarja 8:
- Tehtäväsarja 9:
- Tehtäväsarja 10:
- Tehtäväsarja 11:
- Tehtäväsarja 12:
- Tehtäväsarja 13:
- """
- class Cycles: # 12.3 Syklit
- def __init__(self,n): self.edges = [set() for a in range(n)]
- def add_edge(self,a,b): self.edges[a-1].add(b-1)
- def check(self):
- stack = set() # Paluuarvo on tosi, jos jokin läpikäyntijärjestys tuottaa reitin, jossa
- def gruu1(a): return (stack.add(a), gruu(a), stack.remove(a))[1] # palataan jo aiemmin läpi
- def gruu(a): return any(b in stack or gruu1(b) for b in self.edges[a]) # käytyyn soluun.
- return any(gruu1(a) for a in range(len(self.edges)))
- class CoursePlan: # 12.4 Kurssit
- def __init__(self): self.names, self.edges = [], [set() for _ in range(50)]
- def add_course(self,course): self.names.append(course)
- def add_requisite(self,c1,c2): self.edges[ self.names.index(c1) ].add( self.names.index(c2) )
- def find(self):
- colors,l = [0] * len(self.names), []
- def explore(start): # Ratkaisu käyttää topologista järjestystä (topological sort)
- if colors[start] != 2: # sellaisenaan kirjan mallin pohjalta.
- colors[start] = 1
- if any(colors[e] == 1 or not explore(e) for e in self.edges[start]): return False
- l.insert(0, self.names[start])
- colors[start] = 2
- return True
- return l if all(colors[s] != 0 or explore(s) for s in range(len(colors))) else None
- class LongPath: # 12.5 Pisin polku
- def __init__(self,n): self.edges = [set() for m in range(n+1)]
- def add_edge(self,a,b): self.edges[min(a,b)].add(max(a,b))
- def calculate(self):
- length = [0] * len(self.edges)
- for i in range(len(self.edges)-1,-1,-1):
- length[i] = max(0,0, *(length[m]+1 for m in self.edges[i]))
- return max(length)
- class LongPath_bitmath: # 12.5 Pisin polku, vaihtoehtoinen
- def __init__(self,n): self.edges = [0] * (n+1)
- def add_edge(self,a,b): self.edges[min(a,b)] |= (1 << max(a,b))
- def calculate(self):
- length = [0] * len(self.edges)
- for i in range(len(self.edges)-1,-1,-1):
- length[i] = max(0,0, *(length[m]+1 for m in bits(self.edges[i])))
- return max(length)
- import functools,operator # 12.6 Lentokentät
- class Airports:
- def __init__(self,n): self.edges = [(1<<m) for m in range(n)]
- def add_link(self,a,b): self.edges[a-1] |= (1 << (b-1))
- def check(self):
- map = self.edges.copy()
- for b in range(len(self.edges)):
- for a in range(len(self.edges)):
- map[a] |= functools.reduce(operator.__or__, (map[m] for m in bits(self.edges[a])), 0)
- return min(map) == (1 << len(map))-1
- class GraphGame: # 12.7 Verkkopeli
- def __init__(self,n): self.edges = [set() for m in range(n)]
- def add_link(self,a,b): self.edges[a-1].add(b-1)
- def winning(self, x):
- e = self.edges
- (win,lose) = [ False ] * len(e), [ len(e[a])==0 for a in range(len(e)) ]
- for n in range(len(e)):
- for a in range(len(e)):
- win[a] |= any(lose[b] for b in e[a])
- lose[a] |= all(win[b] for b in e[a])
- return win[x-1]
- import heapq # 12.8 Polut
- # Koska 12.8 malliratkaisu oli huomattavan lyhyt, mutta ei suinkaan optimaalinen,
- # päätin tehdä tästä ratkaisusta sellaisen, joka minimoi kaarien määrän.
- #
- def create(N, best={}):
- def execute(hist, s=1, e=100, edges=[]):
- for n,code in hist:
- if code:
- z = s+n if code>0 else e
- edges.append( (s, z))
- edges.extend( (s, s+m) for m in range(1,n) )
- edges.extend( (s+m, z) for m in range(1,n) )
- s = z
- else:
- edges.append((s,e))
- while n > 1:
- edges.append((s, s+1))
- edges.append((s+1, e))
- s += 1
- n -= 1
- return edges
- # Use dijkstra to figure out the best way to plan the route
- # At each point, create one of these alternatives::
- #
- # Triangle of 3 paths: Diamond of 3 paths: Straight of 3 paths:
- # ──┬─────z── ──┬─b─z── ──┬─────────end
- # ├──b──┤ ├─c─┤ ╰─b───────┤
- # ╰──c──╯ ╰─d─╯ ╰─c─────╯
- # ╰──
- # = 2M-1 edges = 2M edges = 2M-1 edges
- #
- # Note that a straight(N) followed by a triangle(M) is invalid *at the end* (z=end),
- # because it would generate two parallel arcs to end.
- # This can be easily taken care by never doing triangles or diamonds with M=remaining n.
- # A valid alternative would be to generate straight(N) followed by a diamond(M),
- # but there is no advantage in that approach in terms of arc count.
- # In testing, it was determined for M values that
- # within 1 <= N <= 1200000,
- # M=2 occurs 99,99% of times
- # M=3 occurs 92,44% of times
- # M=5 occurs 9.404% of times
- # M=7 occurs 0.0952% of times (1142 times)
- # Other values of M (tested up to 19) were not observed, so the search is capped to that.
- #
- # The smallest value of N where the network of 1—100 is too small
- # that I found was 2251799813682908. The number of arcs was still
- # only 170, nowhere close to the task limit of 1000.
- #
- # Element: Number of edges, remaining n, [plan]
- # Plan elements are:
- # N straight lines to end: (n,0)
- # Triangle of M: (n,3)
- # Diamond of M: (n,4) -- unused
- # Triangle of M straight to end: (n,-3) -- unused
- # Diamond of M straight to end: (n,-4) -- unused
- s = []
- best={}
- #s.extend( (best[k][0], k, best[k][1]) for k in best.keys() if (k <= N and k >= N-40))
- if len(s)<16: s.append( (0, 0, []) )
- heapq.heapify(s)
- def add(cost, done, newhist):
- if done in best and best[done][0] <= cost: return
- if newhist[-1][1]: best[done] = (cost, newhist)
- heapq.heappush(s, (cost, done, newhist))
- while len(s):
- (cost,done,hist) = heapq.heappop(s)
- if done==N:
- print("For %d best path (cost=%d): " % (N,cost), hist)
- return execute(hist)
- for m in (a for a in range(2,min(8,N-done)) if a!=4 and a!=6): # Try primes < 8 & < n
- r = (N-done) % m
- if r == 0: add(cost + 1+(m-1)*2, N - (N-done )//m, hist + [ (m,3)])
- else: add(cost + (r*2-1) + 1+(m-1)*2, N - (N-done-r)//m, hist + [(r,0), (m,3)])
- if (N-done) < 4: add(cost + ((N-done)*2-1), N, hist + [((N-done),0)])
- return None
- Tehtävässä 12.6 (ja 12.5 vaihtoehtoinen) käytetyt apufunktiot ovat:
- def log2(n): return sum(((n&(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF//((1<<(1<<i))+1)<<(1<<i)))!=0)<<i for i in range(6))
- def bits(e): # Returns the list of bit indexes set in e
- result = []
- while e:
- b = e & -e # Clears all but LSB
- e = e & ~b
- result.append( log2(b) )
- return result
- Huom. log2-funktio toimii vain kahden potensseille.
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