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- //====================================================================================================================================
- /////////////////////////////////////////
- // m00kz Quake Enhanced Edition config //
- /////////////////////////////////////////
- // Feel free to tweak / copy commands from this CFG to fit your needs.
- //
- ////////////////
- // HOW TO USE //
- ////////////////
- // - Put this text file in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake\rerelease and save as "AUTOEXEC.cfg"
- // - In Steam, right click Quake > Properties > General > and add "+exec AUTOEXEC.cfg" without quotes to launch options
- // - Launch the game. The config should now be applied.
- //
- //////////////
- // CONTROLS //
- //////////////
- // Nail weapons UP MOUSE WHEEL
- // Explosive weapons MIDDLE CLICK
- // Shell weapons DOWN MOUSE WHEEL
- // Cell weapons BACK MOUSE BUTTON
- // Melee weapons FORWARD MOUSE BUTTON
- // Cycle mission pack weapon sets "[" and "]" (For SOA or DOE weapon sets! Selection displayed in console. Defaults to standard.)
- // Hold Zoom RIGHT CLICK
- // Hold Crouch LEFT ALT
- // Fullbright toggle E
- // Cycle HUDs "-" and "="
- // Clear command console DELETE
- // Commit Sudoku END
- //
- ///////////
- // NOTES //
- ///////////
- // Make sure to use the correct weapon sets for mission packs.
- // Switching to weapons that don't exist will cause an error popup (not a crash, clicking "Continue" will resume the game).
- //
- //====================================================================================================================================
- //////////////////
- //////////////////
- //Set which graphics driver API to use
- seta r_rhirenderfamily "vulkan"; //Selects Vulcan rendering
- //seta r_rhirenderfamily "d3d11"; //Selects D3D rendering
- //Remove visual junk
- con_showfps 1; //(1) - Displays current FPS
- con_fontsize 28; //(14) - Sets size of console font (requires restart)
- con_scrollamount 3; //(1) - Sets the number of lines to scroll in console
- cl_engineFPS 0; //(60) - Frames per second the renderer runs at
- cl_engineHZ 60; //(60) - Frames per second to run the game logic at
- cl_engineNoSleep 1; //(0) - Don't sleep if the game is running too fast
- g_showintromovie 0; //(0) - Play intro movies on startup
- r_gpuCulling 0; //(1) - Enables compute shader to backface cull triangles in world (better performance in Dimension of the Machine)
- scr_polyblend 0; //(1) - Enables screen flashes (powerups, damage, pickups, etc)
- r_crtmode 0; //(0) - Enables CRT emulation (Quake 64 only)
- r_wateralpha 0.2; //(0.7) - Sets alpha for all water surfaces
- r_telealpha 0.2; //(0.96) - Sets alpha for all teleport surfaces
- r_slimealpha 0.33; //(0.7) - Sets alpha for all slime surfaces
- r_lavaalpha 0.33; //(0.666) - Sets alpha for all lava surfaces
- v_kicktime 0; //(0.5) -
- v_kickroll 0; //(0.6) -
- v_kickpitch 0; //(0.6) -
- v_iyaw_cycle 0; //(2.0) -
- v_iroll_cycle 0; //(0.5) -
- v_ipitch_cycle 0; //(1.0) -
- v_iyaw_level 0; //(0.3) -
- v_iroll_level 0; //(0.1) -
- v_ipitch_level 0; //(0.3) -
- v_idlescale 0; //(0.0) -
- v_centermove 0.15; //(0.15) -
- v_centerspeed 500; //(500.0) -
- cl_skipViewBob 0; //(0) - 1 = Skip View Bob
- cl_rollspeed 200; //(200.0) -
- cl_rollangle 0; //(2.0) -
- cl_bob 0; //(0.02) -
- cl_bobcycle 0.6; //(0.6) -
- cl_bobup 0; //(0.5) -
- scr_printspeed 32 //(8) -
- //Render settings
- //r_nolerp_list 0; //(progs/flame.mdl,progs/flame1.mdl,progs/braztall.mdl,progs/brazshrt.mdl,progs/longtrch.mdl,progs/flame_pyre.mdl,progs/v_saw.mdl,progs/v_xfist.mdl,progs/h1stuff/newfire.mdl) - Filter list that excludes any entities matching the specified model to not perform any animation interpolation
- //r_aofullres 0; //(0) - Sets AO full resolution
- //r_aoradius 0; //(8.0) - Sets AO radius
- //r_aodepthbias 0; //(4.0) - Sets AO depth bias
- //r_aointensity 0; //(4.0) - Sets AO intensity
- //r_aominradius 0; //(1.0) - Sets AO min radius
- //r_aomaxradiusshrink 0; //(0.15) - Sets AO max radius shrink
- //r_aoblurprecision 0; //(150.0) - Sets AO blur precision factor. Used to fix halo artifacts
- //r_showoverdraw 0; //(0) - Display tile lighting overdraw - blue indicates good, red indicates bad 0; //(debugging)
- //r_shownormals 0; //(0) - Display surface normals 0; //(debugging)
- //r_drawViewModel 0; //(1) - Draw View Model
- //r_enablefog 0; //(1) - Enables fog
- //r_showtris 0; //(0) - Render geometry as wireframe 0; //(debugging)
- //r_clear 0; //(0) - Force Clear Screen Every Frame
- //r_drawEntities 0; //(1) - Draw Entities In The World
- //r_md5models 0; //(1) - Render MD5 models instead of alias models 0; //(if available)
- r_renderWaterViewFX 0; //(1) - 1 = Draw Water View FX When In Water
- //r_subdivide_size 0; //(118) -
- //r_squareparticles 0; //(1) - Particles are displayed as solid quads 0; //(Quake64)
- //r_partdepthbias 0; //(-0.0001) - Sets a depth bias for particles
- //r_partslopebias 0; //(-4.0) - Sets a slope bias for particles
- //r_dofBlurRange 0; //(0.0) - Sets DOF blur range 0; //(debugging)
- //r_dofFocusDistance 0; //(0.0) - Sets DOF focus distance 0; //(debugging)
- //r_dofFocusRange 0; //(0.0) - Sets DOF focus range 0; //(debugging)
- r_dof 0; //(0) - Enables depth of field
- //r_brightness 0; //(0.0) - Applies overall display brightness
- //r_crtmode 0; //(0) - Enables CRT emulation 0; //(Quake 64 only)
- //r_shadows 0; //(1) - Enables shadow mapping
- //r_showshadowatlas 0; //(0) - Displays the shadow map atlas 0; //(debugging)
- //r_noEntityCastShadowList 0; //(progs/missile.mdl,progs/flame.mdl,progs/flame1.mdl,progs/lavaball.mdl,progs/grenade.mdl,progs/spike.mdl,progs/s_spike.mdl,progs/laser.mdl,progs/lspike.mdl,progs/candle.mdl) - Filter list that excludes any entities matching the specified model to not cast shadows
- //r_fullbright 0; //(0) - Disables lightmaps
- //r_monochromelightmaps 0; //(0) - If enabled, lightmaps will display as grayscale
- //r_brushmodeldepthbias 0; //(-1e-06) - Sets a depth bias for brush models
- //r_brushmodelslopebias 0; //(0.5) - Sets a slope bias for brush models
- //r_previewlightmap 0; //(-1) - Display lightmap texture 0; //(num = which page to display) 0; //(debugging)
- //r_oitWeight 0; //(10000.0) - Sets the weight value for OIT blending
- //r_oitClamp 0; //(3000.0) - Sets weight clamp value for OIT blending
- //r_gpuCulling 0; //(1) - Enables compute shader to backface cull triangles in world
- //r_wateralpha 0; //(0.7) - Sets alpha for all water surfaces
- //r_telealpha 0; //(0.96) - Sets alpha for all teleport surfaces
- //r_slimealpha 0; //(0.7) - Sets alpha for all slime surfaces
- //r_lavaalpha 0; //(0.666) - Sets alpha for all lava surfaces
- //r_notextures 0; //(0) - Disables texture mapping
- //r_generateMipMapsRunTime 0; //(1) - Generate mip maps at runtime instead of loading from BSP 0; //(requires level restart)
- //r_textureMode 0; //(nearest_mipmap_nearest) - Sets texture mode
- //r_computenormals 0; //(1) - Compute vertex normals at runtime instead of using a pre-defined table
- //r_subdivide_size 0; //(64) - Sets subvided size for sky and water surfaces
- r_antialiasing 0; //(1) - Sets a antialiasing mode
- //r_ambientOcclusion 0; //(0) - Enables ambient occlusion
- //r_visualizeAO 0; //(0) - Show ambient occlusion results 0; //(debugging)
- r_bloom 0; //(0) - Enables bloom
- r_motionBlur 0; //(0) - Enables motion blur
- //r_fontHinting 0; //(0) - Font hinting mode 0; //(Requires restart) 0; //(0 = normal, 1 = light, 1 = monochrome, -1 = none)
- //Movement
- cl_upspeed 400; //(200.0) -
- cl_forwardspeed 400; //(400.0) -
- cl_backspeed 400; //(200.0) -
- cl_sidespeed 400; //(350.0)
- //Interpolation
- cl_interpolation 1; //(1) - Enables interpolation (for high FPS and 144hz users)
- cl_movelerping 1; //(1) - If enabled, interpolates move stepping for certain entities
- cl_animlerping 1; //(1) - If enabled, interpolates alias model animations
- //Add Mods
- //ui_addonsBaseURL; //Base URL for the addons directory
- ui_addonsBaseURL; //Clan Arena addon
- //Settings
- d3d11_noAltEnter 0; //(1) - Prevent DXGI from responding to an alt-enter sequence (requires restart)
- //Forced values
- alias fixLiquidAlphas "r_renderWaterViewFX 0; r_wateralpha 0.2; r_telealpha 0.2; r_slimealpha 0.33; r_lavaalpha 0.33;";
- //Launch with default states
- crouch0; //Crouch
- zoom0; //Zoom
- visorMode0; //Visor mode
- noTextures0; //NoTextures
- weapons1; //Weapon set
- defaultHud; //HUD
- hudLayout1; //HUD Layout
- //====================================================================================================================================
- ////////////////
- ////////////////
- unbindkey w;
- bind w fixLiquidAlphas;
- bind w *in_forward;
- unbindkey s;
- bind s fixLiquidAlphas;
- bind s *in_back;
- unbindkey a;
- bind a fixLiquidAlphas;
- bind a *in_moveleft;
- unbindkey d;
- bind d fixLiquidAlphas;
- bind d *in_moveright;
- //FIX AUTO WEAPON Switching
- unbindkey mouse_left
- //bind mouse_left fixAutoWeaponSwitch;
- bind mouse_left *in_attack;
- //Cycle through weapons: Nailguns
- unbindkey mouse_wheel_up;
- bind mouse_wheel_up resetWeaponStates;
- //bind mouse_wheel_up quickswitch_right;
- bind mouse_wheel_up NG;
- //Cycle through weapons: Shotguns
- unbindkey mouse_wheel_down;
- bind mouse_wheel_down resetWeaponStates;
- //bind mouse_wheel_down quickswitch_up;
- bind mouse_wheel_down SG;
- //Cycle through weapons: Explosives
- unbindkey mouse_middle;
- bind mouse_middle resetWeaponStates;
- //bind mouse_middle quickswitch_down;
- bind mouse_middle RL;
- //Cycle through weapons: Energy Gun
- unbindkey mouse_misc1;
- bind mouse_misc1 resetWeaponStates;
- //bind mouse_misc1 quickswitch_left;
- bind mouse_misc1 LG;
- //Cycle through weapons: Melee
- unbindkey mouse_misc2;
- bind mouse_misc2 resetWeaponStates;
- bind mouse_misc2 AX;
- //Cycle: weapon sets (Wrong selection may throw error)
- unbindkey left_brack;
- bind left_brack cycleWeaponSetPrev;
- unbindkey right_brack;
- bind right_brack cycleWeaponSetNext;
- //Zoom
- unbindkey mouse_right;
- //bind mouse_right toggleZoom;
- bind mouse_right "bind mouse_right "+holdZoom";unbind mouse_right "-holdZoom"";
- //Crouch
- unbindkey lalt;
- //bind lalt toggleWalk;
- //bind lalt "bind lalt "+holdWalk";unbind lalt "-holdWalk"";
- //bind lalt toggleCrouch;
- bind lalt "bind lalt "+holdCrouch";unbind lalt "-holdCrouch"";
- //Visor
- unbindkey e;
- bind e toggleVisorMode;
- //bind e "bind e "+holdFullBright";unbind e "-holdFullBright"";
- //Cycle: HUD layouts
- unbindkey minus;
- bind minus cycleHudPrev;
- unbindkey equals;
- bind equals cycleHudNext;
- //Add an inventory screen to scoreboard
- unbindkey tab;
- bind tab "*showscores";
- bind tab "bind tab "+holdShowAmmo";unbind tab "-holdShowAmmo"";
- //Commit sudoku
- unbindkey end;
- bind end kill;
- //Clear console
- unbindkey delete;
- bind delete clear;
- //Load testing arena
- unbindkey m;
- bind m "game hipnotic; deathmatch 1; map hipend;";
- unbindkey n;
- bind n "sv_cheats 1; god; impulse 9;";
- //Reload this autoexec.cfg file
- //unbindkey home; //crashes
- bind home "exec autoexec.cfg";
- //====================================================================================================================================
- ///////////////////////
- ///////////////////////
- //A
- unbindkey joy_0;
- bind joy_0 "*menu_select";
- bind joy_0 "SG";
- //B
- unbindkey joy_1;
- bind joy_1 "*menu_back";
- bind joy_1 "LG";
- //X
- unbindkey joy_2;
- bind joy_2 "*menu_subaction2";
- bind joy_2 "NG";
- //Y
- unbindkey joy_3;
- bind joy_3 "*menu_subaction";
- bind joy_3 "RL";
- //BACK
- unbindkey joy_4;
- bind joy_4 "*showscores";
- bind joy_4 "bind joy_4 "+holdShowAmmo";unbind joy_4` "-holdShowAmmo"";
- //?
- unbindkey joy_5;
- //bind joy_5 "";
- unbindkey joy_6;
- bind joy_6 "*menu_activate";
- unbindkey joy_7;
- bind joy_7 "*in_speed";
- bind joy_7 "bind joy_7 "+holdCrouch";unbind joy_7 "-holdCrouch"";
- unbindkey joy_8;
- bind joy_8 "toggleJoyZoom";
- unbindkey joy_9;
- bind joy_9 "*menu_quickload";
- bind joy_9 "*in_jump";
- bind joy_9 "*in_up";
- unbindkey joy_10;
- bind joy_10 "*menu_quicksave";
- bind joy_10 "resetWeaponStates";
- bind joy_10 "*weaponwheel";
- unbindkey joy_11;
- //bind joy_11 "quickswitch_up";
- bind joy_11 "*menu_up";
- bind joy_11 "toggleVisorMode";
- unbindkey joy_12;
- //bind joy_12 "quickswitch_down";
- bind joy_12 "*menu_down";
- bind joy_12 "impulse 10";
- unbindkey joy_13;
- //bind joy_13 "quickswitch_left";
- bind joy_13 "*menu_left";
- bind joy_13 "impulse 12";
- unbindkey joy_14;
- //bind joy_14 "quickswitch_right";
- bind joy_14 "*menu_right";
- bind joy_14 "AX";
- unbindkey joy_15;
- bind joy_15 "bind joy_15 "+holdJoyZoom";unbind joy_15 "-holdJoyZoom"";
- unbindkey joy_16;
- bind joy_16 "*in_attack";
- //?
- unbindkey joy_17;
- bind joy_17 "*showscores";
- //====================================================================================================================================
- /////////////////////
- /////////////////////
- //Custom Huds
- alias hudLayout0 "hudLayout0Ammo; hudLayout0Health; hudLayout0Armor; hudLayout0Keys";
- alias hudLayout1 "hudLayout1Ammo; hudLayout1Health; hudLayout1Armor; hudLayout1Keys";
- alias hudLayout2 "hudLayout2Ammo; hudLayout2Health; hudLayout2Armor; hudLayout2Keys";
- //Default
- alias hudLayout0Ammo "cl_hdhud_ammo_x 44; cl_hdhud_ammo_y 34; cl_hdhud_ammo_num_x 132; cl_hdhud_ammo_num_y 34; cl_hdhud_ammo_alignment 1; cl_hdhud_ammonum_alignment 1;";
- alias hudLayout0Health "cl_hdhud_face_x 20; cl_hdhud_face_y 34; cl_hdhud_health_num_x 50; cl_hdhud_health_num_y 34; cl_hdhud_face_alignment -1; cl_hdhud_healthnum_alignment -1;";
- alias hudLayout0Armor "cl_hdhud_armor_x 20; cl_hdhud_armor_y 58; cl_hdhud_armor_num_x 50; cl_hdhud_armor_num_y 58; cl_hdhud_armor_alignment -1; cl_hdhud_armornum_alignment -1;";
- alias hudLayout0Keys "cl_hdhud_key_x 132; cl_hdhud_key_y 34;";
- //Bottom Right
- alias hudLayout1Ammo "cl_hdhud_ammo_x 150; cl_hdhud_ammo_y 54; cl_hdhud_ammo_num_x 225; cl_hdhud_ammo_num_y 54; cl_hdhud_ammo_alignment 1; cl_hdhud_ammonum_alignment 1;";
- alias hudLayout1Health "cl_hdhud_face_x 150; cl_hdhud_face_y 30; cl_hdhud_health_num_x 225; cl_hdhud_health_num_y 30; cl_hdhud_face_alignment 1; cl_hdhud_healthnum_alignment 1;";
- alias hudLayout1Armor "cl_hdhud_armor_x 127; cl_hdhud_armor_y 30; cl_hdhud_armor_num_x 102; cl_hdhud_armor_num_y 30; cl_hdhud_armor_alignment 1; cl_hdhud_armornum_alignment 1;";
- alias hudLayout1Keys "cl_hdhud_key_x 127; cl_hdhud_key_y 46;";
- //Bottom Middle
- alias hudLayout2Ammo "cl_hdhud_ammo_x 12; cl_hdhud_ammo_y 28; cl_hdhud_ammo_num_x 32; cl_hdhud_ammo_num_y 26; cl_hdhud_ammo_alignment 0; cl_hdhud_ammonum_alignment 0;";
- alias hudLayout2Health "cl_hdhud_face_x -12; cl_hdhud_face_y 28; cl_hdhud_health_num_x -36; cl_hdhud_health_num_y 49; cl_hdhud_face_alignment 0; cl_hdhud_healthnum_alignment 0;";
- alias hudLayout2Armor "cl_hdhud_armor_x -36; cl_hdhud_armor_y 28; cl_hdhud_armor_num_x -107; cl_hdhud_armor_num_y 26; cl_hdhud_armor_alignment 0; cl_hdhud_armornum_alignment 0;";
- alias hudLayout2Keys "cl_hdhud_key_x 231; cl_hdhud_key_y 44;";
- //crosshair center
- cl_crossx -7;
- cl_crossy -7;
- //====================================================================================================================================
- /////////////////
- /////////////////
- //default HUD state
- alias defaultHud "cl_hud 1; hud1;";
- //hudToggle
- alias hud0 "alias hudPrev "cl_hud 3";alias hudCurr "cl_hud 0";alias hudNext "cl_hud 1"";
- alias hud1 "alias hudPrev "cl_hud 0";alias hudCurr "cl_hud 1";alias hudNext "cl_hud 2"";
- alias hud2 "alias hudPrev "cl_hud 1";alias hudCurr "cl_hud 2";alias hudNext "cl_hud 3"";
- alias hud3 "alias hudPrev "cl_hud 2";alias hudCurr "cl_hud 3";alias hudNext "cl_hud 0"";
- //HUD previous selection
- alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev0;
- alias cycleHudPrev0 "hudPrev;hud0;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev3;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext1";
- alias cycleHudPrev1 "hudPrev;hud1;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev0;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext2";
- alias cycleHudPrev2 "hudPrev;hud2;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev1;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext3";
- alias cycleHudPrev3 "hudPrev;hud3;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev2;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext0";
- //HUD next selection
- alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext2;
- alias cycleHudNext0 "hudNext;hud0;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev3;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext1";
- alias cycleHudNext1 "hudNext;hud1;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev0;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext2";
- alias cycleHudNext2 "hudNext;hud2;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev1;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext3";
- alias cycleHudNext3 "hudNext;hud3;alias cycleHudPrev cycleHudPrev2;alias cycleHudNext cycleHudNext0";
- alias +holdShowAmmo cl_hud 3;
- alias -holdShowAmmo hudCurr;
- //====================================================================================================================================
- /////////////////////
- /////////////////////
- //FIX AUTO WEAPON Switching
- unbindkey mouse_left
- bind mouse_left fixAutoWeaponSwitch;
- bind mouse_left *in_attack;
- //Weapon state reset (in case we want to change up the HUD or anything)
- alias resetWeaponStates "zoom0";
- alias currentWeapon "switchWeapon 0"
- //Weapon state reset (in case we want to change up the HUD or anything)
- alias resetWeaponStates "zoom0";
- //alias fixAutoWeaponSwitch "currentWeapon"
- ////Weapon set: Default
- // alias weapons1 "alias SG SG1;alias NG NG1;alias RL RL1;alias LG LG1;alias AX AX1;Weapon_Set_DEAULT";
- // alias weapons1Reset "alias SG1 SG11;alias NG1 NG11;alias RL1 RL11;alias LG1 LG11;alias AX1 AX11";
- // alias AX1 AX11;
- // alias AX11 "switchweapon 7; alias AX1 AX11; alias currentWeapon "switchWeapon 7""; //Axe
- // alias SG1 SG11;
- // alias SG11 "switchweapon 1; alias SG1 SG12; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 1;";"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- // alias SG12 "switchweapon 0; alias SG1 SG11; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 0;";"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- // alias NG1 NG11;
- // alias NG11 "switchweapon 3; alias NG1 NG12; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 3;";"; //Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias NG12 "switchweapon 2; alias NG1 NG11; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 2;";"; //Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias RL1 RL11;
- // alias RL11 "switchweapon 5; alias RL1 RL12; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 5;";"; //Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- // alias RL12 "switchweapon 4; alias RL1 RL11; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 4;";"; //Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- // alias LG1 LG11;
- // alias LG11 "switchweapon 6; alias LG1 LG11; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 6;";"; //Thunderbolt
- //
- ////Weapon set: Scourge of Armagon
- // alias weapons2 "alias SG SG2;alias NG NG2;alias RL RL2;alias LG LG2;alias AX AX2;Weapon_Set_SCOURGE_OF_ARMAGON";
- // alias weapons2Reset "alias SG2 SG21;alias NG2 NG21;alias RL2 RL21;alias LG2 LG21;alias AX2 AX21";
- // alias AX2 AX21;
- // alias AX21 "weapons2Reset; alias AX2 AX22; switchweapon 8; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 8;";"; //Axe / Mjolnir
- // alias AX22 "weapons2Reset; alias AX2 AX21; switchweapon 10; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 10;";"; //Axe / Mjolnir
- // alias SG2 SG21;
- // alias SG21 "weapons2Reset; alias SG2 SG22; switchweapon 1; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 1;";"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- // alias SG22 "weapons2Reset; alias SG2 SG21; switchweapon 0; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 0;";"; //Super Shotgunw / Shotgun
- // alias NG2 NG21;
- // alias NG21 "weapons2Reset; alias NG2 NG22; switchweapon 3; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 3;";"; //Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias NG22 "weapons2Reset; alias NG2 NG21; switchweapon 2; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 2;";"; //Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias RL2 RL21;
- // alias RL21 "weapons2Reset; alias RL2 RL22; switchweapon 5; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 5;";"; //Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher / Proximity Launcher
- // alias RL22 "weapons2Reset; alias RL2 RL23; switchweapon 4; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 4;";"; //Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher / Proximity Launcher
- // alias RL23 "weapons2Reset; alias RL2 RL21; switchweapon 9; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 9;";"; //Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher / Proximity Launcher
- // alias LG2 LG21;
- // alias LG21 "weapons2Reset; alias LG2 LG22; switchweapon 6; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 6;";"; //Thunderbolt / Laser Rifle
- // alias LG22 "weapons2Reset; alias LG2 LG21; switchweapon 7; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 7;";"; //Thunderbolt / Laser Rifle
- //
- ////Weapon set: Dissolution of Eternity
- // alias weapons3 "alias SG SG3;alias NG NG3;alias RL RL3;alias LG LG3;alias AX AX3;Weapon_Set_DISSOLUTION_OF_ETERNITY";
- // alias weapons3Reset "alias SG3 SG31;alias NG3 NG31;alias RL3 RL31;alias LG3 LG31;alias AX3 AX31";
- // alias AX3 AX31;
- // alias AX31 "weapons3Reset; alias AX3 AX31; switchweapon 12; alias currentWeapon "12";"; //Axe
- // alias SG3 SG31;
- // alias SG31 "weapons3Reset; alias SG3 SG32; switchweapon 1; alias currentWeapon "1";"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- // alias SG32 "weapons3Reset; alias SG3 SG31; switchweapon 0; alias currentWeapon "0";"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- // alias NG3 NG31;
- // alias NG31 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG32; switchweapon 5; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 5'";"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias NG32 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG33; switchweapon 3; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 3;";"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias NG33 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG34; switchweapon 4; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 4;";"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias NG34 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG31; switchweapon 2; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 2;";"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- // alias RL3 RL31;
- // alias RL31 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL32; switchweapon 9; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 9;";"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- // alias RL32 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL33; switchweapon 6; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 6;";"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- // alias RL33 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL34; switchweapon 8; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 8;";"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- // alias RL34 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL31; switchweapon 7; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 7;";"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- // alias LG3 LG31;
- // alias LG31 "weapons3Reset; alias LG3 LG32; switchweapon 10; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 10;";"; //Thunderbolt / Plasma Gun
- // alias LG32 "weapons3Reset; alias LG3 LG31; switchweapon 11; alias currentWeapon "switchweapon 11;";"; //Thunderbolt / Plasma Gun
- //Weapon set: Default
- alias weapons1 "alias SG SG1;alias NG NG1;alias RL RL1;alias LG LG1;alias AX AX1;Weapon_Set_DEAULT";
- alias AX1 "switchweapon 7"; //Axe
- alias SG1 "switchweapon 1 0"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- alias NG1 "switchweapon 3 2"; //Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- alias RL1 "switchweapon 5 4"; //Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- alias LG1 "switchweapon 6"; //Thunderbolt
- //Weapon set: Scourge of Armagon
- alias weapons2 "alias SG SG2;alias NG NG2;alias RL RL2;alias LG LG2;alias AX AX2;Weapon_Set_SCOURGE_OF_ARMAGON";
- alias AX2 "switchweapon 8 10"; //Axe / Mjolnir
- alias SG2 "switchweapon 1 0"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- alias NG2 "switchweapon 3 2"; //Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- alias RL2 "switchweapon 5 4 9"; //Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher / Proximity Launcher
- alias LG2 "switchweapon 6 7"; //Thunderbolt / Laser Rifle
- //Weapon set: Dissolution of Eternity
- alias weapons3 "alias SG SG3;alias NG NG3;alias RL RL3;alias LG LG3;alias AX AX3;Weapon_Set_DISSOLUTION_OF_ETERNITY";
- alias weapons3Reset "alias SG3 SG31;alias NG3 NG31;alias RL3 RL31;alias LG3 LG31;alias AX3 AX31";
- alias AX3 AX31;
- alias AX31 "weapons3Reset; switchweapon 12"; //Axe
- alias SG3 SG31;
- alias SG31 "weapons3Reset; switchweapon 1 0"; //Super Shotgun / Shotgun
- alias NG3 NG31;
- alias NG31 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG32; switchweapon 5 3"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- alias NG32 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG33; switchweapon 4 2"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- alias NG33 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG34; switchweapon 3 5"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- alias NG34 "weapons3Reset; alias NG3 NG31; switchweapon 2 4"; //Lava Super Nailgun / Lava Nailgun / Super Nailgun / Nailgun
- alias RL3 RL31;
- alias RL31 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL32; switchweapon 9 8"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- alias RL32 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL33; switchweapon 8 9"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- alias RL33 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL34; switchweapon 7 6"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- alias RL34 "weapons3Reset; alias RL3 RL31; switchweapon 6 7"; //Multi Rocket Launcher / Multi Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher / Grenade Launcher
- alias LG3 LG31;
- alias LG31 "weapons3Reset; alias LG3 LG32; switchweapon 10"; //Thunderbolt / Plasma Gun
- alias LG32 "weapons3Reset; alias LG3 LG31; switchweapon 11"; //Thunderbolt / Plasma Gun
- //Weapon set selection
- alias weaponSet1 "alias weaponSetPrev weapons3;alias weaponSetCurr weapons1;alias weaponSetNext weapons2";
- alias weaponSet2 "alias weaponSetPrev weapons1;alias weaponSetCurr weapons2;alias weaponSetNext weapons3";
- alias weaponSet3 "alias weaponSetPrev weapons2;alias weaponSetCurr weapons3;alias weaponSetNext weapons1";
- //Weapon set: select previous
- alias cycleWeaponSetPrev cycleWeaponSetPrev1;
- alias cycleWeaponSetPrev1 "weaponSetPrev;weaponSet1;alias cycleWeaponSetPrev cycleWeaponSetPrev3;alias cycleWeaponSetNext cycleWeaponSetNext2";
- alias cycleWeaponSetPrev2 "weaponSetPrev;weaponSet2;alias cycleWeaponSetPrev cycleWeaponSetPrev1;alias cycleWeaponSetNext cycleWeaponSetNext3";
- alias cycleWeaponSetPrev3 "weaponSetPrev;weaponSet3;alias cycleWeaponSetPrev cycleWeaponSetPrev2;alias cycleWeaponSetNext cycleWeaponSetNext1";
- //Weapon set: elect next
- alias cycleWeaponSetNext cycleWeaponSetNext1;
- alias cycleWeaponSetNext1 "weaponSetNext;weaponSet1;alias cycleWeaponSetPrev cycleWeaponSetPrev3;alias cycleWeaponSetNext cycleWeaponSetNext2";
- alias cycleWeaponSetNext2 "weaponSetNext;weaponSet2;alias cycleWeaponSetPrev cycleWeaponSetPrev1;alias cycleWeaponSetNext cycleWeaponSetNext3";
- alias cycleWeaponSetNext3 "weaponSetNext;weaponSet3;alias cycleWeaponSetPrev cycleWeaponSetPrev2;alias cycleWeaponSetNext cycleWeaponSetNext1";
- //====================================================================================================================================
- ////////
- //ZOOM//
- ////////
- //Zoom states (assumes default FOV is 105 and default sens is 2.4)
- alias zoom0 "alias toggleZoom toggleZoom1;r_drawviewmodel 1;r_fov 120;cl_sensitivity 2.1; g_showruler 0";
- alias zoom1 "alias toggleZoom toggleZoom0;r_drawviewmodel 0;r_fov 080;cl_sensitivity 1.4; g_showruler 1";
- //Toggle zoom
- alias toggleZoom toggleZoom1;
- alias toggleZoom1 zoom1;
- alias toggleZoom0 zoom0;
- //Hold zoom
- alias +holdZoom zoom1;
- alias -holdZoom zoom0;
- //====================================================================================================================================
- ////////////
- //JOY_ZOOM//
- ////////////
- //Zoom states (assumes default FOV is 105 and default sens is 1.5)
- alias joyZoom0 "alias toggleJoyZoom toggleJoyZoom0;r_drawviewmodel 1;r_fov 105;cl_joylookspeed_y 0.75;cl_joylookspeed_x 1.5;";
- alias joyZoom1 "alias toggleJoyZoom toggleJoyZoom1;r_drawviewmodel 0;r_fov 070;cl_joylookspeed_y 0.50;cl_joylookspeed_x 1.0;";
- //Toggle zoom
- alias toggleJoyZoom "toggleJoyZoom1";
- alias toggleJoyZoom1 "joyZoom1";
- alias toggleJoyZoom0 "joyZoom0";
- //Hold zoom
- alias +holdJoyZoom "joyZoom1";
- alias -holdJoyZoom "joyZoom0";
- //====================================================================================================================================
- ////////
- //WALK//
- ////////
- //Crouch states
- alias walk1 "cl_backSpeed 100; cl_forwardspeed 100; cl_sidespeed 100";
- alias walk0 "cl_backSpeed 400; cl_forwardspeed 400; cl_sidespeed 400";
- //Toggle crouch
- alias toggleWalk "toggleWalk1";
- alias toggleWalk1 "walk1;alias toggleWalk toggleWalk0";
- alias toggleWalk0 "walk0;alias toggleWalk toggleWalk1";
- //Hold crouch
- alias +holdWalk "walk1";
- alias -holdWalk "walk0";
- //====================================================================================================================================
- //////////
- //CROUCH//
- //////////
- //Crouch states
- alias crouch1 "walk1; scr_ofsz -12.5";
- alias crouch0 "walk0; scr_ofsz 0";
- //Toggle crouch
- alias toggleCrouch "toggleCrouch1";
- alias toggleCrouch1 "crouch1;alias toggleCrouch toggleCrouch0";
- alias toggleCrouch0 "crouch0;alias toggleCrouch toggleCrouch1";
- //Hold crouch
- alias +holdCrouch "crouch1";
- alias -holdCrouch "crouch0";
- //====================================================================================================================================
- //////////////
- //////////////
- //Visor mode States
- alias visorMode0 "r_notextures 0; r_fullbright 0; r_showtris 0; r_shownormals 0;";
- alias visorMode1 "r_notextures 0; r_fullbright 1; r_showtris 0; r_shownormals 0;";
- alias visorMode2 "r_notextures 1; r_fullbright 0; r_showtris 1; r_shownormals 0;";
- alias visorMode3 "r_notextures 0; r_fullbright 0; r_showtris 0; r_shownormals 1;";
- alias visorMode4 "r_notextures 0; r_fullbright 0; r_showtris 1; r_shownormals 0;";
- alias visorMode5 "r_notextures 0; r_fullbright 0; r_showtris 1; r_shownormals 0;";
- alias visorMode6 "r_notextures 0; r_fullbright 0; r_showtris 1; r_shownormals 0;";
- alias visorMode7 "r_notextures 0; r_fullbright 0; r_showtris 1; r_shownormals 0;";
- //r_notextures 1
- //r_fullbright 1
- //r_showtris
- //r_shownormals
- //r_showoverdraw
- //r_clear
- //r_shadows
- //Toggle visor mode
- alias toggleVisorMode "toggleVisorMode1";
- alias toggleVisorMode0 "visorMode0;alias toggleVisorMode toggleVisorMode1";
- alias toggleVisorMode1 "visorMode1;alias toggleVisorMode toggleVisorMode2";
- alias toggleVisorMode2 "visorMode2;alias toggleVisorMode toggleVisorMode3";
- alias toggleVisorMode3 "visorMode3;alias toggleVisorMode toggleVisorMode0";
- //Hold visor mode
- alias +holdVisorMode1 "visorMode1";
- alias -holdVisorMode1 "visorMode0";
- //====================================================================================================================================
- /////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- //Aim assist only works at 60 FPS
- cl_engineFPS 120;//(60) - Frames per second the renderer runs at
- //All aim assist settings
- aa_enable 0; //(0) - Enables aim assist
- aa_debugselector 0; //(0) - Visualize aim assist selector (debugging)
- aa_adhesion_contributionpercentmax 1; //(0.6) - Max Adhesion Contribution Percentage (Value must be in 0..1 range)
- aa_interpolaterate 1; //(0.6) - The rate in which aim assist interpolates the friction
- aa_allowinterpolate 1; //(1) - Interpolate the aim assist friction
- aa_selection_maxdistance 950 //(950.0) - The Maximum Distance away for a target to be considered for adhesion, friction and target lock-to
- aa_selection_maxdegrees 20; //(10.0) - The Maximum angular separation from the aim axis
- aa_distance_rampdown 10; //(10.0) - Distance for ramping down distance modifier
- aa_distance_rampup 1000; //(1000.0) - Distance for ramping up distance modifier
- aa_distance_min 0; //(0.0) - Minimum Optimal Distance for aim assist effect
- aa_distance_max 500; //(500.0) - Maximum Optimal Distance for aim assist effect
- aa_distance_expandradiusmultiplier 8; //(8.0) - The expanded multiplier for target radius, friction radius and adhesive radius
- aa_distance_expandradiusdistmin 0.3; //(0.3) - Min fractional distance before expanding kicks in (smoothstep formula)
- aa_distance_expandradiusdistmax 1; //(1.0) - Max fractional distance before expanding kicks in (smoothstep formula)
- aa_friction_optimalradius 50; //(50.0) - Optimal Distance for Friction to take an effect
- aa_friction_radius 25; //(25.0) - Friction Collision Sphere Radius
- aa_friction_innterradiusrolloffpct 0.6; //(0.6) - The percentage of the calculated radius to use as the inner radius for rolloff calculation
- aa_friction_multipliermin 0; //(0.0) - Minimum Friction Scalar - Value must be in 0..1 and smaller than corresponding max value
- aa_friction_multipliermax 0.4; //(0.4) - Maximum Friction Scalar - Value must be in 0..1 and smaller than corresponding max value
- aa_adhesion_optimalradius 30; //(30.0) - Optimal Distance for adhesion to take an effect
- aa_adhesion_radius 15; //(15.0) - Radius used to apply adhesion amount
- aa_adhesion_innterradiusrolloffpercent 0.6; //(0.6) - The percentage of the calculated radius to use as the inner radius for rolloff calculation
- aa_adhesion_yawspeedmax 25; //(25.0) - Max Yaw Adhesion Speed
- aa_adhesion_pitchspeedmax 15; //(15.0) - Max Pitch Adhesion Speed
- //====================================================================================================================================
- ///////
- //END//
- ///////
- //clear;
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