

Aug 22nd, 2019
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  1. -- script by xdielivex
  4. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
  5. local Player,Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = owner
  6. do
  7. print("FE Compatibility code by Mokiros | Translated to FE by iPxter")
  8. script.Parent = Player.Character
  10. --RemoteEvent for communicating
  11. local Event ="RemoteEvent")
  12. Event.Name = "UserInput_Event"
  14. --Fake event to make stuff like Mouse.KeyDown work
  15. local function fakeEvent()
  16. local t = {_fakeEvent=true,Connect=function(self,f)self.Function=f end}
  17. t.connect = t.Connect
  18. return t
  19. end
  21. --Creating fake input objects with fake variables
  22. local m = {Target=nil,,KeyUp=fakeEvent(),KeyDown=fakeEvent(),Button1Up=fakeEvent(),Button1Down=fakeEvent()}
  23. local UIS = {InputBegan=fakeEvent(),InputEnded=fakeEvent()}
  24. local CAS = {Actions={},BindAction=function(self,name,fun,touch,...)
  25. CAS.Actions[name] = fun and {Name=name,Function=fun,Keys={...}} or nil
  26. end}
  27. --Merged 2 functions into one by checking amount of arguments
  28. CAS.UnbindAction = CAS.BindAction
  30. --This function will trigger the events that have been :Connect()'ed
  31. local function te(self,ev,...)
  32. local t = m[ev]
  33. if t and t._fakeEvent and t.Function then
  34. t.Function(...)
  35. end
  36. end
  37. m.TrigEvent = te
  38. UIS.TrigEvent = te
  40. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,io)
  41. if plr~=Player then return end
  42. if io.isMouse then
  43. m.Target = io.Target
  44. m.Hit = io.Hit
  45. else
  46. local b = io.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  47. if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  48. return m:TrigEvent(b and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up")
  49. end
  50. for _,t in pairs(CAS.Actions) do
  51. for _,k in pairs(t.Keys) do
  52. if k==io.KeyCode then
  53. t.Function(t.Name,io.UserInputState,io)
  54. end
  55. end
  56. end
  57. m:TrigEvent(b and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",io.KeyCode.Name:lower())
  58. UIS:TrigEvent(b and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",io,false)
  59. end
  60. end)
  61. Event.Parent = NLS([==[
  62. local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  63. local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event")
  65. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  66. local input = function(io,a)
  67. if a then return end
  68. --Since InputObject is a client-side instance, we create and pass table instead
  69. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=io.KeyCode,UserInputType=io.UserInputType,UserInputState=io.UserInputState})
  70. end
  71. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(input)
  72. UIS.InputEnded:Connect(input)
  74. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  75. local h,t
  76. --Give the server mouse data 30 times every second, but only if the values changed
  77. --If player is not moving their mouse, client won't fire events
  78. while wait(1/30) do
  79. if h~=Mouse.Hit or t~=Mouse.Target then
  80. h,t=Mouse.Hit,Mouse.Target
  81. Event:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=t,Hit=h})
  82. end
  83. end]==],Player.Character)
  84. Mouse,mouse,UserInputService,ContextActionService = m,m,UIS,CAS
  85. end
  87. local intro = true
  88. local Removeface = true
  89. wait(0.016666666666666666)
  90. Player = owner
  91. Character = Player.Character
  92. char = Character
  93. torso = char.Torso
  94. hed = char.Head
  95. maincolor ="Eggplant")
  96. PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui
  97. Backpack = Player.Backpack
  98. Torso = Character.Torso
  99. Head = Character.Head
  100. Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
  101. LeftArm = Character["Left Arm"]
  102. LeftLeg = Character["Left Leg"]
  103. RightArm = Character["Right Arm"]
  104. RightLeg = Character["Right Leg"]
  105. LS = Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  106. LH = Torso["Left Hip"]
  107. RS = Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  108. RH = Torso["Right Hip"]
  109. Face = Head.face
  110. Neck = Torso.Neck
  111. it =
  112. attacktype = 1
  113. vt =
  114. cf =
  115. euler = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  116. angles = CFrame.Angles
  117. necko = cf(0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  118. LHC1 = cf(-0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  119. RHC1 = cf(0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0)
  120. RootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
  121. RootJoint = RootPart.RootJoint
  122. RootCF = euler(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
  123. attack = false
  124. equipped = false
  125. mana = 0
  126. local idle = 0
  127. local Anim = "Idle"
  128. local ShotTarget = RootPart
  129. player = nil
  130. local Stats ="Folder", Character)
  131. Stats.Name = "Stats"
  132. local Defense ="NumberValue", Stats)
  133. Defense.Name = "Defense"
  134. Defense.Value = 0.6
  135. local Speed ="NumberValue", Stats)
  136. Speed.Name = "Speed"
  137. Speed.Value = 1.6625
  138. local Damage ="NumberValue", Stats)
  139. Damage.Name = "Damage"
  140. Damage.Value = 1
  141. local BlockValue ="BoolValue", Stats)
  142. BlockValue.Name = "BlockValue"
  143. BlockValue.Value = false
  144. local StaggerHitAnim ="BoolValue", Stats)
  145. StaggerHitAnim.Name = "StaggerHitAnim"
  146. StaggerHitAnim.Value = false
  147. local staghitanim = false
  148. local StaggerAnim ="BoolValue", Stats)
  149. StaggerAnim.Name = "StaggerAnim"
  150. StaggerAnim.Value = false
  151. local staganim = false
  152. local StunAnim ="BoolValue", Stats)
  153. StunAnim.Name = "StunAnim"
  154. StunAnim.Value = false
  155. local stunanim = false
  156. local StunValue ="NumberValue", Stats)
  157. StunValue.Name = "StunValue"
  158. StunValue.Value = 0
  159. local cooldown1 = 0
  160. local cooldown2 = 0
  161. local cooldown3 = 0
  162. local cooldown4 = 0
  163. local mana = 0
  164. CustomColor ="Earth yellow")
  165. Colorpart1 = CustomColor.r
  166. Colorpart2 = CustomColor.g
  167. Colorpart3 = CustomColor.b
  168. local scrn ="ScreenGui", PlayerGui)
  169. local ud =
  170. local c3 =
  171. local skillcolorscheme = c3(1, 1, 1)
  172. local co1 = 0
  173. local co2 = 0
  174. local co3 = 0
  175. local co4 = 0
  176. local maxmana = 0
  177. local maxstun = 1
  178. local recovermana = 0
  179. local losestun = 0
  180. local stunwait = 0
  181. local manawait = 0
  182. local skill1mana = 0
  183. local skill2mana = 0
  184. local skill3mana = 0
  185. local skill4mana = 0
  186. local menuupdatespeed = 0
  187. local constantupdate = false
  188. local showstats = false
  189. local showstunbar = false
  190. local chr = owner.Character
  191. local euler = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  192. local rad = math.rad
  193. local trso = chr.Torso
  194. script.Name = "Soul Of Darkness"
  197. New = function(Object, Parent, Name, Data)
  198. local Object =
  199. for Index, Value in pairs(Data or {}) do
  200. Object[Index] = Value
  201. end
  202. Object.Parent = Parent
  203. Object.Name = Name
  204. return Object
  205. end
  206. Music1 = New("Sound",Character,"Music",{SoundId = "rbxassetid://2685139227",Volume = 2.5,Looped = true})
  207. Music1.Pitch = 1
  210. Music2 = New("Sound",Torso,"Music",{SoundId = "rbxassetid://1005871671",Volume = 2,Looped = false})
  211. Music2.Pitch = 1
  213. TalkSound = New("Sound",Torso,"Music",{SoundId = "rbxassetid://615716445",Volume = 4,Looped = false})
  214. TalkSound.Pitch = .2
  221. hum = chr.Humanoid
  224. function newface()
  225. char.Head.face.Texture = ""
  226. if Removeface == true then
  227. char.Head.face:Destroy()
  228. end
  229. local eye12 ="Part")
  230. eye12.Parent = char
  231. eye12.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  232. eye12.Archivable = true
  233. eye12.Transparency = 0
  234. eye12.Shape = "Ball"
  235. eye12.BrickColor = maincolor
  236. eye12.Material = "Neon"
  237. eye12.CanCollide = false
  238. local mesh2 ="SpecialMesh",eye12)
  239. mesh2.MeshType = "Sphere"
  240. mesh2.Scale =, 1.2, 1)
  241. local weld1en2 ="Weld")
  242. weld1en2.Parent = char.Head
  243. weld1en2.Part0 = char.Head
  244. weld1en2.Part1 = eye12
  245. weld1en2.C1 =, -0.15, 0.5175)
  246. local eye1 ="Part")
  247. eye1.Parent = char
  248. eye1.Size =, 0.2, 0.2)
  249. eye1.Archivable = true
  250. eye1.Transparency = 0
  251. eye1.Shape = "Ball"
  252. eye1.BrickColor = maincolor
  253. eye1.Material = "Neon"
  254. eye1.CanCollide = false
  255. local mesh ="SpecialMesh",eye1)
  256. mesh.MeshType = "Sphere"
  257. mesh.Scale =, 1.2, 1)
  258. local weld1en ="Weld")
  259. weld1en.Parent = char.Head
  260. weld1en.Part0 = char.Head
  261. weld1en.Part1 = eye1
  262. weld1en.C1 =, -0.15, 0.5175)
  263. end
  267. function CreateMesh(parent, id, x, y, z, texture)
  268. local"SpecialMesh", parent)
  269. m.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  270. m.MeshId=""
  271. if texture ~= nil then
  272. m.TextureId=""..texture
  273. end
  274. m.Scale =,y,z)
  275. end
  279. Hat=function()
  280. hat ="Part", chr)
  281. hat.Transparency = 1
  282. hat.Name = "Top hat"
  283. hat.Locked = true
  284. hat.BrickColor ="Bright violet")
  285. hat.CanCollide=true
  287. hatw ="Weld",hat)
  288. hatw.Part0=hat
  289. hatw.Part1=chr['Head']
  291. hatw.C1=euler(rad(0),rad(0),rad(0))
  292. end
  294. Hat()
  298. function Name(msg)
  299. if hat.Parent then
  300. pcall(function()
  301. local Gui ='BillboardGui', hat)
  302. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,1.5,0)
  303. Gui.Size =,200,0,300)
  304. local Frame ='Frame',Gui)
  305. Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  306. Frame.Size =,0,1,0)
  307. local Txt ='TextLabel',Frame)
  308. Txt.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  309. Txt.Size =,0,1,0)
  310. Txt.Font = 'ArialBold'
  311. Txt.FontSize = 'Size24'
  312. Txt.Text = msg
  313. Txt.TextColor3 ="Bright violet").Color
  314. Txt.TextStrokeColor3 =, 207, 155)
  315. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  316. Txt.TextWrapped = true
  317. Txt.TextScaled = false
  318. end)
  319. else
  320. end
  321. end
  323. function Chat(msg) -- Credit to jillmiles1, kthxbye
  324. if hat.Parent then
  325. pcall(function()
  326. if hat:FindFirstChild("Vanta Chat Gui") then
  327. hat['Vanta Chat Gui']:destroy()
  328. end
  329. local Gui ='BillboardGui', hat)
  330. Gui.Name = "Vanta Chat Gui"
  331. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  332. Gui.Size =,200,0,300)
  333. local Frame ='Frame',Gui)
  334. Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  335. Frame.Size =,0,1,0)
  336. local Txt ='TextLabel',Frame)
  337. Txt.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  338. Txt.Size =,0,1,0)
  339. Txt.Font = 'ArialBold'
  340. Txt.Name = "ChatGui"
  341. Txt.FontSize = 'Size24'
  342. Txt.Text = ''
  343. Txt.TextColor3 ="Bright violet").Color
  344. Txt.TextStrokeColor3 =, 207, 155)
  345. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = .5
  346. Txt.TextWrapped = true
  347. Txt.TextScaled = false
  349. delay(wait(),function()
  350. for v = 1, #msg do
  351. Txt.Text=string.sub(msg,1,v)
  352. TalkSound:Play()
  353. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2.9,0)
  354. wait(.009)
  355. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,-0.1)
  356. wait(.009)
  357. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  358. end;
  362. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2.9,0)
  363. wait(.03)
  364. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,-0.1)
  365. wait(.03)
  366. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  367. wait(.03)
  368. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2.9,0)
  369. wait(.03)
  370. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,-0.1)
  371. wait(.03)
  372. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  373. wait(.03)
  374. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2.9,0)
  375. wait(.03)
  376. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,-0.1)
  377. wait(.03)
  378. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  379. wait(.03)
  380. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2.9,0)
  381. wait(.03)
  382. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,-0.1)
  383. wait(.03)
  384. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  385. wait(.03)
  386. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2.9,0)
  387. wait(.03)
  388. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,-0.1)
  389. wait(.03)
  390. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  391. wait(.03)
  392. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,2.9,0)
  393. wait(.03)
  394. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,-0.1)
  395. wait(.03)
  396. Gui.ExtentsOffset =,3,0)
  397. wait(.03)
  399. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = .6
  400. wait()
  401. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = .7
  402. wait()
  403. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = .8
  404. wait()
  405. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = .9
  406. wait()
  407. Txt.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  408. wait()
  410. for v = 1, #Txt.Text do
  411. Txt.Text=string.sub(msg,-1,v)
  419. end;
  420. Gui:remove()
  421. end)
  422. end)
  423. else
  424. end
  425. end
  430. function PlaySound(id, pitch, looped)
  431. epicsound ="Sound")
  432. epicsound.Name = "FazbearSound"
  433. epicsound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"
  434. epicsound.Volume = 1.5
  435. epicsound.Pitch = pitch
  436. if looped == nil then
  437. looped = true
  438. else
  439. looped = looped
  440. end
  441. wait()
  442. epicsound.Looped = looped
  443. epicsound.Parent = workspace
  444. es=epicsound:clone()
  445. es:Stop()
  446. es.Parent = chr
  447. wait()
  448. es:Play()
  449. end
  454. owner.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  455. Chat(msg)
  456. end)
  458. goldie=true
  461. function StopMusic()
  462. if chr:FindFirstChild("FazbearSound") then
  463. if chr.FazbearSound.ClassName == "Sound" then
  464. chr.FazbearSound:Stop()
  465. wait()
  466. chr.FazbearSound:Destroy()
  467. end
  468. end
  469. end
  471. Name("")
  474. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  475. if key == "g" then
  476. if goldie==false then
  477. goldie=true
  479. elseif goldie==true then
  480. goldie=false
  482. end
  483. elseif key == "q" then -- Plays a song
  484. StopMusic()
  485. PlaySound(449394841, 0.8, false)
  486. elseif key == "e" then -- Plays a song
  487. StopMusic()
  488. PlaySound(449394892, 0.8, false)
  489. wait(2.4)
  490. StopMusic()
  491. elseif key == "t" then -- Stops any sound(s) playing from your torso
  492. StopMusic()
  494. end
  495. end)
  499. hum.Died:connect(function()
  500. es.Pitch = 10
  501. wait()
  502. es:Pause()
  503. es:Stop()
  504. es.Name = "Ded"
  505. wait()
  506. es:Destroy()
  507. end)
  514. function makeframe(par, trans, pos, size, color, name)
  515. local frame ="Frame")
  516. frame.Parent = par
  517. frame.BackgroundTransparency = trans
  518. frame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  519. frame.Position = pos
  520. frame.Size = size
  521. frame.BackgroundColor3 = color
  522. frame.Name = name
  523. return frame
  524. end
  525. function makelabel(par, text, trans, stroketrans, name)
  526. local label ="TextLabel")
  527. label.Parent = par
  528. label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  529. label.Size = ud(1, 0, 1, 0)
  530. label.Position = ud(0, 0, 0, 0)
  531. label.TextColor3 = c3(243, 207, 155)
  532. label.TextStrokeTransparency = stroketrans
  533. label.TextTransparency = trans
  534. label.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size32
  535. label.Font = Enum.Font.Legacy
  536. label.BorderSizePixel = 0
  537. label.TextScaled = true
  538. label.Text = text
  539. label.Name = name
  540. return label
  541. end
  542. framesk1 = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.23, 0, 0.93, 0), ud(0.26, 0, 0, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Frame 1")
  543. framesk2 = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.5, 0, 0.93, 0), ud(0.26, 0, 0, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Frame 2")
  544. framesk3 = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.5, 0, 0.86, 0), ud(0.26, 0, 0, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Frame 3")
  545. framesk4 = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.23, 0, 0.86, 0), ud(0.26, 0, 0, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Frame 4")
  546. bar1 = makeframe(framesk1, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(0, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Bar 1")
  547. bar2 = makeframe(framesk2, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(0, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Bar 2")
  548. bar3 = makeframe(framesk3, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(0, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Bar 3")
  549. bar4 = makeframe(framesk4, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(0, 0, 1, 0), skillcolorscheme, "Bar 4")
  550. text1 = makelabel(framesk1, "[C] Ability 3", 1, 1, "Text 1")
  551. text2 = makelabel(framesk2, "[V] Ability 4", 1, 1, "Text 2")
  552. text3 = makelabel(framesk3, "[X] Ability 2", 1, 1, "Text 3")
  553. text4 = makelabel(framesk4, "[Z] Ability 1", 1, 1, "Text 4")
  554. manabar = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.23, 0, 0.82, 0), ud(0.26, 0, 0, 0), c3(Colorpart1, Colorpart2, Colorpart3), "Mana Bar")
  555. manacover = makeframe(manabar, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(0, 0, 1, 0), c3(Colorpart1, Colorpart2, Colorpart3), "Mana Cover")
  556. manatext = makelabel(manabar, "Mana", 1, 1, "Mana Text")
  557. if showstunbar == true then
  558. stunframe = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.5, 0, 0.78, 0), ud(0.26, 0, 0, 0), c3(1, 1, 0.19607843137254902), "Stun Frame")
  559. stunbar = makeframe(stunframe, 0, ud(0, 0, 0, 0), ud(0, 0, 1, 0), c3(1, 1, 0.19607843137254902), "Stun Bar")
  560. stuntext = makelabel(stunframe, "Stun", 1, 1, "Stun Text")
  561. end
  562. if showstats == true then
  563. defenseframe = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.23, 0, 0.78, 0), ud(0.075, 0, 0, 0), c3(0.39215686274509803, 0.39215686274509803, 1), "Defense Frame")
  564. damageframe = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.322, 0, 0.78, 0), ud(0.075, 0, 0, 0), c3(1, 0.39215686274509803, 0.39215686274509803), "Damage Frame")
  565. speedframe = makeframe(scrn, 0.5, ud(0.4145, 0, 0.78, 0), ud(0.075, 0, 0, 0), c3(0.39215686274509803, 1, 0.39215686274509803), "Speed Frame")
  566. defensetext = makelabel(defenseframe, "Defense: " .. Defense.Value, 1, 1, "Defense Text")
  567. damagetext = makelabel(damageframe, "Damage: " .. Damage.Value, 1, 1, "Damage Text")
  568. speedtext = makelabel(speedframe, "Speed: " .. Speed.Value, 1, 1, "Speed Text")
  569. end
  570. function NoOutline(Part)
  571. Part.TopSurface, Part.BottomSurface, Part.LeftSurface, Part.RightSurface, Part.FrontSurface, Part.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  572. end
  573. local weldBetween = function(a, b)
  574. local weldd ="ManualWeld")
  575. weldd.Part0 = a
  576. weldd.Part1 = b
  577. weldd.C0 =
  578. weldd.C1 = b.CFrame:inverse() * a.CFrame
  579. weldd.Parent = a
  580. return weldd
  581. end
  582. ArtificialHeartbeat ="BindableEvent", script)
  583. ArtificialHeartbeat.Name = "ArtificialHeartbeat"
  584. script:WaitForChild("ArtificialHeartbeat")
  585. frame = 0.016666666666666666
  586. tf = 0
  587. allowframeloss = false
  588. tossremainder = false
  589. lastframe = tick()
  590. script.ArtificialHeartbeat:Fire()
  591. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  592. tf = tf + s
  593. if tf >= frame then
  594. if allowframeloss then
  595. script.ArtificialHeartbeat:Fire()
  596. lastframe = tick()
  597. else
  598. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  599. script.ArtificialHeartbeat:Fire()
  600. end
  601. lastframe = tick()
  602. end
  603. if tossremainder then
  604. tf = 0
  605. else
  606. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  607. end
  608. end
  609. end)
  610. function nooutline(part)
  611. part.TopSurface, part.BottomSurface, part.LeftSurface, part.RightSurface, part.FrontSurface, part.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
  612. end
  613. function part(formfactor, parent, material, reflectance, transparency, brickcolor, name, size)
  614. local fp = it("Part")
  615. fp.formFactor = formfactor
  616. fp.Parent = parent
  617. fp.Reflectance = reflectance
  618. fp.Transparency = transparency
  619. fp.CanCollide = false
  620. fp.Locked = true
  621. fp.BrickColor =
  622. fp.Name = name
  623. fp.Size = size
  624. fp.Position = Character.Torso.Position
  625. nooutline(fp)
  626. fp.Material = material
  627. fp:BreakJoints()
  628. return fp
  629. end
  630. function mesh(Mesh, part, meshtype, meshid, offset, scale)
  631. local mesh = it(Mesh)
  632. mesh.Parent = part
  633. if Mesh == "SpecialMesh" then
  634. mesh.MeshType = meshtype
  635. mesh.MeshId = meshid
  636. end
  637. mesh.Offset = offset
  638. mesh.Scale = scale
  639. return mesh
  640. end
  641. function weld(parent, part0, part1, c0, c1)
  642. local weld = it("Weld")
  643. weld.Parent = parent
  644. weld.Part0 = part0
  645. weld.Part1 = part1
  646. weld.C0 = c0
  647. weld.C1 = c1
  648. return weld
  649. end
  650. Humanoid.CameraOffset = vt(0, 12, 0)
  651. Humanoid.JumpPower = Humanoid.JumpPower * 2
  652. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  653. Humanoid.MaxHealth = 999999999
  654. wait(0.1)
  655. Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth
  656. end))
  657. m ="Model", Character)
  658. m.Name = "Outer Being"
  659. healthscript = Character:FindFirstChild("Health")
  660. if healthscript ~= nil then
  661. healthscript:Destroy()
  662. end
  663. Effects ="Folder", m)
  664. Effects.Name = "Effects"
  665. local outerbeingtransparency = 1
  666. local head2 = part(0, m, "Neon", 0, outerbeingtransparency, CustomColor, "Head2", vt(0, 0, 0))head2.Material = "Neon"
  667. local head2mesh = mesh("SpecialMesh", head2, "Head", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(62.5, 31.25, 31.25)*4)
  668. local torso2 = part(0, m, "Neon", 0, outerbeingtransparency, CustomColor, "Torso2", vt(0, 0, 0))torso2.Material = "Neon"
  669. local torso2mesh = mesh("BlockMesh", torso2, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(50, 50, 25)*4)
  670. local leftarm2 = part(0, m, "Neon", 0, outerbeingtransparency, CustomColor, "LeftArm2", vt(0, 0, 0))leftarm2.Material = "Neon"
  671. local leftarm2mesh = mesh("BlockMesh", leftarm2, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(25, 50, 25)*4)
  672. local rightarm2 = part(0, m, "Neon", 0, outerbeingtransparency, CustomColor, "RightArm2", vt(0, 0, 0))rightarm2.Material = "Neon"
  673. local rightarm2mesh = mesh("BlockMesh", rightarm2, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(25, 50, 25)*4)
  674. local leftleg2 = part(0, m, "Neon", 0, outerbeingtransparency, CustomColor, "LeftLeg2", vt(0, 0, 0))leftleg2.Material = "Neon"
  675. local leftleg2mesh = mesh("BlockMesh", leftleg2, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(25, 50, 25)*4)
  676. local rightleg2 = part(0, m, "Neon", 0, outerbeingtransparency, CustomColor, "RightLeg2", vt(0, 0, 0))rightleg2.Material = "Neon"
  678. local rightleg2mesh = mesh("BlockMesh", rightleg2, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(25, 50, 25)*4)
  679. head2.CFrame = Head.CFrame
  680. torso2.CFrame = Head.CFrame
  681. leftarm2.CFrame = Head.CFrame
  682. rightarm2.CFrame = Head.CFrame
  683. leftleg2.CFrame = Head.CFrame
  684. rightleg2.CFrame = Head.CFrame
  685. local head2weld = weld(m, Torso, head2, cf(0, 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0))
  686. local torso2weld = weld(m, Torso, torso2, cf(0, 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0))
  687. local leftarm2weld = weld(m, Torso, leftarm2, cf(0, 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0))
  688. local rightarm2weld = weld(m, Torso, rightarm2, cf(0, 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0))
  689. local leftleg2weld = weld(m, Torso, leftleg2, cf(0, 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0))
  690. local rightleg2weld = weld(m, Torso, rightleg2, cf(0, 0, 0), cf(0, 0, 0))
  691. head2weld.C1 = cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0)
  692. torso2weld.C1 = cf(0, 0, 0)
  693. rightarm2weld.C1 = cf(0, 2.5, -0.5)
  694. leftarm2weld.C1 = cf(0, 2.5, -0.5)
  695. rightleg2weld.C1 = cf(0, 5, 0)
  696. leftleg2weld.C1 = cf(0, 5, 0)
  697. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  698. while Humanoid.Health ~= 0 do
  699. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  700. head2weld.C0 = cf(0, 4, 0) * Neck.C0
  701. torso2weld.C0 = cf(0, 0, 0)
  702. rightarm2weld.C0 = cf(6, 2, 0) * RW.C0
  703. leftarm2weld.C0 = cf(-6, 2, 0) * LW.C0
  704. rightleg2weld.C0 = cf(1.5, -4, 0) * RH.C0
  705. leftleg2weld.C0 = cf(-1.5, -4, 0) * LH.C0
  706. head2.Transparency = outerbeingtransparency
  707. torso2.Transparency = outerbeingtransparency
  708. leftarm2.Transparency = outerbeingtransparency
  709. rightarm2.Transparency = outerbeingtransparency
  710. leftleg2.Transparency = outerbeingtransparency
  711. rightleg2.Transparency = outerbeingtransparency
  712. end
  713. end))
  714. Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  715. end)
  716. for i, v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
  717. if v:IsA("Model") then
  718. for _, c in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  719. if c:IsA("Part") then
  720. c.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001)
  721. end
  722. end
  723. end
  724. end
  725. tran = 0
  726. for i,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
  727. if v.Name == "Head" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "Left Arm" or v.Name == "Right Arm" or v.Name == "Left Leg" or v.Name == "Right Leg" then
  728. Glow1 =,0,.6)
  729. Glow2 =,0,0)
  731. GlowParticle ="ParticleEmitter",v)
  732. GlowParticle.LightEmission = 1
  733. GlowParticle.Color =,Glow2)
  734. GlowParticle.Size =,2)
  736. GlowParticle.Texture = ""
  737. GlowParticle.Transparency =,1)
  738. GlowParticle.LockedToPart = true
  739. GlowParticle.Lifetime =
  740. GlowParticle.Rate= 300
  741. GlowParticle.Speed
  742. end end
  743. print([[
  744. Vanta loaded.
  745. Unleash your power on your enemies.]])
  746. function so(id, par, vol, pit)
  747. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  748. local sou ="Sound", par or workspace)
  749. sou.Volume = vol
  750. sou.Pitch = pit or 1
  751. sou.SoundId = id
  752. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  753. sou:play()
  754. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(sou, 6)
  755. end))
  756. end
  757. function clerp(a, b, t)
  758. local qa = {
  759. QuaternionFromCFrame(a)
  760. }
  761. local qb = {
  762. QuaternionFromCFrame(b)
  763. }
  764. local ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z
  765. local bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z
  766. local _t = 1 - t
  767. return QuaternionToCFrame(_t * ax + t * bx, _t * ay + t * by, _t * az + t * bz, QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t))
  768. end
  769. function QuaternionFromCFrame(cf)
  770. local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components()
  771. local trace = m00 + m11 + m22
  772. if trace > 0 then
  773. local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace)
  774. local recip = 0.5 / s
  775. return (m21 - m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, (m10 - m01) * recip, s * 0.5
  776. else
  777. local i = 0
  778. if m00 < m11 then
  779. i = 1
  780. end
  781. if m22 > (i == 0 and m00 or m11) then
  782. i = 2
  783. end
  784. if i == 0 then
  785. local s = math.sqrt(m00 - m11 - m22 + 1)
  786. local recip = 0.5 / s
  787. return 0.5 * s, (m10 + m01) * recip, (m20 + m02) * recip, (m21 - m12) * recip
  788. elseif i == 1 then
  789. local s = math.sqrt(m11 - m22 - m00 + 1)
  790. local recip = 0.5 / s
  791. return (m01 + m10) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m21 + m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip
  792. elseif i == 2 then
  793. local s = math.sqrt(m22 - m00 - m11 + 1)
  794. local recip = 0.5 / s
  795. return (m02 + m20) * recip, (m12 + m21) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m10 - m01) * recip
  796. end
  797. end
  798. end
  799. function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w)
  800. local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z
  801. local wx, wy, wz = w * xs, w * ys, w * zs
  802. local xx = x * xs
  803. local xy = x * ys
  804. local xz = x * zs
  805. local yy = y * ys
  806. local yz = y * zs
  807. local zz = z * zs
  808. return, py, pz, 1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy))
  809. end
  810. function QuaternionSlerp(a, b, t)
  811. local cosTheta = a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3] + a[4] * b[4]
  812. local startInterp, finishInterp
  813. if cosTheta >= 1.0E-4 then
  814. if 1 - cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then
  815. local theta = math.acos(cosTheta)
  816. local invSinTheta = 1 / math.sin(theta)
  817. startInterp = math.sin((1 - t) * theta) * invSinTheta
  818. finishInterp = math.sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  819. else
  820. startInterp = 1 - t
  821. finishInterp = t
  822. end
  823. elseif 1 + cosTheta > 1.0E-4 then
  824. local theta = math.acos(-cosTheta)
  825. local invSinTheta = 1 / math.sin(theta)
  826. startInterp = math.sin((t - 1) * theta) * invSinTheta
  827. finishInterp = math.sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
  828. else
  829. startInterp = t - 1
  830. finishInterp = t
  831. end
  832. return a[1] * startInterp + b[1] * finishInterp, a[2] * startInterp + b[2] * finishInterp, a[3] * startInterp + b[3] * finishInterp, a[4] * startInterp + b[4] * finishInterp
  833. end
  834. function rayCast(Pos, Dir, Max, Ignore)
  835. return game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit * (Max or 999.999)), Ignore)
  836. end
  837. function makegui(cframe, text, color)
  838. local c ="Part")
  839. c.Size = vt(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
  840. c.Transparency = 1
  841."BodyGyro").Parent = c
  842. c.Parent = Effects
  843. c.CFrame = cf(cframe.p + vt(0, 1.5, 0))
  844. local f ="BodyPosition")
  845. f.P = 2000
  846. f.D = 100
  847. f.maxForce = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  848. f.position = c.Position + vt(0, 6, 0)
  849. f.Parent = c
  850. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, 5)
  851. c.CanCollide = false
  852. c.Parent = workspace
  853. c.CanCollide = false
  854. local bg ="BillboardGui", c)
  855. bg.Adornee = c
  856. bg.Size =, 0, 2.5, 0)
  857. bg.StudsOffset = vt(-2, 2, 0)
  858. bg.AlwaysOnTop = false
  859. local tl ="TextLabel", bg)
  860. tl.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  861. tl.Size =, 0, 2.5, 0)
  862. tl.Text = text
  863. tl.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  864. tl.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size42
  865. tl.TextColor3 = color
  866. tl.TextScaled = false
  867. tl.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  868. tl.TextScaled = true
  869. tl.TextWrapped = true
  870. f.Parent = c
  871. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  872. wait(0.25)
  873. for i = 1, 5 do
  874. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  875. f.position = c.Position - vt(0, 0.5, 0)
  876. end
  877. end))
  878. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  879. wait(2)
  880. for i = 1, 10 do
  881. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  882. tl.TextTransparency = tl.TextTransparency + 0.1
  883. tl.TextStrokeTransparency = tl.TextStrokeTransparency + 0.1
  884. f.position = c.Position + vt(0, 0.5, 0)
  885. end
  886. c.Parent = nil
  887. end))
  888. end
  889. local CritChance ="NumberValue", Stats)
  890. CritChance.Name = "CritChance"
  891. CritChance.Value = 1
  892. local critchancenumber = 50
  893. local cancrit = false
  894. local canpenetratearmor = false
  895. local cancollidewithhitbox = false
  896. local sethitblockvaluetofalse = true
  897. local antiteamkill = false
  898. local HitPlayerSounds = {
  899. 199149137,
  900. 199149186,
  901. 199149221,
  902. 199149235,
  903. 199149269,
  904. 199149297
  905. }
  906. local HitArmorSounds = {
  907. 199149321,
  908. 199149338,
  909. 199149367,
  910. 199149409,
  911. 199149452
  912. }
  913. local HitWeaponSounds = {
  914. 199148971,
  915. 199149025,
  916. 199149072,
  917. 199149109,
  918. 199149119
  919. }
  920. local HitBlockSounds = {199148933, 199148947}
  921. function Damagefunc(hit, minim, maxim, knockback, Type, Property, Delay, KnockbackType, incstun, stagger, staghit, ranged)
  922. if hit.Parent == nil then
  923. return
  924. end
  925. h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  926. for _, v in pairs(hit.Parent:children()) do
  927. if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
  928. h = v
  929. end
  930. end
  931. if antiteamkill == true then
  932. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) ~= nil then
  933. opponent = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
  934. end
  935. if opponent ~= nil and opponent.TeamColor == Player.TeamColor then
  936. return
  937. end
  938. end
  939. if hit.Name == "Hitbox" and hit:FindFirstChild("TouchInterest") ~= nil then
  940. StaggerHitAnim.Value = true
  941. so("" .. HitWeaponSounds[math.random(1, #HitWeaponSounds)], hit, 1, 1)
  942. return
  943. end
  944. if hit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  945. h = hit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  946. end
  947. if hit.Parent.className == "Hat" then
  948. hit = hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Head")
  949. end
  950. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= Character.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  951. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("DebounceHit") ~= nil and hit.Parent.DebounceHit.Value == true then
  952. return
  953. end
  954. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Stats") ~= nil then
  955. if hit.Parent.Stats:findFirstChild("StunValue") ~= nil then
  956. hit.Parent.Stats:findFirstChild("StunValue").Value = hit.Parent.Stats:findFirstChild("StunValue").Value + incstun
  957. end
  958. elseif hit.Parent:findFirstChild("StunValue") ~= nil then
  959. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("StunValue").Value = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("StunValue").Value + incstun
  960. end
  961. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("StaggerAnim") ~= nil and stagger == true then
  962. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("StaggerAnim").Value = true
  963. end
  964. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Stats") ~= nil then
  965. if hit.Parent.Stats:findFirstChild("BlockValue") ~= nil and hit.Parent.Stats:findFirstChild("BlockValue").Value == true then
  966. makegui(hit.Parent.Head.CFrame, "Blocked!",, 0.39215686274509803, 1))
  967. so("" .. HitBlockSounds[math.random(1, #HitBlockSounds)], hit, 1, 1)
  968. if ranged ~= true then
  969. if sethitblockvaluetofalse == true then
  970. hit.Parent.Stats:findFirstChild("BlockValue").Value = false
  971. end
  972. StaggerAnim.Value = true
  973. end
  974. return
  975. end
  976. elseif hit.Parent:findFirstChild("BlockValue") ~= nil and hit.Parent:findFirstChild("BlockValue").Value == true then
  977. makegui(Head.CFrame, "Blocked!",, 0.39215686274509803, 1))
  978. so("" .. HitBlockSounds[math.random(1, #HitBlockSounds)], hit, 1, 1)
  979. if ranged ~= true then
  980. if sethitblockvaluetofalse == true then
  981. hit.Parent:findFirstChild("BlockValue").Value = false
  982. end
  983. StaggerAnim.Value = true
  984. end
  985. return
  986. end
  987. local D = math.random(minim, maxim) * Damage.Value
  988. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Stats") ~= nil then
  989. if hit.Parent.Stats:FindFirstChild("Defense") then
  990. if canpenetratearmor == true then
  991. else
  992. D = D / hit.Parent.Stats:FindFirstChild("Defense").Value
  993. end
  994. elseif hit.Parent.Stats:FindFirstChild("Defense") == nil then
  995. end
  996. elseif hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Defense") then
  997. if canpenetratearmor == true then
  998. else
  999. D = D / hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Defense").Value
  1000. end
  1001. elseif hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Defense") == nil then
  1002. end
  1003. if cancrit == true then
  1004. CritChance.Value = math.random(1, critchancenumber)
  1005. if CritChance.Value == critchancenumber then
  1006. D = D * 2
  1007. end
  1008. end
  1009. h.Health = h.Health - D
  1010. if D <= 3 and staghit == true then
  1011. if ranged ~= true then
  1012. StaggerHitAnim.Value = true
  1013. end
  1014. so("" .. HitArmorSounds[math.random(1, #HitArmorSounds)], hit, 1, 1)
  1015. elseif D > 3 and ranged ~= true then
  1016. so("" .. HitPlayerSounds[math.random(1, #HitPlayerSounds)], hit, 1, 1)
  1017. end
  1018. if D > 2 and D < 20 then
  1019. if CritChance.Value == critchancenumber then
  1020. makegui(hit.Parent.Head.CFrame, "Crit! " .. tostring(math.floor(D + 0.5)) .. "",, 0, 0))
  1021. so("", hit, 1, 1)
  1022. else
  1023. makegui(hit.Parent.Head.CFrame, tostring(math.floor(D + 0.5)),, 0.8627450980392157, 0))
  1024. end
  1025. elseif D >= 20 then
  1026. if CritChance.Value == critchancenumber then
  1027. makegui(hit.Parent.Head.CFrame, "Crit! " .. tostring(math.floor(D + 0.5)) .. "",, 0, 0))
  1028. so("", hit, 1, 1)
  1029. else
  1030. makegui(hit.Parent.Head.CFrame, tostring(math.floor(D + 0.5)),, 0, 0))
  1031. end
  1032. else
  1033. if D <= 2 then
  1034. if CritChance.Value == critchancenumber then
  1035. makegui(hit.Parent.Head.CFrame, "Crit! " .. tostring(math.floor(D + 0.5)) .. "",, 0, 0))
  1036. so("", hit, 1, 1)
  1037. else
  1038. makegui(hit.Parent.Head.CFrame, tostring(math.floor(D + 0.5)),, 0.8823529411764706, 0.8823529411764706))
  1039. end
  1040. else
  1041. end
  1042. end
  1043. if Type == "Normal" then
  1044. vp ="BodyVelocity")
  1045. vp.P = 500
  1046. vp.maxForce = vt(math.huge, 0, math.huge)
  1047. if KnockbackType == 1 then
  1048. vp.velocity = Property.CFrame.lookVector * knockback + Property.Velocity / 1.05
  1049. elseif KnockbackType == 2 then
  1050. vp.velocity = Property.CFrame.lookVector * knockback
  1051. end
  1052. if knockback > 0 then
  1053. vp.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  1054. end
  1055. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(vp, 0.5)
  1056. end
  1057. debounce ="BoolValue")
  1058. debounce.Name = "DebounceHit"
  1059. debounce.Parent = hit.Parent
  1060. debounce.Value = true
  1061. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(debounce, Delay)
  1062. c ="ObjectValue")
  1063. c.Name = "creator"
  1064. c.Value = Player
  1065. c.Parent = h
  1066. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, 0.5)
  1067. end
  1068. end
  1069. function DecreaseStat(Location, CFrame, Stat, Amount, Duration, ShowDebuff)
  1070. if Location[Stat] ~= nil then
  1071. Location[Stat].Value = Location[Stat].Value - Amount
  1072. if ShowDebuff == true then
  1073. if Location[Stat].Name == "Defense" then
  1074. makegui(CFrame, "-Defense", c3(1, 1, 1))
  1075. elseif Location[Stat].Name == "Damage" then
  1076. makegui(CFrame, "-Damage", c3(1, 1, 1))
  1077. elseif Location[Stat].Name == "Speed" then
  1078. makegui(CFrame, "-Movement", c3(1, 1, 1))
  1079. end
  1080. end
  1081. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1082. wait(Duration)
  1083. Location[Stat].Value = Location[Stat].Value + Amount
  1084. end))
  1085. end
  1086. end
  1087. function IncreaseStat(Location, CFrame, Stat, Amount, Duration, ShowBuff)
  1088. if Location[Stat] ~= nil then
  1089. Location[Stat].Value = Location[Stat].Value + Amount
  1090. if ShowBuff == true then
  1091. if Location[Stat].Name == "Defense" then
  1092. makegui(CFrame, "+Defense", c3(1, 1, 1))
  1093. elseif Location[Stat].Name == "Damage" then
  1094. makegui(CFrame, "+Damage", c3(1, 1, 1))
  1095. elseif Location[Stat].Name == "Speed" then
  1096. makegui(CFrame, "+Movement", c3(1, 1, 1))
  1097. end
  1098. end
  1099. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1100. wait(Duration)
  1101. Location[Stat].Value = Location[Stat].Value - Amount
  1102. end))
  1103. end
  1104. end
  1105. function GetDist(Part1, Part2, magni)
  1106. local targ = Part1.Position - Part2.Position
  1107. local mag = targ.magnitude
  1108. if magni >= mag then
  1109. return true
  1110. else
  1111. return false
  1112. end
  1113. end
  1114. function MagniDamage(Part, magni, mindam, maxdam, knock, Type, Delay, KnockbackType, incstun, stagger, staghit, ranged)
  1115. for _, c in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  1116. local hum = c:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1117. if hum ~= nil then
  1118. local head = c:findFirstChild("Torso")
  1119. if head ~= nil then
  1120. local targ = head.Position - Part.Position
  1121. local mag = targ.magnitude
  1122. if magni >= mag and c.Name ~= Player.Name then
  1123. Damagefunc(head, mindam, maxdam, knock, Type, RootPart, Delay, KnockbackType, incstun, stagger, staghit, ranged)
  1124. end
  1125. end
  1126. end
  1127. end
  1128. end
  1129. function Lightning(p0, p1, tym, ofs, brickcolor, th, tra, last)
  1130. local magz = (p0 - p1).magnitude
  1131. local curpos = p0
  1132. local trz = {
  1133. -ofs,
  1134. ofs
  1135. }
  1136. for i = 1, tym do
  1137. do
  1138. local li ="Part", workspace)
  1139. li.TopSurface = 0
  1140. li.BottomSurface = 0
  1141. li.Anchored = true
  1142. li.Transparency = tra or 0.4
  1143. li.BrickColor = brickcolor
  1144. li.formFactor = "Custom"
  1145. li.CanCollide = false
  1146. li.Size = vt(th, th, magz / tym)
  1147. local ofz = vt(trz[math.random(1, 2)], trz[math.random(1, 2)], trz[math.random(1, 2)])
  1148. local trolpos = cf(curpos, p1) * cf(0, 0, magz / tym).p + ofz
  1149. if tym == i then
  1150. local magz2 = (curpos - p1).magnitude
  1151. li.Size = vt(th, th, magz2)*4
  1152. li.CFrame = cf(curpos, p1) * cf(0, 0, -magz2 / 2)
  1153. else
  1154. li.CFrame = cf(curpos, trolpos) * cf(0, 0, magz / tym / 2)
  1155. end
  1156. curpos = li.CFrame * cf(0, 0, magz / tym / 2).p
  1157. game.Debris:AddItem(li, last)
  1158. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1159. while li.Transparency ~= 1 do
  1160. for i = 0, 1, last do
  1161. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1162. li.Transparency = li.Transparency + 0.1 / last
  1163. end
  1164. end
  1165. end))
  1166. end
  1167. end
  1168. end
  1169. function MagicRing(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1170. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1171. prt.Anchored = true
  1172. prt.CFrame = cframe
  1173. local msh = mesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1))
  1174. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1175. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  1176. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1177. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1178. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame
  1179. Part.Transparency = i
  1180. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(x3, y3, z3)
  1181. end
  1182. Part.Parent = nil
  1183. end), prt, msh)
  1184. end
  1185. function MagicWave(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1186. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1187. prt.Anchored = true
  1188. prt.CFrame = cframe
  1189. local msh = mesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1))
  1190. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1191. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  1192. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1193. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1194. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame
  1195. Part.Transparency = i
  1196. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(x3, y3, z3)
  1197. end
  1198. Part.Parent = nil
  1199. end), prt, msh)
  1200. end
  1201. function MagicBlock(brickcolor, rotate, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1202. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1203. prt.Anchored = true
  1204. prt.CFrame = cframe * angles(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1205. local msh = mesh("BlockMesh", prt, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1)*4)
  1206. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1207. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  1208. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1209. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1210. if rotate == true then
  1211. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame * angles(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1212. else
  1213. end
  1214. Part.Transparency = i
  1215. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(x3, y3, z3)
  1216. end
  1217. Part.Parent = nil
  1218. end), prt, msh)
  1219. end
  1220. function MagicBlock2(brickcolor, rotate, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1221. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1222. prt.Anchored = true
  1223. prt.CFrame = cframe * angles(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1224. local msh = mesh("BlockMesh", prt, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1)*4)
  1225. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1226. CF = prt.CFrame
  1227. num = math.random(5, 20)
  1228. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh, CF2, Num)
  1229. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1230. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1231. if rotate == true then
  1232. Part.CFrame = CF2 * cf(0, i * Num, 0) * angles(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1233. else
  1234. Part.CFrame = CF2 * cf(0, i * Num, 0)
  1235. end
  1236. Part.Transparency = i
  1237. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(x3, y3, z3)
  1238. end
  1239. Part.Parent = nil
  1240. end), prt, msh, CF, num)
  1241. end
  1242. function MagicCylinder(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1243. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1244. prt.Anchored = true
  1245. prt.CFrame = cframe
  1246. local msh = mesh("CylinderMesh", prt, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1)*4)
  1247. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1248. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  1249. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1250. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1251. Part.Transparency = i
  1252. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(x3, y3, z3)
  1253. end
  1254. Part.Parent = nil
  1255. end), prt, msh)
  1256. end
  1257. function MagicSphere(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  1258. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1259. prt.Anchored = true
  1260. prt.CFrame = cframe
  1261. local msh = mesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1)*4)
  1262. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1263. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  1264. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1265. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1266. Part.Transparency = i
  1267. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(x3, y3, z3)
  1268. end
  1269. Part.Parent = nil
  1270. end), prt, msh)
  1271. end
  1272. function BreakEffect(brickcolor, rotate, cframe, x1, y1, z1, delay)
  1273. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1274. prt.Anchored = true
  1275. prt.CFrame = cframe * angles(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50))
  1276. local msh = mesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1)*4)
  1277. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1278. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, CF, Numbb, randnumb)
  1279. CF = Part.CFrame
  1280. Numbb = 0
  1281. randnumb = math.random() - math.random()
  1282. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1283. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1284. CF = CF * cf(0, 1, 0)
  1285. if rotate == true then
  1286. Part.CFrame = CF * angles(Numbb, 0, 0)
  1287. elseif rotate == false then
  1288. Part.CFrame = CF
  1289. end
  1290. Part.Transparency = i
  1291. Numbb = Numbb + randnumb
  1292. end
  1293. Part.Parent = nil
  1294. end), prt, CF, Numbb, randnumb)
  1295. end
  1296. function ElecEffect(brickcolor, cf, x, y, z, delay)
  1297. local prt = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt())
  1298. prt.Anchored = true
  1299. prt.CFrame = cf
  1300. xval = math.random()
  1301. yval = math.random()
  1302. zval = math.random()
  1303. local msh = mesh("BlockMesh", prt, "", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x, y, z)*4)
  1304. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10)
  1305. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh, xvaal, yvaal, zvaal)
  1306. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  1307. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1308. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame
  1309. xvaal = xvaal - 0.1 * (delay * 10)
  1310. yvaal = yvaal - 0.1 * (delay * 10)
  1311. zvaal = zvaal - 0.1 * (delay * 10)
  1312. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(xvaal, yvaal, zvaal)
  1313. Part.Transparency = i
  1314. end
  1315. Part.Parent = nil
  1316. end), prt, msh, xval, yval, zval)
  1317. end
  1318. function subtractmana(k)
  1319. if k <= mana then
  1320. mana = mana - k
  1321. end
  1322. end
  1323. local idleangle = 0
  1324. local idlen = 0
  1325. local donum = 0
  1326. local sine = 0
  1327. local change = 1
  1328. local val = 0
  1329. local walkinganim = false
  1330. local handidle = false
  1331. local walk = 0
  1332. local someangle = 0
  1333. local change2 = 1
  1334. local stundelay = 0
  1335. local manadelay = 0
  1336. local dieanim = false
  1337. local robloxidleanimation ="Animation", Torso)
  1338. robloxidleanimation.Name = "robloxidleanimation"
  1339. robloxidleanimation.AnimationId = ""
  1340. Animator = Humanoid:findFirstChild("Animator")
  1341. Animate = Character:findFirstChild("Animate")
  1342. Running = Head:FindFirstChild("Running")
  1343. if Running ~= nil then
  1344. Running.Volume = 0
  1345. end
  1346. local startequipped = false
  1347. local startequippedwithequipanimation = true
  1348. local disableanimator = true
  1349. local disableanimate = false
  1350. local alternatewalk = false
  1351. local customwalk = false
  1352. local hidemenu = false
  1353. local allowmenutofunction = false
  1354. local allowabilitestofunction = false
  1355. local canunequiporequip = false
  1356. local allowidle = false
  1357. local allowwalking = false
  1358. local disablemovingarms = false
  1359. local usemotorsinsteadofwelds = false
  1360. local leftarm = false
  1361. local rightarm = false
  1362. local allowhopperbin = false
  1363. local allowstunbar = false
  1364. local walkspeeddependsonspeedvalue = true
  1365. local alternatemanaregensystem = false
  1366. local showhealthmanaandstunnumbers = false
  1367. local changebarcolorsifnotenoughmana = false
  1368. local disablejumpifstaggeredorstunned = false
  1369. if hidemenu == true then
  1370. for _, v in pairs(scrn:children()) do
  1371. if v.ClassName == "Frame" or v.ClassName == "TextLabel" then
  1372. v.Visible = false
  1373. end
  1374. end
  1375. end
  1376. if disablejumpifstaggeredorstunned == true then
  1377. Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(Jump)
  1378. if Jump == "Jump" and (StaggerAnim.Value == true or StunAnim.Value == true) then
  1379. Humanoid.Jump = false
  1380. end
  1381. end)
  1382. end
  1383. if allowmenutofunction == true then
  1384. for _, v in pairs(scrn:GetChildren()) do
  1385. if v.ClassName == "Frame" then
  1386. for _, b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1387. if b.ClassName == "TextLabel" and b.Name ~= "Text 1" and b.Name ~= "Text 2" and b.Name ~= "Text 3" and b.Name ~= "Text 4" then
  1388. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(TheTextLabel)
  1389. wait(menuupdatespeed)
  1390. for i = 1, 0, -0.1 do
  1391. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1392. TheTextLabel.TextTransparency = i
  1393. TheTextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = i
  1394. end
  1395. TheTextLabel.TextTransparency = 0
  1396. TheTextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1397. end), b)
  1398. end
  1399. end
  1400. end
  1401. end
  1402. end
  1403. if allowmenutofunction == true and allowabilitestofunction == true then
  1404. for _, v in pairs(scrn:GetChildren()) do
  1405. if v.ClassName == "Frame" then
  1406. for _, b in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1407. if b.ClassName == "TextLabel" and b.Name ~= "Health Text" and b.Name ~= "Mana Text" then
  1408. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(TheTextLabel)
  1409. wait(menuupdatespeed)
  1410. for i = 1, 0, -0.1 do
  1411. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1412. TheTextLabel.TextTransparency = i
  1413. TheTextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = i
  1414. end
  1415. TheTextLabel.TextTransparency = 0
  1416. TheTextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1417. end), b)
  1418. end
  1419. end
  1420. end
  1421. end
  1422. end
  1423. if allowhopperbin == true then
  1424. if script.Parent.className ~= "HopperBin" then
  1425. Tool ="HopperBin")
  1426. Tool.Parent = Backpack
  1427. Tool.Name = "Weapon Name"
  1428. script.Parent = Tool
  1429. end
  1430. Bin = script.Parent
  1431. end
  1432. if disablemovingarms == true then
  1433. RWC0 = cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))
  1434. LWC0 = cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))
  1435. RSH, LSH = nil, nil
  1436. if usemotorsinsteadofwelds == true then
  1437. RW ="Motor")
  1438. LW ="Motor")
  1439. else
  1440. RW ="Weld")
  1441. LW ="Weld")
  1442. end
  1443. RW.Name = "Right Shoulder"
  1444. LW.Name = "Left Shoulder"
  1445. RSH = Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  1446. LSH = Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  1447. RSH.Parent = Torso
  1448. LSH.Parent = Torso
  1449. RW.Name = "Right Shoulder"
  1450. RW.Part0 = Torso
  1451. RW.C0 = cf(1.5, 0.5, 0)
  1452. RW.C1 = cf(0, 0.5, 0)
  1453. RW.Part1 = Character["Right Arm"]
  1454. RW.Parent = nil
  1455. LW.Name = "Left Shoulder"
  1456. LW.Part0 = Torso
  1457. LW.C0 = cf(-1.5, 0.5, 0)
  1458. LW.C1 = cf(0, 0.5, 0)
  1459. LW.Part1 = Character["Left Arm"]
  1460. LW.Parent = nil
  1461. else
  1462. RW = Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  1463. LW = Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  1464. LH = Torso["Left Hip"]
  1465. RH = Torso["Right Hip"]
  1466. RWC0 = cf(-0.5, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0))
  1467. LWC0 = cf(0.5, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0))
  1468. end
  1469. if allowidle == true then
  1470. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1471. while true do
  1472. for i = 0, 1, 0.08 do
  1473. wait()
  1474. idleangle = idleangle + 0.005 * idlen
  1475. idlen = idlen - 0.1
  1476. end
  1477. idlen = 0
  1478. for i = 0, 1, 0.08 do
  1479. wait()
  1480. idleangle = idleangle - 0.005 * idlen
  1481. idlen = idlen - 0.1
  1482. end
  1483. idlen = 0
  1484. idleangle = 0
  1485. end
  1486. end))
  1487. end
  1488. function equipanim()
  1489. attack = true
  1490. local equipvelocity ="BodyVelocity", Torso)
  1491. equipvelocity.P = 500
  1492. equipvelocity.maxForce = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  1493. equipvelocity.Velocity =, 0.1, 0)
  1494. if intro == true then
  1495. Music2:Play()
  1496. for i = 0, 1, 0.02 do
  1497. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1499. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, -1 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1500. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1501. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(100), math.rad(40), math.rad(-10)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1502. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(60), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1503. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(80), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.15)
  1504. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-80), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(5)), 0.15)
  1505. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1506. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1507. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1508. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1509. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1510. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1511. end
  1512. wait(1)
  1513. end
  1514. for i = 0, 1, 0.02 do
  1515. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1516. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, Torso.CFrame * cf(math.random(-15, 15), math.random(-15, 15), math.random(-15, 15)), 15, 15, 15, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.04)
  1517. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.05)
  1518. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1519. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(100), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1520. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(80), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1521. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.15)
  1522. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5)), 0.15)
  1523. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1524. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1525. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1526. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1527. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1528. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1529. end
  1530. for i = 0, 1, 0.02 do
  1531. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1533. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.05)
  1534. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1535. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(100), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1536. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(80), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1537. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.15)
  1538. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5)), 0.15)
  1539. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1540. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1541. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1542. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1543. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1544. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1545. end
  1546. if intro == true then
  1547. Chat("yeah, boy")
  1548. wait(1)
  1549. Chat("script by xdielivex")
  1550. end
  1551. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1552. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
  1553. wait()
  1554. outerbeingtransparency = outerbeingtransparency - 0.05
  1555. end
  1556. outerbeingtransparency = 0.5
  1557. end))
  1559. equipvelocity.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  1560. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, Torso.CFrame, 75, 75, 75, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.01)
  1561. MagicSphere(CustomColor, Torso.CFrame, 150, 150, 150, 1, 1, 1, 0.01)
  1562. so("", Torso, 1, 1)
  1563. so("", Torso, 1, 1)
  1564. so("", Torso, 1, 1)
  1565. so("", Torso, 1, 1.5)
  1566. newface()
  1568. local HBill ="BillboardGui", hed)
  1569. local HMain, HBarBack, HBar ="Frame", HBill),"Frame"),"Frame")
  1570. local HHealth, HName ="TextLabel", HBill),"TextLabel")
  1571. local HText, HName ="TextLabel", HBill),"TextLabel")
  1572. HBill.Size =,0,2.2,0)
  1573. HBill.Name = "Health Display"
  1574. HBill.StudsOffset =,13,0)
  1575. HBill.AlwaysOnTop = true
  1576. HBill.Enabled = true
  1578. HMain.BackgroundColor3 =, 50, 124)
  1579. HMain.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  1580. HMain.Size =,0,1,0)
  1581. HBarBack.Parent = HMain
  1582. HBarBack.BackgroundColor3 =,0,1)
  1583. HBarBack.BorderColor3 =,0,0)
  1584. HBarBack.BorderSizePixel = 2
  1585. HBarBack.Position =, 0, .55, 0)
  1586. HBarBack.Size =, 0, .3, 0)
  1596. HHealth.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1597. HHealth.Size =,0,0.5,0)
  1598. HHealth.Font = "Code"
  1599. HHealth.TextScaled = true
  1600. HHealth.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  1601. HHealth.TextStrokeColor3 ="Bright violet").Color
  1602. HHealth.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1611. HName.Parent = HMain
  1612. HName.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1613. HName.Size =,0,.3,0)
  1614. HName.Font = "Code"
  1615. HName.Text = ""
  1616. HName.TextScaled = true
  1617. HName.TextColor3 ="Forest green").Color
  1618. HName.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
  1619. HName.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  1620. HName.TextYAlignment = "Top"
  1621. HName.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1630. Humanoid = char.Humanoid
  1632. function GainCharge(Humanoid)
  1633. HHealth.Text = ""
  1634. if Humanoid.Health < 100 and dieanim == false then
  1635. HHealth.Text = "0 HP"
  1636. end
  1637. HBill.Frame.Frame.Size =,0,.3,0)
  1638. if Humanoid.Health >= Humanoid.MaxHealth/2 then
  1639. HBill.Frame.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,1)
  1640. elseif Humanoid.Health >= Humanoid.MaxHealth/4 and Humanoid.Health <= Humanoid.MaxHealth/2 then
  1641. HBill.Frame.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,1)
  1642. elseif Humanoid.Health <= Humanoid.MaxHealth/4 then
  1643. HBill.Frame.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  1644. end
  1646. end
  1648. Humanoid.HealthChanged:connect(function() GainCharge(Humanoid) end)
  1649. HHealth.Text = ""
  1650. for i = 0, 1, 0.02 do
  1651. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1652. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1653. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1654. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1655. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-90)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1656. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1657. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1658. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1659. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1660. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1661. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1662. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1663. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1664. end
  1666. equipvelocity:Destroy()
  1667. Speed.Value = Speed.Value - 0.1
  1668. Defense.Value = Defense.Value + 0.4
  1669. attack = false
  1672. wait(.1)
  1673. Music2:Stop()
  1674. Music1:Play()
  1675. end
  1676. function unequipanim()
  1677. attack = true
  1678. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1679. Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  1680. wait(0.1)
  1681. Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth
  1682. end))
  1683. local equipvelocity ="BodyVelocity", Torso)
  1684. equipvelocity.P = 500
  1685. equipvelocity.maxForce = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  1686. equipvelocity.Velocity =, 1, 0)
  1687. so("", Torso, 1, 0.4)
  1688. for i = 0, 1, 0.005 do
  1689. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1690. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, Torso.CFrame * cf(math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10)), 5, 5, 5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.05)
  1691. BreakEffect(CustomColor, false, Torso.CFrame, 1, 25, 1, 0.05)
  1692. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(20 + math.random(-10, 10)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0 + math.random(-10, 10))), 0.15)
  1693. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1694. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(100), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1695. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(80), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1696. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.15)
  1697. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, 0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5)), 0.15)
  1698. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1699. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1700. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1701. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1702. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1703. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  1704. end
  1705. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, Torso.CFrame, 75, 75, 75, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.01)
  1706. MagicSphere(CustomColor, Torso.CFrame, 150, 150, 150, 1, 1, 1, 0.01)
  1707. so("", Torso, 1, 0.6)
  1708. so("", Torso, 1, 0.6)
  1709. so("", Torso, 1, 0.6)
  1710. for i = 1, 2 do
  1711. so("", Torso, 1, 0.8)
  1712. so("", Torso, 1, 0.8)
  1713. end
  1714. Chat("whatever floats your boat")
  1715. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1716. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1717. tran = tran + 0.1
  1721. for i,v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
  1722. if v.Name == "Head" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "Left Arm" or v.Name == "Right Arm" or v.Name == "Left Leg" or v.Name == "Right Leg" then
  1723. Glow1 =,0,1)
  1724. Glow2 =,0,0)
  1729. v.ParticleEmitter.Transparency =,1)
  1731. end end
  1735. wait()
  1736. outerbeingtransparency = outerbeingtransparency + 0.005
  1737. end
  1738. outerbeingtransparency = 1
  1739. end))
  1740. Face.Transparency = 1
  1741. for _, v in pairs(Character:children()) do
  1742. if v:IsA("Part") and v.ClassName ~= "Model" then
  1743. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part)
  1744. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1745. wait()
  1746. Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + 0.01
  1747. end
  1748. Part.Anchored = true
  1749. Part.Transparency = 1
  1750. end), v)
  1751. elseif v:IsA("Hat") then
  1752. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Hat)
  1753. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1754. wait()
  1755. Hat.Transparency = Hat.Transparency + 0.01
  1756. end
  1757. Hat.Anchored = true
  1758. Hat.Transparency = 1
  1759. end), v.Handle)
  1760. end
  1761. end
  1762. local deathnum = 0
  1763. for i = 0, 1, 0.005 do
  1764. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1765. if deathnum >= 10 then
  1766. deathnum = 0
  1767. local refpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  1768. refpart.CFrame = Torso.CFrame * cf(math.random(-15, 15), math.random(-15, 15), math.random(-15, 15))
  1769. refpart.Anchored = true
  1770. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart, 1)
  1771. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, refpart.CFrame, 30, 30, 30, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.01)
  1772. MagicSphere(CustomColor, refpart.CFrame, 60, 60, 60, 1, 1, 1, 0.01)
  1773. so("", Torso, 1, 0.6)
  1774. end
  1775. BreakEffect(CustomColor, false, Torso.CFrame, 1, 50, 1, 0.05)
  1776. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(-20 + math.random(-40, 40)), math.rad(0), math.rad(0 + math.random(-40, 40))), 0.15)
  1777. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0 + math.random(-40, 40)), math.rad(0 + math.random(-40, 40)), math.rad(0 + math.random(-40, 40))), 0.15)
  1778. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-40 + math.random(-40, 40)), math.rad(0), math.rad(40 + math.random(-40, 40))) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1779. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-40 + math.random(-40, 40)), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40 + math.random(-40, 40))) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1780. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(-20 + math.random(-40, 40)), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40 + math.random(-40, 40))), 0.15)
  1781. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(-20 + math.random(-40, 40)), math.rad(0), math.rad(40 + math.random(-40, 40))), 0.15)
  1782. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1783. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1784. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1785. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1786. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1787. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1788. deathnum = deathnum + 1
  1789. end
  1790. Humanoid.MaxHealth = 0
  1791. Humanoid.Health = 0
  1792. equipvelocity.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  1793. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, Torso.CFrame, 75, 75, 75, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.008)
  1794. MagicSphere(CustomColor, Torso.CFrame, 150, 150, 150, 1, 1, 1, 0.008)
  1795. so("", Torso, 1, 0.4)
  1796. so("", Torso, 1, 0.4)
  1797. so("", Torso, 1, 0.4)
  1798. so("", Torso, 1, 1.2)
  1799. attack = false
  1800. end
  1801. if startequipped == true then
  1802. equipped = true
  1803. if disableanimate == true then
  1804. Animate.Disabled = true
  1805. local idleanimation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Torso.robloxidleanimation)
  1806. idleanimation:Play()
  1807. end
  1808. if disableanimator == true then
  1809. Animator.Parent = nil
  1810. end
  1811. if disablemovingarms == true then
  1812. RW.Parent = Torso
  1813. LW.Parent = Torso
  1814. RSH.Parent = nil
  1815. LSH.Parent = nil
  1816. end
  1817. Speed.Value = Speed.Value - 0.1
  1818. Defense.Value = Defense.Value + 0.4
  1819. elseif startequippedwithequipanimation == true then
  1820. equipped = true
  1821. if disableanimate == true then
  1822. Animate.Disabled = true
  1823. local idleanimation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Torso.robloxidleanimation)
  1824. idleanimation:Play()
  1825. end
  1826. if disableanimator == true then
  1827. Animator.Parent = nil
  1828. end
  1829. if disablemovingarms == true then
  1830. RW.Parent = Torso
  1831. LW.Parent = Torso
  1832. RSH.Parent = nil
  1833. LSH.Parent = nil
  1834. end
  1835. equipanim()
  1836. end
  1837. function StaggerHit()
  1838. attack = true
  1839. attack = false
  1840. end
  1841. function Stagger()
  1842. attack = true
  1843. attack = false
  1844. end
  1845. function Stun()
  1846. attack = true
  1847. attack = false
  1848. end
  1849. function EAbility()
  1850. attack = true
  1851. attack = false
  1852. end
  1853. function attackone()
  1854. attack = true
  1856. --[[
  1857. local equipvelocity3 ="BodyVelocity", Torso)
  1858. equipvelocity3.P = 500
  1859. equipvelocity3.maxForce = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  1860. equipvelocity3.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  1861. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(equipvelocity3, 1)
  1863. --]]
  1864. local oldspeedvalue = Speed.Value
  1865. Speed.Value = .1
  1867. for i = 0, 0.5, .02 do
  1868. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1869. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  1870. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1871. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(115), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1872. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(115), math.rad(0), math.rad(-50)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1874. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-15)), 0.15)
  1875. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.15)
  1878. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1879. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1880. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1881. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1882. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1883. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1884. end
  1886. ---------------------------------
  1887. for i = 0, .2, .02 do
  1888. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  1889. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  1890. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1891. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, -10, 8 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(55), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1892. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1893. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(85), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1894. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(85), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1896. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.15)
  1897. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), 0.15)
  1900. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1901. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1902. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1903. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1904. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 4, 0), 0.15)
  1905. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1906. end
  1907. local refpart4 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  1908. refpart4.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(0, 0, -17)
  1909. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart4, 1)
  1910. MagniDamage(refpart4, 10, 5, 20, math.random(1, 10), "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  1911. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, 15, 15, 15, 0.08)
  1912. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, 15, 15, 15, 0.08)
  1913. ----------------------------------------
  1914. for i = 0, .5, .02 do
  1916. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1917. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, -10, 8 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(55), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1918. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1919. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(85), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1920. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(85), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1922. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.15)
  1923. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), 0.15)
  1926. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1927. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1928. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1929. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1930. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 4, 0), 0.15)
  1931. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1932. end
  1933. ----------------------------------------
  1934. Speed.Value = oldspeedvalue
  1935. --]]
  1937. attack = false
  1938. end
  1939. function attacktwo()
  1940. attack = true
  1941. local oldspeedvalue = Speed.Value
  1942. Speed.Value = .2
  1944. so("", rightleg2, 1, 0.6)
  1945. for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do
  1946. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1947. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1948. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(40), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1949. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1950. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1951. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -0.0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.15)
  1952. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.15)
  1953. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1954. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1955. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1956. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1957. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 1.5, 0), 0.15)
  1958. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1959. end
  1960. for i = 0, 0.5, 0.05 do
  1961. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightleg2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 40, 40, 40, -7, -7, -7, 0.05)
  1962. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1963. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.3)
  1964. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(40), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1965. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(40)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1966. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1967. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.3)
  1968. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.15)
  1969. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1970. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1971. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1972. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1973. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 5, 0), 0.3)
  1974. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1975. end
  1976. Speed.Value = .0
  1977. local refpart4 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  1978. refpart4.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(0, -4, -4)
  1979. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart4, .5)
  1980. MagniDamage(refpart4, 15, 10, 30, math.random(10, 20), "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  1981. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, refpart4.CFrame * cf(0, -0, 0), 30, 30, 30, 15, 15, 15, 0.08)
  1982. MagicRing(CustomColor, refpart4.CFrame* cf(1, 1, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(math.random(-0, 0)), math.rad(math.random(-0, 0))), 1, 1, 20, 1.1, 1.1, -0.5, 0.03)
  1983. for i = 0, 0.5, 0.05 do
  1985. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  1986. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.3)
  1987. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(40), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  1988. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(40)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  1989. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  1990. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.3)
  1991. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.15)
  1992. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  1993. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  1994. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1995. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  1996. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 5, 0), 0.3)
  1997. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  1998. end
  1999. ----------------------------------------
  2000. ------------------------------
  2001. Speed.Value = oldspeedvalue
  2002. attack = false
  2003. end
  2004. function attackthree()
  2005. attack = true
  2006. local oldspeedvalue = Speed.Value
  2007. Speed.Value = .1
  2008. for i = 0, .5, 0.05 do
  2009. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2010. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2011. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), 0.15)
  2012. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.3, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(20), math.rad(90)) * RWC0, 0.10)
  2013. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-10), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2014. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1.0 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2015. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2016. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2017. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2018. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2019. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2020. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2021. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2022. end
  2024. Speed.Value = 0
  2025. for i = 0, .5, 0.05 do
  2026. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2027. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2028. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2029. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-40)), 0.15)
  2030. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.3, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(10), math.rad(90)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2031. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-10), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2032. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1.0 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2033. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2034. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2035. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2036. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2037. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2038. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2039. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2040. end
  2042. local orbnumber = math.random(2, 2)
  2043. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2044. for i = 1, orbnumber do
  2045. wait(.1)
  2046. local orbblastpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1, CustomColor, "Effect", vt())
  2047. local orbblastmesh = mesh("SpecialMesh", orbblastpart, "Sphere", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(10, 10, 10)*4)
  2048. orbblastpart.Anchored = true
  2049. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(orbblastpart, 5)
  2050. orbblastpart.CFrame = cf(Mouse.hit.p + vt(math.random(-10, 10), math.random(70, 80), math.random(-10, 10)))
  2052. so("", orbblastpart, 1, 1.2)
  2053. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part)
  2054. wait()
  2055. local spread = vt(math.random(-.1, .1), math.random(-.1, .1), math.random(-.1, .1)) * (Part.Position - (Part.Position + vt(0, -.4, 0))).magnitude / 100
  2056. local TheHit = Part.Position + vt(0, -1, 0)
  2057. local MouseLook = cf((Part.Position + TheHit) / 2, TheHit + spread)
  2058. local hit, pos = rayCast(Part.Position, MouseLook.lookVector, 999, Character)
  2059. local mag = (rightarm2.Position - pos).magnitude
  2060. MagicCylinder(CustomColor, cf((rightarm2.Position + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 10, mag * 5, 10, -1.5, 0, -1.5, 0.08)
  2061. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 8, 8, 8, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.05)
  2062. Part.Parent = nil
  2063. if hit ~= nil then
  2064. local refpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2065. refpart.CFrame = cf(pos)
  2066. refpart.Anchored = true
  2067. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart, 1)
  2069. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, refpart.CFrame, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 0.05)
  2070. MagicRing(CustomColor, refpart.CFrame * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(math.random(-60, 60)), math.rad(math.random(-60, 60))), 1, 1, 20, 1.1, 1.1, -0.3, 0.06)
  2071. so("", refpart, 1, 1)
  2072. Damagefunc(hit, 20, 40, 1, "Normal", RootPart, 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2073. MagniDamage(refpart, 10, 5, 8, 0, "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2074. end
  2075. end), orbblastpart)
  2076. end
  2078. end))
  2080. for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do
  2081. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2082. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2083. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2084. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2085. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.3, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-70)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2086. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-10), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2087. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1.0 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2088. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2089. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2090. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2091. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2092. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2093. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2094. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2095. end
  2096. Speed.Value = oldspeedvalue
  2097. attack = false
  2098. end
  2099. function attackfour()
  2100. attack = true
  2101. for i = 0, 0.8, 0.05 do
  2102. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2103. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 6 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(45)), 0.15)
  2104. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2105. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2106. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2107. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(.99, -0.0 - idleangle, -.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2108. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-.99, -1.5 - idleangle, -.2) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)), 0.15)
  2109. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2110. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2111. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2112. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2113. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2114. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(1, 4, 0), 0.15)
  2115. end
  2118. for i = 0, 0.6, 0.05 do
  2119. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2121. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2122. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)), 0.15)
  2123. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2124. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(45), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2125. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2126. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2127. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2128. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2129. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2130. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2131. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2132. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2133. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2134. end
  2135. local refpart4 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2136. refpart4.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(0, -4, -4)
  2137. MagniDamage(refpart4, 13, 5, 20, math.random(5, 10), "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2138. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, 15, 15, 15, 0.08)
  2139. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart4, .5)
  2140. for i = 0, 0.6, 0.05 do
  2141. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2143. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2144. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)), 0.15)
  2145. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2146. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(45), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2147. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2148. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2149. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2150. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2151. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2152. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2153. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2154. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2155. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2156. end
  2159. local refpart4 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2160. refpart4.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(0, -4, -4)
  2161. MagniDamage(refpart4, 13, 20, 20, math.random(10, 20), "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2162. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, 15, 15, 15, 0.08)
  2163. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart4, .5)
  2164. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, 15, 15, 15, 0.08)
  2165. attack = false
  2166. end
  2167. --[[
  2168. for i = 0, 0.5, 0.05 do
  2169. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2170. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2171. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2172. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2173. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2174. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1.0 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2175. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2176. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2177. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2178. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2179. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2180. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2181. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2182. end
  2183. --]]
  2184. function Move1()
  2185. Chat("FOO")
  2186. attack = true
  2187. for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do
  2188. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2189. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2190. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2191. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2192. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2193. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2194. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2195. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2196. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2197. if walkinganim == true then
  2198. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2199. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2200. else
  2201. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2202. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2203. end
  2204. end
  2206. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2207. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2208. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2209. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2210. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2211. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2212. end
  2213. for i = 0, 1, 0.04 do
  2214. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2215. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2216. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2217. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2218. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2219. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2220. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2221. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2222. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2223. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2224. if walkinganim == true then
  2225. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2226. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2227. else
  2228. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2229. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2230. end
  2231. end
  2232. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2233. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2234. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2235. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2236. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2237. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2238. end
  2239. for i = 0, 3, 0.04 do
  2240. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2241. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2242. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2243. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2244. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2245. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2246. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2247. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2248. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2249. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2250. if walkinganim == true then
  2251. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2252. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2253. else
  2254. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2255. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2256. end
  2257. end
  2258. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2259. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2260. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2261. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2262. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2263. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2264. end
  2266. Chat("SKID")
  2267. local orbnumber = math.random(30, 40)
  2268. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2269. for i = 1, orbnumber do
  2270. wait()
  2271. local orbblastpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0.5, CustomColor, "Effect", vt())
  2272. local orbblastmesh = mesh("SpecialMesh", orbblastpart, "Sphere", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(10, 10, 10)*4)
  2273. orbblastpart.Anchored = true
  2274. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(orbblastpart, 5)
  2275. orbblastpart.CFrame = cf(Mouse.hit.p + vt(math.random(-10, 10), math.random(70, 80), math.random(-10, 10)))
  2276. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2277. MagicSphere(CustomColor, orbblastpart.CFrame, 10, 10, 10, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.04)
  2278. so("", orbblastpart, 1, 1.2)
  2279. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part)
  2280. wait(.8)
  2281. local spread = vt(math.random(-26, 26), math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-26, 26)) * (Part.Position - (Part.Position + vt(0, -.4, 0))).magnitude / 100
  2282. local TheHit = Part.Position + vt(0, -1, 0)
  2283. local MouseLook = cf((Part.Position + TheHit) / 2, TheHit + spread)
  2284. local hit, pos = rayCast(Part.Position, MouseLook.lookVector, 999, Character)
  2285. local mag = (Part.Position - pos).magnitude
  2286. MagicCylinder(CustomColor, cf((Part.Position + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 5, mag * 5, 5, -0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.08)
  2287. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, Part.CFrame, 8, 8, 8, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.05)
  2288. Part.Parent = nil
  2289. if hit ~= nil then
  2290. local refpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2291. refpart.CFrame = cf(pos)
  2292. refpart.Anchored = true
  2293. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart, 1)
  2294. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, Part.CFrame, 18, 18, 18, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.05)
  2295. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, refpart.CFrame, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 0.05)
  2296. MagicRing(CustomColor, refpart.CFrame * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(math.random(-60, 60)), math.rad(math.random(-60, 60))), 1, 1, 20, 1.1, 1.1, -0.3, 0.06)
  2297. so("", refpart, 1, 1)
  2298. Damagefunc(hit, 20, 40, 1, "Normal", RootPart, 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2299. MagniDamage(refpart, 15, 5, 10, 0, "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2300. end
  2301. end), orbblastpart)
  2302. end
  2304. end))
  2305. local equipvelocity2 ="BodyVelocity", Torso)
  2306. equipvelocity2.P = 500
  2307. equipvelocity2.maxForce = vt(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  2308. equipvelocity2.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  2309. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(equipvelocity2, 2)
  2310. for i = 0, 1, (0.015 + orbnumber / 10000) / 2 do
  2311. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2312. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 8 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(25), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2313. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2314. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(45), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.04)
  2315. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-40), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2317. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.15)
  2318. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), 0.15)
  2321. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2322. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2323. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2324. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2325. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2326. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2327. end
  2328. for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do
  2329. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2330. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2331. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2332. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2333. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2334. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2335. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2336. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2337. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2338. if walkinganim == true then
  2339. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2340. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2341. else
  2342. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2343. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2344. end
  2345. end
  2346. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 * Speed.Value
  2347. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2348. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2349. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2350. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2351. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2352. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2353. end
  2354. attack = false
  2355. end
  2356. function Move2()
  2357. Chat("begone, glitcher switcher!")
  2358. attack = true
  2359. local oldspeedvalue = Speed.Value
  2360. Speed.Value = 0
  2361. for i = 0, .5, 0.25 do
  2362. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2363. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2364. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2365. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2366. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2367. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2368. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2369. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2370. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2371. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2372. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(-2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2373. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2374. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2375. end
  2376. for i = 0, .5, 0.015 do
  2377. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2378. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2379. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2380. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2381. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2382. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2383. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2384. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2385. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2386. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2387. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(-2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2388. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2389. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2390. end
  2391. so("", Torso, 1, 0.6)
  2392. for i = 0, 1.7, 0.25 do
  2393. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2394. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -10, -10, -10, 0.1)
  2395. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, -10, -10, -10, 0.1)
  2396. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 9 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2397. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2398. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2399. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2400. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.15)
  2401. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(35)), 0.15)
  2402. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2403. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2404. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2405. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2406. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-1.8, 3.5, 0), 0.15)
  2407. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2408. end
  2409. local refpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2410. refpart.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(0, 500, -20)
  2411. refpart.Anchored = true
  2412. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart, 1)
  2413. local TheHit = refpart.Position + vt(0, -1, 0)
  2414. local MouseLook = cf((refpart.Position + TheHit) / 2, TheHit)
  2415. local hit, pos = rayCast(refpart.Position, MouseLook.lookVector, 999, Character)
  2416. local mag = (refpart.Position - pos).magnitude
  2417. local refpart2 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2418. refpart2.CFrame = cf(pos)
  2419. refpart2.Anchored = true
  2420. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart2, 1)
  2421. MagicCylinder(CustomColor, cf((refpart.Position + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 5, mag * 5, 5, 0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.025)
  2422. if hit ~= nil then
  2423. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, refpart2.CFrame, 15, 15, 15, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 0.02)
  2424. MagicSphere(CustomColor, refpart2.CFrame, 15, 15, 15, 7, 7, 7, 0.02)
  2425. MagicWave(CustomColor, refpart2.CFrame, 5, 5, 5, .6, 1.2, .6, 0.03)
  2426. MagicRing(CustomColor, refpart2.CFrame * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2, 2, 2, 0.025)
  2427. so("", refpart2, 1, 0.8)
  2428. so("", refpart2, 1, 0.8)
  2429. MagniDamage(refpart2, 25, 20, 50, math.random(10, 30), "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2430. end
  2431. for i = 0, 1, 0.02 do
  2432. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2433. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 9 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2434. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2435. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2436. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2437. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.15)
  2438. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(35)), 0.15)
  2439. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2440. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2441. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2442. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2443. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-1.8, 3.5, 0), 0.15)
  2444. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2445. end
  2446. Speed.Value = Speed.Value + oldspeedvalue
  2447. attack = false
  2448. end
  2449. function Move3()
  2450. Chat("creeper, aw man")
  2451. attack = true
  2452. local oldspeedvalue = Speed.Value
  2453. Speed.Value = 0
  2454. so("", rightleg2, 1, 0.6)
  2455. for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do
  2456. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2457. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2458. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(40), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2459. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2460. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2461. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -0.0 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(10)), 0.15)
  2462. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.15)
  2463. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2464. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2465. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2466. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2467. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  2468. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2469. end
  2470. for i = 0, 1.5, 0.05 do
  2471. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, rightleg2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 40, 40, 40, -7, -7, -7, 0.05)
  2472. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2473. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2474. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(40), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2475. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2476. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-15), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2477. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.2)
  2478. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(15)), 0.15)
  2479. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2480. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2481. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2482. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2483. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-2.5, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2484. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2485. end
  2486. MagicSphere(CustomColor, RootPart.CFrame * cf(2.5, -3, -2), 10, 4, 10, 2.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.025)
  2487. local num = 0
  2488. local refpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2489. refpart.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(2.5, 0, -6)
  2490. refpart.Anchored = true
  2491. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart, 3)
  2492. for i = 1, 40 do
  2493. local refpart2 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2494. refpart2.CFrame = refpart.CFrame * cf(0, 0, num)
  2495. refpart2.Anchored = true
  2496. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart2, 1)
  2497. local TheHit = refpart2.Position + vt(0, -1, 0)
  2498. local MouseLook = cf((refpart2.Position + TheHit) / 2, TheHit)
  2499. local hit, pos = rayCast(refpart2.Position, MouseLook.lookVector, 999, Character)
  2500. if hit ~= nil then
  2501. local refpart3 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2502. refpart3.CFrame = cf(pos)
  2503. refpart3.Anchored = true
  2504. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart3, 1)
  2505. MagicSphere("Bright violet"), refpart3.CFrame, 40, 20, 40, -2, -1, -2, 0.015)
  2506. MagicWave(CustomColor, refpart3.CFrame, 7, 10, 7,-0.08, -.2, -0.08, 0.03)
  2507. so("", refpart3, 1, 0.6)
  2508. MagniDamage(refpart3, 20, 2, 6, math.random(5, 20), "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2509. end
  2510. num = num - 5
  2511. wait()
  2512. end
  2513. Speed.Value = Speed.Value + oldspeedvalue
  2514. attack = false
  2515. end
  2518. function DanceMoves()
  2519. attack = true
  2521. local oldspeedvalue = Speed.Value
  2522. Speed.Value = 0
  2524. for i = 0,3 do
  2525. --[
  2526. for i = 0, 0.5, 0.05 do
  2527. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2528. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2529. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2530. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2531. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2532. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1.0 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2533. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2534. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2535. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2536. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2537. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2538. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2539. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2540. end
  2542. --]]
  2561. for i = 0, 1.5, 0.05 do
  2562. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2563. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(1, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(-5), math.rad(-10), math.rad(45)), 0.15)
  2564. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(45)), 0.15)
  2565. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.25, 0.1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(-20), math.rad(-50)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2566. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.25, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.2) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(-70), math.rad(-80)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2567. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(-20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2568. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -0.5 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2569. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2570. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2571. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 1.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2572. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2573. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2574. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(3, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  2575. end
  2583. for i = 0, 0.5, 0.05 do
  2584. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2585. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2586. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2587. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2588. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2589. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1.0 - idleangle, -0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2590. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2591. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2592. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2593. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2594. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2595. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2596. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2597. end
  2609. for i = 0, 1.5, 0.05 do
  2610. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2611. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(-1, 0, 11.5 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(-5), math.rad(10), math.rad(-45)), 0.15)
  2612. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)), 0.15)
  2613. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.25, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(70), math.rad(80)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2614. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.25, 0.1 + idleangle, -0.2) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(20), math.rad(50)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2615. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -0.5 - idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2616. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2617. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2618. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2619. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2620. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 1.5, -0.5), 0.15)
  2621. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-3, 2.5, 0), 0.15)
  2622. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2623. end
  2624. end
  2625. Speed.Value = Speed.Value + oldspeedvalue
  2626. attack = false
  2627. end
  2629. function Move4()
  2630. Chat("bruh Blast!")
  2631. attack = true
  2632. for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do
  2633. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2634. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2635. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2636. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2637. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2638. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2639. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2640. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2641. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2642. if walkinganim == true then
  2643. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2644. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2645. else
  2646. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2647. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2648. end
  2649. end
  2650. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2651. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2652. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2653. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2654. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2655. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2656. end
  2657. for i = 0, 1, 0.04 do
  2658. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2659. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2660. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2661. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2662. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2663. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2664. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2665. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2666. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2667. if walkinganim == true then
  2668. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2669. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2670. else
  2671. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2672. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2673. end
  2674. end
  2675. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2676. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2677. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2678. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2679. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2680. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2681. end
  2682. local orbpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0.5, CustomColor, "Effect", vt())
  2683. local orbmesh = mesh("SpecialMesh", orbpart, "Sphere", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(15, 15, 15))
  2684. local orbweld = weld(orbpart, Torso, orbpart, cf(0, 0, 0), cf(0, -15, 0))
  2685. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(orbpart, 5)
  2686. so("", orbpart, 1, 0.6)
  2687. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  2688. for i = 0, 0.4, 0.005 do
  2689. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2690. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(0.90, 0.90, 0.90)
  2691. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, orbpart.CFrame, 30, 30, 30, -5, -5, -5, 0.05)
  2692. MagicBlock("Black", true, orbpart.CFrame, 24, 24, 24, 3,3,3, 0.4)
  2694. local orbchargeeffect = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 0, CustomColor, "Effect", vt())
  2695. local orbchargeeffectmesh = mesh("SpecialMesh", orbchargeeffect, "Sphere", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(8, math.random(10, 15), 8))
  2696. local orbchargecframe = angles(math.rad(math.random(-150, 150)), math.rad(math.random(-150, 150)), math.rad(math.random(-150, 150))) * cf(0, math.random(10, 50), 0)
  2697. orbchargeeffect.CFrame = orbpart.CFrame * orbchargecframe
  2698. orbchargeeffect.Anchored = true
  2699. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(orbchargeeffect, 2)
  2700. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  2701. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do
  2702. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2703. Part.Transparency = i
  2704. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame * cf(0, -1, 0)
  2705. end
  2706. Part.Parent = nil
  2707. end), orbchargeeffect, orbchargeeffectmesh)
  2708. end
  2709. wait(0.2)
  2710. local range = 1999
  2711. local MainPos = Part.Position
  2712. local MainPos2 = Mouse.Hit.p
  2713. local MouseLook = cf((MainPos + MainPos2) / 2, MainPos2)
  2714. local hit, pos = rayCast(MainPos, MouseLook.lookVector, range, ShotTarget.Parent)
  2715. local mag = (MainPos - pos).magnitude
  2716. MagicCylinder("Black", cf((MainPos + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 5, mag * 5, 10, 2.5, 0, 2.5, 0.015)
  2717. MagicCylinder(CustomColor, cf((MainPos + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 5, mag * 5, 10, 3.0, 0, 3.0, 0.015)
  2718. for i = 1, 5 do
  2719. local ringcf = cf((MainPos + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0) * cf(0, mag / 5 * (i / 2), 0)
  2720. MagicRing("Black", ringcf * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 5, 5, 1.1, 0.08, 0.08, 0.0, 0.02)
  2721. end
  2722. for i = 0, 5 do
  2723. local ringcf = cf((MainPos + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0) * cf(0, -mag / 5 * (i / 2), 0)
  2724. MagicRing("Black", ringcf * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 5, 5, 1.1, 0.08, 0.08, 0.0, 0.02)
  2725. end
  2726. so("", Part, 1, 0.6)
  2727. so("", Part, 1, 0.6)
  2728. so("", Part, 1, 1)
  2729. if hit ~= nil then
  2730. local refpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2731. refpart.CFrame = cf(pos)
  2732. refpart.Anchored = true
  2733. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart, 1)
  2734. MagicBlock(CustomColor, true, refpart.CFrame, 45, 45, 45, 4, 4, 4, 0.01)
  2735. MagicSphere("Black", refpart.CFrame, 35, 35, 35, 4, 4, 4, 0.02)
  2736. so("", refpart, 1, 0.6)
  2737. so("", refpart, 1, 0.6)
  2738. so("", refpart, 2, 2)
  2739. Damagefunc(hit, 40, 80, 60, "Normal", RootPart, 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2740. MagniDamage(refpart, 20, 10, 30, 40, "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2741. end
  2742. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  2743. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2744. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
  2745. Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + 0.01
  2746. end
  2747. Part.Parent = nil
  2748. end), orbpart, orbmesh)
  2749. for i = 0, 0.35, 0.004 do
  2750. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2751. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2752. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2753. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2754. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2755. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2756. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2757. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2758. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2759. if walkinganim == true then
  2760. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2761. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2762. else
  2763. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2764. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2765. end
  2766. end
  2767. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2768. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2769. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2770. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2771. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2772. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2773. end
  2774. for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do
  2775. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2776. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2777. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2778. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2779. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.25, 1 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2780. if Anim ~= "Walk" then
  2781. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2782. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2783. elseif Anim == "Walk" then
  2784. if walkinganim == true then
  2785. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2786. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(75)), 0.1)
  2787. else
  2788. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2789. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-75)), 0.1)
  2790. end
  2791. end
  2792. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2793. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2794. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2795. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, -0.75), 0.15)
  2796. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2797. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2798. end
  2799. attack = false
  2800. end
  2801. function Move5()
  2802. Chat("oiii")
  2803. attack = true
  2804. local oldspeedvalue = Speed.Value
  2805. Speed.Value = 0
  2806. for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do
  2807. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2808. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2809. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2810. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2811. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2812. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2813. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2814. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2815. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2816. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2817. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(-2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2818. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2819. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2820. end
  2822. for i = 0, 1, 0.015 do
  2823. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2824. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2825. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2826. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(180), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2827. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.5 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2828. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2829. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2830. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2831. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2832. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2833. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(-2, 5, 0.5), 0.15)
  2834. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2835. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2836. end
  2837. wait(.1)
  2838. so("", Torso, 1, 0.6)
  2839. for i = 0, 1, 0.25 do
  2840. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2841. MagicBlock("Bright violet"), true, leftarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, 1, 1, 1, 0.05)
  2842. MagicBlock("Dark indigo"), true, rightarm2.CFrame * cf(0, -5, 0), 30, 30, 30, 1, 1, 1, 0.05)
  2843. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 9 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2844. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2845. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2846. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2847. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.15)
  2848. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(35)), 0.15)
  2849. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2850. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2851. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2852. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2853. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-1.8, 3.5, 0), 0.15)
  2854. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2855. end
  2856. local refpart = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Bright violet"), "Effect", vt())
  2857. refpart.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(0, 500, -20)
  2858. refpart.Anchored = true
  2859. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart, 1)
  2860. local TheHit = refpart.Position + vt(0, -1, 0)
  2861. local MouseLook = cf((refpart.Position + TheHit) / 2, TheHit)
  2862. local hit, pos = rayCast(refpart.Position, MouseLook.lookVector, 999, Character)
  2863. local mag = (refpart.Position - pos).magnitude
  2864. local refpart2 = part(3, Effects, "Neon", 0, 1,"Dark indigo"), "Effect", vt())
  2865. refpart2.CFrame = cf(pos)
  2866. refpart2.Anchored = true
  2867. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(refpart2, 1)
  2868. MagicCylinder("Bright violet"), cf((refpart.Position + pos) / 2, pos) * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 145, mag * 145, 145, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.015)
  2869. if hit ~= nil then
  2870. MagicBlock("Dark indigo"), true, refpart2.CFrame, 15, 15, 15, 15.5, 15.5, 15.5, 0.005)
  2871. MagicSphere("Bright violet"), refpart2.CFrame, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 0.005)
  2872. MagicWave("Dark indigo"), refpart2.CFrame, 5, 5, 5, 2, 0.5, 2, 0.025)
  2873. MagicRing("Bright violet"), refpart2.CFrame * angles(math.rad(90), 0, 0), 12.5, 12.5, 12.5, 5, 5, 5, 0.025)
  2874. so("", refpart2, 1, 0.8)
  2875. so("", refpart2, 1, 0.8)
  2876. MagniDamage(refpart2, 99, 129, 149, math.random(10, 30), "Normal", 0, 1, 0, nil, true, true)
  2877. end
  2878. for i = 0, 1, 0.02 do
  2879. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2880. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 9 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2881. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.15)
  2882. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)) * RWC0, 0.15)
  2883. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1, 0.25 + idleangle, -0.5) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(30)) * LWC0, 0.15)
  2884. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, 0 - idleangle, -0.4) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-10)), 0.15)
  2885. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(35)), 0.15)
  2886. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.15)
  2887. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.15)
  2888. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2889. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 7, -0.5), 0.15)
  2890. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(-1.8, 3.5, 0), 0.15)
  2891. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.15)
  2892. end
  2893. Speed.Value = Speed.Value + oldspeedvalue
  2894. attack = false
  2895. end
  2897. hold = false
  2898. Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  2899. if attack == true or equipped == false then
  2900. return
  2901. end
  2902. hold = true
  2903. if attacktype == 1 then
  2904. attacktype = 2
  2905. attackone()
  2906. elseif attacktype == 2 then
  2907. attacktype = 3
  2908. attacktwo()
  2909. elseif attacktype == 3 then
  2910. attacktype = 4
  2911. attackthree()
  2912. elseif attacktype == 4 then
  2913. attacktype = 1
  2914. attackfour()
  2915. end
  2916. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2917. for i = 1, 50 do
  2918. if attack == false then
  2919. wait()
  2920. end
  2921. end
  2922. if attack == false then
  2923. attacktype = 1
  2924. end
  2925. end))
  2926. end)
  2927. if allowhopperbin == true then
  2928. function ob1u(Mouse)
  2929. hold = false
  2930. end
  2931. end
  2932. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  2933. if key == "f" and canunequiporequip == true and attack == false then
  2934. if equipped == false then
  2935. equipped = true
  2937. if disableanimate == true then
  2938. Animate.Disabled = true
  2939. local idleanimation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Torso.robloxidleanimation)
  2940. idleanimation:Play()
  2941. end
  2942. if disableanimator == true then
  2943. Animator.Parent = nil
  2944. end
  2945. if disablemovingarms == true then
  2946. RW.Parent = Torso
  2947. LW.Parent = Torso
  2948. RSH.Parent = nil
  2949. LSH.Parent = nil
  2950. end
  2951. equipanim()
  2952. elseif equipped == true then
  2953. equipped = false
  2954. unequipanim()
  2955. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  2956. if disablemovingarms == true then
  2957. RW.Parent = nil
  2958. LW.Parent = nil
  2959. RSH.Parent = Torso
  2960. LSH.Parent = Torso
  2961. end
  2962. if disableanimator == true then
  2963. Animator.Parent = Humanoid
  2964. end
  2965. if disableanimate == true then
  2966. Animate.Disabled = false
  2967. end
  2968. end
  2969. end
  2970. if key == "e" and attack == false and equipped == true then
  2971. EAbility()
  2972. end
  2973. if key == "z" and attack == false and equipped == true and cooldown1 >= co1 and mana >= skill1mana then
  2974. subtractmana(skill1mana)
  2975. cooldown1 = 0
  2976. Move1()
  2977. end
  2978. if key == "x" and attack == false and equipped == true and cooldown2 >= co2 and mana >= skill2mana then
  2979. subtractmana(skill2mana)
  2980. cooldown2 = 0
  2981. Move2()
  2982. end
  2983. if key == "c" and attack == false and equipped == true and cooldown3 >= co3 and mana >= skill3mana then
  2984. subtractmana(skill3mana)
  2985. cooldown3 = 0
  2986. Move3()
  2987. end
  2988. if key == "v" and attack == false and equipped == true and cooldown4 >= co4 and mana >= skill4mana then
  2989. subtractmana(skill4mana)
  2990. cooldown4 = 0
  2991. Move4()
  2992. end
  2993. if key == "b" and attack == false and equipped == true and cooldown4 >= co4 and mana >= skill4mana then
  2994. subtractmana(skill4mana)
  2995. cooldown4 = 0
  2996. Move5()
  2997. end
  2998. if key == "t" and attack == false and equipped == true and cooldown4 >= co4 and mana >= skill4mana then
  2999. DanceMoves()
  3000. end
  3001. if key == "m" then
  3002. hitfloor, posfloor = rayCast(RootPart.Position, cf(RootPart.Position, RootPart.Position - vt(0, 1, 0)).lookVector, 4, Character)
  3003. if hitfloor == nil then
  3004. RootPart.CFrame = RootPart.CFrame * cf(0, 12, 0)
  3005. end
  3006. end
  3007. end)
  3008. if allowhopperbin == true then
  3009. function key2(key)
  3010. end
  3011. end
  3012. if allowhopperbin == true then
  3013. function s(Mouse)
  3014. Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  3015. ob1d(Mouse)
  3016. end)
  3017. Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  3018. ob1u(Mouse)
  3019. end)
  3020. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(key)
  3021. Mouse.KeyUp:connect(key2)
  3022. end
  3023. end
  3024. if allowhopperbin == true then
  3025. function ds(Mouse)
  3026. end
  3027. end
  3028. if allowhopperbin == true then
  3029. Bin.Selected:connect(s)
  3030. Bin.Deselected:connect(ds)
  3031. end
  3032. function updateskills()
  3033. if allowabilitestofunction == true then
  3034. if cooldown1 <= co1 then
  3035. cooldown1 = cooldown1 + 0.03333333333333333
  3036. if cooldown1 >= co1 then
  3037. cooldown1 = co1
  3038. end
  3039. end
  3040. if cooldown2 <= co2 then
  3041. cooldown2 = cooldown2 + 0.03333333333333333
  3042. if cooldown2 >= co2 then
  3043. cooldown2 = co2
  3044. end
  3045. end
  3046. if cooldown3 <= co3 then
  3047. cooldown3 = cooldown3 + 0.03333333333333333
  3048. if cooldown3 >= co3 then
  3049. cooldown3 = co3
  3050. end
  3051. end
  3052. if cooldown4 <= co4 then
  3053. cooldown4 = cooldown4 + 0.03333333333333333
  3054. elseif cooldown4 >= co4 then
  3055. cooldown4 = co4
  3056. end
  3057. if changebarcolorsifnotenoughmana == true then
  3058. if mana <= skill1mana then
  3059. bar4.BackgroundColor3 = c3(0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196)
  3060. else
  3061. bar4.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3062. end
  3063. if mana <= skill2mana then
  3064. bar3.BackgroundColor3 = c3(0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196)
  3065. else
  3066. bar3.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3067. end
  3068. if mana <= skill3mana then
  3069. bar1.BackgroundColor3 = c3(0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196)
  3070. else
  3071. bar1.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3072. end
  3073. if mana <= skill4mana then
  3074. bar2.BackgroundColor3 = c3(0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196, 0.40784313725490196)
  3075. else
  3076. bar2.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3077. end
  3078. elseif changebarcolorsifnotenoughmana == false then
  3079. bar1.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3080. bar2.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3081. bar3.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3082. bar4.BackgroundColor3 = skillcolorscheme
  3083. end
  3084. end
  3085. if alternatemanaregensystem == false then
  3086. if mana <= maxmana then
  3087. mana = mana + recovermana / 30
  3088. elseif mana >= maxmana then
  3089. mana = maxmana
  3090. end
  3091. elseif alternatemanaregensystem == true then
  3092. if mana >= maxmana then
  3093. mana = maxmana
  3094. elseif manadelay <= manawait then
  3095. manadelay = manadelay + 1
  3096. else
  3097. manadelay = 0
  3098. mana = mana + 1
  3099. end
  3100. end
  3101. if allowstunbar == true then
  3102. if 0 >= StunValue.Value then
  3103. StunValue.Value = 0
  3104. elseif stundelay <= stunwait then
  3105. stundelay = stundelay + 1
  3106. else
  3107. stundelay = 0
  3108. StunValue.Value = StunValue.Value - 1
  3109. end
  3110. elseif allowstunbar == false then
  3111. StunValue.Value = 0
  3112. end
  3113. end
  3114. if allowmenutofunction == true then
  3115. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:connect(function()
  3116. updateskills()
  3117. if allowabilitestofunction == true then
  3118. framesk1:TweenSize(ud(0.26, 0, 0.06, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3119. framesk2:TweenSize(ud(0.26, 0, 0.06, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3120. framesk3:TweenSize(ud(0.26, 0, 0.06, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3121. framesk4:TweenSize(ud(0.26, 0, 0.06, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3122. bar1:TweenSize(ud(1 * (cooldown3 / co3), 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3123. bar2:TweenSize(ud(1 * (cooldown4 / co4), 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3124. bar3:TweenSize(ud(1 * (cooldown2 / co2), 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3125. bar4:TweenSize(ud(1 * (cooldown1 / co1), 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3126. end
  3127. manabar:TweenSize(ud(0.26, 0, 0.03, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3128. manacover:TweenSize(ud(1 * (mana / maxmana), 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3129. healthcover:TweenSize(ud(1 * (Character.Humanoid.Health / Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth), 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3130. if allowstunbar == true then
  3131. stunframe:TweenSize(ud(0.26, 0, 0.03, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3132. stunbar:TweenSize(ud(1 * (StunValue.Value / maxstun), 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3133. end
  3134. if showhealthmanaandstunnumbers == true then
  3135. manatext.Text = "Mana [" .. mana .. "]"
  3136. healthtext.Text = "Health [" .. Humanoid.Health .. "]"
  3137. if allowstunbar == true then
  3138. stuntext.Text = "Stun [" .. StunValue.Value .. "]"
  3139. end
  3140. end
  3141. if showstats == true then
  3142. defenseframe:TweenSize(ud(0.075, 0, 0.03, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3143. damageframe:TweenSize(ud(0.075, 0, 0.03, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3144. speedframe:TweenSize(ud(0.075, 0, 0.03, 0), "Out", "Quad", menuupdatespeed, constantupdate)
  3145. defensetext.Text = "Defense: " .. Defense.Value
  3146. damagetext.Text = "Damage: " .. Damage.Value
  3147. speedtext.Text = "Speed: " .. Speed.Value
  3148. end
  3149. end)
  3150. end
  3151. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:connect(function()
  3152. if Humanoid.Health < 100 and dieanim == false then
  3153. dieanim = true
  3154. Chat("No u")
  3156. unequipanim()
  3158. end
  3159. if Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  3160. if walkspeeddependsonspeedvalue == true then
  3161. if 0 > Speed.Value or StaggerAnim.Value == true or StunAnim.Value == true or StaggerHitAnim.Value == true then
  3162. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  3163. else
  3164. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 * Speed.Value
  3165. end
  3166. end
  3167. if StunValue.Value >= maxstun then
  3168. StunValue.Value = 0
  3169. StunAnim.Value = true
  3170. end
  3171. if StaggerAnim.Value == true and staganim == false then
  3172. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3173. staganim = true
  3174. while attack == true do
  3175. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  3176. end
  3177. Stagger()
  3178. StaggerAnim.Value = false
  3179. staganim = false
  3180. end))
  3181. end
  3182. if StaggerHitAnim.Value == true and staghitanim == false then
  3183. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3184. staghitanim = true
  3185. while attack == true do
  3186. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  3187. end
  3188. StaggerHit()
  3189. StaggerHitAnim.Value = false
  3190. staghitanim = false
  3191. end))
  3192. end
  3193. if StunAnim.Value == true and stunanim == false or 100 <= StunValue.Value then
  3194. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3195. StunValue.Value = 0
  3196. stunanim = true
  3197. while attack == true do
  3198. ArtificialHeartbeat.Event:wait()
  3199. end
  3200. Stun()
  3201. StunAnim.Value = false
  3202. stunanim = false
  3203. end))
  3204. end
  3205. sine = sine + change
  3206. someangle = someangle % 100 + change2 / 10
  3207. local torvel = (RootPart.Velocity * vt(1, 0, 1)).magnitude
  3208. local velderp = RootPart.Velocity.y
  3209. local lv = Torso.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(Torso.Velocity + Torso.Position)
  3210. hitfloor, posfloor = rayCast(RootPart.Position, cf(RootPart.Position, RootPart.Position - vt(0, 1, 0)).lookVector, 4, Character)
  3211. if donum >= 0.5 then
  3212. handidle = true
  3213. elseif donum <= 0 then
  3214. handidle = false
  3215. end
  3216. if handidle == false then
  3217. donum = donum + 0.002
  3218. else
  3219. donum = donum - 0.002
  3220. end
  3221. if equipped == true or equipped == false then
  3222. if attack == false then
  3223. idle = idle + 1
  3224. else
  3225. idle = 0
  3226. end
  3227. if not (idle >= 500) or attack == false then
  3228. end
  3229. if leftarm == true then
  3230. if Anim == "Walk" and equipped == true and attack == false then
  3231. if alternatewalk == false then
  3232. if walkinganim == true then
  3233. LW.C1 = clerp(LW.C1, LWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3234. else
  3235. LW.C1 = clerp(LW.C1, LWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3236. end
  3237. elseif walkinganim == true then
  3238. LW.C1 = clerp(LW.C1, LWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(45), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3239. else
  3240. LW.C1 = clerp(LW.C1, LWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-45), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3241. end
  3242. elseif Anim ~= "Walk" and equipped == true or attack == true then
  3243. LW.C1 = clerp(LW.C1, LWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3244. end
  3245. end
  3246. if rightarm == true then
  3247. if Anim == "Walk" and equipped == true and attack == false then
  3248. if alternatewalk == false then
  3249. if walkinganim == true then
  3250. RW.C1 = clerp(RW.C1, RWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3251. else
  3252. RW.C1 = clerp(RW.C1, RWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3253. end
  3254. elseif walkinganim == true then
  3255. RW.C1 = clerp(RW.C1, RWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-45), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3256. else
  3257. RW.C1 = clerp(RW.C1, RWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(45), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3258. end
  3259. elseif Anim ~= "Walk" and equipped == true or attack == true then
  3260. RW.C1 = clerp(RW.C1, RWC0 * cf(0, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3261. end
  3262. end
  3263. if allowwalking == true then
  3264. if Anim == "Walk" and equipped == true then
  3265. if alternatewalk == false then
  3266. if walkinganim == true then
  3267. RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, RHC1 * cf(0.2, -0.2, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3268. LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, LHC1 * cf(0.1, 0.2, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3269. else
  3270. RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, RHC1 * cf(-0.1, 0.2, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3271. LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, LHC1 * cf(-0.2, -0.2, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3272. end
  3273. elseif walkinganim == true then
  3274. RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(45)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3275. LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(45)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3276. else
  3277. RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3278. LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-45)), 0.2 * (Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16) / 2)
  3279. end
  3280. elseif Anim ~= "Walk" and equipped == true then
  3281. RH.C1 = clerp(RH.C1, RHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3282. LH.C1 = clerp(LH.C1, LHC1 * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3283. end
  3284. end
  3285. if velderp > 1 and hitfloor == nil then
  3286. Anim = "Jump"
  3287. if attack == false and equipped == true then
  3288. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3289. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3290. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)) * RWC0, 0.1)
  3291. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.1)
  3292. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, -0.3) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(-10), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)), 0.1)
  3293. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, -0.3) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(-10), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), 0.1)
  3294. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.1)
  3295. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
  3296. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.1)
  3297. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.1)
  3298. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.1)
  3299. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.1)
  3300. end
  3301. elseif velderp < -1 and hitfloor == nil then
  3302. Anim = "Fall"
  3303. if attack == false and equipped == true then
  3304. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3305. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3306. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(60)) * RWC0, 0.1)
  3307. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-60)) * LWC0, 0.1)
  3308. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), 0.1)
  3309. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(10)), 0.1)
  3310. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.1)
  3311. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
  3312. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.1)
  3313. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.1)
  3314. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.1)
  3315. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.1)
  3316. end
  3317. elseif torvel < 1 and hitfloor ~= nil then
  3318. Anim = "Idle"
  3319. if attack == false and equipped == true then
  3320. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.075)
  3321. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.075)
  3322. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)) * RWC0, 0.075)
  3323. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.075)
  3324. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.075)
  3325. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.075)
  3326. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.075)
  3327. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.075)
  3328. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.075)
  3329. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.075)
  3330. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.075)
  3331. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.075)
  3332. end
  3333. elseif torvel > 1 and hitfloor ~= nil then
  3334. Anim = "Walk"
  3335. walk = walk + 0.5
  3336. if walk >= 20 then
  3337. walk = 0
  3338. if walkinganim == true then
  3339. walkinganim = false
  3340. elseif walkinganim == false then
  3341. walkinganim = true
  3342. end
  3343. end
  3344. if attack == false and equipped == true then
  3345. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cf(0, 0, 12 + idleangle) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3346. Neck.C0 = clerp(Neck.C0, necko * cf(0, 0, 0) * angles(math.rad(10), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1)
  3347. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, cf(1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)) * RWC0, 0.1)
  3348. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, cf(-1.5, 0.5 + idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-20)) * LWC0, 0.1)
  3349. if walkinganim == true then
  3350. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(55)), 0.1)
  3351. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(55)), 0.1)
  3352. else
  3353. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cf(1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-55)), 0.1)
  3354. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cf(-1, -1 - idleangle, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-90), math.rad(0)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-55)), 0.1)
  3355. end
  3356. head2weld.C1 = clerp(head2weld.C1, cf(0, -2.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), 0.1)
  3357. torso2weld.C1 = clerp(torso2weld.C1, cf(0, 0, 0), 0.1)
  3358. rightarm2weld.C1 = clerp(rightarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.1)
  3359. leftarm2weld.C1 = clerp(leftarm2weld.C1, cf(0, 2.5, -0.5), 0.1)
  3360. rightleg2weld.C1 = clerp(rightleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.1)
  3361. leftleg2weld.C1 = clerp(leftleg2weld.C1, cf(0, 5, 0), 0.1)
  3362. end
  3363. end
  3364. end
  3365. end
  3366. end)
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