
Utility Bible I

Jun 11th, 2022
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  3. By Szmelc.INC / Silverainox
  5. As in title: **Best Utility Mods.**
  7. Here is some of my favorite utility mods:
  9. **Better F3** - Better debug screen, more, easy to read details.
  11. **DeathLog** - Log your death spots. Includes coordinates, time, cause and lost equipment
  13. **Litematica** - Builders best friend, what else to say, fantastic mod!
  15. **JS Macros / AdvancedMacros** - Two best Macro mods around, allows player to script macros in runtime. Perfect for automation and much more! [JSM uses JavaScript / AM mainly Lua]
  17. **NBT Editor** - Super simple but super effective editor mod to freely mess with NBT tags and more! [Comes with global 100 page e-storage available within any world or server]
  19. **Not Enough Servers** - Simple tiny mod, adds basic control over server list via in-game chat using commands like "/addserver <ip> <name>"
  21. **Notes** - As simple as it seems. Basic feature giving you functional "wordpad" inside the game.
  23. **SeedCrackerX** - Somewhat advanced algorithm usefull for cracking world seeds, detecting & predicting structures and more
  25. **Sodium, Phosphor, Lithium, Optifine and more!** - Essential for any Minecraft client. Allows for better optimization, FPS boosts and more!
  27. **JourneyMap / Xaero's Minimap** - Two most popular and advanced Minimap mods.
  29. **WagYourMinimap** - Less known, more raw minimap in early development by same guy who made JS Macros mod. Fully OpenSource, easy to re-fork and modify yourself.
  31. **Redstone Multimeter** - Absolutely BEST! Redstone related mod ever. RM implements fully functional redstone "osciloscope" for you to probe, measure, monitor anything live! [Ultimate precision, you can quickly tell exact circuit details down to tick]
  33. **In-Game-Account-Switcher** - Simple account manager for runtime. [Switch between your accounts without re-booting whole client]
  35. **MultiConnect** - Simple yet super usefull mods. Lets you join any outdated server as long as your client is same or newer version than server.
  37. **Skin-Swapper** - Simillar functionality like Account-Switcher but for skins. [Lets you quickly change skins in game, no need to log into Microsoft site] [Uses folder inside .minecraft to store skins, you can now fill it with dozen outfits and have them all ready to browse at anytime!]
  39. **Stendhal** - Entirely "Book" mod. Adds emojis for chat, anvil & sign as well as advanced legacy text formatting for "Writable Books" [Write any colorful, formatted text quickly without asking Google's help]
  41. **AdvancedChat [Core, Filters, HUD]** - Pack of chat related mods. Lets you create and manage windows, filters, and much more! [Ever wanted separate chat HUD's for each of your friends / global like modern social media websites? This one is for You!]
  43. **Patchouli** - This mod adds custom writable books with dozen of available designs and more! Not as "utility" as other mods from this list, but surely nice and pretty way to create guides and other in-game documentation for your Modpack, Client, Adventure Map and more!
  45. **Command Block IDE** - This mod turns your ordinary commandblocks into almost entire scripting software. Integrated development environment for CMDB's.
  47. **Pathsuggestion** - Better command suggestions in chat!
  49. **CraftTweaker** - Nice addition for all creators. Tweak your modpack or map to add / change crafting recipes quickly!
  51. **World Utils** - Neat mod for players in need of better world management tools! Removes duplicated entities, fixes missing blocks in maps, removes scheduled tile ticks and more!
  53. **ToolKit** - Smaller command mod, adding simple & usefull commands like "/tk killAll" or "/tk oredist *<dimension> <int>**"*** to tell you how many ores of said type are within X radius.
  55. **MoreCommands** - Adds over 100 new commands like "/fullbright", "/alias", "/calc" and more!
  57. **Config Swapper** - Swaps entire configuration file using commands.
  58. **World Primer** - Perfect mod for custom map creators and more! Allows to run sets of commands & generator functions prior to generating world.
  59. **Structure Expansion** - Increase size limit for structures and "/fill" commands!
  61. **Resource Reloader** - Allows to reload any resources while in-game like textures or models!
  62. **Command Keybindings** - Bind commands to keys for quick execution!
  63. **Hidden Names** - Hide and customize other player's names with commands!
  64. **Compact Help Command** - Big improvement to default "/help" adding tons of customization and tweaks!
  66. **MoreCommands** - Adds over 100 new commands like "/fullbright", "/alias", "/calc" and more!
  67. **Better Command Block Editor** - Simillar to Command Block IDE, adds fully featured IDE for command blocks!
  68. **Suggestion Provider Fix** - Improved suggestion for chat commands!
  70. **JourneyMap Tools** - Adds extra Map saver and Merger features for JourneyMap mod!
  72. **D3 Commands** - Even more usefull commands for both client & server. Adds commands like: "/heal", "/home", "/drain" and more!
  74. **World Handler** - Command GUI - Adds new GUI for quick and intuitive command use!
  75. Change settings by command - Another mod for command based settings tweak. Does exactly what it sounds like!
  76. **Recipe Commands** - Get any recipe with shape and materials list in chat using command.
  78. **Troll Commands** - Tiny "Troll" utility mod to mess with your friends. Adds commands like "/pumpkin", "/rickroll", "/jumpscare" and others alike.
  80. **Wiki Lookup** - Mod to bring Minecraft Wiki to you! Adds command to quickly browse wiki without opening browser. Can either parse you wiki definitions or open in new tab if you feel like more details are needed!
  82. **Critter Fights** - Tiny "entertainment" mod adds command to make any two creatures fight :) [Works with most vanilla & some modded mobs]
  84. **CommandStructures** - Simple mod to spawn Jigsaw structures with command.
  85. Save and Load Inventories - Improved "hotbar" mechanics using simple commands: "/saveinventory" & "/loadinventory".
  87. **Save and Load Inventories** - Improved "hotbar" mechanics using simple commands: "/saveinventory" & "/loadinventory".
  89. **Command Creative Tab** - Simple mod adding new Creative mode tabs for command spawned items.
  91. **Op Items Tab** - Simillar to Command Creative Tab, adds new Creative mode tab for unobtainable items like CMD blocks, Barriers and more. [Allows for full customization, works with both standard and NBT Modified items] [Its kinda extra Creative Tab for anything you need]
  92. **Useful Widgets Mod** - Adds Main menu buttons to re-direct you to each website like Curseforge, Youtube, Planetminecraft and more.
  94. **Modget** - "Modget is the first properly implemented Minecraft mod package manager" [Allows you to directly fetch any mod from Modrinth or GitHub repository using in game commands!
  95. **Permission Levels** - Choose permission level from 1 to 4 while using "/op"
  96. **NMCLC (NoMoreCapsLockCommands)** - Mod to ignore letter capitalisation for "/" commands.
  97. **Programmable Command Blocks (PCB)** - "This mod adds a new command block to your game: This block allows you to put your big command block creations in this one small block!"
  98. **Mods Command** - Adds "/mods", "/clientmods" as well as "/dumpmods" & "/dumpclientmods" commands.
  99. **Not Enough Keys** - Voice Commands - Mod to help with lack of spare keys to bind for huge modpacks by adding both keybind presets and voice commands.
  101. **Command GUI Buttons** - Create your personalized GUI windows with buttons bound to commands for quick access!
  102. **Editable Player NBT Hack** - This mod bypasses Vanilla restriction on modifying player NBT tags.
  103. **Commander** - Is a Minecraft mod which allows enhances command usage experience. Adds commands to run in a loop as well as whole framework to allow pre-programmed commands and more!
  104. **Helpful Commands** - Even more extra commands with dedicated GUI interface for extreme efficiency!
  105. **Hide HUD Util** - Adds "/hud" command to show, hide and manage all available interface elements!
  107. **Block Commands** - Powerfull replacement to ScriptBlock. Adds commands like "/commandcreate" & "/commandadd" to use with right click!
  109. **Kontrolo** - Adds a GUI to quickly access common commands. Currently supports weather setting, common time set commands, and gamemode commands.
  111. **Block Counter Mod** - Simple mod to calculate your block usage with simple command.
  112. **ResetChunks** - Simple mod to add "/resetchunks" command for Re-Generation of chunks.
  113. **AutoChat** - Yet another efficiency related mod that adds chat functionalities.
  114. **JourneyMap QOL** - Yet another extension for JourneyMap mod. This one allows better command control over waypoints, including sharing, editing and more!
  115. **Command Blocks Survival** - Allows use of Command blocks in survival mode.
  116. Devside Tools - Another pack of extra handy commands for developers and more!
  117. **Kommands** - Simple, easy to use and configure mod to add your own custom commands!
  118. **Keep Command History** - Simple mod to save command & system message history for later re-visions!
  119. **BloodDebug** - Extra debug commands, to log all entities, find items in each dimension, find coords of given item and more!
  120. **Ben's Redstone Tools** - This mod adds few quality of life commands to make working with Redstone easier. Some commands include: "/wool / glass color" to get colored wool & glass quickly. Other commands include "/bar x" to give barrel / shulker / lectern etc with exact signal strength and more!
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