

Oct 13th, 2016
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  1. I'm your MILF neighbour. It was early morning, and surely no one would be awake. I had to get something out of my car, and sure if I just went out nude that would be okay since I would be quick. But it wasn't quick, I had forgot where I put it, and as I searched, I felt a hand behind me reach and grab me by my pussy.
  3. You were my young neighbour(18-25), who came out in just his boxers to get the newspaper, but clearly you couldn't resist me in my naked form. I had recently heard the new donald trump news, and clearly was not pleased it happened to me by someone. I reached around, and grabbed your arm, looking up slowly and locking my gaze as the rage started to form. "Oh, you wan't to be like donald trump do you? I'll make sure that happens."
  5. I drag you inside against your will, because obviously the other option was calling the cops, and you weren't going to have that. Three main things will happen, and possibly more as I think of them.
  7. First off, I remove your boxers. I tie you down to a table, and decide your pubic hair must go. It's pretty much a cock mustache, and mustaches are most associated with mexicans usually, and of course donald trump is against mexicans. So I will shave that off, with shaving cream. White shaving cream, because white is superior of course. Once I get your skin nice and smooth the next phase begins.
  9. In the next stage of trumping you, I get out a paint brush and some orange paint. Donald trump was orange, and you will be as well. I might even shave the rest of your body hairs as well, to get the paint to work better. Painting everything from your balls and cock to your ass, covering your entire body.
  11. You were close to appearance, but your hair was off. I will be using an electric razor to shave you bald, and paint that orange since obviously I missed that spot before. Afterwords I get a blonde toupe-like wig, to match trumps, and superglue it to your head.
  13. Ah, perfect. Now to really make you feel like donald trump. Donald trump wanted to ban muslims, so I needed to help you hate them too. I will be using a metal toy airplane, and holding your balls, I mean, your "twin towers" and jabbing them forcefully into you. Feel the pain the muslims caused? Ready to ban them yet little trump?
  14. How could I forget you like walls? Of course I'll be sure to remind you. By fucking you with a strapon against any wall in my house I see fit.
  16. After I've had my fun their, it's time to let you take action. We'll be Kidnapping our elderly 70 year old lady, Ms. Doris. She was a nice old lady. But since trump enjoys calling Hillary Crooked, I figured it was only fair that I force you take an innocent old lady and grab her by the pussy. Then you can fuck her "crooked", and then when done we can "put her behind bars" by tying her to the bed and humiliating her. Then get really violent, and abusive, intimidating her. Because that seems to be a popular tactic by trump, you will use it too. But not only with whips and toys, you'll be using those tiny little hands of yours as well.
  18. But since the elections rigged and trump will get screwed in november, it's only fitting that you get screwed in the end as well. After a few minutes of watching through my secret window into the room, I finally step in. I will pretend to be scared, and act like I've never seen you in here all day. I'll lock the door behind me, and untie her, and help tie you down. I'll be letting her use my strapon as well, that way you can get totally fucked. Did I mention I grabbed the bigger one than before? I'll be video taping the whole thing and giving it to her to do as she wishes, blackmail you, give it to your relatives, or the cops. I mean, chances are she'll just delete it or store it on her private server at home, but with her having that tape you know you're just eternally fucked over.
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