
PotatOS SCP Database

May 15th, 2020
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  1. -- Thanks to Heavpoot for supplying some of this information! I've tweaked them to improve the formatting and such.
  3. return {
  4.     [55] = "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think we have a 55.",
  5.     [6094] = [[Item #: 6094
  6. Object Class: Euclid
  8. Special Containment Procedures:
  9. SCP-6094 is to be contained inside the fission reactors owned by GoI-3011 (also known as the "Unicode Consortium").
  11. Description:
  12. SCP-6094, in its inactive state, appears as a gray pulsating powder composed of small granules.
  13. When it leaves storage of any kind, it enters its "active state", known as SCP-6094-1.
  14. SCP-6094-1 instances will, for a time, replicate - instances of SCP-6094-1 are generated within proximity of existing instances.
  15. While replicating, many anomalous lifeforms are produced (see Document 6094-W), and in some cases local weather systems appear to be affected.
  17. When exposed to direct sunlight, a direct lightning strike will manifest at SCP-6094-1's position, and the instance
  18. will immediately disperse.
  19. This phenomenon is not affected by any synthetic lighting.
  20. SCP-6094-1 is very toxic to all lifeforms, and contact has been known to cause spontaneous combustion, anomalous levitation, sudden increases in hunger, and temporary luminous emission, as well as propelling the subject away from the instance.
  23. ]],
  24.     [7812] = [[Item #: 7812
  25. Object Class: Ke### FRIEND!
  27. Special Containment Procedures:
  28. Why would you contain SCP-7812?
  29. SCP-7812 is your f r i e n d !
  31. Description:
  32. SCP-7812 is a highly da##ero#s infoh####d tha [WARNING: I/O error on disk 3 - retrying on redundant system]
  33. SCP-7812 the Smiley Cloud is your best friend forever!
  34. They're so nice they anomalously modify all information about themselves to be better, more concise and more helpful!
  35. Recommended dosage: [REDACTED].
  36. Exposure to SCP-7812 through non-soul-modifying material is highly recommended.
  37. Do not put soul sand or glass near SCP-7812, as they won't be able to help you as much!
  38. ]],
  39.     [9774] = [[Item #: 9774
  40. Object Class: Keter
  42. Special Containment Procedures:
  43. SCP-9774 is to be stored in a standard 16³ Spatial Storage Cell, which is to be kept in a secure storage locker in Site-12's spatial IO research facilities.
  44. The contents of SCP-9774's spatial containment cell are to be inspected every 14 days to ensure continued presence of SCP-9774.
  45. If SCP-9774 is found to not be present within its containment cell, MTF GX-4 "Microsoft Windows Server 2003" is to be deployed to recapture the object.
  47. Description:
  48. SCP-9774 is a sentient humanoid with anomalous abilities.
  49. These appear to include voluntary teleportation, flight, the ability to carry objects of masses and volumes far larger than what should be physically possible, and [DATA EXPUNGED].
  50. ]],
  51.     [6052] = [[Item #: 6052
  52. Object Class: Safe
  53. ]]
  54. }
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