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- const baseUrl = '';
- const appKey = 'kid_Sy6caBwnB';
- const appSecret = '59ea654c53c1492cb5a59cd5cddc5962';
- function makeAuth(type) {
- return type === 'Basic'
- ? 'Basic ' + btoa(`${appKey}:${appSecret}`)
- : 'Kinvey ' + sessionStorage.getItem('authtoken');
- }
- function makeHeaders(method, data, type) {
- const headers = {
- method,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- Authorization: makeAuth(type),
- },
- };
- if(method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT'){
- headers.body = JSON.stringify(data);
- }
- return headers;
- }
- function handleError(res){
- if(res.status === 409) {
- alert('This username is already used!');
- }
- if (!res.ok) {
- throw new Error(`Something went wrong! Status: ${res.status}, Status text: ${res.statusText}`);
- }
- if(res.status === 204){
- return res;
- }
- return res.json();
- }
- function fetchData(module, endpoint, headers) {
- return fetch(`${baseUrl}/${module}/${appKey}/${endpoint}`, headers)
- .then(handleError);
- }
- export function get(module, endpoint, type) {
- const headers = makeHeaders('GET', type);
- return fetchData(module, endpoint, headers);
- }
- export function post(module, endpoint, data, type) {
- const headers = makeHeaders('POST', data, type);
- return fetchData(module, endpoint, headers);
- }
- export function put(module, endpoint, data, type) {
- const headers = makeHeaders('PUT', data, type);
- return fetchData(module, endpoint, headers);
- }
- export function del(module, endpoint, type) {
- const headers = makeHeaders('DELETE', type);
- return fetchData(module, endpoint, headers);
- }
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