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- #!/usr/bin/env perl6
- use v6.c;
- # Advent of Code 2017, day 15:
- # Use with an input file containing two numbers, e.g.
- # 65 8921
- sub generator(int $init, int $times, int $modulo)
- {
- my int $value = $init;
- lazy gather loop {
- $value = ($value ร $times) % $modulo;
- take $value;
- }
- }
- multi sub MAIN(IO() $inputfile where *.f)
- {
- my ($init-A, $init-B) = $inputfile.slurp.comb(/\d+/)ยป.Int;
- my @gen-A = generator($init-A, 16807, 2147483647);
- my @gen-B = generator($init-B, 48271, 2147483647);
- # Part 1
- my $count = 0;
- for ^40_000_0 -> $i {
- $count++ if @gen-A[$i] +& 65535 == @gen-B[$i] +& 65535;
- }
- say "Judge's final count: $count";
- }
- multi sub MAIN()
- {
- MAIN($*PROGRAM.parent.child('aoc15.input'));
- }
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