
SOMA Walkthrough

Jan 25th, 2021
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  1. ________________
  2. GAME WALKTHROUGH\______________________________________________________________
  5. _______
  6. CREDITS\_______________________________________________________________________
  8. CREATED BY: R.SCORPIO 2020 - 2021
  15. Most things in the apt you can interact with, Interesting but not really game
  16. related. The tracer fluid - UPpper desk drawer
  18. -SUBWAY
  19. Nothing here - Listen to phone call if immersiveness.
  22. Code is in UPper desk drawer (LEFT side)
  23. Read computer - lots of storyline prep.
  24. The rest is linear. just watch..
  26. --] A W A K E N I N G [--
  29. - Go to red light far wall, LEFT side, throw the switch to turn on the lights
  30. - Use fire extinguisher to bust out window (have to toss it 2x)
  31. - Go out window, then remove lock from door. you will be able to open
  32. the door now
  33. - Leave this room, and turn RIGHT,
  34. ---- follow all the way to the end hall
  35. ---- enter this room (has broken doors) and vere RIGHT DOWN the stairs
  36. ---- Once there the lights will shut off
  37. ---- skip the stairs on the LEFT, go to the next stairs, remove the lock
  38. (then hide - monster comes out
  39. ---- tool on the desk to your RIGHT. Read instr. you'll see you need a chip
  41. - Run back to start room.
  43. --- Insert OMNITOOL on desk
  44. --- click computer and select UNLOCK TOOL BOX (you'll hear a click noise)
  45. --- Leave computer and click the slots on the LEFT sodie of the OMNI TOOL,
  46. --- You will get a chip
  47. --- Click on omni tool and the chip will insert.
  48. --- back to pc, click "MANAGE TOOL CHIP" -> UPDATE
  49. --- Your done, remove tool
  51. - Leave Room and go LEFT
  52. - Follow this, making LEFT TURNS, and you will come to steps going DOWN.
  53. - Use OMNITOOL on the door
  55. ---] TUNNEL (still looks human here) [---
  56. - Story stuff here.. enjoy
  57. - Follow through til you get to a room (its a linear path)
  58. - LIghts will go out.
  59. - You have to touch the WAU. This will make the button to the LEFT active
  60. - Press button, open the duct - you will have to click to eneter duct
  61. - Follow this all the way, you will eventually get to another door
  65. --] S T A T I O N C O N T R O L [--
  66. - Diconnect the bot - he's hogging all the juice :-)
  67. - turn on the console (yellow button)
  68. - The computer (pretty easy)
  69. --- Press button 1(LEFT) until the bar goes into the green
  70. --- Immediately press button 2 and wait til that goes into the green
  71. --- And finally, presss button 3 to lock it in place.
  72. - Everything should power UP now.
  74. - When done, a new button will appear - use that to open the exit
  75. - Leave and take the cat-walk LEFT and follow it to the next intersection
  76. - when you walk forward the cat-walk will collaps.
  77. - you will fall
  78. - you want to get to the stiars to the LEFT where you fell.
  79. - if you sneak it is pretty easy.
  80. - Hit the first level at the first landing to open the hatch
  81. - then close it when you reach the top.
  82. - Nothing in here, so continue to the top to the control room
  84. --] C O N T R O L R O O M [--
  85. - Go to the room past the stairs. (under stairs room nothing)
  86. - You will see CARL SIMKEN dead. Look at ID tag (id=login code )
  87. - Exit back from the hallway. Now open the door on your RIGHT
  88. - Wall DOWN the stairs and go LEFT, and shut off power
  89. - Go to the computer
  90. - Login with ID # (you will be logged in as CARK SEMKIN)
  91. - Turn on STORAGE, FLOW CONTROL and COMM
  92. - Go to main stairs in center of room and pull DOWN switch to open hatch
  93. - Go to the computer and do the puzzle for LAMBDA
  94. - SIMON/CATHERINE will chat a bit
  96. --] F I R S T M E T A M O R P H I S [--
  97. --] GO TO LAMBDA [--
  98. SIMON will start to see he is not normal - scuba suit
  99. - Go to where there is a breech in the dome (by the computers) and climb out
  100. - Follow the path that is lighted by the poles with 4 lights
  101. - Eventually you will come to a DATA box, (listen if you want)
  102. - Keep following the lights for one more, then stay to the LEFT
  103. - You will come to EPISILON B, and to the RIGHT you will see a stuck bot - FREE IT
  104. - Keep following the YELLOW lights and 4x Pole lights, the bot will follow
  105. - The 4xPole lights will be off, but light UP as you come near them
  106. - You should end UP at the SHUTTLE STATION UPSILON 3.
  107. - Click the open button, the bot will lazer cut it for you.
  108. -Go inside and swipe!
  111. --] S H U T T L E S T A T I O N [--
  113. -Take the broken passage on the RIGHT
  114. - Follow the tunnel, then there will be a break in the LEFT wall,
  115. follow that, then back to the tunnel,
  116. - Keep going any you will come to a room with a partially live woman
  117. - Chat w/her if you like
  118. - Pull the WAU tenticles - it is absorbing the power
  119. - Run all the way back to the trams.
  120. - Open the panel under the red light.
  121. - Enter the functional tram.
  122. - place the OMNITOOL in the panel
  123. - pull all 3 switches DOWN, red button will flash
  124. - Sit in chair - Monitor will come DOWN,
  125. - Select LAMDA for destination
  126. - click OK. and your off..
  127. - Watch the movie - sorry can't bypass it
  130. --] L A M B D A [--
  131. - After you crash, look for the green light, pull UP on the level to
  132. blow the window
  133. - DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE OMNITOOL, or you will have to walk back
  135. - Walk DOWN the tunnel and you will hear a phone ring, answer it..
  136. - SIMON/CATHERINE chat...
  137. - hard to see, but on the LEFT side there is a hatch that has EXIT
  138. written on it - use it.
  139. - Follow tunnel, and climb ladder.
  140. - Swipe OMNITOOL.
  141. - Wait a min and the top hatch opens with a ladder that drops
  142. - Follow path, stay with the lights
  143. - You will see 2 yellow lambda lights, its a pretty straight shot there.
  144. - You will come to the building, button, swipe, drain water, enter!
  145. - follow the hall toward the bRIGHT white light
  146. - when you get to the grated floor TURN LEFT!
  147. - Go around the bend and open the door on the LEFT
  148. - MEET CATHERINE, square animated monitor.
  149. - Follow her instructions to migrate her to the OMNITOOL
  150. - Leave room, and go RIGHT and exit the way you came in (to the tunnel)
  151. - enter the first door on your RIGHT (should be open now)
  152. - *** Solve computer puzzle (Use the computer on the LEFT)
  153. - ONce done, SIMON/CATHERINE chat. then leave the complex
  154. - Once out, continue RIGHT...
  155. - enter the shuttle, plug her in. chat..
  156. - step out of the shuttle and go LEFT
  157. - follow the lights, eventually you come UPon a strip of lights,
  158. keep following those.
  159. - it will clear, but follow path til you get to the door with a red light
  160. - swipe to open.
  161. - go LEFT once you enter
  162. - climb ladder, then turn LEFT again..
  163. - follow to the wall and you will find a passage, follow that
  164. - once you exit. continue to follow path (follow the dist. red lights)
  165. - Look for an entrance under a canopy.
  166. - clomb the ladder
  167. - take stairs to top. ignore the first door - doesn't open
  168. - follow hallway and open second door and take the stairs.
  169. - take stairs all the way to the top
  170. - enter door (save point)
  171. - go LEFT, and open door
  172. - go through hallways and open 2nd door
  174. - go to the T and take a RIGHT
  175. - follow that until you see F-13 on yur RIGHT and turn RIGHT
  176. - take that to f-12 and turn RIGHT again
  177. - short walk to f-11 and turn LEFT
  178. - turn dial and ladder will fall
  179. - follow to first door on the LEFT
  180. - you'll be at F-2.3, turn LEFT and go around the corner F2.2
  181. - walk into the shuttle bay (pretty obvious where its at)
  186. -when leaving shuttle go RIGHT this time (everything you need will be on this
  187. floor and the next.-
  188. - go to the corner and follow it LEFT, and enter the room on your RIGHT.
  189. - exit the room on the other side (same wall) you will be facing F2.1
  190. - go RIGHT then UP the stairs
  191. - go UP the next flight of stairs you will now be facing F3.1
  192. - go RIGHT (note: keep that first door closed, nothing in it, but it
  193. will help you not to accidently run into it during the chase back)
  194. - open the brown door (has no light above it), again leave the other doors shut
  195. - go straight back to the stairs and go UP them.
  196. -enter the next open door on the LEFT. and walk to the second set pair of steps
  197. [ SPOILER ]
  198. - you only need to pull 3 of the WAU tentilces
  199. - the power will knock you out for a sec, and you will have to run back
  200. - remember how? thats why you want to keep the wasted doors closed
  201. - I just pull 1 from the second set of steps and the other two UP front.
  202. - once you recover, you will be facing the back of the room, turn arond
  203. and run back to the shuttle, CATHERINE will shut the door
  207. [[ D E L T A ]]
  208. - grab the omni tool
  209. - push on the exit door, and it will trigger teh bot to cut you out
  210. - walk to the center of of DELTA
  211. [PUZZLE]
  212. - You have to call one of the transports. To do this, you have to
  213. mess with the two devices diaganal from each other. One shows you the signal
  214. the other orients the antenna. figure that out. and continu
  215. [/PUZZLE]
  216. - ONce done the transport will arrive (under teh awning ZEPPLIN TRANSPORT)
  217. - SIMON/CATHERINE chat
  218. - You need a chip, take the stun gun from the toolbox to theLEFT of you (just opened)
  219. just press the orange button and a panel will open
  220. - take that and shoot the big robot rambling on (not your buddy bot)
  221. - takes 3 hits, then grab the chip. go back to the transport and install it
  223. - Hit the switch and you are off!
  227. [[ T H E T A ]]
  229. - UPon arrival just walk straight ahead.
  230. - open the panel and power everything UP
  231. - enter and swipe, then enter THETA
  232. - once in, grab a tool box (front of you to the LEFT) then
  233. go UP the ramp RIGHT of the entrance and break the window (takes 2 hits)
  235. - plug in the OMNITOOL at the first desk on the LEFT (in front of window)
  236. - SIMON/CATHERINE CHAT then she will unlock all the doors
  237. - exit room (via door or glass), and go UP the ramp across the hanger
  238. - enter the first door you come to.
  239. - follow hallway to the first intersection
  240. - turn RIGHT and follow it to the door,
  241. - remove lock, and enter
  242. - to the RIGHT is a computer and a box to the RIGHT of it - open that
  243. take out a cartridge
  244. - once in the room go RIGHT to the next room
  245. - then go to the room attached to that (has all the cyclinders)
  246. - go tot he 2nd cylinder and take the new cartrigde (you will have to rotate it a coUPle times)
  247. - go back to the prev room to the computer terminal and insert it
  248. - we need some power...
  249. - leave back to the hanger and take the next door - LEFT on the catwalk
  250. - CATHERINE will talk about some monster
  251. - take the stairs all the way DOWN.
  252. NOTE: one of these steps are broke, so on the way back you will have to
  253. "click" to climb.
  254. - once at the bottom, you want the door across the room, not the
  255. 2 on the LEFT. You'll know as the room looks pretty clean, just spooky
  256. - Your objective is all the way to the back of the room,
  257. I found it easier to just stay to the LEFT most, and just zig your way back there.
  259. - first you will have to hit the button
  260. panel will open.
  261. flip switch DOWN.
  262. go hide - as it is powering UP. takes a few seconds.
  263. then you need to hit the switch UP within 40 seconds or
  264. or you will have to start over.
  265. - now that the power is on, run back to CATHERINE, and she'll tell you to run a sim.
  266. - go back to the room where you found the chip
  267. - once in the computer pick BRANDON.
  268. - press RUN (it will fail)
  269. - run out the room and back DOWN the hallway to the intersection
  270. - turn RIGHT this time, open the door - should look like living quarters
  271. - go in BRANDON'S ROOM - click on computer and read posts
  272. - if you havent already listen to the data on the wall (REQUIRED! or story will not progresss)
  273. - that will fufill what we need so far
  274. - run across to CATHERINE scan room and insert chip
  275. - copy the BEACH over to it.
  276. - now go back and run the sim with the NONE and ALICE selected
  277. -run back to CATHERINE
  281. ]] DUNBAT [[
  282. - HEAD back to the hanger and use the OMNITOOL to open the dock
  283. - once you enter, take care of a small matter: look to your LEFT and move
  284. the ladder to the air duct (the button will be red RIGHT now)
  285. - GO TO THE other side of the room and plug in the cord to the machine.
  286. - press orange button and start turning dials
  287. no matter what you do, your gonna get knocked out after the 4th dial
  288. - now go back to your ladder and climb UP, hit the open button and enter the duct.
  289. - follow the duct, you will fall a level. but keep going to the end.
  290. - you will end UP in the ARK room. put OMNITOOL in computer on your LEFT.
  292. ]] ARK ROOM [[
  293. - SIMON/CATHERINE chat
  294. - get into the capsule for inspection...(I think this is required. never did it w/0 doing it)
  296. - go to the terminal, you will see it says no device connected, go to the side of it
  297. and plug the cable in.
  299. sys_physics_rigid
  300. sys_physics_fluid
  301. sys_phys_buoy
  302. sys_wmod_atmo
  303. sys_interface_scan
  304. sys_wmod_dynlight
  305. sys_gen_veg_adv
  306. scn_forest
  307. pkg_soma_hum
  308. env_mod_river
  309. ext_moon_full
  311. hit next
  312. click DUMMY
  313. -> start simulation
  314. -> change the RESOURCE DOWN TO 5%
  315. -> Pause when it says DUMMY.
  316. -> RUN DIAG.
  317. EXIT the termimnal..
  320. [[ ELEVATOR FIX ]]
  321. This next part we need a chip, it is on a person, that person is in omega management room
  322. with a cracked glass. - we could break it, but then you have to deal with a monster
  323. so the next few steps allow you to unlock that door w/o drawing too much attn to monster.
  325. - GO to the elevtor and swipe
  326. - take a 2nd LEFT (not the immediate one)
  327. - go all the way to the catwalk
  328. - then take a RIGHT, thenanother RIGHT back into the facility
  329. - go past the broekn wall and take the first LEFT.
  330. - follow it all the way DOWN to the security room. straight ahead.
  331. - to get the door unlocked (with the cracked glss) lock another door,
  332. this will give us the power we need to unlock the other door
  333. - take the cat walk back to omega management
  334. - now the door will open
  335. - get the chip off BRANDON,
  336. - head back to the security room (where you opened the doors) we have to
  337. reprogram this chip
  338. - put in the terminal and program it
  339. - NOW run back to elevaort, insert, pull levers, close door and press
  340. - you will enter elevator
  341. - hit transport - doors will close.
  342. [[ if you did all the above, you should have very minimal encounters with a mob. ]]
  344. - ELEVATOR will fall, and stop.
  345. - open trap door in the floor
  346. - go DOWN.. no matter how you do it, you will fall and blackout
  347. - clomb backUP to the first door - SIMON will move automatically when you reach it
  348. - follow hallway
  349. - take first LEFT and go to stairs... WAU will try to kill you.
  350. - you will become one of those deformed machines you have been seeing.
  351. - break free by moving around
  352. - you'll find your back at the entrance again.. this time go striaght to the next door
  353. - go LEFT from where your standing
  354. - ignore the first door as yyou turn RIGHT, go across that grated passage
  355. - follow to the next door straight ahead
  356. - open it, and enter. you will pass a double door and come to a
  357. chair by a desk with air duct straight ahead.
  358. - very short walk to the exit duct
  359. - drop DOWN, and go LEFT to the next door
  360. - open that, follow the passage DOWN to another duct on your RIGHT.
  361. - follow this, should take you to a storage room - one exit. use it.
  362. - the next following rooms only have one exit, use those.
  363. - you will get to a room with a red lock on the LEFT, we're gonna fix that
  364. - go to the next room
  365. - this room you need to take off the electric panel on the far end and
  366. prime the power.
  367. now go back to the preve room and open the door
  369. ]] TIME FOR A SWIM [[
  370. - jump in the water
  371. - go RIGHT and take the ladder all the way UP
  372. - walk the catwalk to the end. off to the righ tyou will see a red eye
  373. - take the catwalk to that section
  374. - take the ladder UP
  375. - walk across the cat walk, and DOWN the ladder that on the LEFT
  376. - look LEFT and DOWN and you will see a chain fense UP against a door
  377. - jump DOWN to this ledge.
  378. - remove the screen
  379. - enter the tunnel
  380. - follow it, when you get to the end go LEFT, RIGHT is closed - we'll fix that
  381. - go to the end of this room and pull the level, it will open that door
  382. - now go back to the door and follow the tunnel
  383. - you will get blasted with water and shoot you out of the building.
  384. ( no you cannot go back through the tunnel LOL, I tried)
  387. - head on DOWN the path you are faceing. IT IS pretty straight forward.
  388. - when you get there you cannot get in.
  389. - look to your RIGHT, there is a dome like structure, go to that, enter from the
  390. ladder under it.
  391. - Omnicron does'nt work here (yet)
  393. ]] PUZZLE [[ get the power back on.
  395. - open the manual over ride panel and pull the lever
  396. - pull the other lever DOWN
  397. - open both wheels.
  398. - go back to the manual overrid and pull the lever again.
  399. - water will drain now go UP the ladder (heal)
  400. - put omnicron in terminal (cant read anything from human)
  402. - GO TO THE red lighted panel and solve this PUZZLE.
  403. - behind you is a malfunctioning terminal - click the button with random letters
  404. this will give you the code you need 5422
  405. - go to the terminal next to CATHERINE, and click OMNICRON button, enter code to
  406. lift quarintine
  408. - clomb back DOWN, use OMNITOOL and swipe, this will fill back UP with water
  409. allowing you to exit this building and head back to omnicron.
  411. - enter omnicron, swipe and the usual wiat to drain.
  412. - malfunction, leave and go LEFT to the broken ladders and catwalks
  413. - it is a straight shot to the next door, dont fall, follow the catwalk
  414. you will come to a ladder, go DOWN and enter the door.
  415. - Now you can get in.
  419. - take the door on the LEFT (we'll get back to the other shortly)
  420. [ follow signes for the "DIVE ROOM"
  421. - follow stairs all the way UP, and enter the door.
  422. - then take the RIGHT door (containment F1)
  423. - once inside, only door to exit is across from you (LEFT and RIGHT locked) use this door
  424. - go RIGHT and take the first door on the LEFT (dive room is farther DOWN but its locked)
  425. this room is part of the DIVE ROOM.
  426. - once in, continu to the RIGHT through an open door that leads to a hallway
  427. follow this to the next door, open it to the DIVE ROOM
  428. - walk in and put the OMNITOOL in place and CATHERINE willchat away...
  429. - go RIGHT to the terminal table and press the orange button.
  430. - then go open door "D"
  431. - click on the power suit.
  432. - go back to the terminal, and try to activate suit (wont work, OFC, missing parts)
  433. - after chat, all the locks will be open..
  437. [[ CHIP ]]
  438. - go back DOWN stairs EAST STAIRWELL F1.(leave and take containment F2 - F1)
  439. - you will end UP where you were when you got here, now enter FB and head to the terminal
  440. in front of you.
  441. [[ PUZZLE ]] this one is pretty easy.
  442. it will unlock the door to the LEFT. (SOUTH HALL FB)
  444. [[ PUZZLE ]] another easy one. this will get you the chip.
  446. [[ GEL ]]
  447. - head back UP to the sitars and back to CONTAINMENT F1 (has the doctor chair in the center of the room)
  448. to the LEFT is a control panel
  449. - override this one - no puzzle but will unlock the door directly across from you and behind you
  450. - go through the one behind you.
  451. - you will have to go through a scan and another door before you reach the next room
  452. - go to where the gel is at (behind glass) and press the button, - it fails (duh)
  453. needs another chip.
  454. - we'll fix this one... grab it (the door popped open when it failed)
  455. - go to the glassroom, and put it in the 2nd compartment.
  456. - move the lazer over it and apply gel
  457. - remove it, insert it back in the safter glass panel, open and take gell
  459. [[ POWER PACK ]]
  460. - leave the room and take the RIGHT door and go RIGHT to the maint room
  462. GO UP the stiars.
  463. take a RIGHT and enter the door on the LEFT CONTAINMENT F2
  464. - another terminal to override. No puzzle (just make sure UPPER FLOOR is selected.
  465. - go LEFT to the power room
  466. - skip the STORAGE on the RIGHT and go to the open room
  467. - Make your way to the back of this room, Remove the panel and take the last power pack
  468. there are two panels in this room, its the farthest one in the back.
  469. - once you get that, make your way back to the DIVE ROOM (where omnicron is at)
  470. YES you will be chased. get truckin!!! :-P
  473. - go back to the suit and add everything - stir well LOL
  474. The rest is self explanitory, CATHERINE will guide you
  476. [[ PUZZLE ]]
  477. You will have to sync the computer to the RIGHT of the chair pretty easy.
  478. 157 (hint)
  480. - once the drama is doen, grab CATHERINE and exit through the big round door
  481. - take a RIGHT on the catwalk. follow it to the ladder
  482. - it will take you to the elevator, plug in CATHERINE AND start UP the elevator
  483. [[ lOTS OF CHATTING HERE...]]
  484. eventually the elevator will get stuck. Go on the top side,
  485. open electrical box and turn the UPper LEFT button to fix it.
  487. sit DOWN to start it back UP again.
  488. More cut scene..
  490. when elevator lands start walkng the path,
  491. - there is a light switch to the RIGHT, pull DOWN
  492. - next one pull DOWN, it will light UP BLUE lights. follow those.
  493. - eventually you will arrive at a small building. you can pull the lever inside
  494. but it will break.
  495. - go back outside by the sign, and go forward a little, yhou will see
  496. a green light. start following that and more lights will show UP.
  497. - just follow the green and blue lights.. should get you to an old building to the LEFT
  498. - enter that, and go to the pack and pull the leveR DOWN.
  499. - pwer will kick on, go back outside, and go al ittle further and there will be a terminal
  500. - click tau. and wiat, and a BOT will come out.
  501. - follow the bot, it will light your way to TAU.
  502. - sadly it gets attacked and put out of commision,
  503. - now follow all the green lights..
  504. - it will take you through a long cavern, when you exit DO NOT GO TOWARD THE LIGHT
  505. BAD FISH :-)
  506. - follow the cable in the ground to the RIGHT. IT WILL lead you back to the
  507. BLUE lights.
  508. - after al ong walk you will tome to TAU.
  511. [[ TAU ]]
  513. - lk all the way im, passing a coUPle door, til you get to an
  514. accessable one on the LEFT.
  515. - open that and follow a chain of rooms to open.
  516. - what is do, is kill the lights as I go through each room
  517. - You will come to a big round door. Open this. door then start backtracking
  518. - monster will come out of this room. You want to get in here, but if you go
  519. in reverse you should beable to enter from the other side (its a circle)
  520. - once yuou get into this access walk DOWN the hall
  521. - take the first LEFT and follow that, then another LEFT for a big door agian
  522. - while that is opening, open the next door and hide there. remember this room
  523. we need to return here later
  524. - enter the round door again and follow it to a ladder and climb UP. You will have
  525. to go through another door.
  526. - take a RIGHT, and you will comem to a ldder going DOWN.
  527. - its short, its broke, follow the hallway and doors until you get to the lviing quoarters
  528. - go in the room marked DISPATCH
  529. - OPEN another door and use the terminal to unlock the INFIRMARY (UPPER RIGHT ROOM)
  530. - exit this room and now go to the infirmiray, take the stairs UP, and enter infirmary
  531. - Have a conversation with SARAH.
  532. - Most of this is self explanitory - she gives you the ARK.
  533. - once you have the ARK. head back to the dive room.
  534. - It is pretty straight forward, you will have to deal with a coUPle puzzles
  535. - Once the ARK is picked UP nad the room fills with water. it willjam
  536. - there are 3 pillers you need to pull that will allow the water to flow
  537. - Now just chase the ARK, you will get blocked and need to circle back.
  538. - Keep an eye on the RIGHT side is you come back for a small tunnel
  539. - go through that, and there is a sorta "boss fight"
  540. - You decide whether to put your arm in or not. No RIGHT answer.
  541. - once you escape, you will have to follow the lights again to PHI
  544. ]] P H I [[
  546. - Go all the way DOWN the hall to the back room and plug in CATHERINE/OMNITOOL
  547. - GO TO the room directly behind and take the ladder DOWN.
  548. - go straight across the room slieghtly to the LEFT and enter the ELETRICAL Room
  549. GRAB THE powerpack off the RIGHT hand wall.
  550. - leave the room and go LEFT all the way DOWN to the heal, then turn RIGHT
  551. follow to this door, put the power pack in and open the door ARK will be here.
  552. - go in and take the ARK
  553. - Take it back to the next room and enter the LOADING PLATFORM
  554. - GO IN and drop itin the torpedo launcher (on the platform)
  555. - Now we need to power this room, so go get the power pack you used to open the ARK room
  556. - go back to the terminal and pres the big orange button
  557. - go back UP to carolyn
  558. - take OMNITOOL and go to the LAUNCH DOME
  559. - SWIPE and fill, wait and enter round door
  560. - follow catwalk to your first RIGHT UP the stairs, and plug in OMNITOOL
  563. E N D O F T H E G A M EAST
  565. The rest is pretty self explanitory
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