
-gm ACE setup (Pokémon Red/Blue EN, FR, ES, HR, IT)

Apr 7th, 2018
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  1. Using -gm to execute arbitrary code (BETTER SETUP THAN 8F):
  2. 1. Acquire -gm [0x6a] and Item2 (keywords listed below).
  3. to get -gm:
  4. - go to fuchsia city pokemon center
  5. - swap any item in your inventory with -gm below CARD KEY and above v t m x80 in Item Underflow.
  6. - exit fuchsia city pokemon center (do not talk with any NPCs in the center until this step is done)
  7. 2. Go to the Game Corner with enough coins to buy the lowest cost prize, which is Abra. (this also works with Eevee, Magikarp, the Hitmons if you haven't gotten any, and any other Game Corner Pokémon, but not with Fossil Pokémon. The purpose of using Game Corner Pokémon is that it is infinite and doesn't overwrite a certain text buffer)
  8. 3. Attempt to use Item2 by pressing A on it in the menu so it brings up the Use/Toss dialogue, but don't actually use it.
  9. 4. Immediately close the menu and buy Abra. Name Abra the Nickname mentioned below. Note that you must not enter a name longer than the specified name at any point, or else it will overwrite leftover bytes stored when attempting to use the glitch item. If you did do so, then you must try again with another Abra.
  10. 5. Store Abra in the Daycare. Using -gm will now execute from the specified execution point listed below.
  12. NOTE WHEN USING -gm:
  13. For -gm not to crash, the Safari Ball count must be zero. This is done by running out of steps, balls or using an Escape Rope/Dig in the Safari Zone. If you have left the Safari Zone through none of these options (such as leaving early), or if you forget, then you must do so.
  15. German only:
  16. 1. Acquire -gm [0x6a].
  17. 2. Store any Pokémon in the Daycare with the nickname JJAS♀♀[pk symbol]Ä. Using -gm will now execute from $d540 -> First item of box items.
  18. Register states:
  19. af - d540
  20. bc - 8989
  21. de - 0001
  22. hl - d540
  23. sp - dff5
  25. English Red/Blue:
  26. Item2: Q r 4 h I [0x9d]
  27. - go to fuchsia city gym
  28. - in Item Underflow, swap NEW NAME below pokedex and above lemonade x84 with □Q r□ 4ァ h ェɪ□□ below ultra ball x0 and above HM04. the swap can be done in any order, it does not matter which item to press select on first. (DO NOT PRESS A ON NEW NAME)
  29. - swap □Q r□ 4ァ h ェɪ□□ with any item in your inventory
  30. - exit fuchsia city gym (do not save and reset the game until this step is done)
  32. -- Bag Items, hl=d320 (RECOMMENDED) --
  33. Nickname: MMCA♀[pk symbol]
  34. Execution Point: $d320 -> Second item of bag items
  35. Register states:
  36. af - d320
  37. bc - 8c8c
  38. de - 8c01
  39. hl - d320
  40. sp - dff5
  42. -- Bag Items, hl=da47 --
  43. Nickname: MMA♀
  44. Execution Point: $d320 -> Second item of bag items
  45. Register states:
  46. af - d320
  47. bc - 8c8c
  48. de - 8c01
  49. hl - da47
  50. sp - dff5
  52. -- Box Items --
  53. Nickname: OOAS♀[pk symbol]
  54. Execution Point: $d540 -> Third item's quantity of box items
  55. Register states:
  56. af - d540
  57. bc - 8e8e
  58. de - 8e01
  59. hl - d540
  60. sp - dff5
  63. French Red/Blue:
  64. Item2: Q n ô 4 hâ O [0xa4]
  65. Nickname: JJAS♀[pk symbol]
  66. Execution Point: $d540 -> First item of box items
  67. Register states:
  68. af - d540
  69. bc - 8989
  70. de - 8901
  71. hl - d540
  72. sp - dff5
  75. Spanish Red/Blue:
  76. Item2: Quq I4 uhIu[PlayerName] [0xa4]
  77. Nickname: JJAS♀[pk symbol]
  78. Execution Point: $d540 -> First item of box items
  79. Register states:
  80. af - d540
  81. bc - 8989
  82. de - 8901
  83. hl - d540
  84. sp - dff5
  86. Italian Red/Blue:
  87. Item2: Qur I4 UhIu [0xa3]
  88. Nickname: JJAS♀[pk symbol]
  89. Execution Point: $d540 -> First item of box items
  90. Register states:
  91. af - d540
  92. bc - 8989
  93. de - 8901
  94. hl - d540
  95. sp - dff5
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