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- -- explorer v1
- -- dont mind messy code most was written while doing an all nighter
- -- frosty
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService");
- local ContextAction = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService");
- local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
- local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService");
- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
- local Players = game:GetService("Players");
- local Client = Players.LocalPlayer;
- local Mouse = Client:GetMouse();
- -- retrieve gui
- local Gui;
- -- gotta keep it studio friendly;
- if RunService:IsStudio() then
- Gui = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Screen");
- else
- Gui = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://4840423175")[1];
- if not getgenv().SENTINEL_V2 and not getgenv().SENTINEL_LOADED then return end
- end
- local ExplorerFrame = Gui:WaitForChild("Explorer");
- local PropertiesFrame = Gui:WaitForChild("Properties");
- local TemplateFrame = Gui:waitForChild("ColorFrame"):Clone();
- local Dropdown = ExplorerFrame:WaitForChild("Dropdown");
- local DropdownList = Dropdown:WaitForChild("List");
- local DropdownSlot = DropdownList:WaitForChild("Slot");
- local SlotTemplate = DropdownSlot:Clone();
- local SlotSize = DropdownSlot.AbsoluteSize;
- DropdownSlot:Destroy();
- local Explorer = ExplorerFrame:WaitForChild("Explorer");
- local FilterFrame = ExplorerFrame:WaitForChild("FilterFrame");
- local ExplorerExitButton = ExplorerFrame:WaitForChild("Exit");
- local FilterInput = FilterFrame:WaitForChild("Filter");
- local List = Explorer:WaitForChild("List");
- local Scrollbar = Explorer:WaitForChild("Scrollbar");
- local UpArrow = Scrollbar:WaitForChild("UpArrow");
- local DownArrow = Scrollbar:WaitForChild("DownArrow");
- local Zone = Scrollbar:WaitForChild("Zone");
- local ScrollButton = Zone:WaitForChild("Button");
- local ExplorerTitle = ExplorerFrame:WaitForChild("Title");
- local Properties = PropertiesFrame:WaitForChild("Properties");
- local PropertyTitle = PropertiesFrame:WaitForChild("Title");
- local PropertiesList = Properties:WaitForChild("List");
- local PropertySlot = PropertiesList:WaitForChild("Slot1");
- local PropertyTemplate = PropertySlot:Clone();
- local PropertySize = PropertySlot.AbsoluteSize;
- PropertySlot:Destroy(); PropertySlot = nil;
- local Template = List:WaitForChild("Slot1");
- local TemplateSize = Template.AbsoluteSize;
- local ObjectTemplate = Template:Clone();
- Template:Destroy(); Template = nil;
- local SelectionColor = Color3.fromRGB(11, 90, 175);
- local HoverColor = Color3.fromRGB(66, 66, 66);
- local TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(226, 226, 226);
- local ReadOnlyColor = Color3.fromRGB(140, 140, 140);
- local CheckmarkBlue = Color3.fromRGB(53, 178, 251);
- local CheckmarkBackground = Color3.fromRGB(37, 37, 37);
- local ExitRed = Color3.fromRGB(255, 51, 51);
- -- for the um filter thingy
- local CustomShowList, CustomChildrenShowing, OnlyShow = nil, nil, nil;
- local Start = 1; -- <- this start is the index of where the Explorer Scrollbar is at
- local START = tick();
- -- list of services to show
- local services = {
- "Workspace", "Players",
- not RunService:IsStudio() and "CoreGui" or nil,
- "Lighting", "ReplicatedFirst", "ReplicatedStorage", "StarterGui",
- "StarterPack", "StarterPlayer", "Teams", "SoundService", "Chat"
- };
- local ChildrenShowing = {};
- local UpdateList, GetShowList, UpdateScrollbar;
- local LoadProperties;
- local ListObjects = {};
- local ScriptEditor = {};
- local ChildAddedUpdates, ScrollUpdates, Selection = {}, {}, {};
- local ExplorerHovering, PropertiesHovering = false, false;
- local HoverEnd = 175; -- AbsolutePos.X + HoverEnd
- local clipboard = nil;
- local wrap = coroutine.wrap;
- -- detectable
- local SelectionBox;
- if Drawing then
- SelectionBox = {
- Adornee = nil
- };
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local function wtvp(...) return workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(...) end
- local objects = {};
- for i = 1, 12 do
- local Line ="Line");
- Line.Thickness = 2;
- Line.Color = CheckmarkBlue;
- objects[("Line%d"):format(i)] = Line;
- end
- while true do
- if SelectionBox.Adornee and object:IsA("BasePart") then
- local object = SelectionBox.Adornee;
- local cf = object.CFrame;
- local _, on_screen = wtvp(cf.p);
- if on_screen then
- local size = object.Size;
- local x, y, z = size.X, size.Y, size.Z;
- local v3 =;
- -- front
- local front_top_left, front_top_left_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(-(x / 2), y / 2, z / 2)).p);
- local front_top_right, front_top_right_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(x / 2, y / 2, z / 2)).p);
- local front_bottom_left, front_bottom_left_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(-(x / 2), -(y / 2), z / 2)).p);
- local front_bottom_right, front_bottom_right_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(x / 2, -(y / 2), z / 2)).p);
- front_top_left =, front_top_left.Y);
- front_top_right =, front_top_right.Y);
- front_bottom_left =, front_bottom_left.Y);
- front_bottom_right =, front_bottom_right.Y);
- -- back
- local back_top_left, back_top_left_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(-(x / 2), y / 2, -(z / 2))).p);
- local back_top_right, back_top_right_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(x / 2, y / 2, -(z / 2))).p);
- local back_bottom_left, back_bottom_left_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(-(x / 2), -(y / 2), -(z / 2))).p);
- local back_bottom_right, back_bottom_right_showing = wtvp((cf * v3(x / 2, -(y / 2), -(z / 2))).p);
- back_top_left =, back_top_left.Y);
- back_top_right =, back_top_right.Y);
- back_bottom_left =, back_bottom_left.Y);
- back_bottom_right =, back_bottom_right.Y);
- objects.Line1.From = front_top_left;
- objects.Line1.To = front_top_right;
- objects.Line1.Visible = front_top_right_showing;
- objects.Line2.From = front_top_right;
- objects.Line2.To = front_bottom_right;
- objects.Line2.Visible = front_bottom_right_showing;
- objects.Line3.From = front_bottom_right;
- objects.Line3.To = front_bottom_left;
- objects.Line3.Visible = front_bottom_left_showing;
- objects.Line4.From = front_bottom_left;
- objects.Line4.To = front_top_left;
- objects.Line4.Visible = front_top_left_showing;
- objects.Line5.From = back_top_left;
- objects.Line5.To = back_top_right;
- objects.Line5.Visible = back_top_right_showing;
- objects.Line6.From = back_top_right;
- objects.Line6.To = back_bottom_right;
- objects.Line6.Visible = back_bottom_right_showing;
- objects.Line7.From = back_bottom_right;
- objects.Line7.To = back_bottom_left;
- objects.Line7.Visible = back_bottom_left_showing;
- objects.Line8.From = back_bottom_left;
- objects.Line8.To = back_top_left;
- objects.Line8.Visible = back_top_left_showing;
- -- connections
- objects.Line9.From = back_bottom_left;
- objects.Line9.To = front_bottom_left;
- objects.Line9.Visible = front_bottom_left_showing;
- objects.Line10.From = back_bottom_right;
- objects.Line10.To = front_bottom_right;
- objects.Line10.Visible = front_bottom_right_showing;
- objects.Line11.From = back_top_left;
- objects.Line11.To = front_top_left;
- objects.Line11.Visible = front_top_left_showing;
- objects.Line12.From = front_top_right;
- objects.Line12.To = back_top_right;
- objects.Line12.Visible = back_bottom_right_showing;
- else
- for i = 1, 12 do
- objects[("Line%d"):format(i)].Visible = false
- end
- end
- RunService.RenderStepped:Wait();
- else
- for i = 1, 12 do
- objects[("Line%d"):format(i)].Visible = false
- end
- wait(0.1);
- end
- end
- end)()
- else
- -- is detectable if exploit does not support the Drawing api
- SelectionBox ="SelectionBox");
- SelectionBox.LineThickness = 0.05;
- SelectionBox.Color3 = CheckmarkBlue;
- SelectionBox.Parent = Gui;
- end
- local CurrentZIndexPriority = 1; -- for windows
- local TotalObjects = #workspace:GetDescendants();
- -- GetFromDump is for if it should get the latest updated properties directly from the roblox api dump
- -- this is disabled because it causes slight lag at startup because of JSONDecoding such a huge JSON file
- -- i should be hopefully maintaining my github's property page fairly often
- local GetFromDump = false;
- local HttpGet;
- local ApiDump, ClassProperties;
- local ExitButton;
- -- still keeping it studio friendly
- if not RunService:IsStudio() then
- HttpGet = function(url) return game:HttpGet(url) end;
- end
- if RunService:IsStudio() then
- ApiDump = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ApiDump"));
- elseif GetFromDump then
- local proxy = "";
- local version = HttpGet(proxy .. "");
- ApiDump = HttpGet(proxy .. ""..version.."-API-Dump.json");
- end
- -- decoding json
- do
- -- get auto updated dump
- if GetFromDump then
- local JsonDecoded = HttpService:JSONDecode(ApiDump);
- local Classes = JsonDecoded.Classes;
- local ClassesDictionary = {};
- local WaitingForInherit = {};
- -- this basically ends up formatting the API dump into a properties list
- -- this is what my properties table on the github is
- local function HasTag(Data, Tag)
- for _, tag in pairs(Data.Tags or {}) do
- if tag == Tag then
- return true;
- end
- end
- return false;
- end
- for _, class in pairs(Classes) do
- local Super, Members, Name = class.Superclass, class.Members, class.Name;
- local properties = {};
- for _, member in pairs(Members) do
- local Category, Type, Name = member.Category, member.MemberType, member.Name;
- if Type == "Property" and HasTag(member, "Hidden") == false then
- local property = {Name = Name, Category = Category};
- if HasTag(member, "Deprecated") then
- property.Deprecated = true;
- end
- property.ValueType = member.ValueType.Name;
- if member.Security.Write ~= "None" or HasTag(member, "ReadOnly") then
- property.ReadOnly = true;
- end
- properties[Name] = property;
- end
- end
- WaitingForInherit[Name] = Super;
- ClassesDictionary[Name] = {Super = Super, Properties = properties, Name = Name};
- end
- local function GetLength(List)
- local Num = 0;
- for k, v in pairs(List) do Num = Num + 1 end;
- return Num
- end
- -- made this more efficient in my js code kinda too lazy to update it
- while GetLength(WaitingForInherit) ~= 0 do
- for Name, Super in pairs(WaitingForInherit) do
- if not WaitingForInherit[Super] then
- for name, property in pairs((ClassesDictionary[Super] or {}).Properties or {}) do
- ClassesDictionary[Name].Properties[name] = property;
- end
- WaitingForInherit[Name] = nil;
- end
- end
- end
- ClassProperties = ClassesDictionary;
- else
- -- gotta keep it studio safe!
- if RunService:IsStudio() then
- ClassProperties = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ClassProperties"));
- else
- ClassProperties = loadstring(HttpGet(""))();
- end
- end
- end
- -- i should propably think of a better way to do this but im able to keep it basically automated with the run of a script
- local IconData;
- if RunService:IsStudio() then
- IconData = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("IconData"));
- else
- IconData = loadstring(HttpGet(""))();
- end
- -- RectSize, RectOffset
- -- MapId = "rbxasset://textures/ClassImages.png";
- local function GetIconFromClass(Class)
- local Data = IconData[Class];
- -- why tf does sirthurt errorr here
- local RectSize =[1][1], Data[1][2]);
- local RectOffset =[2][1], Data[2][2]);
- return RectSize, RectOffset;
- end
- -- misc functions --
- local function SetZIndex(Frame, ZIndex)
- Frame.ZIndex = ZIndex;
- for _, object in pairs(Frame:GetDescendants()) do
- if object:IsA("GuiBase") then
- object.ZIndex = object.ZIndex + ZIndex;
- end
- end
- end
- local function BringWindowToFront(Window)
- CurrentZIndexPriority = CurrentZIndexPriority + 5;
- SetZIndex(Window, CurrentZIndexPriority);
- end
- -- dragging --
- local drag;
- do
- local is_dragging, input_start, input_drag, position_start, item_drag, drag_frame, tween_time;
- local function update(input, gui)
- local delta = input.Position - input_start;
- local pos =, position_start.X.Offset + delta.X, 0, position_start.Y.Offset + delta.Y);
- -- bounds --
- if drag_frame then
- local small_x = pos.X.Scale * gui.AbsoluteSize.X + pos.X.Offset;
- local small_y = pos.Y.Scale * gui.AbsoluteSize.Y + pos.Y.Offset;
- local far_x = small_x + gui.Size.X.Offset;
- local far_y = small_y + gui.Size.Y.Offset;
- local true_x = math.clamp(small_x, 0, drag_frame.AbsoluteSize.X - (far_x - small_x));
- local true_y = math.clamp(small_y, 0, drag_frame.AbsoluteSize.Y - (far_y - small_y));
- pos =, true_x, 0, true_y);
- end
- if tween_time then
- gui:TweenPosition(pos, 1, 1, tween_time, 1);
- else
- gui.Position = pos;
- end
- end
- function drag(object, move_frame, tween, border_frame, update_func)
- move_frame = move_frame or object;
- local connections = {};
- table.insert(connections, object.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- is_dragging = true;
- position_start =, move_frame.AbsolutePosition.X, 0, move_frame.AbsolutePosition.Y);
- input_start = input.Position;
- item_drag = move_frame;
- drag_frame = border_frame;
- tween_time = tween;
- BringWindowToFront(move_frame);
- if update_func then
- update_func(true);
- end
- table.insert(connections, input.Changed:Connect(function()
- if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- is_dragging = false;
- if update_func then
- update_func(false);
- end
- end
- end))
- end
- end))
- table.insert(connections, object.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- input_drag = input;
- end
- end))
- -- return --
- return {
- disconnect = function()
- for _, connection in pairs(connections) do connection:Disconnect() end;
- end
- }
- end
- UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input == input_drag and is_dragging then
- update(input, item_drag);
- end
- end);
- end
- -- Color Picker --
- local ColorObject; do
- local function rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
- local max, min = math.max(r, g, b), math.min(r, g, b);
- local h, s, v;
- v = max;
- local d = max - min;
- if max == 0 then s = 0 else s = d / max end;
- if max == min then
- h = 0; -- achromatic
- else
- if max == r then
- h = (g - b) / d ;
- if g < b then
- h = h + 6 ;
- end
- elseif max == g then
- h = (b - r) / d + 2;
- elseif max == b then
- h = (r - g) / d + 4;
- end
- h = h / 6;
- end
- return h, s, v;
- end
- local current_input, callback;
- ColorObject = {
- h = nil,
- s = nil,
- v = nil,
- new = function(this, frame, starting, cb)
- local self = setmetatable({}, this);
- self.Frame = frame:Clone();
- self.Frame.Parent = Gui;
- self.cb = cb;
- self.previous = starting;
- self.h, self.s, self.v = rgb_to_hsv(starting.r, starting.g, starting.b);
- self:Update();
- local Hue = self.Frame:WaitForChild("Hue");
- local Mask = self.Frame:WaitForChild("Mask");
- local ExitB = self.Frame:WaitForChild("Topbar"):WaitForChild("Exit");
- ExitButton(ExitB);
- ExitB.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- self:cancel();
- end);
- self.Frame:WaitForChild("Cancel").MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() self:cancel(); end);
- self.Frame:WaitForChild("Ok").MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() self:hide(); end);
- drag(self.Frame.Topbar, self.Frame);
- BringWindowToFront(self.Frame);
- Mask.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not current_input then
- callback = function()
- self:SetMaskToMouse();
- self:Update();
- end;
- local conn; conn = Mask.InputChanged:Connect(function(inp)
- if inp.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- current_input = inp;
- end
- end);
- local c; c = input.Changed:Connect(function()
- if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- current_input = nil;
- conn:Disconnect();
- c:Disconnect();
- end
- end);
- end
- end);
- Hue.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not current_input then
- callback = function()
- self:SetHueToMouse();
- self:Update();
- end;
- local conn; conn = Hue.InputChanged:Connect(function(inp)
- if inp.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- current_input = inp;
- end
- end);
- local c; c = input.Changed:Connect(function()
- if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- current_input = nil;
- conn:Disconnect();
- c:Disconnect();
- end
- end);
- end
- end);
- return self;
- end,
- show = function(self)
- local Size = self.Frame.AbsoluteSize;
- self.Frame.Position =, -Size.X/2, 0.5, -Size.Y/2);
- self.Frame.Visible = true;
- self.previous = self.color;
- end,
- hide = function(self)
- self.Frame:Destroy();
- end,
- cancel = function(self)
- self.color = self.previous;
- self.cb(self.color);
- self:hide();
- end,
- SetMaskToMouse = function(self)
- local mask = self.Frame.Mask;
- local selector = mask.Frame;
- local abs = self.Frame.Mask.AbsolutePosition;
- local siz = self.Frame.Mask.AbsoluteSize;
- local siz2 = selector.AbsoluteSize;
- local mouse_pos =, Mouse.Y);
- local delta = mouse_pos - abs;
- selector.Position =
- 0, math.clamp(delta.X, siz2.X, siz.X - siz2.X),
- 0, math.clamp(delta.Y, siz2.Y, siz.Y - siz2.Y / 2)
- );
- self.v = math.clamp(1 - ((mouse_pos - abs).Y / mask.AbsoluteSize.Y), 0, 1);
- self.s = math.clamp(1 - ((mouse_pos - abs).X / mask.AbsoluteSize.X), 0, 1);
- end,
- SetHueToMouse = function(self)
- local selector = self.Frame.Hue.Frame;
- local abs = self.Frame.Hue.AbsolutePosition;
- local siz = self.Frame.Hue.AbsoluteSize;
- local siz2 = selector.AbsoluteSize;
- local mouse_pos =, Mouse.Y);
- local delta = mouse_pos - abs;
- selector.Position =
- 0, 0,
- 0, math.clamp(delta.Y, siz2.Y, siz.Y - siz2.Y / 2)
- );
- local a = math.clamp(((mouse_pos - abs).Y / siz.Y), 0, 1);
- self.h = a - (a*2) + 1;
- end,
- Update = function(self)
- self.Frame.Mask.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(self.h, 1, 1);
- self.color = Color3.fromHSV(self.h, self.s, self.v);
- self.cb(self.color);
- end
- };
- ColorObject.__index = ColorObject;
- UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input == current_input and callback then
- callback();
- end
- end);
- end
- -- Notify --
- local Notify; do
- local NotifyFrame = Gui:WaitForChild("Error"):Clone();
- Notify = {
- new = function(this, title, info, width, height)
- local self = setmetatable({}, this);
- local Frame = NotifyFrame:Clone();
- local Topbar = Frame:WaitForChild("Topbar");
- local Exit = Topbar:WaitForChild("Exit");
- local Image = Frame:WaitForChild("ImageLabel");
- local Title = Image:WaitForChild("Title");
- local Info = Frame:WaitForChild("Info");
- local Ok = Frame:WaitForChild("Ok");
- self.Frame = Frame;
- local function Close() self:Close() end;
- Exit.MouseButton1Click:Connect(Close);
- Ok.MouseButton1Click:Connect(Close);
- Title.Text = title;
- Info.Text = info;
- if width or height then
- Frame.Size =, 0, height, 0);
- end
- Frame.Visible = true;
- Frame.Parent = Gui;
- drag(Topbar, Frame);
- ExitButton(Exit);
- BringWindowToFront(Frame);
- return self;
- end,
- Close = function(self)
- self.Frame:Destroy();
- end
- };
- Notify.__index = Notify;
- end
- -- misc --
- function ExitButton(button)
- if button and (button:IsA("TextButton") or button:IsA("ImageButton")) then
- local CurrentTween = nil;
- local TweenTime = 0.3;
- local Property = button:IsA("TextButton") and "TextColor3" or "ImageColor3";
- local OriginalColor = button[Property];
- local function CancelCurrentTween()
- if CurrentTween then
- CurrentTween:Cancel();
- CurrentTween = nil;
- end
- end
- local function OnHover()
- CancelCurrentTween();
- CurrentTween = TweenService:Create(button,, {[Property] = ExitRed});
- CurrentTween:Play();
- end
- local function OnLeave()
- CancelCurrentTween();
- CurrentTween = TweenService:Create(button,, {[Property] = OriginalColor});
- CurrentTween:Play();
- end
- button.MouseEnter:Connect(OnHover);
- button.MouseLeave:Connect(OnLeave);
- end
- end
- local function make_path(object)
- local parent, s = object, "";
- repeat
- local name = parent.Name;
- if name:match("[%a_]+") ~= name then name = "[\"""\"]" else name = "." .. name end;
- s = ("%s"):format(name) .. s;
- parent = parent.Parent;
- until parent.Parent == game
- return (parent == workspace and "workspace" or ("game:GetService(\"%s\")"):format(parent.Name)) .. s;
- end
- local function is_service(object)
- return game:GetService(object.ClassName) and true;
- end
- local cached_decomp = {};
- local function decomp(obj)
- if decompile == nil then
- Notify:new("Decompiling error", "Please execute with an exploit that supports decompiling.");
- end
- if cached_decomp[obj] then return cached_decomp[obj]; end;
- cached_decomp[obj] = decompile(obj);
- return cached_decomp[obj];
- end
- local function sort_alphabetical(char, char2)
- assert(char:match("%a") and char2:match("%a") and #char + #char2 == 2, "invalid arguments");
- return char:lower():byte() < char2:lower():byte();
- end
- local LastUpdate = 0;
- local function TotalUpdate()
- if tick() - LastUpdate <= 0.1 then return end;
- LastUpdate = tick();
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end
- local function HideClickMenu()
- Dropdown.Visible = false;
- DropdownList:ClearAllChildren();
- end
- -- right click menu lib --
- local function AddHotkey(Name, Key, Func)
- if type(Key) ~= "table" then
- local NewFunc = function(...)
- local tbl = {};
- for object in pairs(Selection) do table.insert(tbl, object) end;
- if #tbl > 0 then
- Func(...);
- end
- return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass
- end;
- ContextAction:BindAction(Name, NewFunc, false, Key);
- else
- local NumKeysDown = 0;
- local function NewFunc(name, state, obj)
- if state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
- NumKeysDown = NumKeysDown + 1;
- else
- NumKeysDown = NumKeysDown - 1;
- end
- if NumKeysDown == #Key then
- local tbl = {};
- for object in pairs(Selection) do table.insert(tbl, object) end;
- if #tbl > 0 then
- Func(name, state, obj);
- end
- end
- return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass
- end
- ContextAction:BindAction(Name, NewFunc, false, unpack(Key));
- end
- end
- local function STL() -- SelectionToTable
- local tbl = {};for object in pairs(Selection) do table.insert(tbl, object) end return tbl;
- end;
- local Last;
- local RightClickDropdown = {
- Button = function(self, Name, Icon, GrayedOut, func, Hotkey)
- local Clone = SlotTemplate:Clone();
- Clone.Parent = DropdownList;
- Clone.Position =, 0, 0, SlotSize.Y * (#DropdownList:GetChildren() - 1));
- Dropdown.Size =, 0, 0, SlotSize.Y * (#DropdownList:GetChildren()));
- Last = Clone;
- local Hover = Clone:WaitForChild("Hover");
- local Ic = Clone:WaitForChild("Icon");
- if Icon then
- Ic.ImageRectOffset = - 1) * 17, 0)
- else
- Ic.Visible = false;
- end
- Hover.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- Hover.BackgroundTransparency = 0;
- end);
- Hover.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- Hover.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- end);
- if not GrayedOut then
- Hover.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if func then func() end;
- HideClickMenu();
- end)
- end
- local HotkeyLabel = Clone:WaitForChild("Hotkey");
- if Hotkey then
- HotkeyLabel.Text = Hotkey;
- HotkeyLabel.Visible = true;
- end
- local Label = Clone:WaitForChild("Label");
- Label.Text = Name;
- if GrayedOut then
- Label.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(127, 127, 127);
- HotkeyLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(127, 127, 127);
- end
- end,
- Divider = function(self)
- if Last then
- Last.Divider.Visible = true;
- end
- end
- }
- -- right click menu click off --
- local DropdownHovering = false;
- Dropdown.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- DropdownHovering = true;
- end
- end);
- Dropdown.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- DropdownHovering = false;
- end
- end);
- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not DropdownHovering then
- HideClickMenu();
- end
- end);
- -- this function was an after main production function which is why it isn't implemented as good as it could be
- local function GetChildrenShowing()
- if CustomChildrenShowing then
- return CustomChildrenShowing;
- end
- return ChildrenShowing;
- end
- -- right click menu --
- local function RightClickMenu()
- local Object;
- for object in pairs(Selection) do Object = object break end;
- if Object then
- -- general instance buttons --
- -- for some reason roblox just doesn't like you using control --
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Cut", 1, is_service(Object), function() clipboard = {Object:Clone()}; Object:Destroy(); end, "Shift+X");
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Copy", 2, is_service(Object), function() clipboard = {Object:Clone()}; end, "Shift+C");
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Paste Into", nil, clipboard == nil, function()
- for _, object in pairs(clipboard) do
- if typeof(object) == "Instance" then
- object:Clone().Parent = Object ;
- end
- end
- end, "Shift+Shift+V");
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Duplicate", 2, is_service(Object), function() Object:Clone().Parent = Object.Parent end, "Shift+D");
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Delete", 3, is_service(Object), function() Object:Destroy(); end, "Del");
- --RightClickDropdown:Button("Rename", nil, false, function() print("hi") end, "F2");
- RightClickDropdown:Divider();
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Group", 4, is_service(Object), function()
- local Model ="Model");
- Model.Parent = Object.Parent;
- Object.Parent = Model;
- end, "Shift+G");
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Ungroup", 5, Object.ClassName ~= "Model", function()
- for _, object in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do object.Parent = Object.Parent end;
- Object:Destroy();
- end, "Shift+U");
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Select Children", 6, false, function()
- GetChildrenShowing()[Object] = true;
- Selection[Object] = false;
- for _, obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do Selection[obj] = obj SelectionBox.Adornee = obj; end;
- TotalUpdate();
- end);
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Teleport To", 7, not Object:IsA("BasePart"), function()
- if Client.Character then Client.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Object.CFrame) end;
- end, "F");
- RightClickDropdown:Divider();
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Insert Part", 8, false, function()
-"Part").Parent = Object;
- end);
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Insert Object", nil, false, function() end);
- RightClickDropdown:Divider();
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Save Instance", nil, true, function() saveinstance(Object) end);
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Get Path", nil, false, function() setclipboard(make_path(Object)) end);
- RightClickDropdown:Divider();
- -- script buttons --
- if Object:IsA("LocalScript") or Object:IsA("ModuleScript") then
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Save To Clipboard", 2, false, function()
- wrap(function() setclipboard(decomp(Object)) end)();
- end);
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Save To Workspace", nil, false, function()
- wrap(function() writefile(("%s.lua"):format(Object.Name), decomp(Object)) end)();
- end);
- RightClickDropdown:Button("View Script", 9, false, function()
- ScriptEditor:Show();
- wrap(function() ScriptEditor:CreateScript(Object.Name, decomp(Object)) end)();
- end);
- elseif Object:IsA("ClickDetector") then
- RightClickDropdown:Button("Fire click detector", nil, false, function()
- if fireclickdetector then
- fireclickdetector(Object);
- else
- Notify:new("Error", "Please execute with an exploit that supports fireclickdetector.");
- end
- end);
- end
- -- --;
- Dropdown.Visible = true;
- Dropdown.Position =, Mouse.X - ExplorerFrame.AbsolutePosition.X + 5, 0, Mouse.Y - ExplorerFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y);
- end
- end
- -- hotkeys
- do
- AddHotkey("Cut", {Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.X}, function()
- local clip = {};
- for _, obj in pairs(STL()) do
- table.insert(clip, obj:Clone());
- obj:Destroy();
- end
- clipboard = clip;
- Selection = {};
- end);
- AddHotkey("Copy", {Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.C}, function()
- clipboard = STL();
- end);
- AddHotkey("Paste Into", {Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.V}, function()
- local Object = STL()[1];
- local new = {};
- for _, obj in pairs(clipboard) do
- local x = obj:Clone();
- new[x] = x;
- x.Parent = Object;
- end
- Selection = new;
- end);
- AddHotkey("Duplicate", {Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift, Enum.KeyCode.D}, function()
- local Object = STL()[1];
- local new = {};
- for _, obj in pairs(STL()) do
- local x = obj:Clone();
- new[x] = x;
- x.Parent = Object.Parent;
- end
- Selection = new;
- end);
- AddHotkey("Delete", Enum.KeyCode.Delete, function(Selection)
- for _, object in pairs(STL()) do object:Destroy() end;
- Selection = {};
- end);
- AddHotkey("Teleport To", Enum.KeyCode.F, function(Selection)
- local Object = STL()[1];
- if Object:IsA("BasePart") then
- if Client.Character and Client.Character.PrimaryPart then Client.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Object.CFrame) end;
- end
- end);
- end
- -- explorer stuff --
- local function GetFurthestOut() -- for HoverEnd
- local biggest = 0;
- for _, obj in pairs(ListObjects) do
- local title = obj.Label;
- local e = title.AbsolutePosition.X + title.TextBounds.X + 20 - Explorer.AbsolutePosition.X;
- if e > biggest then
- biggest = e;
- HoverEnd = e;
- end
- end
- end
- local function UpdateSelections()
- for _, object in pairs(ListObjects) do
- object:UpdateSelect();
- end
- end
- -- prefill the explorer list (only called once @Boot) with templates to use later on --
- local function FillList()
- local Size = TemplateSize.Y;
- local Amount = math.floor(List.AbsoluteSize.Y / Size);
- for i = 1, Amount do
- local Object = ObjectTemplate:Clone();
- Object.Parent = List;
- Object.Position =, 0, 0, (i - 1) * Size);
- Object.Name = ("Slot%d"):format(i);
- local HitboxFrame = Object:WaitForChild("HitboxFrame");
- local Hover = Object:WaitForChild("Hover");
- local Selected = false;
- local ObjectData = {
- Label = Object:WaitForChild("Label"),
- Icon = Object:WaitForChild("Icon"),
- Dropdown = Object:WaitForChild("Dropdown"):WaitForChild("Dropdown"),
- Frame = Object,
- YPosition = (i - 1) * Size,
- CurrentObject = nil,
- UpdateHoverEnd = function(self)
- local DistanceFrom0 = Object.AbsolutePosition.X - ExplorerFrame.AbsolutePosition.X;
- Hover.Size =, HoverEnd - DistanceFrom0, 1.05, 0);
- end,
- Select = function(self)
- if self.CurrentObject then
- Selection[self.CurrentObject] = self.CurrentObject;
- SelectionBox.Adornee = self.CurrentObject;
- self:UpdateSelect();
- Selected = true;
- local Length = 0;
- table.foreach(Selection, function() Length = Length + 1 end);
- if Length == 1 then
- LoadProperties(self.CurrentObject);
- PropertyTitle.Text = ("Properties - %s \"%s\""):format(self.CurrentObject.ClassName, self.CurrentObject.Name);
- else
- PropertyTitle.Text = ("Properties - %d items"):format(Length);
- end
- end
- UpdateSelections();
- end,
- UpdateSelect = function(self)
- if Selection[self.CurrentObject] then
- Hover.BackgroundColor3 = SelectionColor;
- Hover.BackgroundTransparency = 0;
- self.Label.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255);
- Selected = true;
- else
- Hover.BackgroundColor3 = HoverColor;
- Hover.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- self.Label.TextColor3 = TextColor;
- Selected = false;
- end
- end,
- };
- ObjectData.Dropdown.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- if not ObjectData.CurrentObject then return end;
- local ChildrenShowing = GetChildrenShowing();
- if ChildrenShowing[ObjectData.CurrentObject] == nil then
- ChildrenShowing[ObjectData.CurrentObject] = false;
- end
- ChildrenShowing[ObjectData.CurrentObject] = not ChildrenShowing[ObjectData.CurrentObject];
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- UpdateScrollbar();
- delay(1, function() UpdateList(GetShowList()) end);
- for _, func in pairs(ChildAddedUpdates) do
- func();
- end
- end);
- Hover.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- if ObjectData.CurrentObject then
- Hover.BackgroundTransparency = 0;
- end
- end);
- Hover.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- if ObjectData.CurrentObject then
- if Selected then return end;
- Hover.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- end
- end);
- Hover.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if not(ObjectData.CurrentObject) then return end;
- if not UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then
- Selection = {};
- end
- ObjectData:Select();
- end);
- Hover.MouseButton2Click:Connect(function()
- if not(ObjectData.CurrentObject) then return end;
- HideClickMenu();
- Selection = {};
- ObjectData:Select();
- RightClickMenu();
- end);
- table.insert(ListObjects, ObjectData);
- end
- end
- local function ChildrenLoop(object, list)
- if GetChildrenShowing()[object] then
- for _, obj in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do
- if OnlyShow then
- if OnlyShow[obj] then
- table.insert(list, obj);
- ChildrenLoop(obj, list);
- end
- else
- table.insert(list, obj);
- ChildrenLoop(obj, list);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function GetShowList()
- if CustomShowList then
- local ShowList = {};
- for _, object in pairs(CustomShowList) do
- if OnlyShow then
- if OnlyShow[object] then
- table.insert(ShowList, object);
- ChildrenLoop(object, ShowList);
- end
- else
- table.insert(ShowList, object);
- ChildrenLoop(object, ShowList);
- end
- end
- return ShowList
- end
- local ShowList = {};
- for _, object in pairs(services) do
- object = game:GetService(object);
- table.insert(ShowList, object);
- ChildrenLoop(object, ShowList);
- end
- return ShowList;
- end
- local PreviousConnections = {};
- local function FindFirstChild(self, Object)
- for _, obj in pairs(self:GetChildren()) do
- if obj == Object then
- return obj;
- end
- end
- end
- function UpdateList(ShowList)
- local Indent = 0;
- for _, connection in pairs(PreviousConnections) do connection:Disconnect() end;
- PreviousConnections = {};
- if Start > 1 then
- for i = 1, Start - 1 do
- local Object = ShowList[i];
- if Object then
- local NextObject = ShowList[i + 1];
- if NextObject and FindFirstChild(Object, NextObject) then
- Indent = Indent + 1;
- else
- -- laggy on big games such as jailbreak --
- -- therefor i disable it even though it is just a slight visual bug but saves frames! --
- -- doesn't do much but it's worth it --
- --if TotalObjects < 35000 then : ugh disabled cause it caused problems
- local parent = Object;
- while NextObject and NextObject.Parent ~= parent do
- if parent == nil then break end;
- parent = parent.Parent;
- if NextObject.Parent ~= parent then
- Indent = math.clamp(Indent - 1, 0, math.huge);
- end
- end
- --end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i = Start, Start + #ListObjects - 1 do
- local Object = ShowList[i];
- local ObjectFrame = ListObjects[i - Start + 1];
- if Object then
- ObjectFrame.Label.Text = Object.Name;
- ObjectFrame.CurrentObject = Object;
- ObjectFrame.Frame.Position =, Indent * 15, 0, ObjectFrame.YPosition);
- ObjectFrame.Icon.Visible = true;
- local Size, Offset = GetIconFromClass(Object.ClassName);
- ObjectFrame.Icon.ImageRectOffset = Offset;
- ObjectFrame.Icon.ImageRectSize = Size;
- -- connections --
- table.insert(PreviousConnections, Object:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Name"):Connect(function()
- ObjectFrame.Label.Text = Object.Name;
- end))
- table.insert(PreviousConnections, Object.ChildRemoved:Connect(function()
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end))
- table.insert(PreviousConnections, Object.ChildAdded:Connect(function()
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end))
- -- --
- local NextObject = ShowList[i + 1];
- if NextObject and FindFirstChild(Object, NextObject) then
- Indent = Indent + 1;
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Visible = true;
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Rotation = 0;
- else
- if #Object:GetChildren() > 0 then
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Rotation = -90;
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Visible = true;
- else
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Visible = false;
- end
- local parent = Object;
- while NextObject and NextObject.Parent ~= parent do
- if parent == nil then break end;
- parent = parent.Parent;
- if NextObject.Parent ~= parent then
- Indent = math.clamp(Indent - 1, 0, math.huge);
- end
- end
- end
- else
- ObjectFrame.Label.Text = "";
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Visible = false;
- ObjectFrame.Icon.Visible = false;
- ObjectFrame.CurrentObject = nil;
- end
- end
- end
- local function ShowChildrenTilWorkspace(Childrenshowing, Onlyshowing, object)
- local parent = object;
- repeat
- Childrenshowing[parent] = true;
- Onlyshowing[parent] = true;
- parent = parent.Parent
- until parent == workspace or parent == game;
- end
- -- i really gotta do something about how ugly this is
- local function CustomExplorerList(List, ChildrenShowing, OnlySh)
- CustomShowList = List;
- OnlyShow = OnlySh;
- CustomChildrenShowing = ChildrenShowing;
- TotalUpdate();
- UpdateSelections();
- end
- local function ShowDataModel()
- CustomShowList = nil;
- CustomChildrenShowing = nil;
- OnlyShow = nil;
- for _, object in pairs(Selection) do
- ShowChildrenTilWorkspace(ChildrenShowing, {}, object);
- end
- TotalUpdate();
- UpdateSelections();
- end
- local function ViewOnExplorer(object)
- local index = nil;
- for i, obj in pairs(GetShowList()) do
- if obj == object then
- index = i;
- break;
- end
- end
- if index then
- Start = index;
- TotalUpdate();
- UpdateSelections();
- end
- end
- local charset = {};
- for i = 48, 57 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end;
- for i = 65, 90 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end;
- for i = 97, 122 do table.insert(charset, string.char(i)) end;
- local function RandomString(length)
- local str = "";
- for i = 1, length do
- str = str .. charset[, #charset)];
- end
- return str;
- end
- -- my semi fix for the comment @ the line above CustomExplorerList
- local function DirectShow(obs)
- -- only works with Workspace rn
- local Objects = {workspace};
- local Childrenshowing = {[workspace] = true};
- local Onlyshowing = {[workspace] = true};
- for _, object in pairs(obs) do
- ShowChildrenTilWorkspace(Childrenshowing, Onlyshowing, object);
- end
- CustomExplorerList(Objects, Childrenshowing, Onlyshowing);
- end
- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gpe)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton3 then
- local Selected;
- for _, obj in pairs(Selection) do Selected = obj break end;
- if Selected then
- ViewOnExplorer(Selected);
- end
- elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt) then
- local target = Mouse.Target;
- if target then
- ViewOnExplorer(target);
- Selection = {};
- Selection[target] = true;
- UpdateSelections();
- end
- end
- end);
- -- Scrollbar --
- do
- -- looking back on this, this is still very ugly code that im too laze to improve --
- local function GetScrollPercent(ListObjects)
- return (Start - 1) / (#ListObjects - 3);
- end
- local Button = Zone:WaitForChild("Button");
- function UpdateScrollbar()
- local List = GetShowList();
- local Num = #List;
- local GoesOverBy = Num - #ListObjects;
- ScrollButton.Position =, 0, GetScrollPercent(List), 0);
- local IterateAmount = 1;
- for _, func in pairs(ScrollUpdates) do func() end;
- local ViewportRatio = Zone.AbsoluteSize.Y / (Num * TemplateSize.Y);
- if ViewportRatio < 1 then
- Scrollbar.Visible = true;
- Button.Size =, 0, 0, Zone.AbsoluteSize.Y * ViewportRatio);
- else
- Scrollbar.Visible = false;
- Start = 1;
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- end
- end
- local YDelta = 0;
- local function StartScroll()
- RunService:BindToRenderStep("Scrollbar", 1, function()
- local List = GetShowList();
- local Percentage = math.clamp((Mouse.Y - Zone.AbsolutePosition.Y) / Zone.AbsoluteSize.Y, 0, 1);
- ScrollButton.Position =, 0, Percentage, -YDelta);
- Start = math.floor(Percentage * (#List - #ListObjects)) + 1;
- UpdateList(List);
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end);
- end
- local function EndScroll()
- RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("Scrollbar");
- end
- UpArrow.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- Start = math.clamp(Start - 1, 1, math.huge);
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end);
- DownArrow.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- local ShowList = GetShowList();
- Start = math.clamp(Start + 1, 1, math.clamp(#ShowList - #ListObjects + 1, 1, math.huge));
- UpdateList(ShowList)
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end);
- ScrollButton.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- StartScroll();
- YDelta = Mouse.Y - ScrollButton.AbsolutePosition.Y;
- input.Changed:Connect(function()
- if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- EndScroll();
- end
- end);
- end
- end);
- local LastMaxZoom, LastMinZoom;
- Explorer.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- ExplorerHovering = true;
- LastMaxZoom = Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance;
- LastMinZoom = Client.CameraMinZoomDistance;
- local Head = (Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:Wait()):WaitForChild("Head");
- local Zoom = (workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p - Head.Position).Magnitude;
- Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance = Zoom;
- Client.CameraMinZoomDistance = Zoom;
- end
- end);
- Explorer.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel and ExplorerHovering then
- if input.Position.Z == 1 then
- Start = math.clamp(Start - 2, 1, math.huge);
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- UpdateScrollbar();
- else
- local ShowList = GetShowList();
- Start = math.clamp(Start + 2, 1, math.clamp(#ShowList - #ListObjects + 2, 1, math.huge));
- UpdateList(ShowList)
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end
- end
- end);
- Explorer.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- ExplorerHovering = false;
- Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance = LastMaxZoom;
- Client.CameraMinZoomDistance = LastMinZoom;
- end
- end);
- -- our filter workspace!!
- local function FindInWorkspace(Data)
- local RetData = {};
- Data = Data:lower();
- for _, obj in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
- if obj.ClassName:lower():match(Data) then
- table.insert(RetData, obj);
- elseif obj.Name:lower():match(Data) then
- table.insert(RetData, obj);
- end
- end
- return RetData;
- end
- FilterInput.FocusLost:Connect(function(Enter)
- if not Enter then return end;
- local Text = FilterInput.Text;
- if #Text == 0 then
- ShowDataModel();
- return;
- end
- local a = tick();
- local Data = FindInWorkspace(FilterInput.Text);
- DirectShow(Data);
- end);
- -- exit
- ExplorerExitButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- Gui:Destroy();
- script:Destroy();
- end);
- ExitButton(ExplorerExitButton);
- end
- -- Properties
- do
- local PropertyScroll = Properties:WaitForChild("Scrollbar");
- local DownArrow = PropertyScroll:WaitForChild("DownArrow");
- local UpArrow = PropertyScroll:WaitForChild("UpArrow");
- local Zone = PropertyScroll:WaitForChild("Zone");
- local ScrollButton = Zone:WaitForChild("Button");
- local ListObjects, ShowList, Categories, Connections = {}, {}, {}, {};
- local Start = 1;
- local UpdateList, UpdateShowList;
- local CurrentLoaded;
- local function GetScrollPercent(ListObjects)
- return (Start - 1) / (#ListObjects - 3);
- end
- local function UpdateScrollbar()
- local List = ShowList;
- local Num = #List;
- local GoesOverBy = Num - #ListObjects;
- ScrollButton.Position =, 0, GetScrollPercent(List), 0);
- --for _, func in pairs(ScrollUpdates) do func() end;
- local ViewportRatio = Zone.AbsoluteSize.Y / (Num * PropertySize.Y);
- if ViewportRatio < 1 then
- PropertyScroll.Visible = true;
- ScrollButton.Size =, 0, 0, Zone.AbsoluteSize.Y * ViewportRatio);
- else
- PropertyScroll.Visible = false;
- Start = 1;
- UpdateList(ShowList);
- end
- end
- local YDelta = 0;
- local function StartScroll()
- RunService:BindToRenderStep("Scrollbar", 1, function()
- local List = ShowList;
- local Percentage = math.clamp((Mouse.Y - Zone.AbsolutePosition.Y) / Zone.AbsoluteSize.Y, 0, 1);
- ScrollButton.Position =, 0, Percentage, -YDelta);
- Start = math.floor(Percentage * (#List - #ListObjects)) + 1;
- UpdateList(List);
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end);
- end
- local function EndScroll()
- RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("Scrollbar");
- end
- UpArrow.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- Start = math.clamp(Start - 1, 1, math.huge);
- UpdateList(ShowList);
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end);
- DownArrow.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- Start = math.clamp(Start + 1, 1, math.clamp(#ShowList - #ListObjects + 1, 1, math.huge));
- UpdateList(ShowList)
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end);
- ScrollButton.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- StartScroll();
- YDelta = Mouse.Y - ScrollButton.AbsolutePosition.Y;
- input.Changed:Connect(function()
- if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then
- EndScroll();
- end
- end);
- end
- end);
- local LastMaxZoom, LastMinZoom;
- Properties.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- PropertiesHovering = true;
- LastMaxZoom = Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance;
- LastMinZoom = Client.CameraMinZoomDistance;
- local Head = (Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:Wait()):WaitForChild("Head");
- local Zoom = (workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p - Head.Position).Magnitude;
- Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance = Zoom;
- Client.CameraMinZoomDistance = Zoom;
- end
- end);
- Properties.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel and PropertiesHovering then
- if input.Position.Z == 1 then
- Start = math.clamp(Start - 2, 1, math.huge);
- UpdateList(ShowList);
- UpdateScrollbar();
- else
- Start = math.clamp(Start + 2, 1, math.clamp(#ShowList - #ListObjects + 4, 1, math.huge));
- UpdateList(ShowList)
- UpdateScrollbar();
- end
- end
- end);
- Properties.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- PropertiesHovering = false;
- Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance = LastMaxZoom;
- Client.CameraMinZoomDistance = LastMinZoom;
- end
- end);
- local function FillList()
- local Size = PropertySize.Y;
- local Amount = math.floor(List.AbsoluteSize.Y / Size);
- for i = 1, Amount do
- local Object = PropertyTemplate:Clone();
- Object.Parent = PropertiesList;
- Object.Position =, 0, 0, (i - 1) * Size);
- Object.Name = ("Slot%d"):format(i);
- local ObjectData = {
- Frame = Object,
- YPosition = (i - 1) * Size,
- CurrentObject = nil,
- TextInput = nil,
- ButtonClick = nil
- };
- local Dropdown = Object.Category.Dropdown;
- ObjectData.Dropdown = Dropdown;
- ObjectData.Divider = Object.Divider;
- -- this is for when the strings get randomized
- do -- string
- local frame = Object:WaitForChild("string");
- local label = frame:WaitForChild("Label");
- local Box = frame:WaitForChild("Box");
- local hover = frame:WaitForChild("Hover");
- ObjectData["string"] = {Frame = frame, Label = label, Box = Box, Hover = hover};
- end;
- do -- category
- local frame = Object:WaitForChild("Category");
- local label = frame:WaitForChild("Label");
- local Hover = frame:WaitForChild("Hover");
- local Dropdown = frame:WaitForChild("Dropdown");
- local HitboxFrame = frame:WaitForChild("HitboxFrame");
- local Style = frame:WaitForChild("Style");
- ObjectData["Category"] = {Frame = frame, Label = label, HitboxFrame = HitboxFrame, Hover = Hover,
- Dropdown = Dropdown, Style = Style};
- end;
- do -- bool
- local frame = Object:WaitForChild("bool");
- local label = frame:WaitForChild("Label");
- local Hover = frame:WaitForChild("Hover");
- local Check = frame:WaitForChild("Check");
- local Mark = Check:WaitForChild("Frame"):WaitForChild("Mark");
- ObjectData["bool"] = {Frame = frame, Label = label, Check = Check, Hover = Hover, Mark = Mark};
- end;
- do -- int
- local frame = Object:WaitForChild("int");
- local label = frame:WaitForChild("Label");
- local Hover = frame:WaitForChild("Hover");
- local Box = frame:WaitForChild("Box");
- ObjectData["int"] = {Frame = frame, Label = label, Box = Box, Hover = hover};
- end;
- do -- float
- local frame = Object:WaitForChild("float");
- local label = frame:WaitForChild("Label");
- local Hover = frame:WaitForChild("Hover");
- local Box = frame:WaitForChild("Box");
- ObjectData["float"] = {Frame = frame, Label = label, Box = Box, Hover = hover};
- end;
- do -- Color3
- local frame = Object:WaitForChild("Color3");
- local label = frame:WaitForChild("Label");
- local Hover = frame:WaitForChild("Hover");
- local Box = frame:WaitForChild("Box");
- local Click = frame:WaitForChild("Click");
- ObjectData["Color3"] = {Frame = frame, Label = label, Box = Box, Hover = hover, Click = Click};
- end;
- ObjectData.Dropdown.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- if not ObjectData.CurrentObject then return end;
- ObjectData.CurrentObject.DropdownOpened = not ObjectData.CurrentObject.DropdownOpened;
- if not ObjectData.CurrentObject.DropdownOpened then
- ObjectData.Dropdown.Rotation = -90;
- else
- ObjectData.Dropdown.Rotation = 0;
- end
- UpdateShowList();
- UpdateList(ShowList)
- end);
- -- event types (Object, EventArguments) :
- -- TextInput : Textbox.FocusLost
- -- ButtonClick : TextButton.MouseButton1Click
- -- ButtonHover (bool hovering) : TextButton.MouseEnter/TextButton.MouseLeave
- -- connecting up connections --
- for _, obj in pairs(Object:GetDescendants()) do
- if obj:IsA("TextBox") then
- obj.FocusLost:Connect(function(...)
- if ObjectData.TextInput then
- ObjectData.TextInput(obj, ...);
- end
- end);
- elseif obj:IsA("TextButton") or obj:IsA("ImageButton") then
- obj.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function(...)
- if ObjectData.ButtonClick then
- ObjectData.ButtonClick(obj, ...);
- end
- end);
- obj.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- if ObjectData.ButtonHover then
- ObjectData.ButtonHover(obj, true);
- end
- end);
- obj.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- if ObjectData.ButtonHover then
- ObjectData.ButtonHover(obj, false);
- end
- end);
- end
- end
- -- ok --
- table.insert(ListObjects, ObjectData);
- end
- end
- function UpdateList(ShowList)
- -- Need to change so everything isn't being indexed by name and rather by a reference w/ Name Randomization
- for i = Start, Start + #ListObjects - 1 do
- local Object = ShowList[i];
- local ObjectFrame = ListObjects[i - Start + 1];
- -- ObjectFrame = ObjectData
- -- Object = Property
- if Object then
- ObjectFrame.CurrentObject = Object;
- for _, child in pairs(ObjectFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
- child.Visible = false;
- end
- local ValueType = Object.ValueType;
- local Frame = ObjectFrame.Frame;
- --local ValueFrame = Frame:FindFirstChild(ValueType);
- local ValueFrame = ObjectFrame[ValueType];
- if not ObjectFrame.CurrentObject.DropdownOpened then
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Rotation = -90;
- else
- ObjectFrame.Dropdown.Rotation = 0;
- end
- if ValueFrame then
- ValueFrame.Label.Text = Object.Name;
- ValueFrame.Frame.Visible = true;
- ObjectFrame.Divider.Visible = true;
- if Object.ReadOnly then
- ValueFrame.Label.TextColor3 = ReadOnlyColor;
- else
- ValueFrame.Label.TextColor3 = TextColor;
- end
- -- TODO --
- -- this is the part where you control the properties such as changing them and showing them! --
- -- add all roblox datatypes and not just have string and boolean --
- if ValueType == "string" then
- ValueFrame.Box.Text = tostring(Object.Value);
- if Object.ReadOnly then
- ValueFrame.Box.TextColor3 = ReadOnlyColor;
- ValueFrame.Box.TextEditable = false;
- else
- ValueFrame.Box.TextColor3 = TextColor;
- ValueFrame.Box.TextEditable = true;
- ObjectFrame.TextInput = function(object)
- if object == ValueFrame.Box then
- CurrentLoaded[Object.Name] = ValueFrame.Box.Text;
- end
- end
- end
- elseif ValueType == "bool" then
- if Object.Value then
- ValueFrame.Mark.Visible = true;
- else
- ValueFrame.Mark.Visible = false;
- end
- if Object.ReadOnly then
- ValueFrame.Mark.ImageColor3 = ReadOnlyColor;
- ValueFrame.Mark.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(80, 80, 80);
- else
- ValueFrame.Mark.ImageColor3 = CheckmarkBlue;
- ValueFrame.Mark.Parent.BackgroundColor3 = CheckmarkBackground;
- ObjectFrame.ButtonClick = function(object)
- if object == ValueFrame.Check then
- CurrentLoaded[Object.Name] = not CurrentLoaded[Object.Name];
- ValueFrame.Mark.Visible = CurrentLoaded[Object.Name];
- end
- end
- end
- elseif ValueType == "int" or ValueType == "float" then
- ValueFrame.Box.Text = tostring(("%.03f"):format(Object.Value));
- if Object.ReadOnly then
- ValueFrame.Box.TextColor3 = ReadOnlyColor;
- ValueFrame.Box.TextEditable = false;
- else
- ValueFrame.Box.TextColor3 = TextColor;
- ValueFrame.Box.TextEditable = true;
- ObjectFrame.TextInput = function(object)
- if object == ValueFrame.Box then
- CurrentLoaded[Object.Name] = tonumber(ValueFrame.Box.Text);
- end
- end
- end
- elseif ValueType == "Color3" then
- local a = Object.Value;
- ValueFrame.Box.Text = ("[Color] %d, %d, %d"):format(a.r * 255, a.g * 255, a.b * 255);
- if Object.ReadOnly then
- ValueFrame.Box.TextColor3 = ReadOnlyColor;
- else
- ValueFrame.Box.TextColor3 = TextColor;
- ObjectFrame.ButtonClick = function(object)
- if object == ValueFrame.Click then
- ColorObject:new(TemplateFrame, a, function(color)
- CurrentLoaded[Object.Name] = color;
- end):show();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for _, child in pairs(ObjectFrame.Frame:GetChildren()) do
- child.Visible = false;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function DropdownLoop(Data, ShowList)
- if Data.DropdownOpened then
- for _, property in pairs(Data.Dropdown) do
- if PropertyTemplate:FindFirstChild(property.ValueType) then
- property.Value = CurrentLoaded[property.Name];
- table.insert(ShowList, property);
- DropdownLoop(property, ShowList);
- else
- --warn(("Unsupported data type %s, making string"):format(property.ValueType));
- property.ValueType = "string";
- property.Value = tostring(property.Value);
- table.insert(ShowList, property);
- DropdownLoop(property, ShowList);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function UpdateShowList()
- local new = {}
- for _, data in pairs(ShowList) do
- if data.ValueType == "Category" then
- table.insert(new, data);
- DropdownLoop(data, new);
- end
- end
- ShowList = new;
- end
- function LoadProperties(Object)
- if CurrentLoaded == Object then return end;
- for _, connection in pairs(Connections) do connection:Disconnect() end;
- UpdateScrollbar();
- Connections = {};
- CurrentLoaded = Object;
- local Data = ClassProperties[Object.ClassName];
- local Properties = Data.Properties;
- Categories = {};
- for name, property in pairs(Properties) do
- local category = property.Category;
- if Categories[category] == nil then
- Categories[category] = {};
- end
- local list = Categories[category];
- local s, v = pcall(function() return Object[name] end);
- if s and property.Deprecated ~= true then
- table.insert(list, {
- Value = Object[name],
- Name = name,
- DropdownOpened = false,
- -- eventually will make it so you can like dropdown on XYZ and get individual number slots for each one like the
- -- real explorer
- Dropdown = {
- -- {"Number", 50, print}
- },
- ValueType = property.ValueType,
- ReadOnly = property.ReadOnly,
- Deprecated = property.Deprecated
- });
- end
- end
- local NewCategories = {};
- for category, properties in pairs(Categories) do
- table.insert(NewCategories, {category, properties});
- end
- -- this isn't techincally mimicing the real explorer as the real explorer only sorts into alphabetical order
- -- for the categories then for the properties but oh well
- table.sort(NewCategories, function(a, b)
- return sort_alphabetical(a[1]:sub(1,1), b[1]:sub(1,1));
- end)
- ShowList = {};
- for _, data in pairs(NewCategories) do
- local category, properties = unpack(data);
- local Data = {
- Value = nil,
- Name = category,
- DropdownOpened = true,
- Dropdown = properties,
- ValueType = "Category",
- };
- table.insert(ShowList, Data);
- DropdownLoop(Data, ShowList);
- end
- UpdateList(ShowList);
- end
- FillList()
- end
- -- script viewer
- do
- local CodeReview = Gui:WaitForChild("CodeReview");
- local Code = CodeReview:WaitForChild("Code");
- local HorizontalOutline = CodeReview:WaitForChild("HorizontalOutline");
- local VerticalOutline = CodeReview:WaitForChild("VerticalOutline");
- local EditorFrame = Code:WaitForChild("Editor");
- local LineNumbers = Code:WaitForChild("LineNumbers");
- local TabList = CodeReview:WaitForChild("TabList");
- local TabFrame = TabList:WaitForChild("Frame");
- local TabTemplate = TabFrame:WaitForChild("Template");
- local Ribbon = CodeReview:WaitForChild("Ribbon");
- local Clipboard = Ribbon:WaitForChild("Clipboard");
- local Folder = Ribbon:WaitForChild("Folder");
- local Exit = Ribbon:WaitForChild("Exit");
- local Title = Ribbon:WaitForChild("Title");
- local Finder = CodeReview:WaitForChild("Finder");
- local FinderInput = Finder:WaitForChild("Input");
- local Matches = Finder:WaitForChild("Matches");
- local UpArrow = Finder:WaitForChild("UpArrow");
- local DownArrow = Finder:WaitForChild("DownArrow");
- local FinderExit = Finder:WaitForChild("Exit");
- local Template = TabTemplate:Clone(); TabTemplate:Destroy();
- do
- local Lexer;
- -- lost my own lexer and too lazy to recreate, using a modified penlight lexer as it's fast and already made
- if RunService:IsStudio() then
- Lexer = require(ReplicatedStorage.Lexer).scan;
- else
- local String = game:HttpGet("");
- Lexer = loadstring(String)().scan;
- end
- local TabSelectionColor = Color3.fromRGB(37, 37, 37);
- local TabColor = Color3.fromRGB(53, 53, 53);
- local CurrentScript = nil;
- local Colors = {
- Selection = Color3.fromRGB(68, 71, 90),
- Comment = Color3.fromRGB(121, 121, 121),
- InbuiltFunction = Color3.fromRGB(102, 217, 239),
- Function = Color3.fromRGB(226, 226, 226),
- Orange = Color3.fromRGB(255, 184, 108),
- Keyword = Color3.fromRGB(249, 38, 114),
- Operator = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 242),
- Red = Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 85),
- String = Color3.fromRGB(230, 219, 90),
- Text = Color3.fromRGB(248, 248, 242),
- Number = Color3.fromRGB(174, 129, 255)
- };
- local function CenterUI()
- local Absolute = Gui.AbsoluteSize;
- local Size = CodeReview.AbsoluteSize;
- local X, Y = Absolute.X / 2 - (Size.X / 2), Absolute.Y / 2 - (Size.Y / 2);
- CodeReview.Position =, X, 0, Y);
- end
- local function GetColor(token)
- if token == "keyword" then
- return Colors.Keyword;
- elseif token == "builtin" then
- return Colors.InbuiltFunction;
- elseif token == "string" then
- return Colors.String;
- elseif token == "comment" then
- return Colors.Comment;
- elseif token == "iden" then
- return Colors.Function;
- elseif token == "number" then
- return Colors.Number;
- elseif token:match("%p") then
- return Colors.Operator;
- else
- return Colors.Text;
- end
- end
- local function ShowCode(String)
- local CurrentLine = 0;
- local _, NumberLines = String:gsub("\n","");
- NumberLines = NumberLines + 1;
- local LineSize, FontSize, Font = 20, 22, "SourceSans";
- local CurrentX, CurrentY = 0, 0;
- local Data = {};
- for token, src in Lexer(String) do
- if src:find("\n") then
- local _, NumberLines = src:gsub("\n","");
- local x, num = src, 0;
- while true do
- local d = x:find("\n");
- if not d then break end;
- local str = x:sub(1, d - 1);
- if num ~= 0 then table.insert(Data, {token, "\n"}) end;
- table.insert(Data, {token, str});
- x = x:sub(d + 1);
- num = num + 1;
- end
- table.insert(Data, {token, "\n"});
- table.insert(Data, {token, x});
- else
- table.insert(Data, {token, src});
- end
- end
- local function UpdateVertical()
- local SizeY, CurrentSize = (NumberLines - 1) * LineSize, Code.AbsoluteSize.Y;
- if CurrentSize < SizeY then
- Code.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, SizeY + LineSize * 2);
- VerticalOutline.Visible = true;
- else
- Code.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0);
- VerticalOutline.Visible = false;
- end
- end
- local SpaceSize;
- for i, data in pairs(Data) do
- --if i % 20 == 0 then RunService.RenderStepped:Wait() UpdateVertical() end
- local token, src = unpack(data);
- local Color = GetColor(token);
- local ThisLineSize = LineSize;
- local good = true;
- if src:sub(1,1) == "\n" then
- CurrentX = 0;
- CurrentY = CurrentY + LineSize;
- src = src:sub(src:find("\n") + 1);
- if #src == 1 then
- good = false;
- end
- end
- if src == " " and SpaceSize then
- good = false;
- CurrentX = CurrentX + SpaceSize;
- end
- if good then
- local Label ="TextLabel");
- local _, extra = src:gsub("\t", "");
- --extra = extra * 15;
- extra = extra * (6 * 4)
- local Size =;
- Label.TextColor3 = Color;
- Label.TextXAlignment = "Left";
- Label.Text = src;
- Label.TextSize = FontSize;
- Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- Label.Parent = EditorFrame;
- Label.Font = Font;
- Size = + extra, 20);
- Label.Size =, Size.X, 0, ThisLineSize);
- Label.Position =, CurrentX + extra, 0, CurrentY);
- Label.Name = ("Line%d"):format((CurrentY / LineSize) + 1);
- if src == " " then
- SpaceSize = Label.TextBounds.X;
- end
- if Size.X == 0 then
- Label:Destroy();
- end
- CurrentX = CurrentX + Size.X;
- end
- end
- for i = 1, NumberLines do
- local Label ="TextLabel");
- Label.Size =, 0, 0, 20);
- Label.Position =, 0, 0, (i - 1) * LineSize);
- Label.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- Label.AnchorPoint =, 0);
- Label.Font = "SourceSansSemibold";
- Label.TextScaled = true;
- Label.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(166, 166, 166);
- Label.Text = tostring(i);
- Label.Parent = LineNumbers;
- end
- UpdateVertical();
- local Size = math.clamp((#tostring(NumberLines)) * 12, 35, math.huge);
- LineNumbers.Size =, Size, 1, 0);
- EditorFrame.Position =, Size + 5, 0, 0);
- if false then -- todo : horizontal scaling
- else
- HorizontalOutline.Visible = false;
- end
- end
- local function ClearEditor()
- EditorFrame:ClearAllChildren();
- for _, obj in pairs(LineNumbers:GetChildren()) do
- if obj.Name ~= "VerticalOutline" then
- obj:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- do
- local Scripts = {};
- ScriptEditor = {
- Code = nil,
- IsScript = false,
- CreateScript = function(s, name, code)
- local self = {};
- for k, v in pairs(s) do self[k] = v end;
- self.Code = code;
- self.IsScript = true;
- self.original = s;
- self.Name = name;
- local Clone = Template:Clone();
- local Label = Clone:WaitForChild("Label");
- local Exit = Clone:WaitForChild("Close");
- self.Button = Clone;
- Label.Text = name;
- Clone.Parent = TabFrame;
- Clone.Size =, Label.TextBounds.X + 30, 1, 0);
- Clone.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- self:Select();
- end)
- Exit.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- self:Close();
- end);
- ExitButton(Exit);
- self:Select();
- table.insert(Scripts, self);
- return self;
- end,
- Select = function(self)
- self.original:UnselectAll();
- ClearEditor();
- ShowCode(self.Code);
- self.Button.BackgroundColor3 = TabSelectionColor;
- CurrentScript = self;
- Title.Text = ("Script Viewer - %s"):format(self.Name);
- end,
- Unselect = function(self)
- self.Button.BackgroundColor3 = TabColor;
- end,
- Close = function(self)
- if CurrentScript == self then
- CurrentScript = nil;
- Title.Text = "Script Viewer";
- end;
- self.Button:Destroy();
- for i, s in pairs(Scripts) do
- if s == self then
- if Scripts[i - 1] then
- Scripts[i - 1]:Select();
- elseif Scripts[i + 1] then
- Scripts[i + 1]:Select();
- else
- ClearEditor();
- end
- table.remove(Scripts, i);
- break;
- end
- end
- end,
- UnselectAll = function(self)
- if self.IsScript == false then
- for _, sc in pairs(Scripts) do
- sc:Unselect();
- end
- end
- end,
- Show = function(self)
- CodeReview.Visible = true;
- CenterUI();
- end,
- Hide = function(self)
- CodeReview.Visible = false;
- end
- }
- end
- -- Topbar / Ribbon Stuff
- Exit.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- ScriptEditor:Hide();
- end);
- ExitButton(Exit);
- Folder.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if CurrentScript then
- writefile(("%s.lua"):format(CurrentScript.Name), CurrentScript.Code);
- end
- end);
- Clipboard.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if CurrentScript then
- setclipboard(CurrentScript.Code);
- end
- end);
- -- so the camera script doesn't zoom in and out during scrolling
- -- still breaks sometimes NICE
- local LastMaxZoom, LastMinZoom;
- CodeReview.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
- LastMaxZoom = Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance;
- LastMinZoom = Client.CameraMinZoomDistance;
- local Head = (Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:Wait()):WaitForChild("Head");
- local Zoom = (workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p - Head.Position).Magnitude;
- Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance = Zoom;
- Client.CameraMinZoomDistance = Zoom;
- end);
- CodeReview.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
- Client.CameraMaxZoomDistance = LastMaxZoom;
- Client.CameraMinZoomDistance = LastMinZoom;
- end);
- CenterUI();
- -- Shift + F for word finder
- local NumKeysDown = 0;
- local function NewFunc(name, state)
- if state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
- NumKeysDown = NumKeysDown + 1;
- else
- NumKeysDown = math.clamp(NumKeysDown - 1, 0, 1);
- end
- if NumKeysDown == 2 then
- Finder.Visible = true;
- FinderInput:CaptureFocus();
- end
- return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass
- end
- ContextAction:BindAction("FindHotkey", NewFunc, false, Enum.KeyCode.F, Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift);
- -- highlight the words on new match(es)
- local match_location, max_matches = 0, 0;
- local matching_str = "";
- local last_wins = {};
- local function update_match()
- Matches.Text = ("%d of %d"):format(match_location, max_matches);
- for _, label in pairs(last_wins) do
- label.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- end
- local code = CurrentScript;
- if code then
- code = code.Code;
- local matches, bad_code = {}, code;
- while true do
- local match = bad_code:find(matching_str);
- if not match then break end;
- table.insert(matches, match);
- bad_code = bad_code:sub(match + 1);
- end
- local selected = matches[match_location];
- if selected then
- local codetil = code:sub(1, selected);
- local _, lines = codetil:gsub("\n", "");
- lines = lines + 1;
- local match_left = matching_str;
- local line_labels = {};
- for _, label in pairs(EditorFrame:GetChildren()) do
- if label.Name == ("Line%d"):format(lines) and label.Text:match(matching_str) then
- table.insert(line_labels, label);
- end
- end
- local wins = line_labels[match_location] or line_labels[1];
- --[[
- for i, label in pairs(line_labels) do
- -- ffs i give up, for special characters it breaks and for having it
- --work over multiple text labels
- if label.Text:match(match_left) then
- local add = 0;
- local good = true;
- repeat
- local next_label = line_labels[i + add];
- if next_label and next_label.Text:match(match_left) then
- add = add + 1;
- local num = label.Text:match(match_left);
- match_left = match_left:sub(#num + 1);
- if #match_left == 0 then break end;
- else
- good = false;
- break
- end
- until not good or line_labels[i + add] == nil or #match_left == 0;
- if not good then
- match_left = matching_str;
- else
- table.insert(wins, label);
- break
- end
- table.insert(wins, label);
- break;
- end
- end
- ]]
- for i, label in pairs({wins}) do
- if i == 1 then
- Code.CanvasPosition =, label.Position.Y.Offset);
- end
- label.BackgroundColor3 = Colors.Selection;
- label.BackgroundTransparency = 0;
- end
- last_wins = {wins};
- end
- end
- end
- local function find(str)
- if #str == 0 then return end;
- match_location = 1;
- matching_str = str:gsub("[%(%)%.]+", "%%%1");
- local code = CurrentScript;
- if code then
- code = code.Code;
- local _, matches = code:gsub(str, "");
- max_matches = matches;
- update_match();
- end
- end
- ExitButton(FinderExit);
- FinderExit.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- Finder.Visible = false;
- for _, label in pairs(last_wins) do
- label.BackgroundTransparency = 1;
- end
- end)
- DownArrow.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- match_location = match_location + 1;
- if match_location > max_matches then
- match_location = 1;
- end
- update_match();
- end);
- UpArrow.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- match_location = match_location - 1;
- if match_location <= 0 then
- match_location = max_matches;
- end
- update_match();
- end);
- FinderInput.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- find(FinderInput.Text);
- end);
- update_match();
- end
- end
- -- loading --
- local function Load()
- local OriginalSize = ExplorerFrame.Size;
- local OriginalSize2 = PropertiesFrame.Size;
- ExplorerFrame.ClipsDescendants = true;
- PropertiesFrame.ClipsDescendants = true;
- ExplorerFrame.Size =, OriginalSize.X.Offset, 0, 0);
- PropertiesFrame.Size =, OriginalSize2.X.Offset, 0, 0);
- ExplorerFrame.Visible = true;
- PropertiesFrame.Visible = true;
- ExplorerFrame:TweenSize(OriginalSize, 1, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 0.2, 1);
- wait(0.2);
- PropertiesFrame:TweenSize(OriginalSize2, 1, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 0.2, 1);
- wait(0.2);
- ExplorerFrame.ClipsDescendants = false;
- PropertiesFrame.ClipsDescendants = false;
- end
- -----------
- local function Boot()
- local CodeReview = Gui:WaitForChild("CodeReview");
- drag(ExplorerFrame:WaitForChild("Topbar"), ExplorerFrame);
- drag(CodeReview:WaitForChild("Ribbon"), CodeReview);
- FillList();
- UpdateList(GetShowList());
- UpdateScrollbar();
- local function HoverUpdates()
- GetFurthestOut();
- for _, object in pairs(ListObjects) do
- object:UpdateHoverEnd();
- end
- end
- table.insert(ChildAddedUpdates, HoverUpdates);
- table.insert(ScrollUpdates, HoverUpdates);
- table.insert(ScrollUpdates, UpdateSelections);
- delay(0, Load);
- -- for studio testing --
- if RunService:IsStudio() then
- delay(1, function()
- --[[
- ScriptEditor:Show();
- ScriptEditor:CreateScript("test", 'print("Hello World!")\n--comment\nfor i = 1, 25 / 5 do\n\tlocal bye = 1;\nend');
- Notify:new("an error", "an error");]]
- end);
- else
- Gui.Name = RandomString(10);
- for _, object in pairs(Gui:GetDescendants()) do
- object.Name = RandomString(10);
- end
- Gui.Parent = game:GetService("CoreGui");
- end
- -- temporary?
- RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- PropertiesFrame.Position = ExplorerFrame.Position +, 0, 0, ExplorerFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y);
- end);
- ExplorerFrame:GetPropertyChangedSignal("ZIndex"):Connect(function()
- SetZIndex(PropertiesFrame, ExplorerFrame.ZIndex - 1);
- end);
- --print("Successfully booted in " .. tostring(tick() - START) .. " seconds!");
- end
- Boot();
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