

Oct 4th, 2018
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  1. warn("Loaded in stuff Halcyon")
  2. local isvip = false
  3. if game.VIPServerOwnerId ~= 0 then
  4. print("VIP Server Detected! Note on vip servers you get less money and also timers arent reliable.")
  5. isvip = true
  6. end
  7. local elapsed = 0
  8. local lol
  9. local root = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  10. local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  12. local bankSign = workspace:FindFirstChild("Banks"):GetChildren()[1].Extra.Sign.Decal
  13. local jewlSign = workspace.Jewelrys:FindFirstChild('Extra', true).Sign.Decal
  14. local isBankOpen = bankSign.Transparency>0.01
  15. local isJewlOpen = jewlSign.Transparency>0.01
  17. local banktimer = 270
  18. local jewelrytimer = 270
  20. game:GetService('Players').PlayerAdded:connect(function(player)
  21. root = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  22. end)
  24. local function isBankCalm()
  25. return #workspace.Ringers.Bank:GetChildren()==0
  26. end
  28. local function isJewlCalm()
  29. return #workspace.Ringers.Jewelry:GetChildren()==0
  30. end
  32. bankSign:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function()
  33. wait()
  34. isBankOpen = bankSign.Transparency>0.01
  35. end)
  36. jewlSign:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function()
  37. wait()
  38. isJewlOpen = jewlSign.Transparency>0.01
  39. end)
  41. local function isVaultOpen()
  42. return (workspace.Banks:GetChildren()[1],3.6,815.6)).magnitude > 1
  43. end
  45. local function strToNum(str)
  46. return tonumber((tostring(str):gsub("[^%d]", "")))
  47. end
  49. local function isBagFull()
  50. if player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Visible==false then
  51. return true
  52. end
  53. return strToNum(player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Money.Text)+1 >= strToNum(player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Maximum.Text)
  54. end
  56. local function bigTP(cf)
  57. root = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  58. repeat
  59. for i=1,90 do
  60. if abort then return end
  61. root.CFrame=cf
  62. wait()
  63. end
  64. until wait(0.40) and (root.Position-cf.p).magnitude<15 and (root.Parent.Head.Position-cf.p).magnitude<15
  65. end
  67. local function clearoutput()
  68. for i=1,35 do
  69. print("")
  70. end
  71. end
  73. local function copsTooClose(radius)
  74. for _,p in ipairs(game:GetService("Teams").Police:GetPlayers()) do
  75. if p.Character and p.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  76. local diff = (p.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position-root.Position)
  77. if diff.magnitude < radius and (diff*,1,0)).magnitude < 10 and p.Character.Humanoid.Health>1 then
  78. return true
  79. end
  80. end
  81. end
  82. return false
  83. end
  85. while true do
  87. if isJewlOpen == false then
  88. warn("Jewelry Closed Estimated Open time: "..jewelrytimer.." seconds.")
  89. wait(1)
  90. jewelrytimer = jewelrytimer - 1
  91. banktimer = banktimer - 1
  92. else
  93. print("Robbing Jewelry...")
  94. bigTP(, 106.6, 1341.6))
  96. lol = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  97. stepconn = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
  98. root.CFrame = lol
  99. end)
  101. if math.random(2)==1 then
  102. lol = (, 17.88, 1351.08))
  103. else
  104. lol = (, 17.88, 1302.53))
  105. end
  106. if isJewlCalm() then
  107. wait(2)
  108. end
  109. broke = 0
  110. for _,box in ipairs(workspace.Jewelrys:GetChildren()[1].Boxes:GetChildren()) do
  111. if (broke>3 and isBagFull()) then
  113. break
  114. end
  115. if box.Transparency < 0.9 then
  116. if box.Position.X < 115 and box.Position.Z > 1330 then
  117. lol =*,0,-2.5),box.Position)
  118. elseif box.Position.Z > 1338 then
  119. lol =*-2.5,box.Position)
  120. else
  121. lol =*2.5,box.Position)
  122. end
  123. wait(0.1)
  124. local hits = 0
  125. elapsed = 0
  126. warn("Waiting box to break...")
  127. while box.Transparency < 0.9 and elapsed < 10 do
  128. wait(0.4)
  129. elapsed = elapsed + 1
  130. end
  131. if box.Transparency > 0.9 and isJewlCalm() then
  132. print("trying to setup Jewelry alarms again..")
  133. box.Transparency = 1
  134. if math.random(2)==1 then
  135. lol = (, 17.88, 1351.08))
  136. else
  137. lol = (, 17.88, 1302.53))
  138. end
  139. wait(3)
  140. end
  141. print("Broken box!")
  142. broke = broke + 1
  143. box.Transparency = 1
  144. end
  145. end
  147. wait(0.1)
  148. print("Escaping...")
  149. local noclipator = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Touched:connect(function(obj)
  150. if obj ~= workspace.Terrain then
  151. if obj.CanCollide == true then
  152. obj.CanCollide = false
  153. end
  154. end
  155. end)
  156. lol = (, 27.52, 1578.5))
  157. elapsed = 0
  158. while player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Visible==true and elapsed < 15 do
  159. wait(0.2)
  160. elapsed = elapsed + 0.2
  161. end
  162. stepconn:Disconnect()
  163. wait()
  164. bigTP(,22.3,1430))
  165. isJewlOpen = false
  166. jewelrytimer = 250
  167. noclipator:Disconnect()
  168. end
  169. if isBankOpen == false then
  170. clearoutput()
  171. warn("Bank Closed Estimated Open time: "..banktimer.." seconds.")
  172. else
  173. print("Robbing Bank..")
  174. bigTP(, 18, 840))
  175. wait(3)
  176. print("Going through lasers like normal human to fool anti cheat.")
  177. root.CFrame =, 1, 854)
  178. wait(1)
  179. root.CFrame =, 1, 819)
  180. wait(1)
  181. root.CFrame =, 1, 817)
  182. wait(1)
  183. root.CFrame =, 1, 817)
  185. bigTP(, 1, 814))
  186. wait(0.5)
  187. root.CFrame =, 1, 819)
  189. wait(5)
  190. bigTP(, 5, 804))
  191. elapsed = 0
  192. print("waiting for vault...")
  193. while wait(0.5) and isVaultOpen() == false and isBankOpen do
  194. elapsed = elapsed + 1
  195. end
  196. print("Started checking bag")
  197. wait(5)
  198. elapsed = 0
  199. while wait(1) and isBagFull() == false and copsTooClose(30) == false and elapsed < 100 and isBankOpen do
  200. elapsed = elapsed + 1
  201. end
  202. if copsTooClose(30) then
  203. print("Cop Near Detected!")
  204. end
  205. print("Escaping...")
  206. bigTP(, 100, 840))
  207. isBankOpen = false
  208. banktimer = 230
  209. wait(5)
  210. end
  212. local boxcars = {}
  214. for _,v in ipairs(workspace.Trains:GetChildren()) do
  215. if v.Name=="BoxCar" and v:FindFirstChild("Gold",true) and v.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.Open.Value == false then
  216. boxcars[#boxcars+1]=v
  217. end
  218. end
  220. workspace.Trains.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
  221. boxcars = {}
  222. for _,v in ipairs(workspace.Trains:GetChildren()) do
  223. if v.Name=="BoxCar" and v:FindFirstChild("Gold",true) and v.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.Open.Value == false then
  224. boxcars[#boxcars+1]=v
  225. end
  226. end
  227. end)
  228. workspace.Trains.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child)
  229. boxcars = {}
  230. for _,v in ipairs(workspace.Trains:GetChildren()) do
  231. if v.Name=="BoxCar" and v:FindFirstChild("Gold",true) and v.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.Open.Value == false then
  232. boxcars[#boxcars+1]=v
  233. end
  234. end
  235. end)
  238. local function robTrain()
  239. oldg = Workspace.Gravity
  240. Workspace.Gravity = 0
  241. local bcar = boxcars[1]
  242. local gold = bcar.Model.Rob.Gold
  243. local topDoor = bcar.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed
  244. local trainFront = workspace.Trains.LocomotiveFront.Model.Front
  246. print("TPing to train...")
  248. if bcar.Parent then
  249. local elapsed
  251. if trainEvent then
  252. trainEvent(bcar)
  253. wait(0.1)
  254. else
  255. print("Opening door...")
  257. if not abort then
  258. stepconn = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
  259. root.CFrame = topDoor.CFrame +,-5,0)
  260. end)
  261. wait()
  262. wait(0.5)
  263. holde=true
  264. elapsed=0
  265. while elapsed<19 and topDoor.Open.Value==false do
  266. elapsed=elapsed+wait(0.3)
  267. end
  268. stepconn:Disconnect()
  269. wait()
  270. end
  271. holde=false
  272. print("Opening vault...")
  274. wait(2)
  275. stepconn = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
  276. root.CFrame = gold.CFrame+(gold.CFrame.lookVector*4.5),1,0)
  277. end)
  278. wait(0.5)
  279. holde=true
  280. elapsed=0
  281. while elapsed<9 and bcar.Skeleton.Vault.Part.Open.Value==false do
  282. elapsed=elapsed+wait(0.3)
  283. end
  284. stepconn:Disconnect()
  285. wait(0.2)
  286. holde=false
  287. end
  288. elapsed=0
  290. if not abort then
  291. stepconn = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
  292. root.CFrame =,1,0)
  293. end)
  294. while copsTooClose(40)==false and (not(elapsed>5 and isBagFull())) and (,25,268)).magnitude>69 and elapsed<65 do
  295. elapsed=elapsed+wait(0.3)
  296. end
  297. stepconn:Disconnect()
  298. Workspace.Gravity = oldg
  299. if (,25,268)).magnitude<69 then
  300. boxcars = {}
  301. end
  302. end
  303. end
  304. print("Escaping...")
  305. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:MoveTo(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Position +,20,0))
  306. boxcars = {}
  307. for _,v in ipairs(workspace.Trains:GetChildren()) do
  308. if v.Name=="BoxCar" and v:FindFirstChild("Gold",true) and v.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.Open.Value == false then
  309. boxcars[#boxcars+1]=v
  310. end
  311. end
  312. end
  313. if #boxcars>0 then
  314. robTrain()
  315. else
  316. warn("No train Found.")
  317. end
  318. end
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