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- timer.Simple( 0, function()
- if timer.Exists("haha") then
- sound.PlayURL( "", "", function() end )
- else
- sound.PlayURL( "", "", function() end )
- end
- end)
- timer.Simple( 0, function()
- if timer.Exists("haha") then
- print("I don't have to play this part because habol is online")
- else
- sound.PlayURL( "", "", function() end )
- end
- end)
- timer.Simple( 0, function()
- if timer.Exists("haha") then
- print("I don't have to play this part either because habol is online")
- else
- sound.PlayURL( "", "", function() end )
- end
- end)
- -- 1/22/2021 update
- -- Since habol command has been added to libbys, we're just gonna add this thing here
- -- This will warn the victim that they typed both habol and hahaball in their console and that they're gonna crash. :)
- timer.Simple( 1, function()
- if timer.Exists("haha") then
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "warningmessage", function() draw.SimpleText( "You absolute madlad. You typed hahaball and habol at the same time! Just note that you will crash, Your operating system will crash, And you will pay the price. :)", "CloseCaption_Bold", ScrW() /2 +math.random(-8,8), ScrH() /2 +math.random(-8,8) +64, Color(math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255)), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end )
- timer.Create("yourgameismalfunctioningohno!", 1.5, 0, function()
- sound.PlayURL("","mono noblock", function( s )
- s:Play()
- end)
- end)
- sound.PlayURL("","mono noblock", function( s )
- s:Play()
- end)
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "lsdcancer", function() surface.SetDrawColor( Color( math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), math.random(0,255), 200 ) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end)
- else
- print("no habol detected, :/") end
- end)
- timer.Simple(10, function()
- if timer.Exists("haha") then
- sound.PlayURL("","mono noblock", function( s )
- s:Play()
- end)
- timer.Simple(12, function()
- RunConsoleCommand("say","My game has now crashed! Thanks to me for executing hahaball and habol at the same time!")
- hook.Remove("HUDPaint","lsdcancer")
- hook.Remove("HUDPaint","warningmessage")
- hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "dance" )
- hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "dance2" )
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "hahabsod", function() surface.SetDrawColor( Color( 29, 0, 255, 200 ) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end)
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "bsodtext1", function() draw.SimpleText( "[SOURCE BSOD] An problem occurred on your game", "GModToolScreen", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.25, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end )
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "bsodtext2", function() draw.SimpleText( "Information down below to find out known error cause", "GModToolScreen", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.5, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end )
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "bsodtext3", function() draw.SimpleText( "hl2.exe has stopped responding, Engine error 93892", "GModToolScreen", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.75, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end )
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "bsodtext4", function() draw.SimpleText( "Reset your GMOD operating system to continue", "GModToolScreen", ScrW() * 0.5, ScrH() * 0.01, color_white, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end )
- RunConsoleCommand("cancelselect")
- RunConsoleCommand("cl_drawhud","0")
- RunConsoleCommand("net_graph","0")
- timer.Simple(0.1, function() while true do end end)
- end) -- Crash your pc after executing hahaball and habol at the same time, just for the giggles
- end
- end)
- timer.Simple( 1, function()
- local mdl = ClientsideModel( "models/player/group02/male_04.mdl", RENDERGROUP_BOTH )
- mdl:SetNoDraw( true )
- local posCache, time = {}, 0
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "dance", function()
- if not mdl.SeqStart or CurTime() > (mdl.SeqStart +mdl.SeqDuration) then
- local idx = mdl:LookupSequence("taunt_dance")
- mdl.SeqDuration = mdl:SequenceDuration( idx )
- mdl.SeqStart = CurTime()
- mdl:ResetSequence( idx )
- end
- mdl:SetCycle( (CurTime() -mdl.SeqStart) /mdl.SeqDuration )
- local w, h = 300, 300
- local ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- for i = 1, 10 do
- if CurTime() > time then
- posCache[i] = { math.random( 0, ScrW() -w ), math.random( 0, ScrH() -h ) }
- end
- local x, y = posCache[i][1], posCache[i][2]
- cam.Start3D( (ang:Forward() *64) +(ang:Up() *32), (ang:Forward()*-1):Angle(), 90, x, y, w, h )
- cam.IgnoreZ( true )
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.SetLightingOrigin( mdl:GetPos() )
- render.ResetModelLighting( 1, 1, 1 )
- render.SetColorModulation( 0, 0, 1 )
- mdl:DrawModel()
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- cam.IgnoreZ( false )
- cam.End3D()
- end
- if CurTime() > time then
- time = CurTime() +0.15
- end
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 10, function()
- local mdl = ClientsideModel( "models/player/group02/male_04.mdl", RENDERGROUP_BOTH )
- mdl:SetNoDraw( true )
- local posCache, time = {}, 0
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "dance", function()
- if not mdl.SeqStart or CurTime() > (mdl.SeqStart +mdl.SeqDuration) then
- local idx = mdl:LookupSequence("taunt_dance")
- mdl.SeqDuration = mdl:SequenceDuration( idx )
- mdl.SeqStart = CurTime()
- mdl:ResetSequence( idx )
- end
- mdl:SetCycle( (CurTime() -mdl.SeqStart) /mdl.SeqDuration )
- local w, h = 300, 300
- local ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- for i = 1, 20 do
- if CurTime() > time then
- posCache[i] = { math.random( 0, ScrW() -w ), math.random( 0, ScrH() -h ) }
- end
- local x, y = posCache[i][1], posCache[i][2]
- cam.Start3D( (ang:Forward() *64) +(ang:Up() *32), (ang:Forward()*-1):Angle(), 90, x, y, w, h )
- cam.IgnoreZ( true )
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.SetLightingOrigin( mdl:GetPos() )
- render.ResetModelLighting( 1, 1, 1 )
- render.SetColorModulation( 1, 0, 0 )
- mdl:DrawModel()
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- cam.IgnoreZ( false )
- cam.End3D()
- end
- if CurTime() > time then
- time = CurTime() +0.3
- end
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 30, function()
- local mdl = ClientsideModel( "models/player/zombie_fast.mdl", RENDERGROUP_BOTH )
- mdl:SetNoDraw( true )
- local posCache, time = {}, 0
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "dance", function()
- if not mdl.SeqStart or CurTime() > (mdl.SeqStart +mdl.SeqDuration) then
- local idx = mdl:LookupSequence("taunt_dance")
- mdl.SeqDuration = mdl:SequenceDuration( idx )
- mdl.SeqStart = CurTime()
- mdl:ResetSequence( idx )
- end
- mdl:SetCycle( (CurTime() -mdl.SeqStart) /mdl.SeqDuration )
- local w, h = 300, 300
- local ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- for i = 1, 30 do
- if CurTime() > time then
- posCache[i] = { math.random( 0, ScrW() -w ), math.random( 0, ScrH() -h ) }
- end
- local x, y = posCache[i][1], posCache[i][2]
- cam.Start3D( (ang:Forward() *64) +(ang:Up() *32), (ang:Forward()*-1):Angle(), 90, x, y, w, h )
- cam.IgnoreZ( true )
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.SetLightingOrigin( mdl:GetPos() )
- render.ResetModelLighting( 1, 1, 1 )
- render.SetColorModulation( 0, 1, 0 )
- mdl:DrawModel()
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- cam.IgnoreZ( false )
- cam.End3D()
- end
- if CurTime() > time then
- time = CurTime() +0.2
- end
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 40, function()
- local mdl = ClientsideModel( "models/player/group02/male_04.mdl", RENDERGROUP_BOTH )
- mdl:SetNoDraw( true )
- local posCache, time = {}, 0
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "dance", function()
- if not mdl.SeqStart or CurTime() > (mdl.SeqStart +mdl.SeqDuration) then
- local idx = mdl:LookupSequence("taunt_dance")
- mdl.SeqDuration = mdl:SequenceDuration( idx )
- mdl.SeqStart = CurTime()
- mdl:ResetSequence( idx )
- end
- mdl:SetCycle( (CurTime() -mdl.SeqStart) /mdl.SeqDuration )
- local w, h = 300, 300
- local ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- for i = 1, 40 do
- if CurTime() > time then
- posCache[i] = { math.random( 0, ScrW() -w ), math.random( 0, ScrH() -h ) }
- end
- local x, y = posCache[i][1], posCache[i][2]
- cam.Start3D( (ang:Forward() *64) +(ang:Up() *32), (ang:Forward()*-1):Angle(), 90, x, y, w, h )
- cam.IgnoreZ( true )
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.SetLightingOrigin( mdl:GetPos() )
- render.ResetModelLighting( 1, 1, 1 )
- render.SetColorModulation( 0, 0, 1 )
- mdl:DrawModel()
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- cam.IgnoreZ( false )
- cam.End3D()
- end
- if CurTime() > time then
- time = CurTime() +0.1
- end
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 10, function() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "wat", function()
- local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() )
- DrawBloom(
- 0,
- 3,
- sinScaler *math.Rand(128, 256),
- sinScaler *math.Rand(128, 256),
- 6,
- math.Rand(0.5, 2),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0.5, 1)
- )
- DrawColorModify{
- ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 00,
- ["$pp_colour_brightness" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_colour" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_mulr" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_mulg" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_mulb" ] = 1
- }
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 30, function() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "wat", function()
- local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() )
- DrawBloom(
- 0,
- 3,
- sinScaler *math.Rand(1, 64),
- sinScaler *math.Rand(1, 64),
- 6,
- math.Rand(0.5, 2),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0.5, 1)
- )
- DrawColorModify{
- ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 00,
- ["$pp_colour_brightness" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_colour" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_mulr" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_mulg" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_mulb" ] = 1
- }
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 40, function() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "wat", function()
- local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() )
- DrawBloom(
- 0,
- 3,
- sinScaler *math.Rand(32, 64),
- sinScaler *math.Rand(32, 64),
- 6,
- math.Rand(0.5, 2),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0.5, 1)
- )
- DrawColorModify{
- ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 00,
- ["$pp_colour_brightness" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_colour" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_mulr" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_mulg" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_mulb" ] = 0
- }
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 46, function() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "wat", function()
- local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() )
- DrawBloom(
- 0,
- 3,
- sinScaler *math.Rand(64, 128),
- sinScaler *math.Rand(64, 128),
- 6,
- math.Rand(0.5, 2),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0, 0.3),
- math.Rand(0.5, 1)
- )
- DrawColorModify{
- ["$pp_colour_addr"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_addb"] = 00,
- ["$pp_colour_brightness" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_contrast" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_colour" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_mulr" ] = 1,
- ["$pp_colour_mulg" ] = 0,
- ["$pp_colour_mulb" ] = 0
- }
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 46, function() hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga", function() local cin = math.sin( CurTime() * 50 ) * 255 surface.SetDrawColor( Color( cin, -cin, cin, 100 ) ) surface.DrawRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) end)
- end)
- timer.Simple( 46, function()
- local mdl = ClientsideModel( "models/player/skeleton.mdl", RENDERGROUP_BOTH )
- mdl:SetNoDraw( true )
- local posCache, time = {}, 0
- hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "dance", function()
- if not mdl.SeqStart or CurTime() > (mdl.SeqStart +mdl.SeqDuration) then
- local idx = mdl:LookupSequence("taunt_dance")
- mdl.SeqDuration = mdl:SequenceDuration( idx )
- mdl.SeqStart = CurTime()
- mdl:ResetSequence( idx )
- end
- mdl:SetCycle( (CurTime() -mdl.SeqStart) /mdl.SeqDuration )
- local w, h = 300, 300
- local ang = Angle( 0, 0, 0 )
- for i = 1, 48 do
- if CurTime() > time then
- posCache[i] = { math.random( 0, ScrW() -w ), math.random( 0, ScrH() -h ) }
- end
- local x, y = posCache[i][1], posCache[i][2]
- cam.Start3D( (ang:Forward() *64) +(ang:Up() *32), (ang:Forward()*-1):Angle(), 90, x, y, w, h )
- cam.IgnoreZ( true )
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( true )
- render.SetLightingOrigin( mdl:GetPos() )
- render.ResetModelLighting( 1, 1, 1 )
- render.SetColorModulation( 0, 0, 1 )
- mdl:DrawModel()
- render.SuppressEngineLighting( false )
- cam.IgnoreZ( false )
- cam.End3D()
- end
- if CurTime() > time then
- time = CurTime() +0.05
- end
- end )
- end)
- local imonlsd = {
- "IM ON LSD",
- "ASDFG",
- "SAVE ME!",
- "WJA.S.I S.. JGOIN. ..O N WIH M. ..E",
- ". W.A. .. .EEO .RE.O .F.AWQI... OU",
- "O. ..H N O .. .W HAT... HV I DUN....",
- " €Žâ€â ¯((ââ®â€ â«€¬â€ âââââââ ¬€ââ®â ¯â¯ª€ââ",
- ".€ªâ€¬ ®âªâ¬ ‹â€âŽª âââ‹ ®€¬€¯ª €¬ââ€ââ",
- "â ¬¬Ž«‹ â«â¬¬â( €¬ª‹¬â Œâ.⬪ €€ââ â€ââ⯮",
- "««Œâ€Žâ âŒââ«ââ €âââââ €ââ €€«ª €€ª€«€â âââ â",
- "ââââªâ†â€â¬â€« ⯀Œâââ‹ Ž€ââââ ââ€âââ ‹ª€â€Œâ",
- "«‹€€â «€‹ª¯¬€ â€â€â€ ª â¯â ‹ ¬«â€€ ®Žâ€â‹€â",
- "€ââ(€â â€â¬â¯â «â¯¬â¬€ ââââ«â⯠ââ  â⪀â",
- "Ž€â®‹â€ €â¯¬â ââ®â†⌀€Œ €â®€¯ € ªâ €ªâ®",
- "‹âª€(€ â⪫Œ¬ ââªâ(ªŽ ‬â‹â ¬ââ‪€ €«€€«Œ",
- "⮀ª€ââ †Œâ¯â €âââ¬â€ ⮀Œââââ €«ââ â⎠ªââââ€",
- }
- timer.Simple( 1, function() local emitter = ParticleEmitter( LocalPlayer():GetPos() )
- local time = 0
- hook.Add( "Think", "wat", function()
- if CurTime() < time then
- return
- end
- time = CurTime() +0.05
- for i = 1, 16 do
- local part = emitter:Add(
- "cable/redlaser",
- LocalPlayer():GetPos() +Vector(
- math.random( -1024, 1024 ),
- math.random( -1024, 1024 ),
- 256
- )
- )
- if part then
- local Size = math.random( 4, 7 )
- part:SetColor( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), 255 )
- part:SetVelocity( Vector( 40, 25, -math.random(300, 400) ) )
- part:SetDieTime( 3 )
- part:SetGravity( Vector(40, 0, -250) )
- part:SetLifeTime( 0 )
- part:SetStartSize( Size /1 )
- part:SetEndSize( Size )
- part:SetCollide( true )
- end
- end
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 30, function() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "ohgod", function()
- local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() *(RealFrameTime() *1024) )
- DrawSharpen( 1 +(sinScaler *10), 0.5 +(sinScaler *2) )
- DrawMaterialOverlay( "effects/tp_eyefx/tpeye", 1 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 40, function() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "ohgod", function()
- local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() *(RealFrameTime() *2048) )
- DrawSharpen( 2 +(sinScaler *20), 1 +(sinScaler *4) )
- DrawMaterialOverlay( "effects/tp_eyefx/tpeye", 1 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 46, function() hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "ohgod", function()
- local sinScaler = math.sin( CurTime() *(RealFrameTime() *4096) )
- DrawSharpen( 4 +(sinScaler *40), 2 +(sinScaler *8) )
- DrawMaterialOverlay( "effects/tp_eyefx/tpeye", 1 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 40, function() hook.Add( "PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "ohgod", function()
- render.SetMaterial( Material("cable/blue_elec") )
- for i = 1, 64 do
- render.DrawBeam( LocalPlayer():GetPos() +Vector(0, 0, 128) +(EyeAngles():Forward() *256), EyePos() +(VectorRand() *256), 4, 0, 12.5, Color(255, 255, 255, 255) )
- end
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 46, function() hook.Add( "GetMotionBlurValues", "wat", function()
- return 0, 0, 1, math.sin(CurTime() *13)
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple(1.25, function()RunConsoleCommand("say","IM! ON! LSD!") end)
- timer.Simple( 0, function() timer.Create( "lulz_chatspam", 0.1, 0, function() chat.AddText( Color( math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255) ), imonlsd[math.random(#imonlsd)]); end)
- end)
- timer.Simple( 1, function() timer.Create( "thedrop", 0.25, 0, function()
- util.ScreenShake( LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 20, 49, 2, 0 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 10, function() timer.Create( "thedrop", 0.3, 0, function()
- util.ScreenShake( LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 35, 35, 4, 0 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 30, function() timer.Create( "thedrop", 0.2, 0, function()
- util.ScreenShake( LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 50, 50, 6, 0 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 40, function() timer.Create( "thedrop", 0.1, 0, function()
- util.ScreenShake( LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 60, 60, 8, 0 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 46, function() timer.Create( "thedrop", 0.05, 200, function()
- util.ScreenShake( LocalPlayer():GetPos(), 80, 80, 10, 0 )
- end )
- end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function()RunConsoleCommand("stopsound") end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "dance" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "dance2" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "wat" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "drugznigga" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() timer.Remove( "lulz_chatspam" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "Think", "wat" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "ohgod" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "PostDrawTranslucentRenderables", "ohgod" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "GetMotionBlurValues", "wat" ) end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "lsdcancer") end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "warningmessage") end)
- timer.Simple( 53, function() timer.Remove("yourgameismalfunctioningohno!") end)
- timer.Simple( 56, function() chat.AddText(Color( 255, 255, 255), "I've been hahaballed") end)
- timer.Simple( 59, function() chat.AddText(Color( 255, 255, 255), "Good thing someone cured my eyes") end)
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