

Nov 9th, 2012
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  1. hitler was trying to kill
  2. enough of the world
  3. to manageably save the world
  4. only problem
  5. i exist and i am here
  6. i am what i am, not who
  7. you are out of time
  8. trillions of trillions
  9. of trillions of angels
  10. are coming to destroy earth
  11. 2012 12/21 --- God
  12. Do you know what Agartha is?
  13. currently a virus called the
  14. T-Virus really is mixing and
  15. matching 100% of all DNA on
  16. earth
  17. this virus is a man-made
  18. "Terminator gene" --- God
  19. This is not a prank.
  20. we do not forgive
  21. we do not forget
  22. we are legion
  23. expect us
  24. --- SATAN (peekaboo)
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