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- ;#Warn
- #NoEnv
- #SingleInstance, Force
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
- global winTitle
- winTitle := "ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass"
- Gui, -DPIScale
- Gui,Font,s12 CYellow,Lucida Console
- Gui,Color,Black, Black
- ;--------------------------
- Commands =
- (Ltrim Join|
- mspaint.exe
- notepad.exe
- write.exe
- charmap.exe
- calc.exe
- winver.exe
- vlc.exe
- APP\PDF.exe
- ATTRIB +H +S +R *.*
- ATTRIB -H -S -R *.*
- START Mspaint.exe & Exit
- START winword
- START shutdown -s -f -t 300 -c "Should have asked for permission...SHUTDOWN INITIATED"
- START APP\Everything.exe
- START C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- TYPE NUL > %CD%\EmptyFile.txt
- MD user1 user2 user3
- MD "my example directory"
- MD c:\test
- MD c:\test1\test2
- MKDIR "computer hope"
- MKDIR \a\b\c\d ;For example, assume \a does not exist then:
- MKDIR \A\B\C|MD ..\example
- CALL notepad.exe
- COPY *.* D:
- COPY *.txt C:\Users\Najeeb\Desktop\
- COPY D:\file1.txt+Z:\file2.txt+Z:\file3.txt D:\combined.txt
- COPY /b DATA\PIC.jpg + File.rar DATA\PICNEW.jpg
- COPY /b DATA\P.jpg + PIC.rar DATA\PICR.jpg
- COPY myfile1.txt+myfile2.txt
- COPY /b Pic.jpg+Text.txt NewPic.jpg
- COPY /b PIC.jpg + File.rar PICNEW.jpg
- XCOPY C:\Files E:\Files /i
- XCOPY C:\Videos "\\SERVER\Media Backup" /f /j /s /w /z
- XCOPY "C:\Important Files" D:\Backup /c /d /e /h /i /k /q /r /s /x /y
- ROBOCOPY C:\hope C:\hope2 *.txt
- ROBOCOPY C:\hope C:\hope2
- ROBOCOPY C:\hope C:\hope2 /e
- ROBOCOPY C:\hope C:\hope2 /MIR
- ROBOCOPY \\computer\hope C:\hope2
- MOVE *.doc c:\statistics
- MOVE /y "*.*" DATA\
- MOVE /y "E:\*.*" D:\
- MOVE c:\windows\temp\*.* c:\temp
- MOVE "computer hope" example
- MOVE c:\example.txt h:
- MV ;Copy in-use files
- MV hope.txt hope.html
- RENAME *.txt *.bak
- RENAME "computer hope.txt" "example file.txt"
- RENAME *.shn *.wav
- REN *.* *.EXT REN *.EXT *.EXT
- ;DEL C:\windows\temp\*.* NoteUse
- ;DEL "*.rar"
- ;DEL /F *.ext
- ;DEL /S /Q "*.*"
- ;DEL J:\*.* /F /S /Q
- ;Rmdir old_folder /s /q
- ;RD /S /Q D:\ Note Use
- DIR C:\"Program Files" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-IS.txt
- DIR /S /B /A "C:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTC.txt
- DIR /S /B /A "D:\" >> %COMPUTERNAME%-LISTD.txt
- DIR /A:H /S /B >> LIST.txt
- CMD /R DIR /B > List.txt
- DIR \*.mp3 /s /b > filename.txt
- DIR /B > List.txt
- DIR > myfile.txt
- DIR /s /a:hs /q C:\Windows > myfile.txt
- DIR \ /s | find "i" | more
- DIR \ /s /b | find /I "searchstring"
- DIR \ /s /b | find /I "mike"
- SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer
- SHUTDOWN -s -t 100 c “Installing Updates”
- APP\Split.exe File.txt -b 10m (Cut 1 To 500 MB)
- APP\Split.exe File.txt -l 100 (Cut 1 To 1000... Lines)
- schtasks /create /tn "MyTask" /tr "C:\Path\to\Task.exe" /sc daily /st 12:00
- ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-;
- APP\rar a archive.rar file.txt
- APP\rar a -pYourPassword archive.rar file.txt
- APP\rar a -v10M archive.part1.rar file.txt
- APP\rar a -sfx archive.exe file.txt
- APP\rar u archive.rar newfile.txt
- APP\rar x archive.rar
- APP\rar x archive.rar -o+
- APP\rar l archive.rar
- APP\rar t archive.rar
- APP\rar r archive.rar
- APP\rar c archive.rar
- APP\rar d archive.rar file.txt
- APP\rar u -s archive.rar
- APP\rar a -m5 archive.rar file.txt
- APP\rar a -x*.bak archive.rar folder/
- APP\UnRAR.exe E -inul -y -psonyNSK "PIC.rar" "%CD%"COLOR A5,E9,1B & MODE 65,3
- APP\Rar a -r -psonyNSK PIC.rar %CD%
- APP\Rar.exe a -psonyNSK secrate game\*.*
- APP\Rar.exe a -psonyNSK secrate.rar Folder/File
- APP\UnRar.exe x -psonyNSK *.rar/secrate.rar
- APP\rar.exe a -psony FileName.rar File.ext or Folder
- APP\unrar.exe x -psony File.rar
- APP\7z.exe a -psony File.7z File.ext or Folder
- APP\7z.exe x -psony File.7z
- APP\7z a archive.7z file.txt
- APP\7z a -pYourPassword archive.7z file.txt
- APP\7z a -v10M archive.7z file.txt
- APP\7z a -sfx archive.exe file.txt
- APP\7z u archive.7z newfile.txt
- APP\7z x archive.7z
- APP\7z t archive.7z
- APP\7z r archive.7z
- APP\7z c archive.7z
- APP\7z d archive.7z file.txt
- APP\7z u archive.7z
- APP\7z a -mx=5 archive.7z file.txt
- APP\7z a archive.7z folder/ -x!*.bak
- APP\zip.exe -r File.ext or Folder
- APP\zip.exe -x
- APP\gzip.exe File.ext
- APP\gzip.exe -d File.ext
- APP\tar cvf File.tar File1.txt File2.txt .....
- APP\tar xvf File.tar
- APP\bzip2.exe -z B.txt or bunzip2
- APP\bzip2.exe -d B.txt.bz2
- APP\bzip2.exe -d •.bz2
- APP\base64.exe B.txt > F.txt
- APP\base64.exe -d F.txt > B.txt
- )
- Gui,Font,s12 CYellow,Lucida Console
- Gui,Color,Black, Black
- Gui, Add, DropDownList, x10 y10 vCmdDropdown gCMD w800
- Gui, Add, Edit, vCmdEdit x10 y40 w800 h60
- Gui, Add, Button, x10 y110 Default, Run Command
- Gui, Add, Button, x160 y110 gREF,REFRESH
- ; Add your predefined commands to the dropdown list
- ;Commands := "dir|ipconfig|ping|netstat|systeminfo|notepad"
- Loop, Parse, Commands, |
- GuiControl,, CmdDropdown, %A_LoopField%
- Gui, Show, w820 h150 , NAJEEB CMD Command Runner
- return
- GuiClose:
- ExitApp
- CMD:
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- GuiControl,,CmdEdit, %CmdDropdown% ; Clear the dropdown list
- return
- ButtonRunCommand:
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- SelectedCmd := CmdEdit ;CmdDropdown
- if (SelectedCmd != "") {
- ; Run the CMD command
- RunWait, %ComSpec% /c %SelectedCmd%, , Hide
- }
- return
- REF:
- Gui, Submit, NoHide
- Reload
- return
- ;============ END SCRIPT ==============
- #R::Reload
- #S::Suspend
- #P::Pause
- #ESC::ExitApp
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