
Most Common Variable Names

Sep 23rd, 2024
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  1. Most Common Variable Names
  2. acceleration
  3. action
  4. adjust
  5. alpha
  6. amp
  7. amplitude
  8. animate
  9. approx
  10. arc
  11. array
  12. attr
  13. attribute
  14. augment
  15. authenticate
  16. authorize
  17. average
  18. avg
  19. back
  20. beat
  21. bias
  22. block
  23. bounce
  24. branch
  25. buffer
  26. camera
  27. canvas
  28. capacity
  29. card
  30. category
  31. cell
  32. centroid
  33. channel
  34. character
  35. charge
  36. chord
  37. circuit
  38. classify
  39. clear
  40. cluster
  41. collision
  42. color
  43. column
  44. compress
  45. conductance
  46. confidence
  47. context
  48. control
  49. convert
  50. cost
  51. cover
  52. create
  53. current
  54. curve
  55. cut
  56. cv
  57. cycle
  58. data
  59. debug
  60. decompress
  61. decrypt
  62. delay
  63. density
  64. depth
  65. design
  66. detect
  67. dialogue
  68. differential
  69. direction
  70. distance
  71. distribution
  72. divergence
  73. draw
  74. edge
  75. effect
  76. elasticity
  77. empty
  78. encrypt
  79. enemy
  80. energy
  81. enhance
  82. envelope
  83. environment
  84. equation
  85. error
  86. estimate
  87. estimator
  88. event
  89. exact
  90. exception
  91. export
  92. expression
  93. face
  94. failure
  95. feature
  96. field
  97. filter
  98. flow
  99. flux
  100. force
  101. forest
  102. frame
  103. framework
  104. frequency
  105. friction
  106. full
  107. function
  108. gamma
  109. gaussian
  110. geometric
  111. goal
  112. gradient
  113. graph
  114. gravity
  115. guess
  116. handle
  117. hash
  118. health
  119. heap
  120. height
  121. image
  122. img
  123. import
  124. improve
  125. impulse
  126. independent
  127. index
  128. inductance
  129. inertia
  130. info
  131. init
  132. input
  133. integral
  134. interquartile
  135. interval
  136. item
  137. key
  138. label
  139. laplacian
  140. layer
  141. leaf
  142. level
  143. library
  144. light
  145. line
  146. link
  147. linkage
  148. load
  149. log
  150. longest
  151. loop
  152. manage
  153. map
  154. mass
  155. matches
  156. material
  157. matrix
  158. maximum
  159. mean
  160. measurement
  161. median
  162. mesh
  163. minimum
  164. mission
  165. mode
  166. model
  167. modulation
  168. module
  169. momentum
  170. monitor
  171. movement
  172. music
  173. network
  174. node
  175. noise
  176. normal
  177. note
  178. objective
  179. observation
  180. operand
  181. operator
  182. optimize
  183. outlier
  184. output
  185. p_value
  186. package
  187. pair
  188. parameter
  189. particle
  190. path
  191. pattern
  192. pause
  193. percentile
  194. physics
  195. pitch
  196. pixel
  197. platform
  198. player
  199. point
  200. poisson
  201. polygon
  202. population
  203. position
  204. potential
  205. power
  206. predict
  207. priority
  208. probability
  209. process
  210. program
  211. protect
  212. quartile
  213. quest
  214. queue
  215. ready
  216. record
  217. refine
  218. render
  219. reset
  220. residual
  221. resistance
  222. restore
  223. resume
  224. reverb
  225. root
  226. rotation
  227. route
  228. row
  229. sample
  230. scale
  231. scene
  232. scope
  233. score
  234. seasonality
  235. secure
  236. sequence
  237. seq
  238. setup
  239. shape
  240. shortest
  241. sign
  242. signal
  243. significance
  244. similarity
  245. simulation
  246. size
  247. sound
  248. spanning
  249. speed
  250. sprite
  251. stack
  252. standard
  253. start
  254. state
  255. statement
  256. statistic
  257. stop
  258. strategy
  259. stream
  260. student_t
  261. success
  262. sum
  263. surface
  264. system
  265. table
  266. tangent
  267. target
  268. task
  269. teardown
  270. tempo
  271. test
  272. texture
  273. theory
  274. tile
  275. torque
  276. total
  277. trace
  278. track
  279. train
  280. transform
  281. tree
  282. trend
  283. trigger
  284. uniform
  285. update
  286. validate
  287. value
  288. variance
  289. vector
  290. velocity
  291. verify
  292. vertex
  293. voltage
  294. volume
  295. warning
  296. waveform
  297. weapon
  298. weight
  299. width
  300. WW
  301. HH
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