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- lp=game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Tool ='HopperBin',lp.Backpack)
- Tool.Name='MoveSun'
- -- convert number (in hours) to TimeOfDay string
- -- because TimeOfDay doesn't cast numbers as expected (3.7 -> 03:07:00 instead of 3:42:00)
- local function ToTimeOfDay(n)
- n = n % 24
- local i,f = math.modf(n)
- local m = f*60
- local mi,mf = math.modf(m)
- m = tostring(math.abs(math.floor(m)))
- local s = tostring(math.abs(math.floor(mf*60)))
- return i..":"..string.rep("0",2-#m)..m..":"..string.rep("0",2-#s)..s
- end
- -- convert TimeOfDay string to number (in hours)
- local function FromTimeOfDay(t)
- local signed,h,m,s = t:match("^(%-?)(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)$")
- s = tonumber(s)/60
- m = tonumber(m + s)/60
- h = tonumber(h) + m
- return h * (#signed > 0 and -1 or 1)
- end
- local function rad_sc(n)
- return n/(math.pi*2)
- end
- local function sc_rad(n)
- return n*(math.pi*2)
- end
- -- convert direction to latitude (as GeographicLatitude) and longitude (as TimeOfDay)
- local function ToLatLon(d)
- d =,-d.y,d.z) -- derp derp derp derp derp
- local lat = math.atan2(d.z,math.sqrt(d.x^2 + d.y^2))
- local lon = math.atan2(d.y,d.x)
- lat = rad_sc(lat)*360 + 23.5
- lon = ToTimeOfDay(rad_sc(lon)*24 - 6)
- return lat,lon
- end
- --[[
- -- convert lat and lon to direction (doesn't work)
- local function to_dir(lat,lon)
- lat = sc_rad((lat - 23.5)/360)
- lon = sc_rad((FromTimeOfDay(lon) + 6)/24)
- return
- (math.cos(lat)*math.cos(lon)),
- (math.cos(lat)*math.sin(lon)),
- math.sin(lat)
- )
- end
- ]]
- local Event = {}
- local function Disconnect(...)
- for _,name in pairs{...} do
- if Event[name] then
- Event[name]:disconnect()
- Event[name] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- local Lighting = Game:GetService("Lighting")
- local down = false
- local P = 0.02
- local D = 16
- local position = Lighting:GetSunDirection()
- local velocity =,0,0)
- local goal = Lighting:GetSunDirection()
- local active = false
- local function Activate(Mouse)
- position = Lighting:GetSunDirection()
- goal = Lighting:GetSunDirection()
- active = true
- Event.Down = Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- down = true
- goal = Mouse.UnitRay.Direction
- end)
- Event.Up = Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
- down = false
- end)
- Event.Move = Mouse.Move:connect(function()
- if down then
- goal = Mouse.UnitRay.Direction
- end
- end)
- asd = game:GetService'RunService'.RenderStepped:connect(function()
- velocity =
- velocity.x + P * ((goal.x - position.x) + D * -velocity.x),
- velocity.y + P * ((goal.y - position.y) + D * -velocity.y),
- velocity.z + P * ((goal.z - position.z) + D * -velocity.z)
- )
- position = position + velocity
- local lat,lon = ToLatLon(position)
- Lighting.GeographicLatitude = lat
- Lighting.TimeOfDay = lon
- --print(lon)
- --wait()
- end)
- end
- local function Deactivate()
- active = false
- down = false
- asd:disconnect()
- Disconnect("Down","Up","Move")
- end
- Tool.Selected:connect(Activate)
- Tool.Deselected:connect(Deactivate)
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