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- alias flood.kick { flood_punish kick $active }
- alias flood.ban { flood_punish ban $active }
- alias flood.mod { flood_punish +m $active }
- on *:TEXT:*:#: flood_
- on *:ACTION:*:#: flood_
- on *:NOTICE:*:#: flood_
- /*
- ; A good way to protect users is to use these events instead of the above and add users to your userlist (/guser 2 nick 3)
- on +1:TEXT:*:#: flood_
- on +1:ACTION:*:#: flood_
- on +1:NOTICE:*:#: flood_
- */
- alias -l flood_punish {
- ; Check if we're using the 'Moderate channel' punishment
- if (!$istok(ban kick,$1,32)) {
- if (($me isop $2) || ($me ishop $2)) {
- mode $chan $1-
- }
- }
- else {
- var %q = $($+(%,flood_punish.,$cid,.,$2),2)
- if (%q) {
- ; Check if you're opped/hopped on the channel
- if (($me isop $2) || ($me ishop $2)) {
- var %wildsite = $gettok(%q,2,32)
- ; Ban the *!*@host
- mode $2 +b $gettok(%q,2,32)
- ; Set timer to unban if enabled
- if (%flood_ban) { .timer 1 %flood_ban if (($me isop $2 $+ ) || ($me ishop $2 $+ )) && ($me ison $2 $+ ) mode $2 -b %wildsite }
- ; If this is the ban punishment, stop here
- if ($1 == ban) { return }
- ; Set variables and kick the nickname who triggered the protection
- var %nick = $gettok(%q,1,32), %lines = $gettok(%q,3,32), %secs = $gettok(%q,4,32)
- if ((%nick isreg $2) || (%nick isvoice $2)) && (%nick ison $2) {
- kick $2 %nick $(%flood_kick,2)
- }
- ; Loop through $ialchan and kick clones of user who triggered
- var %x = $ialchan(%wildsite,$2,0)
- while (%x) {
- var %nick = $ialchan(%wildsite,$2,%x).nick
- if (%nick isreg $2) || (%nick isvoice $2) {
- kick $2 %nick $(%flood_kick,2)
- }
- dec %x
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- alias -l flood_ {
- ; Check if protection is enabled
- if (%flood_protection) && (!$($+(%,flood_triggered.,$cid,.,$site),2)) {
- ; Check if we need to be opped/hopped to use it
- if (%flood_opt & 1) && (($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan)) || (%flood_opt !& 1) {
- ; Check if target user is opped/hopped
- if (%flood_opt & 2) && (($nick isreg $chan) || ($nick isvoice $chan)) || (%flood_opt !& 2) {
- var %q = $+($chan,.,$cid,.,$site)
- var %f = $hget(flood_,%q)
- ; Reset records according to options
- if ($calc($ticks - $gettok(%f,1,32)) > $calc($gettok(%flood_reset,2,32) * 1000)) { unset %f }
- if ($gettok(%f,2,32) >= $gettok(%flood_reset,1,32)) { unset %f }
- ; Increment line count
- if (!$len(%f)) { var %f = $ticks 0 }
- hadd -m flood_ %q $gettok(%f,1,32) $calc($gettok(%f,2,32) + 1)
- var %f = $hget(flood_,%q)
- ; Loop through triggers and see if any have been exceeded
- var %secs = $calc(($ticks - $gettok(%f,1,32)) / 1000)
- var %lines = $gettok(%f,2,32)
- var %x = $numtok(%flood_trigger,32)
- while (%x) && (%lines) && (%secs) {
- var %f = $gettok(%flood_trigger,%x,32)
- var %l = $gettok(%f,1,58)
- var %s = $gettok(%f,2,58)
- if (%lines >= %l) && (%secs <= %s) {
- ; If a trigger has been exceeded, display this message
- echo $color(highlight) -t $chan * Channel Flood from $nick ( $+ $site $+ ): %lines lines in %secs seconds.
- if (%flood_reaction == 3) {
- var %kick_key = $replace($upper($gettok(%flood_fkeys,1,32)),s,Shift+,c,Ctrl+)
- var %ban_key = $replace($upper($gettok(%flood_fkeys,2,32)),s,Shift+,c,Ctrl+)
- echo $color(highlight) -t $chan * $iif(%kick_key != _,Press $+(,%kick_key,),Type /flood.kick) to kick/ban or $iif(%ban_key != _,$+(,%ban_key,),/flood.ban) to ban
- }
- elseif (%flood_reaction == 2) {
- echo $color(highlight) -t $chan * Punishing by kick/ban
- flood_punish kick $chan
- }
- elseif (%flood_reaction == 1) {
- echo $color(highlight) -t $chan * Punishing by ban
- flood_punish ban $chan
- }
- if (%flood_opt & 4) {
- if (%flood_opt & 8) {
- ; Highlight the switchbar button
- window -g2 $chan
- }
- if (%flood_opt & 16) && (%flood_switchbar) {
- ; Flash taskbar button
- flash $(%flood_switchbar,2)
- }
- if (%flood_opt & 32) && (($active != $chan) || ($activecid != $cid)) {
- ; Display message in active window
- echo $colour(highlight) -ta * Flood protection triggered in $chan on $network
- }
- }
- ; Record user who triggered protection
- set $+(%,flood_punish.,$cid,.,$chan) $nick $wildsite %lines %secs
- set -u60 $+(%,flood_triggered.,$cid,.,$site) 1
- break
- }
- dec %x
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- on *:EXIT: {
- ; Cleanup temp variables
- unset %flood_triggered.*
- unset %flood_punish.*
- }
- on *:LOAD: {
- echo -a _____________________________________________________
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Loading Add-On...
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 You are running mIRC $version on $os $+ .
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Coder: 15SaNCaK 0,1 E-Mail:
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Copyright © 200915
- echo -a ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- unset %flood_triggered.* %flood_punish.* %flood_trigger %flood_protection %flood_opt %flood_reset $&
- %flood_switchbar %flood_kick %flood_ban %flood_reaction
- set %flood_opt 29
- set %flood_kick Text Flood: $+(%,lines) lines in $+(%,secs) seconds.
- set %flood_switchbar Flood in $!chan on $!network
- set %flood_trigger 5:5.5 7:9 8:10 12:15 17:27
- set %flood_reset 18 28
- set %flood_reaction 3
- set %flood_fkeys _ _ _
- }
- on *:START: {
- ; Cleanup temp variables
- unset %flood_triggered.*
- unset %flood_punish.*
- }
- on *:UNLOAD: {
- ; Unset all variables
- unset %flood_triggered.* %flood_punish.* %flood_trigger %flood_protection %flood_opt %flood_reset $&
- %flood_switchbar %flood_kick %flood_ban %flood_reaction %flood_fkeys
- }
- menu channel,menubar {
- Text Flood Pro
- .$iif(%flood_protection,$style(1)) Use Flood Protection:set %flood_protection $iif(%flood_protection,0,1)
- .$iif(%flood_opt & 1,$style(1)) Use only when opped/hopped:set %flood_opt $iif(%flood_opt & 1,$calc(%flood_opt - 1),$calc(%flood_opt + 1))
- .$iif(%flood_opt & 2,$style(1)) Do not use for other ops/hops:set %flood_opt $iif(%flood_opt & 2,$calc(%flood_opt - 2),$calc(%flood_opt + 2))
- .Change Kick Message: {
- var %k = $input(Enter kick message. Use $+(%,nick) $+ $chr(44) $+(%,lines) and $+(%,secs) variables.,e,Input Request,%flood_kick)
- if (%k) {
- set %flood_kick %k
- }
- else {
- set %flood_kick Text Flood: $+(%,lines) lines in $+(%,secs) seconds.
- }
- }
- .Set Ban Time [[ $+ $iif(%flood_ban,$+($v1,s),Disabled) $+ ]:set %flood_ban $input(Enter ban time in seconds (0 to disable):,e)
- .-
- .Alert
- ..$iif(%flood_opt & 4,$style(1)) Alert me when protection is triggered:set %flood_opt $iif(%flood_opt & 4,$calc(%flood_opt - 4),$calc(%flood_opt + 4))
- ..-
- ..$iif(%flood_opt & 8,$style(1)) Highlight the window button:set %flood_opt $iif(%flood_opt & 8,$calc(%flood_opt - 8),$calc(%flood_opt + 8))
- ..$iif(%flood_opt & 16,$style(1)) Flash the mIRC taskbar button: {
- if ($mouse.key !& 4) { set %flood_opt $iif(%flood_opt & 16,$calc(%flood_opt - 16),$calc(%flood_opt + 16)) }
- if (%flood_opt & 16) || ($mouse.key & 4) {
- set %flood_switchbar $iif($input(Enter message to flash. Use $!nick $+ $chr(44) $!network and $!chan identifiers.,e,Input Request,%flood_switchbar),$v1,Flood in $!chan on $!network)
- }
- }
- ..$iif(%flood_opt & 32,$style(1)) Dispay message in active window:set %flood_opt $iif(%flood_opt & 32,$calc(%flood_opt - 32),$calc(%flood_opt + 32))
- .Reaction
- ..$iif(%flood_reaction == 1,$style(1)) Ban host: { set %flood_reaction 1 }
- ..$iif(%flood_reaction == 2,$style(1)) Kick/Ban user and clones: { set %flood_reaction 2 }
- ..$iif(%flood_reaction == 3,$style(1)) Let me choose: { set %flood_reaction 3 }
- .Triggers
- ..Add Trigger:flood_add_trigger
- ..-
- ..$submenu($flood_trigger($1))
- .Fkeys
- ..Punish with kick/ban
- ...$submenu($fkeys(kick,$1))
- ..Punish with ban
- ...$submenu($fkeys(ban,$1))
- ..Moderate channel
- ...$submenu($fkeys(mod,$1))
- .-
- .Set Defaults:{
- if ($input(Reset all flood protection options to defaults?,yv) == $yes) {
- unset %flood_*
- set %flood_opt 29
- set %flood_kick Text Flood: $+(%,lines) lines in $+(%,secs) seconds.
- set %flood_switchbar Flood in $!chan on $!network
- set %flood_trigger 5:5.5 7:9 8:10 12:15 17:27
- set %flood_reset 18 28
- set %flood_reaction 3
- set %flood_fkeys _ _ _
- }
- }
- }
- ; Display fkeys in a submenu
- alias -l fkeys {
- if ($2 == begin) { set %flood_fkeys_temp 0 }
- if ($2 == end) { unset %flood_fkeys_temp }
- if ($2 isnum) {
- tokenize 32 $1 %flood_fkeys_temp
- var %div = $int($calc($2 / 12))
- var %mod = $calc(($2 % 12) + 1)
- if (%div >= 3) { return }
- var %alias = $+($replace(%div,0,$null,1,s,2,c),f,%mod)
- var %cmd = $isalias(%alias).alias
- if ($gettok(%cmd,1,32) != $+(flood.,$1)) && ($len(%cmd)) { var %return = $style(2) }
- if ($gettok(%cmd,1,32) == $+(flood.,$1)) { var %return = $style(1) }
- inc %flood_fkeys_temp
- return %return $+($replace(%div,0,$null,1,Shift+,2,Ctrl+),F,%mod) $+ :flood_fkeys_set %alias $1
- }
- }
- alias -l flood_fkeys_set {
- var %x = $replace($2,kick,1,ban,2,mod,3)
- var %old_alias = $gettok(%flood_fkeys,%x,32)
- ; Remove old alias
- if ($isalias(%old_alias).alias == $+(flood.,$2)) {
- .alias %old_alias
- }
- if (%old_alias != $1) {
- ; Add new alias
- .alias $1 $+(flood.,$2)
- set %flood_fkeys $puttok(%flood_fkeys,$1,%x,32)
- }
- else {
- set %flood_fkeys $puttok(%flood_fkeys,_,%x,32)
- }
- }
- alias -l flood_trigger {
- ; Display triggers in submenu
- if ($1 <= $numtok(%flood_trigger,32)) {
- var %q = $gettok(%flood_trigger,$1,32)
- return $gettok(%q,1,58) lines in $gettok(%q,2,58) seconds:flood_set_trigger $1
- }
- if (!$numtok(%flood_trigger,32)) && ($1 = 1) {
- return $style(2) No triggers defined:/
- }
- }
- alias -l flood_add_trigger {
- ; Add a trigger
- var %lines = $input(Enter number of lines:,e)
- var %seconds = $input(Enter number of seconds:,e)
- if (%lines isnum) && (%seconds isnum) {
- %flood_trigger = %flood_trigger $+(%lines,:,%seconds)
- }
- flood_update_reset
- }
- alias -l flood_set_trigger {
- ; Change or delete a trigger
- var %q = $gettok(%flood_trigger,$1,32)
- var %d = $input(Do you want to delete this entry or update it? $crlf $+ Click YES to DELETE it. $crlf $+ Click NO to UPDATE it.,nv)
- if (%d == $cancel) { return }
- elseif (%d == $yes) {
- %flood_trigger = $iif($deltok(%flood_trigger,$1,32),$v1,"")
- }
- elseif (%d == $no) {
- var %lines = $input(Enter number of lines:,e,Input Request,$gettok(%q,1,58))
- var %seconds = $input(Enter number of seconds:,e,Input Request,$gettok(%q,2,58))
- if (%lines isnum) && (%seconds isnum) {
- %flood_trigger = $puttok(%flood_trigger,$+(%lines,:,%seconds),$1,32)
- }
- }
- flood_update_reset
- }
- alias -l flood_update_reset {
- ; This dynamically updates the flood reset parameters
- var %x = $numtok(%flood_trigger,32)
- while (%x) {
- var %f = $gettok(%flood_trigger,%x,32)
- var %lines = $gettok(%f,1,58) %lines
- var %secs = $gettok(%f,2,58) %secs
- dec %x
- }
- var %highlines = $gettok($sorttok(%lines,32,nr),1,32)
- var %highsecs = $gettok($sorttok(%secs,32,nr),1,32)
- set %flood_reset $calc(%highlines + 1) $calc(%highsecs + 1)
- }
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